The Chimera Master; A possible Alchemist Archetype.

Homebrew and House Rules

Let's get straight to the maniacal idea. I found the Amalgam Creature Template and upon reading what it is exactly I wondered why there was not an Alchemist who made creatures using this template.

Now I have never made an archetype, class or anything related before so I must ask for help. Anyway can you help me make this archetype?

So far I don't have much but here is the ideas:

Pet Chimera
The Chimera Master starts with a Chimera that he created during his experiments. This Chimera can be a combination of any creatures, but it's CR must not be above the Chimera Master's HD.

The focus and cost of these experiments is so great, that the Chimera Master doesn't have time to focus on his other experiemnts.

This ability replaces the Brew Potion, Mutagen and Bomb class features.

Chimera Expieremnt
In a painful experiment costing 2,000 GP * CR a Chimera Master can create a Mutant Hybrid of creatures. The experiment takes an amount of days equal to the Chimera's CR + 1d20 A Chimera Master can not create a Chimera with a CR greater then the Chimera Master's HD.

Evolving Chimera
In place of an Alchemist Discovery a Chimera Master may gain an Eidolon Evolution worth 1 point.

"Any two creatures" gives me wonderful ideas. Maybe a little girl and a dog? I could teach it to talk!

Serious answer: Losing Bombs or Mutagen alone is enough of a penalty for this class feature. I'd lean towards Bombs, a certain archetype gives up just Mutagen (and Persistent Mutagen) for a full Animal Companion progression, while this is likely to be quite a bit weaker. So losing the weaker class feature makes sense. Plus, losing Bombs and keeping mutagen is more thematically consistent here.

The Exchange

This really seems to degrade what it means to be an alchemist. This is more like a Summoner archtype.

Sundakan wrote:

"Any two creatures" gives me wonderful ideas. Maybe a little girl and a dog? I could teach it to talk!

Serious answer: Losing Bombs or Mutagen alone is enough of a penalty for this class feature. I'd lean towards Bombs, a certain archetype gives up just Mutagen (and Persistent Mutagen) for a full Animal Companion progression, while this is likely to be quite a bit weaker. So losing the weaker class feature makes sense. Plus, losing Bombs and keeping mutagen is more thematically consistent here.

True, I just thought the pets might grow in power much faster then the Alchemist, though I guess the CR limit limits that. Thematically it does fit, though I kinda feel it should modify the mutagen to be more of a temporary mutation giver.

Theliah Strongarm wrote:
This really seems to degrade what it means to be an alchemist. This is more like a Summoner archtype.

I used Alchemist because they seem to fit more as mad scientists then a summoner would. The idea is supposed to be like a mad man who is in his lab experimenting, sticking DNA in different animals. Modifying there genetics to make the perfect survivalist or biological war machine.

The Exchange

Theliah Strongarm wrote:
This really seems to degrade what it means to be an alchemist. This is more like a Summoner archtype.
Artifix wrote:
I used Alchemist because they seem to fit more as mad scientists then a summoner would. The idea is supposed to be like a mad man who is in his lab experimenting, sticking DNA in different animals. Modifying there genetics to make the perfect survivalist or biological war machine.

Wouldn't that require a lab?

And how would the MAD SCIENTIST!!!!!!!!!!!YEAH!ROCKOUT!WHOOOOO!!!!! acquire the technology needed to pick through an animal's DNA?
I love the idea, just not sure how the MAD SCIENTIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!YEAH!ROCKOUT!WOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! could acquire all the necessary equipment needed to test on the animals. And, you're talking like a bunch of creatures needed to test on, and many of them could die. And that's just for starters. The GP to do all that for a first-level character is ridiculous. Again, I really like the theme, but I'm not sure the rules support this.

You guys need to trawl through the Alchemist's existing archetypes and come on back. They can already make Homunculi by first.

Sundakan wrote:
You guys need to trawl through the Alchemist's existing archetypes and come on back. They can already make Homunculi by first.

The Homunculist is what gave me the idea for being able to get an Evolution Point instead of a discovery. While the Promethean Alchemist is what made me think the ability to make a Chimera and starting with one should mean you don't get access to mutagens or bombs.

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