Kobold Catgirl |
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Okay, everyone! We're always being told to be creative with our monsters—to change them, tinker, reskin, all so our players are surprised. That bodak isn't a weird scrawny smoky-eyed cone-headed alien thing, it's a hunched undead with huge white eyes and a big ol' smile. That troll isn't a green-skinned giant with an overbite, it's an human-looking old crone, towering, with sharp teeth and hideously elongated arms that hang down to her knees.
This isn't just to make metagaming harder. It's also to keep things interesting, to keep even seasoned veterans on their toes, and, of course, to stretch our own creative muscles!
You can randomly generate a monster, or just pick one—or tell us about a monster you reskinned in the past. For the generator, we're sticking to the first two Bestiaries for now, just to keep things 'simple'.
Get a monster, reskin it into something totally different, and post your results here! You can make some small stat changes, but try not to—that's not the point of the exercise.
Feel free to tinker with templates—you can use the example creature they give, or the template itself. Also feel free to mess around with how big an elemental or dragon is.
Look here if you don't recognize the monster. You'll have to look at the stats to reskin it, naturally.
By the way, make sure to close this spoiler when you're done. Seriously. You'll regret it otherwise.
1. Aasimar cleric 1
2. Aboleth
3. Achaierai
4. Aeon, Akhana
5. Aeon, Bythos
6. Aeon, Paracletus
7. Aeon, Pleroma
8. Aeon, Theletos
9. Agathion, Avoral
10. Agathion, Black Draconal
11. Agathion, Cetaceal
12. Agathion, Draconal
13. Agathion, Green Draconal
14. Agathion, Leonal
15. Agathion, Red Draconal
16. Agathion, Silvanshee
17. Agathion, Vulpinal
18. Agathion, White Draconal
19. Agathion, Yellow Draconal
20. Akata
21. Amoeba Swarm
22. Amoeba, Giant
23. Amphisbaena
24. Angel, Astral Deva
25. Angel, Cassisian
26. Angel, Monadic Deva
27. Angel, Movanic Deva
28. Angel, Planetar
29. Angel, Solar
30. Animate Dream
31. Animated Object
32. Ankheg
33. Ant, Giant (Drone)
34. Ant, Giant (Queen)
35. Ant, Giant (Soldier)
36. Ant, Giant (Worker)
37. Ape, Chimpanzee
38. Ape, Dire (Gigantopithecus)
39. Ape, Gorilla
40. Ape, Orangutan
41. Aranea
42. Archon, Hound
43. Archon, Lantern
44. Archon, Shield
45. Archon, Star
46. Archon, Trumpet
47. Army Ant Swarm
48. Assassin Vine
49. Athach
50. Attic Whisperer
51. Aurumvorax
52. Axiomite
53. Azata, Bralani
54. Azata, Brijidine
55. Azata, Ghaele
56. Azata, Lillend
57. Azata, Lyrakien
58. Azer
59. Badger
60. Badger, Dire
61. Banshee
62. Barghest
63. Barghest, Greater
64. Basidirond
65. Basilisk
66. Bat Swarm
67. Bat, Dire
68. Bat, Mobat
69. Bat, Skaveling
70. Bear, Black
71. Bear, Dire (Cave)
72. Bear, Grizzly
73. Bear, Polar
74. Bebilith
75. Bee, Giant
76. Bee, Giant Bumblebee
77. Bee, Giant Queen
78. Beetle, Bombardier
79. Beetle, Fire
80. Beetle, Flash
81. Beetle, Giant Stag
82. Beetle, Goliath
83. Beetle, Goliath Stag
84. Beetle, Mining
85. Beetle, Slicer
86. Behir
87. Belker
88. Black Pudding
89. Blindheim
90. Blink Dog
91. Blink Dog Sage
92. Boar
93. Boar, Dire (Daeodon)
94. Bodak
95. Boggard
96. Brownie
97. Bugbear
98. Bulette
99. Bunyip
100. Carnivorous Blob
101. Cat, Cheetah
102. Cat, Leopard
103. Catoblepas
104. Cave Fisher
105. Centaur
106. Centipede Swarm
107. Centipede, Giant
108. Chaos Beast
109. Charda
110. Charybdis
111. Chimera
112. Choker
113. Chupacabra
114. Chupacabra, Winged
115. Chuul
116. Cloaker
117. Cockatrice
118. Cockroach Swarm
119. Cockroach, Dragonroach
