Inner Sea Dragon Bestiary & Future Paizo Dragon-Themed Products?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Now that Legacy of Dragons is about to ship to subscribers, and will be available soon to everyone else, what new dragon options would you like to see for players?

For GMs? (perhaps an Inner Sea Dragons bestiary?)

What existing lore and mysteries would you like to see fleshed out?

What hooks, themes, and new lore would you like to see explored?

What Earth myths and legends would you like to see adapted, or used as inspiration?

What else?

(See also the previous "How about a Blood of Dragons? thread.)

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{whispers:} Linnorms?

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

1. Since many dragon species are just stat blocks and a sentence or two, I'd like to see the culture, behavior, and mores of each species fleshed out....'cause right now, I have zero reason to use many of them.

"It's big, it flies around, it has a breath weapon, and it hates you" is something abundantly covered by, like, one species. Tell me what makes Umbral Dragons tick, beyond being jerks. Tell me why I would even bother with any of the occult-themed dragons. Stuff like that.

2. Dragons Unleashed 2. Dragon species are fine and dandy, but draconic NPCs kick butt. I loved Dragons Unleashed. Which reminds me, I need to go review it...

3. Taniwha could work as dragons. Let's give 'em a whirl.

4. Make riding 'em easier. Dragon-riding is an iconic staple of modern fantasy literature, and it's deuced difficult to make it work. Yeah, yeah, a sentient spellcasting flying mount is pretty friggin' powerful, but there's this Skyfire Mandate in Golarion's solar system and, well,you know...

Silver Crusade Contributor

Cole Deschain wrote:
Dragons Unleashed 2. Dragon species are fine and dandy, but draconic NPCs kick butt. I loved Dragons Unleashed. Which reminds me, I need to go review it...

This is exactly what I came in here to ask not to see.

Something with new game content (new dragons, draconic rules, etc.) might attract my attention, but this is pretty much a guaranteed no-buy for me. Not because it's bad... it's just something I have no use for.

That's just me, though. If others want it, I have no issue with not having to buy something. Kind of a relief, really. ^_^

I have issues with more Dragons Unleashed as opposed to more Linnorms.

Linnorms unleashed would be nice.

Also want to get more linnorm bloodlines based on different linnorms.

"Thomas Seitz wrote:
Also want to get more linnorm bloodlines based on different linnorms.

That's one of my project once I'm more confortable with Pathfinder rule system, make a Linnorm Bloodline that is distinct from the Draconic Bloodline, with a Variant Bloodline for each of the different Linnorm.

Books I would love to see:

Alien Dragons Revisited - covering the Esoteric and the Outer dragons.

Exotic Dragons Revisited - covering the Imperial and the Primal dragons

Linnorms Revisited - with and interesting entry for each linnorm species.

Inner Sea Dragons - about the most important dragons in the inner sea campaign setting.

Wyrms Unleashed - with the Tatzlwyrm, the Wyvern, the Jabberwock, the Guardian Dragon, the Shen and others.

Drakes Revisited - as they to should be loved.

Draconic Faith - with option for those that worship the draconic pantheon and powerful dragons, as well as more information about these deities.

Would also love a new group of draconic demigods. I do have a concept based on Apsu's consorts.

Draconic Consorts: these demigoddesses were once powerful matriarchs among each of their dragon species, chosen and elevated to godhood by Apsu himself, now inhabiting the Immortal Ambulatory, serving as the Waybringer's consorts. They are all female dragons, and none of them are evil.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber




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