Which Ezren is best?

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

Silver Crusade

In the latest iteration of our PACG home game, Rebel Song and I have decided that we must all play characters that are the opposite of who we usually play. So as a diehard divine caster---either a close-to-pure caster like Alahazra or Maznar or a fighty divine like CD Kyra or Seelah---I had to pick someone who had the divine skill nowhere in their stat block. I also considered a high dex character, but Ezren won me over with his complete lack of blessings. Not having blessings is craziness, and thus I must embrace it.

But my question now is, Which Ezren do I play? There are 2x2 available now, and they are all similar, yet different. What do people think?

CD Ezren has a role power which allows him to discard an Arcane card (later Magic) to add a die to a check by another character. Not sure how that figures into your no-blessing approach.

Other than that, I don't think CD Ezren has that much to recommend him, although it's true that if you have another Arcane caster in your party, pairing up at locations with Ezren will make that character stronger.

One thing that I like about CD Ezren is that he can give the Magic cards he acquires to others. As RotR Ezren, I was always acquiring magic weapons or armors and then just discarding them. But if you can send them to other characters, you can let them discard a few weapons for extra dice or feed some of their powers. And Hedge Wizard lets him both explore and hand that card off. That is the first power I'd take on his role. Then I'd take the one that adds to his Arcane and Knowledge checks.

If it helps, I'm playing Ostog. So many buried cards! (And he's a male character, so that's opposite too)

Who is C playing, Eliandra? Has she decided? Is it the healing Witch?

Silver Crusade

I don't think she's decided. If she goes healing witch, CD Ezren might make sense because he can add to her arcane checks. If she goes with Alahazra or Zarlova, less helpful, at least until role card for Zarlova.

We just started playing this card game a couple weeks ago and have only done so once. I actually played Ezren in the opening scenario of the RotR box set, although it wasn't part of that AP (it was some sort of beginning trio of scenarios, of which we played the first).

I'm seeing you all talk about different Ezrens, and especially this "CD" Ezren, and I'm curious as to what your meaning is by that?

Thanks in advance to any info provided!

Transmog Ezren has a similar power as A+++ Cool Kid Radillo, that being the ability to swap out acquired boons for other boons of the same type. This is the best power! Especially if you're playing by OP rules, effectively doubling your chances to get higher AD cards is a pretty big benefit--at least from where I'm standin'. It can be a huge bummer, coming out of an OP scenario with exactly 0 card upgrades. Characters like Ezren and Radillo can help with that... though, my experience is only in 2 character games. I'm guessing it's less of an issue in 6 ones.

Still, Hedge Maze Ezren's consolidating +Combat and +Recharge into three power feats for both instead of like... 6? Is a boon all by itself. During RotR, to me Ezren felt like the most boring character on paper--with most of his power feats devoted to increasing his raw dice rolls--which was okay, because spells were far and away the most interesting type of card, and he had the most of them by a large margin. But RotR Ezren and CD Ezren are drawing from the same pool of spells regardless, so why not pick one that's got more interesting powers than "+4 to your check to acquire a spell"??? :D

Sub-Creator wrote:

We just started playing this card game a couple weeks ago and have only done so once. I actually played Ezren in the opening scenario of the RotR box set, although it wasn't part of that AP (it was some sort of beginning trio of scenarios, of which we played the first).

I'm seeing you all talk about different Ezrens, and especially this "CD" Ezren, and I'm curious as to what your meaning is by that?

Thanks in advance to any info provided!

You've played RotR Ezren (the version of Ezrens that comes in Rise of the Runelords). There are other products besides Rise of the Runelords. There are 2 more adventure paths: Skull and Shackles as well as Wrath of the Righteous. There are also Class Decks, such as the Wizard Class Deck. There is a version of Ezren in the Wizard Class Deck. That is what we mean by CD Ezren. He is similar to RotR Ezren, but has some slightly different skills and powers, and 2 very different roles.

You can check out all the various characters here and you can check out the multitude of Class Decks here.

I'm a big fan of CD Ezren and the Transmogrify ability.
Turn a Potion of Blah into Belt of Physical Might? Turn a Blessing of the Gods into a Blessing of Nethys? Oh sure, why not. :)

Plus, starting hand size 7, followed by flexible hand size of 10 or 3.

And don't forget, there are a fair number of arcane+divine spells in RotR, so any divine character casting Swipe or Sign of Wrath gets the boost from the power feat you have to take pre-role-card (even if it might not be an appealing choice based on party composition).


Silver Crusade

Thanks, guys! I've ended up going with class deck Ezren, and we've got a Kasmir at the table to both heal and synergize with me. This is a bit of an issue given the small number of basic attack spells in RotR, but we're working on it. I haven't picked a role yet, but I've got a bit to think about it.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Eliandra Giltessan wrote:
Thanks, guys! I've ended up going with class deck Ezren, and we've got a Kasmir at the table to both heal and synergize with me. This is a bit of an issue given the small number of basic attack spells in RotR, but we're working on it.

Well, the Character Add-On deck will buy you one more Lightning Touch. Throw in some Detect Magics and Invisibilities for scouting / evasion, and either a Dagger, Light Crossbow, or Sling for Ezren as a backup. Heck, even Caltrops might be useful to defeat Bandits in your first adventure. The Academy comes pretty early, hopefully you can pick up some Acid Arrows in there. Finally, I'm guessing you are electing not to add your Class Decks into the box?

Eliandra Giltessan wrote:
I haven't picked a role yet, but I've got a bit to think about it.

If, halfway through RotR, you really miss giving blessings to your allies, Hedge Wizard Ezren will be waiting for you. :)

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Now that you've chosen I feel I can finally reveal the real answer: "The best Ezren is the one you find in your heart." Or something like that.

Silver Crusade

First World Bard wrote:
Eliandra Giltessan wrote:
Thanks, guys! I've ended up going with class deck Ezren, and we've got a Kasmir at the table to both heal and synergize with me. This is a bit of an issue given the small number of basic attack spells in RotR, but we're working on it.
Well, the Character Add-On deck will buy you one more Lightning Touch. Throw in some Detect Magics and Invisibilities for scouting / evasion, and either a Dagger, Light Crossbow, or Sling for Ezren as a backup. Heck, even Caltrops might be useful to defeat Bandits in your first adventure. The Academy comes pretty early, hopefully you can pick up some Acid Arrows in there. Finally, I'm guessing you are electing not to add your Class Decks into the box?

I thought about adding from the character add-on deck, but that felt wrong somehow. I'm sure we'll work it out. Or we'll all die. One of those.

First World Bard wrote:
Eliandra Giltessan wrote:
I haven't picked a role yet, but I've got a bit to think about it.
If, halfway through RotR, you really miss giving blessings to your allies, Hedge Wizard Ezren will be waiting for you. :)

Interestingly, in the first scenario we played, I acquired 3 blessings, so I didn't feel at a loss at all.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Eliandra Giltessan wrote:
I thought about adding from the character add-on deck, but that felt wrong somehow. I'm sure we'll work it out. Or we'll all die. One of those.

But without the Character Add-On Deck, you won't have the Deathbane Light Crossbow + 1 for CD Ezren's sole weapon spot! (Incidentally, I just bought the bundle of Pathfinder Adventures last night, and was quite happy when it dropped as one of the party's earned random weapons after the Poison Pill)

Mummy's Mask Ezren is the best!

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