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Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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Over at PathfinderWiki, we are always looking for new subjects to write about, but we can sometimes be at a loss for which ones to tackle. Here's where you can help us out!

Do you have a campaign setting question you want answered? Ask it here, and we'll do the research and post the results on the wiki (with links here).

Think a subject is not sufficiently covered on the wiki? Bring it up here and we'll make sure to expand on it.

Help the Pathfinderwiki to grow and stay relevant; post your questions here!

Peacock Spirit
Peacock Angel
Count Renalc
Nex (the man)
Old Mage Jtambe!!!
Psionics (not sure if this qualifies)
... and, speaking of, "heresies" or "legends" or something: that is, redacted or defunct information (retcons from older material). While those retcons are no longer true, it would be helpful if any apparent contradictions are noted somewhere, so that the wiki does not appear incomplete, and the retcon is easily referenced and known, so those trying to keep up with canon don't slip something in that is contradicted by later material. Even if you don't want it cluttering up the specific article page, you could add a link to a "ancient falsehoods" page or something, and just have a compiled list of "NOPE" organized by area or person (ex: "lies about Tar-Baphon" or "false/slanderous histories about Taldor" or something).

That said, I may just be listing things that I really like, and have no business being researched by the PFWiki. Either way, you guys are amazing, and incredibly appreciated!

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Thanks! We'll get right on those.

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Peacock Spirit article now contains all known canon information on the subject. It's still pretty sketchy, but then again, it was a mysterious religion.

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Article on Melek Taus has been fully updated. Like with the Peacock Spirit, very little is known of the vanished empyreal lord.

Scarab Sages

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One thing that I always wanted to see was a reference to maps in the wiki outside of having to guess if any of the cited references has an actual map of the place the article is about. For Osirion, as an example, on its wiki article it would be handy to list the different mapped overland regions, such as the big map in legacy of the pharoahs, or the three or four regional maps in Mummys Mask. Knowing that the southwestern and West central parts of Osirion are mapped in books 3 4 and 5 of Mummys Mask is a very useful bit of info that pfwiki could add to help players and gms alike.

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archmagi1 wrote:
One thing that I always wanted to see was a reference to maps in the wiki outside of having to guess if any of the cited references has an actual map of the place the article is about. For Osirion, as an example, on its wiki article it would be handy to list the different mapped overland regions, such as the big map in legacy of the pharoahs, or the three or four regional maps in Mummys Mask. Knowing that the southwestern and West central parts of Osirion are mapped in books 3 4 and 5 of Mummys Mask is a very useful bit of info that pfwiki could add to help players and gms alike.

That's a really good suggestion, archmagi1, thank you.

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Tacticslion wrote:

... and, speaking of, "heresies" or "legends" or something: that is, redacted or defunct information (retcons from older material). While those retcons are no longer true, it would be helpful if any apparent contradictions are noted somewhere, so that the wiki does not appear incomplete, and the retcon is easily referenced and known, so those trying to keep up with canon don't slip something in that is contradicted by later material. Even if you don't want it cluttering up the specific article page, you could add a link to a "ancient falsehoods" page or something, and just have a compiled list of "NOPE" organized by area or person (ex: "lies about Tar-Baphon" or "false/slanderous histories about Taldor" or something).

While only a little bit of what you are asking here, I feel this is a good spot to highlight our Canon Conflicts category any time we find conflicting information on a subject the conflict icon (the little assci cross) is added to the page, this category is added, and a link to a meta [pagename]/conflicts page is set up describing both points of the conflict and why one was chosen over the other in the wiki article.

