How do I give sneak attacks to an adjacent rogue?


I'm interested going the body guard route with my Oradin tank in an upcoming campaign, and I just found out that the only other melee will be a rogue.

Is there a way for me to trigger the rogues sneak attack while adjacent, or should I give up on the body guard idea?

If there are teamwork feats, or a feat/rogue talent that would work I'd be interested in those as well, so we can discuss the idea.

Gang Up feat

Gang Up allows the user to flank if two allies are adjacent.

Ask a caster to summon monsters. Either in a flanking position of just to meet the requirements for Gang Up.

Dirty Trick: blind your opponent.

There are several feats that can give you free movement, allowing you to flank consistently.

Gang Up would help the rogue if the your party's got one more melee character (maybe an animal companion).

Sovereign Court

Get Greater Feint.

Liberty's Edge

You could just knock out the opponent, unconscious enemies are denied their dexterity... but more seriously dirty trick or greater feint should work to deny dexterity to enemies.

EDIT -agghh ninja'd.

I think dirty trick wouldn't work well for a paladin. Gang up may work, not sure what kind of build the caster will have, but summoning may work.

It not so much about movement speed being limiting, it's about trying to keep the rogue adjacent so I can use bodyguard for AC

Neils Bohr wrote:

I think dirty trick wouldn't work well for a paladin. Gang up may work, not sure what kind of build the caster will have, but summoning may work.

It not so much about movement speed being limiting, it's about trying to keep the rogue adjacent so I can use bodyguard for AC

An Oradin of Battle can have a hellishly effective combat maneuver.

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