[Radiance House] Grimoire of Lost Souls Early Access Feedback Thread

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So I am just wondering about something that's irked me since his update; General Hessant Patron of Lost Soldiers Longsword power. Is there any chance that it can be changed back to its previous version were you could summon a longsword as a full round action, or at least allow the enhancement and enchantments be applied to any sword-like weapon and not just longswords?

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It does mention the Maelstrom in Bestiary 2 in the aeon entry that they "build order from the chaos of the Maelstrom", and in the Bestiary, in the demon entry that, "The Abyss is a vast (some say infinite) realm, far larger than any other plane save possibly the primal chaos of the Maelstrom itself", so I think he's probably safe.

Actually, I remember thinking when reading the Mishpo legend that you probably don't really need to spell Asmodeus as Asmodius, given his state...and if you did want to differentiate him, well, there are definitely some other spellings that would be cool...I like Asmodai or Ashmedai or even Asmodaios myself.

I'm working on a list of various things myself, though while I'm on Mishpo, is there a reason he's all the way in the back (pg. 376)? I noticed Death Howls (pg. 311) and Milo of Clyde (pg. 291) aren't in the Spirits section either, which was a bit odd to me.

Another of the smaller changes I like is that Tunneled Lore explicitly mentions binding starless spirits as well--I don't recall that from previous versions.

Found Items:

Page 33, Bloodsworn Binder
- Bind Spirit: "...maximum spirit level, which is which is...", extra "which is."

Page 34, Brawler
- Description: "Instead, they pursuit whatever occult lore will help...", should be "pursue."
- Description: [Wording] "...and abandon the pursuit altogether" sounds a bit weird here. Should it be "...and allow them to abandon the pursuit altogether?"
That way the sentence would be "They pursue whatever occult lore will help augment their bodies enough to...allow them to abandon the pursuit altogether."

Page 34, Occult Bruiser
- Bind Spirit: "...maximum spirit level, which is which is...", extra "which is."

Page 35, Cavalier
- Description: [Wording] "direct troops, form battle strategies, and charge into the fray" is repeated in the second half of the paragraph. Perhaps this could be "On both sides of the conflict, cavaliers stand and fight, willing to die for their beliefs..."

Page 35-36, Orders [Wording]
- Order of the Company refers to gender:
Challenge: "...issues a challenge, he receives a +1 bonus..."
Order Abilities: "...gains the following abilities as he increases in level."

However, the other two orders do not:
Challenge: "...issues a challenge, add a +1 bonus..."
Order Abilities: "...following abilities with increases in level."

Also, while the Order of the Occult Eye refers to "he or she", the Order of Salendrios refers to "their (singular)." The Order of Salendrios also refers to "he" in the ability descriptions.

While I prefer the wording in the Order of the Company (it is similar to other Paizo Orders), the three Orders should all share the same wording.

Page 36, Order of Salendrios
- Challenge: "This bonus increases by +1 every four levels that the cavalier possesses.", should be "...increases by +1 for every four levels..."

Page 36, Pactsworn Knight
Bind Spirits: "...maximum spirit level, which is which is", extra "which is."

Page 374: Ceremony Gone Awry has the wrong formatting.

The feeblemind spell doesn't need to list all of that, after all—it only lists what the spell affects.

Yes, but Feeblemind does say:

The affected creature is unable to use Intelligence- or Charisma-based skills, cast spells, understand language, or communicate coherently.

If that's how the ability should behave, it needs to say "as Feeblemind".

Though, you said it worked like Baphomet's Blessing, but without anything saying "as <spell>", we might have table variations.

As is, the ability does not affect the character at all other than "minus X" to int-based checks. He retains even the ability to speak.

If that's the intent, if fine with how it's written.

Orich wrote:

Another of the smaller changes I like is that Tunneled Lore explicitly mentions binding starless spirits as well--I don't recall that from previous versions.

Yes, that is SUPER welcome. I still wish Amateur Occultist contained this provision, or a Second Feat allowed for it.


shadowkras wrote:

Yes, but Feeblemind does say:

The affected creature is unable to use Intelligence- or Charisma-based skills, cast spells, understand language, or communicate coherently.

The granted ability doesn't impart any of those penalties onto the character, which is why it doesn't work like feeblemind.

As is, the ability does not affect the character at all other than "minus X" to int-based checks. He retains even the ability to speak.

This is correct.


Rednal wrote:
Page 113 - Marat's "Bodyguard" power should probably specify that it's a feat, since other things have that name.

Only feats are capitalized out of context.


Garrett Johnson 284 wrote:
So I am just wondering about something that's irked me since his update; General Hessant Patron of Lost Soldiers Longsword power. Is there any chance that it can be changed back to its previous version were you could summon a longsword as a full round action, or at least allow the enhancement and enchantments be applied to any sword-like weapon and not just longswords?

