Cleveland RNC 2016

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Liberty's Edge

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So, Day 1;

Signs for the "White elevators" are quickly taken down.

Antonio Sabato declares jihad, saying that Muslims are the "bad side" opposed to 'our' Christian side and that President Obama is a Muslim.

Steve King explains how white christian civilization is superior to all other 'subgroups' and responsible for most cultural progress.

Melania plagiarizes Michelle and rickrolls the audience

All in all... Melania was the GOP class act for the day.

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You forgot Rudy G whup-en-em-up and Scott Baio shaming poor people.

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So all the usual suspects are now simply denying there was any plagiarism. Textbook big lie.

Coincidence. It's a thing.

Personally, my guess is that a scriptwriter had copied the text from other speeches - maybe to analyze it, see what they could pluck out without SOUNDING like they plucked it out - and accidentally left it in because they got distracted.

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Kryzbyn wrote:

Coincidence. It's a thing.


But this isn't it.

Rednal wrote:
Personally, my guess is that a scriptwriter had copied the text from other speeches - maybe to analyze it, see what they could pluck out without SOUNDING like they plucked it out - and accidentally left it in because they got distracted.

Quite possibly. But at best that makes the plagiarism inadvertent.

In any event, if that is what happened, they should just say that, instead of doubling down on an obvious lie.

Grand Lodge

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The last line of Melania's speech suggests that she might have been "Rick-Rolled":

"He will never give up. And most importantly, he will never let you down"

If you're going to plagiarize something... Why end it by at least partially plagiarizing Rick Astley at the same time??

I think someone was messing with her and "The Donald"!

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Trump's whole campaign has been based on doing outrageous things and refusing to apologize for them. I'm not surprised that they would double down on a lie.

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Rednal wrote:
Trump's whole campaign has been based on doing outrageous things and refusing to apologize for them. I'm not surprised that they would double down on a lie.

True. Why risk honesty at this point?

bugleyman wrote:

In any event, if that is what happened, they should just say that, instead of doubling down on an obvious lie.

Why change what's working so far, or have you not seen any of this campaign :) ?

Sovereign Court

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I just think it's funny that people are making such a big deal out of it in this case.

Most politicians have been accused of plagiarism at one time or another - including both the current President and VP. And in many cases it's probably at least partially true - where the writers looked over previous successful speeches for inspiration etc.

Liberty's Edge

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'"Talking to operatives here, the mood is something between grim resignation and the Donner Party," said veteran GOP consultant Mike Murphy on Tuesday morning.'

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bugleyman wrote:
Rednal wrote:
Personally, my guess is that a scriptwriter had copied the text from other speeches - maybe to analyze it, see what they could pluck out without SOUNDING like they plucked it out - and accidentally left it in because they got distracted.

Quite possibly. But at best that makes the plagiarism inadvertent.

In any event, if that is what happened, they should just say that, instead of doubling down on an obvious lie.

Well, if we're going by "should", Trump should fold his campaign now and apologize to the Republican Party, the American people and possibly the entire human race.

But we're well past "should".

And as CBDunkerson said, the plagiarism was the high point of the night. Many of the original speeches were far worse. If anything the furor over the plagiarism just distracts from the real problems.

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Rednal wrote:
Trump's whole campaign has been based on doing outrageous things and refusing to apologize for them. I'm not surprised that they would double down on a lie.

They're gaslighting us and it's working

From Nate Silver:
Clinton’s Lead Is As Safe As Kerry’s Was In 2004

You remember President Kerry, right?

Charon's Little Helper wrote:

I just think it's funny that people are making such a big deal out of it in this case.

Most politicians have been accused of plagiarism at one time or another - including both the current President and VP. And in many cases it's probably at least partially true - where the writers looked over previous successful speeches for inspiration etc.

It doesn't bother me as an ethical breach. That simply isn't a big deal to me.

It's remarkable because it reflects on how the Trump campaign operates, functionally. This is one of the most high-profile speeches of the year for the campaign and the party, and somehow they managed to plagiarize an entire paragraph talking about hard work and integrity from their opposing team's analogue. I'm sure the question on every RNC staffer's mind this morning is, "How could this have even happened?"

