Mechanical Pear |

Is there any way to weild a weapon two handed, and still regain panache as a swashbuckler? An estoc, for example, is a one handed piercing weapon, but even with the exotic weapon proficiency feat, you treat it as a two-handed weapon when weilding it with two hands. I didn't think a one-handed weapon became two-handed just because you weild it that way, but does it?

Mechanical Pear |

Not really even sure if this belongs in advice Or rules questions. But there seems to be no piercing one handed weapons with an 18-20 crit range except the rapier, and it specifies that it doesn't get the 1.5 STR bonus when weilding it two-handed. An estoc doesn't seem to work. Is there anything I Can do other than blow a feat to use a Wakizashi, then take -2 to use a larger one?

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You don't want to wield an inappropriately sized weapon. Unless you're Strength based. Weapon Finesse only works with weapons sized for you.
You could go with a Katana, and Slashing Grace. Only costs you 1500gp.

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Good question. There are a few points to consider:
1) Flavorwise, probably not. The style of the class revolves around fighting with a single weapon in one hand.
2) The Bastard Sword FAQ makes it seem like a weapon wielded in one hand counts as a one-handed weapon, while a weapon wielded in two hands counts as a two-handed weapon.
3) That FAQ may apply only to the Bastard Sword (plus other one-handed exotic weapons that may be wielded in two hands), and may have no relevance to this discussion.
4) The Swashbuckler abilities specify "light or one-handed piercing melee weapon". Regardless of how a Rapier is wielded, statistically it falls under that category.
5) There have likely been other discussions concerning this exact same question, which may or may not have involved guidance from one of the higher ups.
So, barring further evidence, I'd say ask your GM. If this is for PFS, then I'd say ask your GM and expect table variation.

Chess Pwn |

yes, all it says is crits and killing blows with a one-handed weapon. Nothing about how you are wielding it.
Going str based thf works great for a swash. All of their features help you for not having a mega high dex. Basically the only thing you miss out on is Precise Strike. So look for an archetype that trades it out.

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There is a difference between the Weapon Designation and how one is wielding that weapon. The overall feeling before the last post is that of not really working as the poster wanted.
The ability works as the wielder is wielding the weapon in one hand while keeping the other free. I don't see how the ability can be used in any other way.

Mechanical Pear |

thaX, there seems to be a contradiction in what you're saying.
Regaining panache, and Opportune Parry and Riposte, neither say that you need a free hand, only that you're wielding a one-handed weapon.
But you're also saying that a one-handed weapon held with two hands is still one handed.
I dunno.
I'm mostly wondering if an estoc is still a one-handed weapon, according to what is required to regain panache, even when it's wielding with both hands.

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If it is wielded with two hands, it is being wielded as a Two Handed weapon, no matter the designation of the weapon itself.
I had thought the nerfs handed out for this type of wielding mentioned a free hand. I may be thinking of something else.
To be clear, it would not work when using both hands to wield the weapon, no matter which weapon it would be.