No chance.


Luthorne wrote:
It does mention the Maelstrom in Bestiary 2 in the aeon entry that they "build order from the chaos of the Maelstrom", and in the Bestiary, in the demon entry that, "The Abyss is a vast (some say infinite) realm, far larger than any other plane save possibly the primal chaos of the Maelstrom itself", so I think he's probably safe.

Anywhere it says "Malestrom" is a typo. We intended to use Limbo.

Actually, I remember thinking when reading the Mishpo legend that you probably don't really need to spell Asmodeus as Asmodius, given his state...and if you did want to differentiate him, well, there are definitely some other spellings that would be cool...I like Asmodai or Ashmedai or even Asmodaios myself.

Its a typo—should be Asmodeus.

I'm working on a list of various things myself, though while I'm on Mishpo, is there a reason he's all the way in the back (pg. 376)? I noticed Death Howls (pg. 311) and Milo of Clyde (pg. 291) aren't in the Spirits section either, which was a bit odd to me.

Can you elaborate on this? What's the issue you're seeing?

Just got through more archetypes--some more great changes! So far, every archetype I've read through seems viable and fun to play. Except for the anti-pact magic archetypes. . . who'd want to play those? ;) To be honest, I may drop one of those in my game to see what havoc it could wreak with my party!

Also, Alex, do you prefer I put the stuff I find in "spoiler" tags to save space or would you prefer it to just be in the post?


Can you elaborate on this? What's the issue you're seeing?

I think he's referring to the location of their legends and why they aren't in the Spirits chapter like with the other spirit legend stories, which all appear after the spirit in question.

Items Found:

"1/2" - There are several places where the symbol "½" is used vs. the long form "1/2":

Page 35, Order of the Occult Eye, Skills
Page 36, Order of Salendrios, Skills
Page 37, Occult Domain, Spiritual Surge
Page 48, Spirit Realm, Maledict Touch
Page 62, 2-Point Evolutions, Absorb Occult Energy
Page 284, Detect Pact Spirits, 3rd Round
Page 285, Exorcist's Lament, Description
Page 287, Occult Sight, Description (2nd paragraph)

Page 39, Druid
- Description: Last sentence states "...ancient woods were pactless men fear to tread.", should be "where."

Page 39, Nightfang Servant
- Bind Spirit: The next-to-last sentence mentions "...resist a suicide soldier's...", should be "Nightfang servant."
- Bind Spirit: The last sentence mentions "pactsworn pagan" instead of "Nightfang servant."
- Lore of the Weald: "...she can cast one less spell per day...", "less" should be "fewer."
- Attuned to the Weald: "...abilities only function on the Nightfang Weald.", should this be "...in the Nightfang Weald."?

Page 39, Pactsworn Pagan
- Bind Spirit: "...The spirit's level may not exceed by the pactsworn pagan's...", remove "by."

Page 40, Warbinder
- Bind Spirit: "...The spirit's level may not exceed by the warbinder's...", remove "by."

Page 41, Gunslinger
- Description: "...as their newfangled weaponry and brash sense of vigilante justice seldom connects...", should be "connect"

Page 41, Occult Avenger
- Description: "...help them claim the vengeance upon their foes.", "the" is unnecessary.
- Avenger's Grit: Second sentence mentions "panache" instead of "grit."
- Bind Spirit: "...The spirit's level may not exceed by the occult avenger's...", remove "by."
- Revenge Pact: The second sentence, "An occult avenger can only seal pacts with spirits that lists one or more creatures of her chosen type as a favored enemy." is unnecessary, as two sentences later it is stated that "...she can seal pacts with spirits that list any of her chosen creature types as a favored enemy."
- Revenge Pact: The last paragraph repeats information mentioned in the previous paragraph.

Page 42, Pactsworn Hunter
- Dimished Spellcasting: "...possesses 1 less spell per day...", should be "1 fewer spell."
- Bind Spirit: "...The spirit's level may not exceed by the pactsworn hunter's...", remove "by."

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Alexander Augunas wrote:

I'm working on a list of various things myself, though while I'm on Mishpo, is there a reason he's all the way in the back (pg. 376)? I noticed Death Howls (pg. 311) and Milo of Clyde (pg. 291) aren't in the Spirits section either, which was a bit odd to me.
Can you elaborate on this? What's the issue you're seeing?

It's not so much an issue as I'm just wondering why the legends of those three aren't in the Spirit section with all the other legends. I honestly thought I had somehow wound up back in the Spirits section when I was in the back, especially when I rolled up into the Ravager Spirits before realizing that Mishpo had just been relegated to the back for some reason...all the others are right below their spirit's entries, so those three just seem out of place.

