How does online role-playing feel / work?


I've wanted to maybe attempt to play in an online game for awhile and was wondering how they are? Opinions on either side are welcome. I only have one game that I'm DMing as of now and would enjoy playing in one even online. Thanks guys!

The mechanics of it are a challenge for the DM. It's much more work honestly. It is fun though to be able to play on your own schedule.

I think you should describe what you are talking about a bit more. There are several varieties of role-playing that take place online, and they can be dramatically different from each other.

Similar to playing tabletop i guess, with pathfinder rules and such. I don't know what any of it is like myself thus I'm asking what it is or can be like. Also I've no idea where you would go for anything like this so ideas for that would be cool as well.

Finneous Frye wrote:
The mechanics of it are a challenge for the DM. It's much more work honestly. It is fun though to be able to play on your own schedule.

I assumed, the thought of DMing it is quite daunting to me but playing sounds like it could be interesting.

What sort of medium are you looking at playing in? There are several virtual table tops, as well as playing over forums, IM, email, you name it.

All mediums have their pros and cons. Generally speaking, I find playing over text to be more immersive. On the other hand, most people don't treat online gaming like a true commitment.

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There is online games on Paizo. I think the box at the left of the screen shows games people are currently playing so you can see what it looks like.


Edit: Whoops, pointed to my avatar! To the left of that. Scroll down, it's after messageboards and a section called "Online Campaigns"

Thanks guys!

Roll20 works VERY well.

Online posting works just fine. XD Paizo's forum here is my main method of gaming, actually. Notably, play-by-post offers more of an opportunity to really describe your character, how they feel about things, et cetera. It's pretty good for storytelling, though it's best to play with a small group and avoid too many sidequests. It's definitely a different feel.

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CannibalKitten wrote:
I've wanted to maybe attempt to play in an online game for awhile and was wondering how they are? Opinions on either side are welcome. I only have one game that I'm DMing as of now and would enjoy playing in one even online. Thanks guys!

I mastered 2 campaigns on roll20 yet and i'm mastering Kingmakers chapter 2 right now (french group irl).

What can i tell you?

-There is a lot of work to do before the campaign: your players need to have pictures of place and NPC to focus on the game. I suggest using a pinterest gallery for your NPCs, to tease your players and spend less time on it. Designing maps can be a bit challenging in the beginning but as you gain experience you'll be more efficient (takes me 3-10 minutes now to create a cool looking map on roll20)
Music is important for the atmosphere, spend time searching for the right theme.

-Get a webcam for your sessions. Roleplaying only with voice is difficult and you have to pratice accents to differentiate NPCs from one another. Having your face on cam can really help your players to get subtle things.

-Combats are great. Having maps precisely drawn helps A LOT. 5 foot step i a 5 foot step now, you can have the distance between two points or create aoe zones in a blinf an eye. These cool tokens help a lot to show how big that mighty dragon really is!

-Make sure your players are actually playing. Sometimes people get bored and just start some games on their computer. Make sure that everyone has a good microphone.

-Very flexible sessions. My group usually play 1 or 2 4hours session each week. A forum or a website is needed for players to speak between sessions: you dont wan't to waste time on buying/selling things in game (or solo speaking with a npc).

All i can think of right now!

Thank you all very much, I think the forum gaming is more what I'm looking for but I will most definitely have to check out this fabled Roll20. Also if anyone is in one of these forum games and needs a player I'm willing to give it a go. I've played a few different Role-playing games IRL (Star warsD20, Deadlands, 3.5/pathfinder, and a bit of 5.0) but I will be new to the online gaming experience. I did used to participate in some online story RP sites but that was YEARS ago.

I find not being in person helps me get into character more, as in the social anxiety from acting out a completely off the wall character is removed when my face is not present, I sometimes wish I could do facial expressions and all that jazz. But I feel like my roleplay as a DM has benefited.

CannibalKitten wrote:
Thank you all very much, I think the forum gaming is more what I'm looking for but I will most definitely have to check out this fabled Roll20. Also if anyone is in one of these forum games and needs a player I'm willing to give it a go. I've played a few different Role-playing games IRL (Star warsD20, Deadlands, 3.5/pathfinder, and a bit of 5.0) but I will be new to the online gaming experience. I did used to participate in some online story RP sites but that was YEARS ago.

There are specific recruitment threads under the online campaigns. You should be able to find it pretty easily.

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