Liberty's Edge

Well, Trump is a highly skilled and accomplished con artist, so I have to wonder if Melania's speech was supposed to be a distraction.

thejeff wrote:
And as CBDunkerson said, the plagiarism was the high point of the night. Many of the original speeches were far worse. If anything the furor over the plagiarism just distracts from the real problems.

Sure, but those real problems are nothing new. I think the plagiarism is important because it is a very simple and clear-cut case of the campaign engaging in a bald-faced lie.

Then again, this really wouldn't be the first time, would it?

Wow. Hard to believe that's a rational viewpoint.
Not to mention the irony of speculating about whether or not Hilary Clinton's opponent could be outright lying, when we know for sure she does.

I understand the dislike of Trump. 100%. I also understand the desire to snarkily cut apart his entire platform or anything else he or another Republican does. But this seems like Trump GRAR to me.

He's gonna get the nomination. It sucks, but it is what it is. Just watch the GOP (continue to?) implode and enjoy the ride.

Sovereign Court

CrystalSeas wrote:
Rednal wrote:
Trump's whole campaign has been based on doing outrageous things and refusing to apologize for them. I'm not surprised that they would double down on a lie.

They're gaslighting us and it's working

From Nate Silver:
Clinton’s Lead Is As Safe As Kerry’s Was In 2004

You remember President Kerry, right?

Meh - presidents almost always get their 2nd term.

The only two times it didn't happen post WWII (before that the politics were too different to be very relevant now) -

1. Carter: Weak candidate. He had issues both foreign and economic. Massive inflation. The Iran thing. Plus he was up against Regan - no matter what you think of his policies, he was a great campaigner.

2. Bush Sr: "Read my lips" didn't help, but mostly in that case Perot played spoiler and helped Clinton win because the bulk of Perot voters would have otherwise voted for Bush.

Though it should also be noted - unless the current President is super popular (see Regan again) the White House generally switches parties when a President leaves office. Though I think Trump has a good chance to screw that up for the Republicans.

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bugleyman wrote:
So all the usual suspects are now simply denying there was any plagiarism.

And I agree. It isn't plagiarism if the parts that you copy without acknowledgment reflect your own thoughts. On a completely unrelated note, I'd like to announce the publication of my new book, The Art of the Really Good Deal, which reflects many of my thoughts. I'll be writing it tonight. Check for it on Amazon tomorrow.

bugleyman wrote:

Then again, this really wouldn't be the first time, would it?

It's less the plagurism itself and more of who it's from. It highlights how the republicans have an immense pile or irrational hate for people for NO reason. (or well, one smear the opposition)

18 people marked this as a favorite.

Donald trump is the ontological manifestation of the republican party, the quintessential modern republican made flesh.

It's a party devoted to making the rich richer

It's a party devoted to the false narrative that the rich are richer because they're harder working, more moral, and all around better than poor people so that we can make the rich richer. Pretend that they were born not rich and just got a "small" 10 million dollar loan from dad, followed up by dad giving him the entire company. It's entirely a coincidence that Donald Trump is a billionaire real estate mogul who's father just happened to be... a billionaire real estate mogul.

It's a party devoted to to the idea that poor people are poor, lazy, and stupid because helping them would cost the rich money, and to convince the middle class that their money is going down instead of up. Don't mind the billions of dollars of tax payer and retirement fund dollars I'm skimming here, that black welfare mother has cookies!

It's a party built around the idea that government is bad, because government gets in the way of rich people being richer. Except those parts of big government that help the rich get richer, like the military, corrupt business practices hiding behind bankruptcy laws, and eminent domain, those are fine.

It's a party that needs irrational hate, anger, and fear to survive because its ideas die under any kind of rational scrutiny and minorities of all types make a great scapegoat.

It's a party that's anti science, anti fact, anti reason, and anti media because all of these point out what a pile of horsefeathers their policies are.