On a side note, I think it's a shame there aren't rules for a pactmaker spontaneously gaining the mad cultist archetype in a similar way to how a paladin can fall to become an antipaladin, though I certainly intend to houserule that...for NPCs primarily, unless someone really wants their pactmaker to fall. Maybe something involving pact maladies...will have to think about it...

Just for clarification, Pactsworn Protector and Empyrean Friar are the only archetypes that should have the "cannot take the Extra Binder Secret feat" restriction?

Found Items:

Multiple Instances:

- Diminished Spellcasting: "...possesses 1 less spell per day...", "less" should be "fewer."
Occult Sadist, Pact Protector, Magus, Occult Medium, Soul Screamer, Pactsworn Warpriest, Weird Witch
- Diminished Spellcasting: "...receives one fewer spells known...then is presented...", should be "spell" and "than."
Soul Muse, Occult Medium, Soul Screamer
- Bind Spirit: "...The spirit's level may not exceed by the <archetype name>'s...", remove "by."
Nightfang Servant, Occult Sadist, Pact Protector, Occult Investigator, Pactsworn Magus, Pactsworn Champion, Foe Reaper, Fringe Binder, Occult Shaman, Pactsworn Assassin, Esoteric Dilettante
- Bind Spirit: "...maximum spirit level, which is which is limited...", remove extra "which is."
Pactmaker, Occult Chemist, Occult Exploiter, Soul Muse, Herald of the Legion, Soul Screamer, Seal-Bound Sorcerer, Spirit Caller, Pactsworn Warpriest, Weird Witch, Soul Weaver

Page 43, Inquisitor
- Description: "..who are equally feverous...", should be "ferverous"

Page 43, Occult Sadist
- Bind Spirit: "...(see lore of pain).", should be "...(see lore of the wicked)."

Page 44, Occult Sadist
- Touch of Pain: "For example, the Extra Lay On Hands feat grants nan inquisitor...", "nan" should be "an."
- True Pain: "...becomes permanent unless removed by heal or a similarly powerful effect." Should "heal" be italicized?

Page 45, Investigator Talents
- Mind Over Madness: "...against a mind-affecting effect, he rolls his initiative die twice...", should be "inspiration die."
- Rogue Talents: "...select in place of an as an investigator talent...", "as an" can be taken out.

Page 45, Occult Investigator
- Bind Spirit: The feature mentions "...spirit of his choice that belongs to his chosen constellation (see tunneled lore)." There is no Tunneled Lore class feature for the Occult Investigator.

Page 47, Ki Powers
- Banishing Palm: "When a monk with this ki power uses the banishing palm ki power...", should be "exorcising palm."
- Exorcising Palm: "...any spells or effects affecting it that possess or exorcise mental control...", should be "exercise."
- Exorcising Palm: "...all effects that possess or exorcise mental control...", should be "exercise."

Page 47, Empyrean Friar
- Binder Secret: "...using his monk level as her effective pactmaker level when determining if she meets...", should be "his" and "he" to match the gender in the rest of the archetype description.
- Binder Secret: "...this ability and she cannot...unless she...", should be "he" to match the gender in the rest of the archetype description.

Page 48, Spirit Realm
- Gray Mockery: "...you attempt a touched attack...", should be "touch."
- Gray Mockery: The first DC listed is the same as an Oracle's normal revelation DC--does this need to be there?
- Gray Veil: "...minutes worth of this ability equal to the number of creature to which...", should be "creatures"
- Maledict Touch: "Bestow malady" should be "bestow pact malady."
- Maledict Touch: The DC is the same as an Oracle's normal revelation DC--does this need to be there?

Page 49, Spirit Realm
- Spirit-Touched Summons: "Creatures you summoned are called...", should be "summon."
- Untethered Soul: "...causing you body to crumple into a heap.", should be "your."
- Vision of Terror: "Mirage arcana" should be italicized.
- Final Revelation: The next-to-last sentence mixes voices--it should be: "Each day after regaining your spell slots, add one spell on any divine spellcasting class's list to your list of spells known until the next time you regain your spell slots."

Page 49, Occult Medium
- Bind Spirits: "...spirit of her choice that belongs to her chosen constellation (see tunneled domain)." There is no Tunneled Domain class feature for the Occult Medium.
- Revelations: Refers to "spirit medium" instead of "occult medium" multiple times.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Think I finished going over chapter one...that was a beast. Here's what I noticed...

pg. 9
In the fortification pact augmentation, when fortification is referring to the armor special ability, it should be italicized.

pg. 10

Bless angel constellation aspect, bless should be italicized.

Radiant Missile angel aspect, magic missile should be italicized.

Sacred Touch angel aspect, cure light wounds should be italicized.

Keen Senses beast constellation aspect, keen senses should be italicized and APG should be superscripted.

Speak with Animals beast constellation aspect, speak with animals should be italicized.

