Mechanical Pear |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
I've built characters built upon summoning, but never played one. So, I really have no idea how viable they are. I may try to play this one soon, so any help would be great.
This is the build, to level 20.
Male Elf (Overwhelming Magic)
VMC Bard
19 Arcanist (Occultist) (FCB: +19 Max Arcana Points)
1 Sorcerer (Crossblooded - Orc/Abyssal)
14 Arcanist, 1 Sorcerer, 5 Arcanist
Starting stats:
STR 7 +6 Inherant
DEX 8 +2 Racial
CON 14 -2 Racial
INT 18 +2 Racial, +5 Level, +3 Inherant
CHA 15
Ending Stats:
STR 13 +1
DEX 10 +0
CON 12 +1 (18 +4)
INT 28 +9 (34 +12)
WIS 7 -2
CHA 15 +2
- (Magic) - Pragmatic Activator
- Wayang Spellhunter (Haste)
- ?
1 Augment Summoning
1* Spell Focus (Conjuration)
5 Superior Summoning
9 Improved Familiar
13 Lingering Performance
17 Flagbearer
- Spellcraft +37
- Use Magic Device +37
- Perception +15
- Fly +16
- Knowledge (Arcana) +47
- Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +47
- Knowledge (Engineering) +47
- Knowledge (Geography) +47
- Knowledge (History) +47
- Knowledge (Local) +47
- Knowledge (Nature) +47
- Knowledge (Nobility) +47
- Knowledge (Planes) +47
- Knowledge (Religion) +47
- Perform (Oratory) +27
(Diplomacy, Sense Motive)
3 Bardic Knowledge - +10 to knowledge checks
7 Bardic Performance - Inspire Courage and Inspire Competence as a bard -4 levels. Number of rounds = Lv+CHA
11 Versatile Performance - Use Perform (Oratory) instead of Diplomacy and Sense Motive
15 Lore Master - can take 10 on a knowledge check, can take 20 as a standard action 1/day (2/day@11, 3/day@17)
19 Additional Performances - Can use Dirge of Doom and Inspire Greatnes
12 points/day, 41 (Max)
1 -
3 Counterspell
5 Dimensional Slide
7 -
9 Familiar
11 Metamagic Knowledge (Quicken Spell)
13 Bloodline Development
15 Greater Counterspell
17 Potent Magic
19 Counter Drain
Orc - +1 damage/die on damaging spells
Abyssal - Summoned Creatures gain DR/Good equal to 1/2 level
3 Fearless - +2 Natural Armor, immunity to fear,
9 Strength of the Beast - +6 Inherant Bonus to STR
15 Added Summonings - When Summon demon or fiendish creature, summon an additional one
20 Demonic Might - immunity to electric, poison. Acid, cold, fire resistance 10, 60 ft. telepathy
Keen Senses
Low-Light Vision
Elven Immunities
-Elven Magic
-Weapon Familiarity
ARCANIST SPELLS (Casts as level 19, CL 20)
0 At Will, 9 Spells Prepared
1 4+3/day, 5 Spells Prepared
2 4+3/day, 5 Spells Prepared
3 4+3/day, 4 Spells Prepared
4 4+3/day, 4 Spells Prepared
5 4+2/day, 4 Spells Prepared
6 4+2/day, 3 Spells Prepared
7 4+2/day, 3 Spells Prepared
8 4+2/day, 3 Spells Prepared
9 3+1/day, 2 Spells Prepared
Silken Ceremonial Armor
Mithral Buckler
Necklace of Natural Armor +5
Ring of Deflection +5
Ring of Wizardry ?
Ring of Spell Knowledge (Exquisite Accompaniment)(SL3)
1 round/level, sustains performance, don't need to use rounds as long as spell is active
Cloak of Resistance +5
Headband of INT +6
Belt of CON +6
Imbedded Orange Prism Ioun Stone (30k gp): +1 CL
Staff (CL 12, 11 Charges)
- Shield Other (Familiar Spell, Extend Spell)(SL 6, 1 Charge)
- Protection from Evil (SL 1, 1 Charge)
- Arcane Battery - Additional Daily Charge, Can recharge staff twice/day
- Banner of the Ancient Kings (18k gp): Inspire Courage bard level +4
As you can see, there are still a few question marks in places. Not sure what to fill it with. At first, I was thinking Variant Multi-classing with Foresight Wizard, but +4 to hit/damage on my summons seems better, and there's the boost to knowledge checks.
With wizard, I could have picked up the Staff-like wand discovery, and had Craft Wands, so I could blast a lot, and have a high UMD (and with Foresight, a fairly reliable way of using it on scrolls of Raise Dead, or whatever).
But I wanted to make more of a support character instead of a blaster. And why waste a character UMDing Raise Dead, if this character is in a party where there's (hopefully) a character that can cast it?
But, as stated, any help to improve the build would be great. And while I could use a completely different class, I really would wish to stick to Arcanist.
Mechanical Pear |
The elf alternate racial abilitiy, Overwhelming Magic, gives me Spell Focus as a bonus feat.
The one level of Sorcerer is so that, at level 15, when I cast my strongest summon monster spell for a fiend, I instead get three (+1 from Sorcerer, then an additional +1 from Superior Summons).
I realize I could get permanent summons at level 20, but I'd much rather have 3 Summon Monster 9 spells out when I need them, than a constant 1 Summon Monster 9 spell, even when I don't.
Drahliana Moonrunner |
The elf alternate racial abilitiy, Overwhelming Magic, gives me Spell Focus as a bonus feat.
The one level of Sorcerer is so that, at level 15, when I cast my strongest summon monster spell for a fiend, I instead get three (+1 from Sorcerer, then an additional +1 from Superior Summons).