They made this orange monster. It was inside them entire time. that thin layer of skin hiding it was going to rip eventually.

Donald trump is the candidate the republican party deserves, and the candidate it needs to start taking a good look at, because its a pretty damned accurate mirror.

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I know that some here like to joke about the current political situation, and some (see above) use a mild amount of humor to make serious points, while some also are very serious.

I don't like to be too serious on these boards, but I just want to say that for the first time in my life (I am fifty two years old) I am really frightened.There is such an irrational hatred for Hillary Clinton (Oh My God, she lies, not like all the other politicians who are all so noble and perpetually honest), she caused Benghazi (no she didn't)) and on and on, that I really think that Trump, who in my opinion is a narcissistic monster, will be our president, and that it will be, all kidding aside, a real catastrophe for this country.

Sovereign Court

Terquem wrote:
who in my opinion is a narcissistic monster,

I just want to pop in and point out (a bit cynically) that that's not really different from other politicians either. :P

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BigNorseWolf wrote:

Donald trump is the ontological manifestation of the republican party, the quintessential modern republican made flesh.

It's a party devoted to making the rich richer

It's a party devoted to the false narrative that the rich are richer because they're harder working, more moral, and all around better than poor people so that we can make the rich richer. Pretend that they were born not rich and just got a "small" 10 million dollar loan from dad, followed up by dad giving him the entire company. It's entirely a coincidence that Donald Trump is a billionaire real estate mogul who's father just happened to be... a billionaire real estate mogul.

It's a party devoted to to the idea that poor people are poor, lazy, and stupid because helping them would cost the rich money, and to convince the middle class that their money is going down instead of up. Don't mind the billions of dollars of tax payer and retirement fund dollars I'm skimming here, that black welfare mother has cookies!

It's a party built around the idea that government is bad, because government gets in the way of rich people being richer. Except those parts of big government that help the rich get richer, like the military, corrupt business practices hiding behind bankruptcy laws, and eminent domain, those are fine.

It's a party that needs irrational hate, anger, and fear to survive because its ideas die under any kind of rational scrutiny and minorities of all types make a great scapegoat.

It's a party that's anti science, anti fact, anti reason, and anti media because all of these point out what a pile of horsefeathers their policies are.

They made this orange monster. It was inside them entire time. that thin layer of skin hiding it was going to rip eventually.

Donald trump is the candidate the republican party deserves, and the candidate it needs to start taking a good look at, because its a pretty damned accurate mirror.

I literally couldn't have said it better myself. And if you know me, you know that's painful thing for me to admit. ;-)

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Charon's Little Helper wrote:
Terquem wrote:
who in my opinion is a narcissistic monster,
I just want to pop in and point out (a bit cynically) that that's not really different from other politicians either. :P

It's a different scale. It really is. It's fashionable to be cynical about politicians and much of it is deserved, but Trump isn't really a politician. He's a con man.

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I'm not a Republican, but I feel the urge to defend them, if only a little. BNW is kinda repeating what Vox, The Daily Kos etc have been saying for a while now. However, I'd like to point out that, like all political parties throughout American history, the GOP has kinda been hijacked by its more...extreme? wing. There are lots of Republicans who can't stand Trump and in fact its a big news topic right now that so many are staying home and not attending the convention.

You gotta remember, Trump was elected in a primary system that rewards going as nuts as possible to "bring out the base" and then when he had to split the vote he was pulling 15-20% of primary voters who in most cases are registered Republicans. It was only once most of his substantive opponents dropped out (super Tuesday) that he starting pulling 50+% of registered Republicans (who bothered to vote in the Primary).

TL/DR Trump is an a~~#$%*, and reflective of some Republican voters but not really reflective of the party's (supposed) stances and ideology.

*I use supposed because the last time a Republican was in the Oval Office he did so many non Republican things its kinda difficult to pin down exactly where their stances lay on non social issues..

Sovereign Court

GM Niles wrote:

It was only once most of his substantive opponents dropped out (super Tuesday) that he starting pulling 50+% of registered Republicans (who bothered to vote in the Primary).