Dark Vessel dark beyond constellation aspect, there’s no space between Dark and Vessel. Actually, when I copy/pasted it to be sure, it came out “DarkV essel”.

Vanish dark beyond constellation aspect, vanish should be italicized and APG should be superscripted.

pg. 11

Sow Destruction fiend constellation aspect, the spell spark is from Advanced Player’s Guide and should have APG superscripted to denote that.

Timely Inspiration hero constellation aspect, the last sentence should italicize timely inspiration.

pg. 12

Ghostly Wail skull constellation aspect, should be ghost sound instead of ghost sounds, and should be italicized.

pg. 13

Analyze Pact Spirits binder secret, in the prerequisites, detect pact spirits should be italicized.

Create Pact Poltergeist binder secret, animate objects should be italicized.

Also, I feel like the sentence, “...the spell’s duration is increased to 1 day and the pact poltergeist is intelligent and possesses mental ability scores equal to…” has too many ands. Perhaps “is intelligent, possessing mental ability scores equal to…” ?

pg. 14

Create Pact Poltergeist binder secret, magic mouth should be italicized.

Also, in the second paragraph of the Create Pact Poltergeist binder secret, you use "In addition" twice in a row. Might want to swap one of those out.

Double Occult Weapon binder secret, keen should be italicized.

Exorcise Pact Spirits binder secret, dismiss pact spirits and banish pact spirits should both be italicized.

pg. 15

Guardian Spirit binder secret, alarm should be italicized.

Improved Spiritual Resonance binder secret, dismiss pact spirits and banish pact spirits should both be italicized and marked with a † to indicate they come from this book.

pg. 18

Steal Pact Spirits binder secret, the Analyze Pact Spirits prerequisite has Intuit spirit binder secret or ability to cast detect pact spirits†, but this lists “Analyze pact spirit binder secret, ability to cast detect pact spirits†” as a prerequisite; does having the intuit spirit binder secret count as being able to cast detect pact magic? If so, then the Analyze Pact Spirits prerequisite is redundant, and if it’s an intended redundancy or it doesn’t, then Steal Pact Spirits should add in the intuit spirit binder secret as an or. Unless you’re supposed to be a spellcaster as well as a binder, which seems odd.

pg. 19

Undying salvation binder secret has the undying aid binder secret capitalized as if it were a feat. Judging by the format of other binder secret prerequisites, it should read, "Expel Spirits†, undying aid binder secret, ability to bind 6th level spirits."

pg. 21

For favored class options, the vishkanya's reads, "the vishanya’s vishkanya venom". Shoud be "the vishkanya's vishkanya venom".

pg. 23

In the alchemical reincarnation alchemist discovery, it says you must “...possess either the infusion or oiled extraction discovery in order to select this discovery.” However, the oiled extraction discovery already requires having the infusion discovery; is there a point to this prerequisite?

In the occult chemist alchemist archetype, the last sentence in the bind spirit ability doesn’t have a period at the end.

In the solar orchid sage alchemist archetype, in the expanded formulae ability it says, “At 17 level…” and “At 19 level…” Should be “17th” and “19th” respectively.

pg. 27

The last sentence of the totemic sage barbarian’s bind spirit ability has two periods at the end.

pg. 28

A minor thing, but for the The Ballad of the Tall Man masterpiece, the flavor text says, “...causes one target to be unable to see you…”, yet by the time you get it, you can already probably hit up to four people barring some unusual multiclassing, and in the effect, it says, “...you become invisible to up to one target per bard level you possess within 30 feet that you can see unless it succeeds on a Will saving throw…”, following up a potential plural with a singular. I’d probably suggest “...causes your targets to be unable to see you…” or just “...one or more targets to be unable to see you…”, and then “...unless they succeed on a Will saving throw…” Something along those lines?

pg. 29

For the The Lonely Mastiff masterpiece, it reads, “When you complete this perform…” and “...except this perform summons…”; shouldn’t it be “performance”? Or even “masterpiece”?

For the Soulsong of the Occult Muse masterpiece, it reads, “...that wrecks those who hear it with the pain of a thousand departed souls.” Shouldn’t it be “wracks”?

