tying Character Background into the meta-plot

Pathfinder Society

Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Just curious if anyone else has done this.

I'm looking at the Vigilante, and kind of doing it backwards. My character's vigilante identity is his 'real' identity, he was a Pathfinder in training who lost friends in Siege of Serpents. As such he's sworn personal revenge on the Aspis, and cultivated a 'civilian' identity for those times he needs to be subtle. Basically Warlock by day, businessman by night.

anyone else done similar with the meta-plot? New PC was all gung-ho for the Shadow Lodge, then it went sideways, Follower of Lysalla who joined after season 4, etc etc.

Silver Crusade 5/5

"I escaped Starfall when I was still pretty young, after the Technic League's mechanical monstrosities murdered my family and burned down our inn just because a few guests turned out to be Pathfinders investigating the Silver Mount. Luckily I had some friends in town who helped get me out...but trouble found me again recently. But my training since then paid off. I became strong enough to fight them, and now I take the battle to the robots."

Liberty's Edge 5/5

It wasn't me, but I saw a PC (or maybe two PCs?) locally whos backstory is that they

came out of the tapestry
during Siege of Serpents.

4/5 *

My fetchling PC has a similar tale, having been left behind after a particularly disastrous event at PaizoCon. As long as you don't try to anticipate future events, or try to "be" a key NPC or something, you should be fine. It's a great way to bring more lore to the table!

Sovereign Court 4/5

GM Lamplighter wrote:
My fetchling PC has a similar tale, having been left behind after a particularly disastrous event at PaizoCon. As long as you don't try to anticipate future events, or try to "be" a key NPC or something, you should be fine. It's a great way to bring more lore to the table!

Just don't bring them to a funeral without an explanation of human customs surrounding the dead.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 **

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My Gripli came from the tribe that Pathfinders saved in

Scions of the Sky Key, Part 1: Kaava Quary
. He left the Mwangi Expanse and joined the Pathfinders after seeing their heroic efforts and from a desire to see the world.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

My Ratfolk necromancer is one of the last surviving members of the tribe that (formerly) inhabited


Sovereign Court 5/5

That's classified.

Sovereign Court

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I have a Fighter who is

one of the many duplicates of Adril Hestram.

Dark Archive 5/5

When the good Pathfinders came to Arl, the strongest wizard in the society picked me as her apprentice! Now she's training me to be a really strong wizard, and some day she's going to show me her spellbook!

My ratfolk boon went on to an Ysoki arcanist from Akiton who is the protege of my dragon disciple, joining her during the post-victory celebrations in Arl.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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The louder you insist that your character is just a lowly begger the more they will insist that you are Drendle Drang.

Grand Lodge *

trollbill wrote:
My Gripli came from the tribe that Pathfinders saved in ** spoiler omitted **. He left the Mwangi Expanse and joined the Pathfinders after seeing their heroic efforts and from a desire to see the world.

my father was nearly killed when the aspis tried to convince the elders to turn over a key. When the Pathfinders rescued our huntsman by chasing off the aspis, Wiem Weems joined them

in part three.
Sovereign Court 5/5 5/55/55/5

Taking levels of paladin on a swashbuckler was something I was considering, but didn't fit the character.

Then the worldwound metaplot came about, and taldor moved from a bunch of fop nobles to something with a true sense of noblesse obligee which made it a natural progression for the character.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

I have a few:

* A former crewmember of the Hydra's Fang who mutinied just before the ship came to Absalom

* A former agent of Dakar who switched sides during City of Strangers. She's yet to meet Dakar though.

* A Harbinger wizard who joined during the Sky Key Solution

* My snowcaster was the one who brought the tea set featured in Penumbral Accords from lady Amara(first time she is mentioned btw), worked as a liaison between the two lodges(grand and lantern) and was a Lantern Lodge member who never really joined the Society proper until the end of Way of the Kirin.

