Viliym |
Belabras wrote:
It is listed as a weakness for Akatas, but I've never been very clear how you might deploy it as a weapon. Maybe treat thrown salt like Holy Water vs Evil Outsiders?
I believe 1lb of salt is treated as an Acid Flask, mechanically. So either fill an empty flask, or a sack, and you should be good.
Murdock Mudeater |
Belabras wrote:
It is listed as a weakness for Akatas, but I've never been very clear how you might deploy it as a weapon. Maybe treat thrown salt like Holy Water vs Evil Outsiders?
Regarding Giant Slugs, they say to treat "a handful of salt" as an acid flask, which is oddly written, as the giant slugs are immune to acid. 1d6 points of damage (with probably splash damage as normal). Unclear if it is considered an improvised attack or not.
Though as for weapon uses, you could very easily use it to herd or wall off an area from giant slugs, since even a handful does quite a bit of damage.