This may be my imagination, but, for The Bloody Mist from the Hills masterpiece, is “Creatures that become paralyzed…” supposed to be indented?

pg. 30

In The Tale of Teu and Lae masterpiece, I believe teleport should be italicized?

pg. 34

The last sentence of the occult bruiser’s bind spirit ability has a second period at the end.

pg. 35

For the order of the company’s retribution ability, it reads, “...on those who dare to strike an agent of his organization Whenever an enemy…” Missing a period, there.

pg. 36

For the pactsworn knight, it reads, “Pactsworn knights are cavaliers who are withheld to a time-honored tradition”, and to my knowledge, withheld means held back from. I’m not sure what was meant...held to? Something else? Also, in the rest of the bind spirit class features, you have “A [archetype]’s binder level is equal to…” indented, but it isn’t here. Not sure if that’s a mistake or not.

pg. 37

For the pact magic subdomain, it says it replaces the spirit surge power, but it’s the spiritual surge power.

pg. 39

“Nightfang servants are powerful druids who channel the raw forces of madness and fear .” Extra space before the period.

pg. 40

Is the warshade thing related to the warbinder at all? I wasn’t sure if it was saying that warbinders call themselves warshades sometime, if it was supposed to be warbinder instead of warshade, or if it’s just an unrelated note…?

pg. 41

In the occult avenger’s revenge pact, it reads, “t o seal a pact with that spirit”; should be “to”?

In the last sentence of the occult avenger’s revenge pact, it reads, “this effect stacks with other, similar effects, such as the Rapid Recovery feat”. Rapid Recovery needs a †, I think, and it needs a period at the end of the sentence.

pg. 43

For the occult sadist’s alignment, looking at the barbarian, I think it should be “Any nongood”, or at least “Any non-good”.

For the occult sadist’s lore of the wicked ability, it reads “...as 3rd-level, 5th-level, 3rd-level, 2nd-level, and 5th level spells, respectively…” Should be 5th-level.

pg. 44

For the occult sadist’s touch of pain ability, it reads, “For example, the Extra Lay On Hands feat grants nan inquisitor…” Should be “an”, not “nan”, and since a normal inquisitor doesn’t have touch of pain, shouldn’t it be “grants an occult sadist…”?

pg. 47

For the banishing palm ki power, dismiss pact spirits and protection from evil should be italicized, and dismiss pact spirits needs a †.

Empyrean friar archetype, binder secret reads, “A pact protector cannot select an alteration secret with this ability…”; shouldn’t it be “An empyrean friar cannot…”? Also, you usually use ‘he’ throughout the archetype, but in the same ability say, “...using his monk level as her effective pactmaker level…” and “and she cannot select the Extra Binder Secret feat† unless she has levels in the pactmaker class...” Copy/paste issue?

pg. 48

For the ghost whispers revelation, “At 15th level you gain a constant detect pact spirits† ability, can cast occult sight at will,” which I think needs a †, unless it’s not necessary because the previous use of occult sight had it? Not 100% certain on convention there.

pg. 52

For the unbound pactmaker, the monstrous aspect ability is missing a period at the end of, “This ability replaces constellation aspects”.

pg. 55

Pact feat rogue talent, shouldn’t it read “Pact Feat:” instead of “Pact feat:?

Fringe binder rogue’s bind spirit says, “which is limited to 1st level spirits at 1st-level,” which should be “1st-level spirits at 1st level,” yes?

pg. 60

Rapid Recovery in the ergon bloodline's bonus feats should have a †.

pg. 61

Missing a period at the end of the ravaged bloodline’s bonus feats.

Hope that helps, will try to work on some more later. One other thing I did notice when browsing though chapter nine...

pg. 370

"...this spirit is either one you were bound to when you became afflicted with gender bending or one that was involved when your gaining of gender bending."

The wording "when your gaining of gender bending" is slightly tortuous...perhaps "when you gained this pact malady", or just "when you gained gender bending", or even "when you gained the gender bending pact malady"? I favor the first myself...

"Gender bending can be suppressed for one day by greater polymorph or any similar polymorph spell..."

Since this is, I believe, referring to the polymorph subschool, I don't think it should be italicized...?

I haven't really gone through that chapter thoroughly, though...

I have forgotten, it's been a long time since the last PDF to look over, where do I go to do that again?

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Missed this earlier, but on page 30, The Tale of Teu and Lae should also have entangle and chain of perdition italicized.

Side note, while I'm not exactly complaining about reliable damage, it seems like the dragon constellation's draconic breath ability, 90% of the time you would want to go with sonic just because relatively few things resist it or are immune to it, compared to the others. Of course, there are some, but I was a little surprised it didn't do d4s or something to make up for being a less resisted energy type.

One thing I do kind of want to complain about a little is the seal of living darkness binder secret, or more accurately, how many neat binder secrets use it as a prerequisite that I want on non-Intimidate builds. Horrid skean, shade step, shroud of shadows, tendrils of darkness...but if I'm not investing into Intimidate, it feels like a tax for something I probably won't be using to get to the fun stuff...then again, that might just be me, since I usually prefer Diplomacy and Bluff, saving Intimidate for debuff builds. I dunno, if it's a balance thing, I'll accept it, it's just something that's bothered me when making some binders/pactmakers in the past.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Oh, another odd thing...is Greater Astral Totem supposed to be (Sp)? It seems like it should be (Su)...