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Wiki Ad wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

... and, speaking of, "heresies" or "legends" or something: that is, redacted or defunct information (retcons from older material). While those retcons are no longer true, it would be helpful if any apparent contradictions are noted somewhere, so that the wiki does not appear incomplete, and the retcon is easily referenced and known, so those trying to keep up with canon don't slip something in that is contradicted by later material. Even if you don't want it cluttering up the specific article page, you could add a link to a "ancient falsehoods" page or something, and just have a compiled list of "NOPE" organized by area or person (ex: "lies about Tar-Baphon" or "false/slanderous histories about Taldor" or something).
While only a little bit of what you are asking here, I feel this is a good spot to highlight our Canon Conflicts category any time we find conflicting information on a subject the conflict icon (the little assci cross) is added to the page, this category is added, and a link to a meta [pagename]/conflicts page is set up describing both points of the conflict and why one was chosen over the other in the wiki article.

The wiki is generally written from an in-world perspective (see Point of View), which means that commentary on in-world topics doesn't really have a place in primary articles. We keep discussion of canon discrepancies on secondary pages as a result.

To include retconned information in even something as isolated as the suggested list(s) would involve the wiki editors effectively creating canon. If there were an actual in-world false history, such as Stavian III spreading rumors that his father, Stavian II defeated an army of 200,000 Qadirans with a force of only 3,000 soldiers, that would belong in such an article. If, however, there were simply an error in recounting what year Oppara was founded, that's just a real-world error rather than some false history being spread in Golarion itself.

The official wiki policy for managing conflicts does not account for what is colloquially termed "fire cancer" by Paizo developers, however. This would be things like the Darklight Sisterhood, which were mentioned in early books but were later determined to be unworthy of further expansion—even to refute their existence or explain them away with an in-world justification. Rather than completely invalidate them for players who do like the idea of a secret society whose sole raison d'etre is to oppose another organization, and which is so secret that all members change their name to the same thing, a GM who wants to use them in her campaign can do so without going against canon. The wiki, for better or worse, simply reports the canon that exists on such topics, and never explains why no further information ever came out.

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Tacticslion wrote:

Count Renalc

PFWiki article on Count Ranalc now contains all canon information on the subject.

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I'd love to see Manasaputras detailed.

In fact, it would be handy to see all the canon information on the planar races spelled out on the wiki. I count on it to check, for example, if a new Archon was published in a sourcebook I didn't get for some particular reason, and get the general idea for it.

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Article on Old-Mage Jatembe is now complete.

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Would it be possible to add the Metaplot and ongoing plots overview for Season 6 and SEason 7 of the PFS campaign.

Would it also be possible to update the Season 8 with a brief description of the year and the current scenarios?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You guys are, in fact, the most awesome~!


Andre Roy wrote:

Would it be possible to add the Metaplot and ongoing plots overview for Season 6 and SEason 7 of the PFS campaign.

Would it also be possible to update the Season 8 with a brief description of the year and the current scenarios?

Thanks! I've been working on updating all the PFS material. You'll have to give us a little time, though, there's a lot of it!

Also thanks for kudos, Tacticslion.

PFWiki Scribe wrote:

Thanks! I've been working on updating all the PFS material. You'll have to give us a little time, though, there's a lot of it!

No problem. I'm quite aware that it is a tall order so there's no worries.

Speaking of PFS, I'm toying with a bit of a new format and am looking for feedback.

Take a look at the writeup for the Season 8 scenario Captives of Toil, specifically the "Recurring characters & locations" entry. Is this something useful for GMs prepping the scenario?

I like it and I could see it as being quite useful for the GM, especially if he runs PFS scenario with the same group, as reference to previous scenarios would help design/adapt the NPC reaction.

It could also help string adventure together via a Patron in the Society.

The article for the Lumber Consortium seems to be lacking a lot of information from both "Guide to Darkmoon Vale" and "Andoran: Birthplace of Freedom"

Mavrickindigo wrote:
The article for the Lumber Consortium seems to be lacking a lot of information from both "Guide to Darkmoon Vale" and "Andoran: Birthplace of Freedom"

We're a small group doing a lot of work, so there are bound to be holes in articles. Feel free to join us and help fill in those gaps. Every little edit counts!

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