Interest Check: Wild Cards (M&M 2nd Ed) PBP


Dark Archive

I am wondering if there is sufficient interest in this. GRRM says it will have a TV series too like Game of Thrones.

Oh, I'm interested. I actually game with one of the original group. Steve Perrin.

I would love to play a Wild Cards game!

Liberty's Edge

This might be interesting... to play in the Wildcards universe....

Dark Archive

Can you guys give me your preferred style of campaign? Obviously an American Hero themed game is out of the question.

Liberty's Edge

Not sure what you mean by 'American Hero themed game'... :)
But I'm up for just about anything. Unfortunatly I have had no luck in finding any of the wildcards my whole source of information on the universe IS the GURPS Supers - WILDCARDS supplement...from which I hear from friends of mine who have read the novels is fairly comprehensive, with one... {ahem} provaso. The sourcebook does not reflect, and I quote: 'How much Kinky Joker Sex occurs in the novels'.

LOLS! Well it IS George R. R. Martin.. so what do you expect {snicker}?

I'd like to play a fire-based, black American... I guess Ace. Sort of like Firestorm.. hmmm that sounds like a good name actually. I don't mind if we go international though. But since I'm an American.. I'm not terribly familiar with far-away-places-with-strange-sounding-names. But a Germany based game might be interesting... of course the Joker Virus broke out in New York so it kinda IS a American superhero game world...sort of considering that's where "Joker-Town" is {shrug}.

Dark Archive

American Hero is the wild card reality tv show. It was detailed in the book Inside Straight.

I'm using the M&M 2nd Ed Wild Card Supplement. =sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1470752234&sr=8-1&keywords=mutants+and+mast erminds+wild+cards

Read most of the earlier books (Vol. 1-5) and the later books about the Committee and Jokertown Fort Freak trilogies.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Will you be 'teaching' the system or do we need to know it ourselves first... I LOVE Wildcards... own/have read all the Wild Card books, but don't know ANYthing about M&M.

Dark Archive

^^We will all learn together about the game system.

Dark Archive

Now before we actually start recruitment, can all players commit to post at least once a day?

@Jaf0, I can help with the rules.

I can post once a day.

But I would like to know you have something fleshed out. I don't need to know all the details, but I'd like something more than "Let's do a Wild Cards game." I've seen too many of those games last for a short bit and then fizzle out.

I'd also like an idea of the power level and points value before I start thinking of ideas. It's much less painful to develop an idea to a level/feel of game than to have to throw out something that has caught your mind.

Yes, I can manage a post a day. It would be helpful to know the specifics, but I'm guessing they will be in the actual recruitment thread?

Liberty's Edge

Yep. I certainly can commit to that schedule.. once a day.. I'll more likely post three or four times a day if the drama requires so! :)

I own multiple pdfs of MM2nd ed... {and thanks for the link}..will likely purchase that Wildcard Sourcebook in the next two or three weeks.

As for style of campaign, I am up for anything. I have read all of the books, as well as the graphic novel. The Original series of books are my favorite, but I would be perfectly happy with doing a modern era game as well.

Dark Archive

thanks all for the interest i will post a separate recruitment thread with all the details for character generation and intended game. cheers :-)

Liberty's Edge

I'll be purchasing that Wildcards book today...

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