Deific Obedience for Dead Gods?

Rules Questions

So, outside of house rules, can someone take Deific Obedience for a dead god? If so, how would going into a prestige class like Sentinel or Evangelist work? Has there been any official word on these issues?

Silver Crusade

No, and it's not really an "issue".

There isn't Deific Obediances for dead Gods. Dead gods don't grant spells. Dead Gods don't grant anything. There's pretty much zero rules and worship stats when dealing with dead gods.

So definitelly no way to get into those 3 prestige classes either.

rungekutta13 wrote:
So, outside of house rules, can someone take Deific Obedience for a dead god? If so, how would going into a prestige class like Sentinel or Evangelist work? Has there been any official word on these issues?

Thing is while you can theoretically take an Obedience,... since the deity is corpus delecti, you're not going to get any mechanical benefit since the diety being deceased, can't honor your devotion.

On the plus side, you don't lose anything for skipping.

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Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
On the plus side, you don't lose anything for skipping.

Except having to deal with that guilt in the back of your mind, nagging, clawing at you, telling you that you failed to uphold your faith, that the god is dead because people like you didn't show enough devotion, that it's all your fault.

You know. No biggie.

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Saethori wrote:
Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
On the plus side, you don't lose anything for skipping.

Except having to deal with that guilt in the back of your mind, nagging, clawing at you, telling you that you failed to uphold your faith, that the god is dead because people like you didn't show enough devotion, that it's all your fault.

You know. No biggie.

And if you're a White Wolf player, you can't be happy without your daily serving of angst.

I am imagining a scenario where you take deific obedience but then due to sudden plot your deity dies.

Silver Crusade

Obediance Boons goes BOOP!

Grand Lodge

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Air0r wrote:
I am imagining a scenario where you take deific obedience but then due to sudden plot your deity dies.

.. and the party's actions influence who will Inherit the office and get to create a new obedience.

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Starglim wrote:
Air0r wrote:
I am imagining a scenario where you take deific obedience but then due to sudden plot your deity dies.
.. and the party's actions influence who will Inherit the office and get to create a new obedience.

My first thought was from Oblivion...

"Praying to yourself, my Lord? That's not a good sign. Or perhaps it is. Prince of Madness, and all that."

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