*also not a Republican -

Also of note along the same lines: Even late-game Cruz actually was winning the closed primary states where only registered Republicans were allowed to vote. Trump won the states with open primaries where anyone could show up.

(Not that I'm a big fan of Cruz either.)

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The plagiarism stuff I think is a little overblown about Melania's speech. I mean the lines are pretty generic about working hard and learning that and teaching it. I think the real point folks should focus on is how devoid of substance the speech was. Nothing personal, nothing beyond basic talking points, nothing that hasn't been said a bazillion times. Kind of like Trumps entire platform. Who could vote for this?

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GM Niles wrote:
I'm not a Republican, but I feel the urge to defend them, if only a little. BNW is kinda repeating what Vox, The Daily Kos


However, I'd like to point out that, like all political parties throughout American history, the GOP has kinda been hijacked by its more...extreme? wing.


With the republican party for as long as i've been alive I has been about two things.

1) How do we make the rich richer
2) What do we use to make people vote against their self interests like that?

If the republicans are stirring up anti LGBT sentiments, pushing government endorsement of christian religion, and exacerbating racial tensions it is because those things get people to vote republican so that republicans can make the rich richer. In short, if it wasn't a popular sentiment in their base they wouldn't do it. That it's working this well and this openly means that the base, not just a corrupt few at the top, have some serious issues.

TL/DR Trump is an a!$#!@*, and reflective of some Republican voters but not really reflective of the party's (supposed) stances and ideology.

The entire point of the post is that the supposed is a pile of... well I think it would be unfair to the bull to compare it's perfectly usable organic fertilizer to the alleged republican party values.

The sanctity of marriage.... so sacred both newt gingrich and trump did it 3/4 times.

Small government...but we want a huge military, outlaw pornography as a public health risk, and support the police being able to search people without a warrant. But only if they're black.

Fiscal responsibility... but only when a democrat is in the white house. When we're in we'll tax cut like there's no tommorow and put wars on the credit card.

Personal accountability: But let's bail out wallstreet after their risky behavior crashed the economy and then put the intern in prison just so we can say ONE guy went to prison over it.

Freedom of religion!... freedom of that smaller government to have a religion that just happens to be christianity and encourage it among people.

Americans first!... oh wait. you mean we'd have to pay americans fair wages to do our lawns, program our computers, and go to medical school? More h1n1 visa's please.

*I use supposed because the last time a Republican was in the Oval Office he did so many non Republican things


He did many republican things. He did many things republicans SAY they're not for. That the two are different is the entire point.

its kinda difficult to pin down exactly where their stances lay on non social issues..

It's easy, it's in a giant pile of money.

Plagiarism is never overblown.

captain yesterday wrote:
Plagiarism is never overblown.

Plagiarism is never overblown-BNW

I know I'd be livid if they wrote an AP set in Galt and the whole thing was GALT!!!!!! over and over again.

Man, if only there were a party that combined actual fiscal responsibility and individual liberties.

BNW I'm not gonna argue with you bro. Like I said, I felt the need to defend the GOP, but only a little. One post is all I can handle before I start feeling dirty.

Also, Plagiarism is only important to people who value distinct individual thought and not groupthink. TBH, I care less about the plagiarism and more about the Rickroll. The Rickroll is a clue in my opinion. A clue that this whole thing is an elaborate joke, and by whole thing I mean the entire Trump candidacy.

I'll be looking for similar things in the other Trump family speeches this week.

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GM Niles wrote:
Man, if only there were a party that combined actual fiscal responsibility and individual liberties.

If only there were a VIABLE party. The only way Libertarians become viable in a two-party system is by replacing the Republicans.

Can we get on with that already?

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GM Niles wrote:

I'm not a Republican, but I feel the urge to defend them, if only a little. BNW is kinda repeating what Vox, The Daily Kos etc have been saying for a while now. However, I'd like to point out that, like all political parties throughout American history, the GOP has kinda been hijacked by its more...extreme? wing. There are lots of Republicans who can't stand Trump and in fact its a big news topic right now that so many are staying home and not attending the convention.