I realize I could get permanent summons at level 20, but I'd much rather have 3 Summon Monster 9 spells out when I need them, than a constant 1 Summon Monster 9 spell, even when I don't.
I don't know... having the constant company of an Astral Deva sounds rather appealing to me.
Mechanical Pear |
While an Astral Deva, I believe, is superior, I can't pass up the action economy benefit of three creatures.
And I don't see as great a need to have it constant. The protective aura: +4 resistance to saving throws, +4 deflection...both of these can easily be gained by items by level 20. Heal is nice, but it's only once a day, so constant isn't really necessary.
In combat, the Astral Deva is quite nice, but instead, I could have three Glabrezu Demons, bringing a total of 18 attacks (after casting Haste), all at +25 (Inspire Courage and Haste), or +27 if they, for some reason, want to stay within 30 ft. of me.
Compare that to the three attacks of the angel. The angel does have a nice set of spell-like abilities, but even without a cleric/oracle in my party, I could UMD some of those.
But maybe I do have a skewed vision. I am biased, after all: I like the idea of a good (role-playing alignment) character dabble in evil magic, and this fits the theme.
So I'll look into it more, see if there is more mechanical advantage to have it otherwise.
Mechanical Pear |
I was trying to be support as much as I could, and I will be, up to that point. But I'm a caster, dang it, at some point I want to be slightly godly ;)
If this character makes it to level 18, and stays in play, hopefully the rest of the table won't mind too much. Especially since I've been so squishy up to that point.
Well, I say that, but at level level 7, I plan on summoning 1d3 (plus one, if I roll at least a 2) Lantern Archons, with 2 attacks each (3 attacks with Haste, which will be one of my go-to support spells).
So maybe I'll try to find a really tolerant table :\
On the subject of Haste, though, I was slightly considering changing my feats and exploits around. I can get two metamagic feats out of exploits, so if I change out Flagbearer (doesn't seem to be worth it anyway) and maybe Improved Familiar (though I really like the idea of an Arbiter Inevitible always taking half my damage, and maybe some for the rest of the party, too), I could get Spell Perfection for Haste. That, plus the Wayang Spellhunter trait, and I can cast Haste as a level 3 spell, as a swift action (Quicken Spell), and have a range of 60 ft. (Vast Spell).
Then I could make my Ring of Wizardry be set at level 3, and heap love upon my allies and summons easier. (Especially if I summon as a standard, inspire as a move, and Haste as a swift)
But I dunno. Think this might be worth it?
Drahliana Moonrunner |
While an Astral Deva, I believe, is superior, I can't pass up the action economy benefit of three creatures.
And I don't see as great a need to have it constant. The protective aura: +4 resistance to saving throws, +4 deflection...both of these can easily be gained by items by level 20. Heal is nice, but it's only once a day, so constant isn't really necessary.
In combat, the Astral Deva is quite nice, but instead, I could have three Glabrezu Demons, bringing a total of 18 attacks (after casting Haste), all at +25 (Inspire Courage and Haste), or +27 if they, for some reason, want to stay within 30 ft. of me.
Compare that to the three attacks of the angel. The angel does have a nice set of spell-like abilities, but even without a cleric/oracle in my party, I could UMD some of those.
But maybe I do have a skewed vision. I am biased, after all: I like the idea of a good (role-playing alignment) character dabble in evil magic, and this fits the theme.
So I'll look into it more, see if there is more mechanical advantage to have it otherwise.
When you're at 12th level and above, you're no longer in the "dabbling" stage when it comes to magic, evil, or otherwise.
pad300 |
Questions and Ideas
1) Why Orc in your crossblood ? You are theoretically focusing on summoning, not blowing things up...
2) Not sure what you are planning for a 1st level bloodline power - you could trade it in for Blood Havoc .
3) If you DM is lenient about archetype stacking, Bloodline Familiar would be another option, as would False Priest - which would add to your versatility immensely.
Mechanical Pear |
1) Because I don't need spells known for sorcerer and i Can afford a -2 hit to will saves. So might as well go crossblooded. And it of all the other bloodlines, it seems the most helpful.
2) I can't use Blood Havoc with crossblooded. And I believe crossblooded orc is better, as it gives me some better bloodline options, and its arcana doesn't require spell focus (so it'll work on my fireballs too).
3) I don't gain class abilities of a sorcerer, just the bloodline powers. So these wouldn't work. And I wouldn't ask a GM to change it for me.
Edit: stupid phone...
Ryzoken |
The elf alternate racial abilitiy, Overwhelming Magic, gives me Spell Focus as a bonus feat.
I realize I'm a little late to the party on this, but...
I love you.
Strictly in the platonic sense, mind, but yeah. Totally missed that trait the last three times I've thumbed through that book.
Absolutely making my Occultist Arcanists function.
Conspicuous |
I love what you've done with this progression, Mr. Pear!
There is an issue with the Cross-Blooded, however (emphasis mine):
"The arcanist selects one sorcerer bloodline upon taking this exploit. The arcanist gains that bloodline's 1st-level bloodline power as though she were a 1st-level sorcerer. The arcanist must select an ordinary bloodline with this ability, not one altered by an archetype."
Cross-blooded is an archetype, so you wouldn't be able to use the Orc/Abyssal combo (I'd drop Orc).
On a different note, I'm not sure that VMC is worth it. For this concept, you're dropping a lot of feats for small benefits (+10 to knowledges is crazy, but unnecessary). Couple Eldritch Heritage considerations:
1) Verdant (Groveborn) lvl 3 Power: summons get +2 nat armor and +4 vs some conditions
2) Elemental (Primal) lvl 9 Power: summons get 10 energy resist (fire), +d6 fire on natural attacks
3) Abyssal (for 15th lvl power) and taking Deep Earth (Bedrock) for its arcana: summons get DR/ada