5/5 5/55/55/5

I should make this guy a character, just haven't needed a human rogue.

The party was interrupting some "perfectly legitimate businessmen" and wanted information about their boss. Being pathfinders, there was an intimidate check involved and the party said "we only need one of you alive. How about rock scissor paper?"

Rogue 1 turns to rogue 2. "Rock" and beats him on the head with it, and tells the party everything.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 ****

Benevolence is an Abadarian Wealth Mage from times long past.

He was rescued from Krune's lair and has joined the Pathfinder Society since then.

Mechanically he is a Sin Mage (Greed) but follows the tenants of virtue and the weath that one deserves form hard work.

Silver Crusade 5/5

What? (maybe not EXACTLY the Meta-Plot - but everyone recognizes me)

After I found out how much that group of meddling kids got paid for "investigating" my House of Recovery, I decided there was lots more money, ah, I mean, a better future in becoming an adventurer myself. SO... I joined up. Best thing I've done sense taking in orphans, and a lot less work I tell you!

(glances around at the other people in the room)

anyone have a bottle opener, like for a bottle of beer?
(receiving a nod, excepting bottle opener)
anyone have a glass or something to drink a beer from?
(a glass is produced)
now, anyone have a bottle of beer?
(big grin)

Silver Crusade 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Benevolence wrote:

Benevolence is an Abadarian Wealth Mage from times long past.

He was rescued from Krune's lair and has joined the Pathfinder Society since then.

Mechanically he is a Sin Mage (Greed) but follows the tenants of virtue and the weath that one deserves form hard work.

We would appreciate it if he would stop following us around. It's a bit creepy, and we're considering filing a restraining order.

4/5 *

Well my bloodrager happens to be..


An Aasimar from the Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment. Once Pathfinders sussed out that it was all a sham, he went to the Society to find purpose.

The Exchange 1/5 5/5

"ARrrrr. Ye be tryin' t' sell me on th' horrors 'f th' Deep Black? Le'me tell y', nu'in m'r terrify'n than what's ou' thar!"

The pirate glances at folks. "Anyone go' grog?"

Juan NiFor 194was inspired by 322 (The Experiment) from Serpent's Rise(And a couple of Season 7 scenarios), and I took the additional step of checking with the author to make sure it was okay, first.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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We're not sure what happened to experiment 626 but the aspis consortium was NOT happy with that one.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 * Venture-Lieutenant, Florida—Jacksonville

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Hmmm.. let's see.

-My Warpriest (Simon Clarkson-Blackros) was given a field commission for his role in the Siege of the Diamond city where he saved a group of pathfinders after his unit was wiped out.

-My GS/Alch (Kyrie Ebonblade) is a 'legacy'. Her parents and theirs (for a few generations back) were all pathfinders of some type. Her parents names are on the Wall (which is why she wants to reap bloody vengeance on the consortium.
She's one of Torch's 'apprentices' and took his betrayal particularly hard. Again, she'd like to discuss his betray at length. (From about 500 ft with 'Piecemaker' her railgun)

-My 'Lust' Wizard (Sorc 1/Thass specialist 6, Cloren) is literally a freewiled clone of Sorshen (only a 'baseline human' not True Azlanti). My story is tied to the Shattered Star AP and that's all I'm saying.

Scarab Sages *

Aikio the Red was recruited when the Pathfinders were planning an excursion against the Worldwound. Her ability to turn fire spells into cold damage was an asset against demons. Their library was an asset to her fire skills which is why she is now 'the Red'.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

Duta is an envoy from the Rats of Round Mountain. After (now) VC Elsi Ambustiana came through with her guns, he left to make use of some himself, though he prefers a pepperbox from right next to you. He's also the round mountain ambassador to the sovereign court, but isn't very good at it.

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

Kakapo met pathfinders when they came through Whistledown! Now ze runs trade between Whistledown and the society. (Echoes of the Everwar... 3?)

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