You gotta remember, Trump was elected in a primary system that rewards going as nuts as possible to "bring out the base" and then when he had to split the vote he was pulling 15-20% of primary voters who in most cases are registered Republicans. It was only once most of his substantive opponents dropped out (super Tuesday) that he starting pulling 50+% of registered Republicans (who bothered to vote in the Primary).

TL/DR Trump is an a&&%!@+, and reflective of some Republican voters but not really reflective of the party's (supposed) stances and ideology.

*I use supposed because the last time a Republican was in the Oval Office he did so many non Republican things its kinda difficult to pin down exactly where their stances lay on non social issues..

Well, that's the trouble. If you discount the current party base and what the last Republican in the Oval Office did, you're left defending the Republican Party of 15 years ago. Maybe the party's (supposed) stances and ideology aren't really like that any more? From what I can tell from polling, there was a large exodus from the actual Republican Party to Independent (but still Republican leaning) at the end of the Bush years. The Tea Party movement drove more moderate Republicans away, but fired up the remaining more extreme base.

Honestly though, the shift has been gradual and has been going on for much longer than that. So what era of the Republican Party do you want to defend? Gingrich? Reagan? Nixon?

As for the primary, yeah, how you described it is basically accurate. But throughout the primary, the extreme wing was dominant. The "substantive" candidates who dropped out early couldn't keep up with the extremists. And it's not just that they were splitting the vote, because when they dropped out, that vote didn't consolidate behind the more substantive ones left. Most of it went to Trump. That's how he got to 50%.

It's as BNW said - the Republican Party built this. They've been pushing the anti-government sentiment since Reagan and race and other hatreds since Civil Rights and Nixon's Southern Strategy. They've finally got a demagogue who's willing to say openly what they've been hinting at for years. And a fired up base ecstatic to hear someone "tell it like it is".
The reason the Republican establishment politicians are running away from him isn't that they're horrified by what he's saying, it's that they're horrified he's saying it out loud. Which is also why they can't criticize him too strongly - they rely on the same voters who love him. They just that that being too open about it hurts them outside the base voters.

I'll quote Jeb Bush again back in the aftermath of 2104: A Republican candidate would need to "lose the primary to win the general".

6 people marked this as a favorite.
GM Niles wrote:
Man, if only there were a party that combined actual fiscal responsibility and individual liberties.

That's the Democratic Party.

Actual fiscal responsibility is not the same as austerity and tax cuts.

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bugleyman wrote:
GM Niles wrote:
Man, if only there were a party that combined actual fiscal responsibility and individual liberties.

If only there were a VIABLE party. The only way Libertarians become viable in a two-party system is by replacing the Republicans.

Can we get on with that already?

Nor does the Libertarian Party combine "actual fiscal responsibility and individual liberties". "Government shouldn't" isn't always the answer to either. Libertarians support individual liberty as far as the free market will do so. If it doesn't, well government still shouldn't interfere.

And didn't we just dissect Gary Johnson's proposed tax measures and spending cuts? Or was that a different thread?

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Idk, but an article from 2012 making the rounds again:

The Gary Johnson Swindle and the Degradation of Third Party Politics

Also, fun article about the Democrats as the party of individual liberties:

Democrats 'no fly, no buy' sit-in bolsters racist, ineffective, and arbitrary surveillance of Muslims

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

Idk, but an article from 2012 making the rounds again:

The Gary Johnson Swindle and the Degradation of Third Party Politics

Also, fun article about the Democrats as the party of individual liberties:

Democrats 'no fly, no buy' sit-in bolsters racist, ineffective, and arbitrary surveillance of Muslims

I keep forgetting to always refer to Johnson as "Former Republican Governor Gary Johnson", but that article makes it clear just how little that "Former" means.

As for the Democrats, let's say "better on individual liberties than Republicans, if not actually that great." My point being that the stereotype of Republicans as fiscally responsible is wrong and someone concerned with both that and individual liberties shouldn't be torn between which of the major parties they support, unless by fiscally responsible they just mean tax and spending cuts. Whether even the Democrats are good enough on either issue is a separate question.

thejeff wrote:
Nor does the Libertarian Party combine "actual fiscal responsibility and individual liberties".

