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Not sure what you mean by 'American Hero themed game'... :)
But I'm up for just about anything. Unfortunatly I have had no luck in finding any of the wildcards novels..so my whole source of information on the universe IS the GURPS Supers - WILDCARDS supplement...from which I hear from friends of mine who have read the novels is fairly comprehensive, with one... {ahem} provaso. The sourcebook does not reflect, and I quote: 'How much Kinky Joker Sex occurs in the novels'.
LOLS! Well it IS George R. R. Martin.. so what do you expect {snicker}?
I'd like to play a fire-based, black American... I guess Ace. Sort of like Firestorm.. hmmm that sounds like a good name actually. I don't mind if we go international though. But since I'm an American.. I'm not terribly familiar with far-away-places-with-strange-sounding-names. But a Germany based game might be interesting... of course the Joker Virus broke out in New York so it kinda IS a American superhero game world...sort of considering that's where "Joker-Town" is {shrug}.

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American Hero is the wild card reality tv show. It was detailed in the book Inside Straight.
I'm using the M&M 2nd Ed Wild Card Supplement.
https://www.amazon.com/Mutants-Masterminds-Rpg-Wild-Cards/dp/1934547115/ref =sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1470752234&sr=8-1&keywords=mutants+and+mast erminds+wild+cards
Read most of the earlier books (Vol. 1-5) and the later books about the Committee and Jokertown Fort Freak trilogies.

Philo Pharynx |

@Jaf0, I can help with the rules.
I can post once a day.
But I would like to know you have something fleshed out. I don't need to know all the details, but I'd like something more than "Let's do a Wild Cards game." I've seen too many of those games last for a short bit and then fizzle out.
I'd also like an idea of the power level and points value before I start thinking of ideas. It's much less painful to develop an idea to a level/feel of game than to have to throw out something that has caught your mind.