Got it. Thanks.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

On page 38, for variant channel energy, it lists a variant channel energy for a Spirits domain, but the only new domain on page 37 is Occult. Did there used to be a Spirits domain? That might also explain why it says Cleric Domains and that the following new cleric domains are available...

Luthorne wrote:
One thing I do kind of want to complain about a little is the seal of living darkness binder secret, or more accurately, how many neat binder secrets use it as a prerequisite that I want on non-Intimidate builds. Horrid skean, shade step, shroud of shadows, tendrils of darkness...but if I'm not investing into Intimidate, it feels like a tax for something I probably won't be using to get to the fun stuff...then again, that might just be me, since I usually prefer Diplomacy and Bluff, saving Intimidate for debuff builds. I dunno, if it's a balance thing, I'll accept it, it's just something that's bothered me when making some binders/pactmakers in the past.

I can agree here, however it does definitely seem as if it were used as a balancing option. I really like those abilities you've listed, but I've never built a character around intimidation. Just not for me. But, since it seems to be a balance thing, it is what it is.

That said, I'm definitely happy that Ghost Touch was officially added to the Occult Weapon list. Granted, you still have to select it when binding the spirit you're switching out its bond for, which makes it far less versatile, but, having some way to deal with incorporeal, even if they don't often come up, is very nice to have anyways. Because screw Wraiths, Shadows and Ghosts. They can be mean.

Totemic Sage: Bind Spirit and Totemic Alignment both replace your 4th level rage power.

Ballad of the Tall Man: Five things:
There's a weird spacing error between "within" and "30 feet", presumably caused by the picture.
The flavour text says you cause one target to be unable to see you, but in fact it's one per bard level. It would be good to clarify whether you become visible if you attack, etc, like with Invisibility. Just adding "(as Invisibility)" or "(as Greater Invisibility)" should do. Granted, it takes a full round action so you'll have some trouble attacking but AoOs could still trigger, for instance.
Does the performance involve singing and/or orating? The skill requirements would imply that, but it doesn't explicitly say so, and obviously whether you have to make a noise or not is kind of important for an invisibility effect.
Finally, the power seems kind of weak: you have to spend your full round action every round to use it, right? Or have I misunderstood the rules for masterpieces?

Occult Avenger: Avenger's Grit refers to Panache

Seal Edged Pactmaker: "At 11th level, she can either increase the bonus one pact augmentation provided by +2 or increase the bonus that two pact augmentations provide by +1." Provided should be provides?
"At 17th level, she can either increase the bonus one pact augmentation provides by +3, increase the bonus that three pact augmentations provides by..." The second provides should be provide.

Also, I feel that there should be a quicker way to explain this rule. And would it be better to double, triple, etc the normal bonus? Otherwise it ends up rather imbalanced between the pact augmentations, giving anything from half a trait (if applies to initiative) to an entire feat equivalent (if applied to the dodge bonus to AC) and more. Fortification and Fleet are even worse off, getting a +1% chance to negate a critical and +1 foot of speed.

On the other hand, doubling will cause issues for things like Invulnerability, or if you take certain augmentations multiple times. Hmm...

Unbound Pactmaker: Loses the ability to select Compression at 4th level, and scent and swim at 16th. Or a lot of options are unnecessarily included in multiple lists, if the higher level selections are intended to be additional choices.

Also, you're told to select a type of animal when making the pact, but this seems to be unnecessary as the only thing you do with it is choose one of the abilities from the list (which the animal possesses). Since the appearance of the mutation is up to the player, your choice of animal makes no difference whatsoever to your character, provided the animal has the ability you're taking. All the rule means is that you have to comb through the bestiary trying to find an animal with the ability you're looking for.

Rogue: Disrupting Offensive doesn't specify how much the DC is increased by.

Demon Eye Exemplar feat: Misshapen Arm is formatted incorrectly.

Occult Infusion feat: "If you prepare spells in advanced"

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Nightfang servant's lore of the weal ability, "...at each level then is indicated on...", should be "...than is indicated..." I think Orich alredy pointed out that the Nightfang servant's bind spirit ability refers to the pactsworn pagan a few times instead...damn copy/paste?

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Also, for pactsworn hunter's spirit companion ability, "...but it calculates its base Intelligence score as of it were a familiar..." Should be "as if it were".

Page 71, Under Demon Eye Exemplar, the Misshapen Arm option should be highlighted in red, and its in normal black.

Page 88, Under Starless Spirits. The first sentence says there are 14 constellations, plus starless. Should be 13 (as far as I know).

I love the art, BTW, it was worth the wait.

Page 16, under Ectoplasmic Resonance it says "and effects do not
cause damage do not have a reduced chance to effect an incorporeal
opponent." Not sure what's trying to be said here. Pretty sure just a grammar error.

Greensprout Rapscallion, Page 300.