I'm not saying I agree that it does. Their beliefs, however, seem to have the virtue of not being inherently contradictory, unlike the Repulican Party's (Get government out of our lives...but ban euthanasia!) YMMV.

P.S. punctuation marks always go inside quotation marks. :)

bugleyman wrote:
thejeff wrote:
Nor does the Libertarian Party combine "actual fiscal responsibility and individual liberties".

I'm not saying I agree that it does. Their beliefs, however, seem to have the virtue of not being inherently contradictory, unlike the Repulican Party's (Get government out of our lives...but ban euthanasia!) YMMV.

P.S. punctuation marks always go inside quotation marks. :)

Hey hey hey!!! Watch it now. This is a thread about the Republican Party, not punctuation. Take it elsewhere or start a new thread about punctuation! ~grins and runs~

bugleyman wrote:

P.S. punctuation marks always go inside quotation marks. :)

It's a rule I'm happy to break. If it's in the quotation marks, it should be part of the quote, not something I've added.

Most obvious with question marks: Who said "Brevity is the soul of wit?"

Sovereign Court

thejeff wrote:
GM Niles wrote:
Man, if only there were a party that combined actual fiscal responsibility and individual liberties.

That's the Democratic Party.

Actual fiscal responsibility is not the same as austerity and tax cuts.

No. Just no.

No single party controlled federal gov has been truly fiscally responsible since Coolidge.

The 90's had a balanced budget due to a combination of a two-party deadlock where they shut down each-others' ideas and the tech boom bringing in more tax money than anyone expected. (The entitlement tweak of the early 90's helped some.)

(Also - neither of the big two actually like all individual liberties much. They just disagree on which ones they want to take away.)

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thejeff wrote:
I'll quote Jeb Bush again back in the aftermath of 2104: A Republican candidate would need to "lose the primary to win the general".

I know this is a typo, but given the way the Bush dynasty has been going on for decades with little end in sight, I can't help imagining a dystopian future where the great great grandkids of various late 1990's politicians are still running for office.

curls into fetal position and hides under couch

HA! When I typed "define: " into google to figure out the first sentence of BNW's post, the auto-fill was HILARIOUS! Apparently, we aren't the only ones who noticed issues with Trumps speech.

Liberty's Edge

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Charon's Little Helper wrote:

No. Just no.

No single party controlled federal gov has been truly fiscally responsible since Coolidge.

The 90's had a balanced budget due to a combination of a two-party deadlock where they shut down each-others' ideas and the tech boom bringing in more tax money than anyone expected.

Setting aside the questionable accuracy of that assesment of the 90s...

balanced budget != fiscally responsible

Most of the time you either want to be running a deficit to fund growth or a surplus to pay off debt. The instances when you would actually want government receipts to equal outlays will be few and far between.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
CBDunkerson wrote:
Charon's Little Helper wrote:

No. Just no.

No single party controlled federal gov has been truly fiscally responsible since Coolidge.

The 90's had a balanced budget due to a combination of a two-party deadlock where they shut down each-others' ideas and the tech boom bringing in more tax money than anyone expected.

Setting aside the questionable accuracy of that assesment of the 90s...

balanced budget != fiscally responsible

Most of the time you either want to be running a deficit to fund growth or a surplus to pay off debt. The instances when you would actually want government receipts to equal outlays will be few and far between.

Exactly. Fiscally responsible isn't what many think it is. Nowhere near so simple as "balanced budget".

I'd argue that you really want to be funding growth, pretty much regardless. Paying off debt is mostly irrelevant, if you're growing the economy.

Now, you might want to pay down the debt in cases where you want to cool off the economy, to keep a bubble from blowing up, for example, but again that's actually economic policy, not for the purpose of paying off debt.

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We're spending a lot of money just to finance the debt, how would spending that money elsewhere not be a good thing?

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