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Greetings, simple question- Do Metamagic Rods fit into the Spring-loaded Wristsheaths?
I have a character that i've decided will benefit from some MetaMagic, and he has a Spring-Loaded Wrist Sheath with a nearly expended Ping'o-Stick.
Being able the "quick draw" the rod would come in handy when he needs it.

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I think they probably do not fit in a wrist sheath. But Rods are described as often counting as a mace, so your GM might allow you to use Quick Draw with them. If so, the Scabbard of Many Blades specifically works with Rods, so that's probably your best option to be able to switch between several different ones.

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The sheath can hold one forearm length item, such as a dagger, dart, or wand, or up to five arrows or crossbow bolts.
Rods weigh approximately 5 pounds. They range from 2 feet to 3 feet long and are usually made of iron or some other metal.
I personally don't allow metamagic rods in wrist sheaths. They're much heavier and bulkier than the examples we're given.
Although I did encounter a player at PaizoCon this year who claimed that his previous GMs were fine with it, so you may encounter table variation.

Gilarius |

As a sometime GM, I wouldn't allow it to work. For the same reason that I wouldn't allow a character to 'hold' multiple wands or rods simultaneously - the time spent switching between rods/wands is factored into their costs, and acts a penalty on the spellcaster's actions to be able to use different ones.
My current GM has, however, allowed our characters to get Tattoos of metamagic rods, using the Inscribe Magical Tattoos feat. His reasoning is that there is a penalty to using tattoo versions in that we can't swap rods between ourselves and therefore everyone that wants eg a Rod of Quicken has to buy it.
I think it's cheesy, but it hasn't stopped me doing it when I have permission!

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My current GM has, however, allowed our characters to get Tattoos of metamagic rods, using the Inscribe Magical Tattoos feat. His reasoning is that there is a penalty to using tattoo versions in that we can't swap rods between ourselves and therefore everyone that wants eg a Rod of Quicken has to buy it.
This is a PFS Sorcerer, and Inscribed Magical Tattoo isn't legal in PFS.
The MetaMagic Rod in question is Selective, Lesser- and as an 8th lvl caster, he can't take it as a Feat.
Why Selective? He's a control/Enchantment based Sorcerer. I want to Deep Slumber when my party is in the fray.
It's also one of the overlooked MetaMagics.

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It's really the action economy that's the issue for a Sorcerer, because using a Selective Metamagic Rod turns the spell into a Full-Round Action casting time. So waiting until a round when you want to cast an area effect spell to take the Rod out is an issue (unless you have Quick Draw, which I think should work with a rod). If this is going to be a primary tactic for you, then I'd suggest walking around in any situation where you expect trouble with the Metamagic Rod already drawn. Like Artifix suggests, you could just treat it as a walking stick.
At one point I was thinking about making a Cleric build that actually fought with a Metamagic Rod as his main weapon, wielding it as a mace. But enchanting it as a weapon is an issue for PFS, and even casting Magic Weapon on it is a little questionable.

Doki-Chan |

Different approach: use a Glove of Storing...?
Then making it "appear/disappear" is a free action.

Artifix |

I realize this is a bit of a necro, but I must ask.
Can you use metamagic rods while they are shrunk by Shrink Item? Also do you need to hold metamagic rods to use them? If not you can just put a bunch in the Hollow Pommel of a dagger that you put into the Spring-Loaded Wrist Sheath. Don't forget to permanency the shrunk items so that you can endlessly shrink them.