Under the Greensprout Pact, the last sentence reads:

"Once this decision is made, it cannot be changed (except by the seasons of youth greensprout trick)."

That trick is actually called Shades of Youth. Also, I believe it should be in italics in the text.

Page 356 - Aging Effects.

Last sentence of the first paragraph reads, "An aging effect can reduce a creature’s ability scores below 1."

Should that be "can not"?

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Occult Investigator's missing a period at the end of, "...rather than alchemical pursuits".

Occult Medium also has the then instead of than thing for Diminished Spellcasting.

Circe's Runes: first, the minor granted abilities section is labeled major; second, on the page listing the runes themselves, the division between major and minor spells has no obvious purpose.

@Luthorne Great write-up for Chapter 1--I'll finish up the archetypes I was looking at and compare to your list so I don't repeat anything.

Some comments regarding what I've been reading so far (somewhat all over the place, really):

- The archetypes are really solid, balanced and with unique flavor. Also, you can still have a self-hating Pactsworn Assassin. :D

- The lore engulfing the book, from spirit legends to minor descriptions, is wonderful.

- Again, the artwork and style are amazing--really great job!

Circe's Runes
- Vesgtigial Bond: "...and can bypass a rune of Circe without setting it off." This is confusing, as "Rune of Circe" grants spell-like abilities, and only one of two of those can be set off (alarm, explosive runes) and they already have conditions to designate those who can bypass them. Maybe your runes could act as if affected by the Selective Spell metamagic feat for those chosen instead?

- Table 4-2: Circe's Runes: It looks like the Rune for "Spider" and "Tongue" have been switched from what they were in the previous PDF. (I'm assuming the rune for "Spider" should be the one with eight legs.)

I tried looking through the old feedback thread, and couldn't find the answer to this question.

Can you use Seance of Circe to evict a spirit that you bound using Seance of Circe? (It acts as if you had used Expel Spirit and spirits bound using Seance of Circe cannot be ended using Expel Spirit.)

Page 161, False Alignment, Sentence 3: You should be your

Page 163, Woodland Strike should be woodland stride

Page 171, Crocadile Heritage: The presented formula (for natural armor bonus) looks wrong, ending at level 25, rather than 20.

Overall, I really like what I've read so far. Good job.

Page 121 - Humble Ohbal has two sections named "Major Granted Abilities"

Page 179 - Same thing for Circe's Runes

Page 257 - Under the Negate Death Major Ability, "You completely nullify one harmful effects as an immediate action". That should probably be singular. XD

Page 196, Under legend, it says "On the day of his coordination", I think it should be coronation.

Page 198, Etheric Step, says its a standard action twice in the same sentence.


Luthorne wrote:
One thing I do kind of want to complain about a little is the seal of living darkness binder secret, or more accurately, how many neat binder secrets use it as a prerequisite that I want on non-Intimidate builds. Horrid skean, shade step, shroud of shadows, tendrils of darkness...but if I'm not investing into Intimidate, it feels like a tax for something I probably won't be using to get to the fun stuff...then again, that might just be me, since I usually prefer Diplomacy and Bluff, saving Intimidate for debuff builds. I dunno, if it's a balance thing, I'll accept it, it's just something that's bothered me when making some binders/pactmakers in the past.

You need the seal of darkness to essentially "summon" all of those cool shadowy powers. Put another way, the seal of darkness "secret tree" is all of the old war shade abilities compiled. They need to be tiered because of their power level. (They're REALLY good for secrets, as you seem to have noticed.)


Also, the reason that there are a bunch of stories that aren't in Chapter 4 is that traditionally (see PMU 1 and 2 and SoPM and VoPM) we use the stories as sort of "filler pages" for other chapters. They break up sections that are rules-heavy and round out chapters that needed more content. Its a conscious choice that we've been doing for years.


pi4t wrote:
Does the performance involve singing and/or orating? The skill requirements would imply that, but it doesn't explicitly say so, and obviously whether you have to make a noise or not is kind of important for an invisibility effect.

Its creepy singing / orating, but it doesn't interfere with the invisibility. Think of it as "ominous background music."

Finally, the power seems kind of weak: you have to spend your full round action every round to use it, right? Or have I misunderstood the rules for masterpieces?

They're like bardic performances—maintained as a free action once its started unless noted otherwise.


Orich wrote:

I tried looking through the old feedback thread, and couldn't find the answer to this question.

Can you use Seance of Circe to evict a spirit that you bound using Seance of Circe? (It acts as if you had used Expel Spirit and spirits bound using Seance of Circe cannot be ended using Expel Spirit.)

Nope. That's specifically why the sentence is there—to prevent endless spirit cycling.


I am updated up to this point! Dario will DROWN in fixes when he returns from vacation! (Keep'em coming!)

Page 80 - Shield Against the Supernatural isn't highlighted the way other feat names are.

Page 81 - Supernatural Slayer's flavor text should be italicized.

Alexander Augunas wrote:
Orich wrote:

I tried looking through the old feedback thread, and couldn't find the answer to this question.

Can you use Seance of Circe to evict a spirit that you bound using Seance of Circe? (It acts as if you had used Expel Spirit and spirits bound using Seance of Circe cannot be ended using Expel Spirit.)

Nope. That's specifically why the sentence is there—to prevent endless spirit cycling.

That's what I thought, but I wanted to make sure.

Due to those restrictions, that would mean Circe's Runes's major can be used a maximum of <Number of bound spirits> times per week (-1 if you can't expel her). If you use her major you're also locked into a poor pact with a spirit for a week with either no limited-use abilities or half uses for limited-use abilities for its entire duration.

While the associated penalties are balanced for what the ability gives you (and balanced vs. Expel Spirit), the week-long pact duration seems a bit harsh. It changes her ability from "emergency" to "only as a very last resort," which feels weird as a major. Even other situational-use majors aren't as limited (or even if they are, they don't have the penalties).

It seems like a 24-hour pact duration would be sufficient?

Granted, I'd still bind her for Rune of Circe and Circe's Fury, but I'd try to avoid using her major if possible.

Also, can you use Seance of Circe on Circe's Runes?


Orich wrote:
Also, can you use Seance of Circe on Circe's Runes?


And Circe is very much an exception to how most spirits function. Her real "powers" are her spell-like abilities and other granted abilities, whereas her major is very much an, "Oh snap!" button that you're likely not going to want to use.

Alexander Augunas wrote:
And Circe is very much an exception to how most spirits function. Her real "powers" are her spell-like abilities and other granted abilities, whereas her major is very much an, "Oh snap!" button that you're likely not going to want to use.

Ah, I understand--the mechanics are a perfect fit, then. It makes her a prime candidate for Reweave Spellcasting, Undying Aid, or other features that replace/expend a spirit's Major Granted Ability. :)

So, I actually had a question involving Circe's Runes now that it's been brought up, and maybe this was answered already and I simply missed it.

Under the Boon it says those linked can "bypass" a rune of Circe without setting it off. But under the Rune of Circe ability, it simply allows you to cast them as spell-like abilities and says nothing of turning them into actual runes of any kind.

Are they cast as normal spells (through spell-like ability)? Or are they spell-like runes one simply leaves about? And if the latter, how does that work with things like the major from the Door rune, the major from the Dowser Rune and such? Essentially, what does the boon mean by, "Setting it off" or "Bypassing" them?

Also, another side question since I don't have bestiary 1, how many skeletons are in a troupe of skeleton? I can't seem to find it online.

page 207, Legend. Says "After three wars and a twice as many centuries"
remove "a"

page 214, Second Head, Should be higlighted in red and isnt. Also, as a personal thought, requiring wish or miracle to remove curse available at level 11 seems really nasty, especially since most of those curses would wreck a character.

page 215 Serapith's Protection: While you are bound to Serapith,
you gain a +1 deflection bonus to your AC and a +2 resistance
bonus on saving throws for every 4 binder levels you possess,
to a maximum bonus of +5.

Do the save bonuses go to +10 or only only +5. Its worded in a confusing way that many GMs would rule against. Maybe say "to a maximum bonus of +5 and +10"

page 216, Legend. says "he is decapitated one of the king’s most skilled knights", should be "decapitated by one of the"


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Third Mind wrote:

So, I actually had a question involving Circe's Runes now that it's been brought up, and maybe this was answered already and I simply missed it.

Under the Boon it says those linked can "bypass" a rune of Circe without setting it off. But under the Rune of Circe ability, it simply allows you to cast them as spell-like abilities and says nothing of turning them into actual runes of any kind.

No idea. Expect it deleted.

Also, another side question since I don't have bestiary 1, how many skeletons are in a troupe of skeleton? I can't seem to find it online.

13. (Both sent to Dario.)

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

For the thaumaturge archetype, it offers the greater spell resistance greater exploit, but not the spell resistance exploit, which the greater spell resistance exploit has as a prerequisite.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The seal-bound sorcerer archetype has the flavor text for the pactsworn pagan. I mean, it's really cool flavor text, but still!

Edit: I think that the spirit caller summoner should have an indentation in the bind spirit ability before "Each day...", but I am sure that the DC should not be equal to 10 + 1/2 the soul screamer's binder level + the spirit caller's Charisma modifier. Curse that sinister copy/paste gremlin?

Edit: I also think that the pactsworn warpriest should have an indentation in the bind spirit ability before "A pactsworn warpriest’s binder level..."

Page 377: "Willian Ashley" - that should be William, please. :)

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