120. Cockroach, Giant
121. Cockroach, Giant Hissing
122. Cockroach, Sawback
123. Cockroach, Spitting
124. Cockroach, Venomroach
125. Couatl
126. Crab Swarm
127. Crab, Coconut
128. Crab, Giant
129. Crab, Great Reef Crab
130. Crab, King
131. Crab, Rock
132. Crab, Shark-Eating
133. Crab, Shipwrecker
134. Crawling Hand
135. Crawling Hand, Giant
136. Crocodile
137. Crocodile, Dire (Sarcosuchus)
138. Crypt Thing
139. Crysmal
140. Cyclops
141. D'ziriak
142. Daemon, Astradaemon
143. Daemon, Cacodaemon
144. Daemon, Ceustodaemon
145. Daemon, Derghodaemon
146. Daemon, Greater Ceustodaemon
147. Daemon, Hydrodaemon
148. Daemon, Lesser Ceustodaemon
149. Daemon, Leukodaemon
150. Daemon, Meladaemon
151. Daemon, Olethrodaemon
152. Daemon, Olethrodaemon Paragon
153. Daemon, Piscodaemon
154. Daemon, Purrodaemon
155. Daemon, Thanadaemon
156. Dark Creeper
157. Dark Slayer
158. Dark Stalker
159. Darkmantle
160. Death Worm
161. Decapus
162. Demon, Babau
163. Demon, Balor
164. Demon, Balor Lord
165. Demon, Dretch
166. Demon, Glabrezu
167. Demon, Hezrou
168. Demon, Kalavakus
169. Demon, Marilith
170. Demon, Nabasu
171. Demon, Nalfeshnee
172. Demon, Omox
173. Demon, Quasit
174. Demon, Shadow
175. Demon, Shemhazian
176. Demon, Succubus
177. Demon, Vrock
178. Demon, Vrolikai
179. Denizen of Leng
180. Derro
181. Destrachan
182. Devil, Accuser (Zebub)
183. Devil, Barbed (Hamatula)
184. Devil, Bearded (Barbazu)
185. Devil, Belier (Bdellavritra)
186. Devil, Bone (Osyluth)
187. Devil, Erinyes
188. Devil, Handmaiden (Gylou)
189. Devil, Horned (Cornugon)
190. Devil, Ice (Gelugon)
191. Devil, Immolation (Puragaus)
192. Devil, Imp
193. Devil, Lemure
194. Devilfish
195. Devourer
196. Dhampir fighter 1
197. Dinosaur, Allosaurus
198. Dinosaur, Ankylosaurus
199. Dinosaur, Brachiosaurus
200. Dinosaur, Compsognathus
201. Dinosaur, Deinonychus
202. Dinosaur, Dimetrodon
203. Dinosaur, Elasmosaurus
204. Dinosaur, Iguanodon
205. Dinosaur, Megaraptor
206. Dinosaur, Pachycephalosaurus
207. Dinosaur, Parasaurolophus
208. Dinosaur, Plesiosaurus
209. Dinosaur, Pteranodon
210. Dinosaur, Spinosaurus
211. Dinosaur, Stegosaurus
212. Dinosaur, Triceratops
213. Dinosaur, Tylorsaurus
214. Dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus
215. Dinosaur, Velociraptor
216. Dire Corby
217. Dire Corby, Dread
218. Disenchanter
219. Div, Aghash
220. Div, Akvan
221. Div, Akvan Prince (Djinn)
222. Div, Akvan Prince (Efreet)
223. Div, Akvan Prince (Jann)
224. Div, Akvan Prince (Marid)
225. Div, Akvan Prince (Shaitan)
226. Div, Doru
227. Div, Ghawwas
228. Div, Pairaka
229. Div, Sepid
230. Div, Shira
231. Dog
232. Dog, Riding
233. Dolphin
234. Dolphin, Orca
235. Doppelganger
236. Dracolisk
237. Dragon Horse
238. Dragon Turtle
239. Black Dragon
240. Blue Dragon
241. Brass Dragon
242. Brine Dragon
243. Bronze Dragon
244. Cloud Dragon
245. Copper Dragon
246. Crystal Dragon
247. Faerie Dragon
248. Gold Dragon
249. Green Dragon
250. Imperial Forest Dragon
251. Imperial Sea Dragon
252. Imperial Sky Dragon
253. Imperial Sovereign Dragon
254. Imperial Underground Dragon
255. Magma Dragon
256. Red Dragon
257. Silver Dragon
258. Umbral Dragon
259. White Dragon
260. Dragonfly, Giant
261. Dragonfly, Giant Nymph
262. Dragonne
263. Drake, Desert
264. Drake, Flame
265. Drake, Forest
266. Drake, Frost
267. Drake, Rift
268. Drake, River
269. Drake, Sea
270. Draugr
271. Draugr Captain
272. Drider
273. Drow Noble cleric 3
274. Drow warrior 1
275. Dryad
276. Duergar
277. Dullahan
278. Dullahan, Greater
279. Dust Digger
280. Dybbuk
281. Eagle
282. Eagle, Giant
283. Ecorche
284. Eel, Electric
285. Eel, Giant Moray
286. Eidolon, Unfettered
287. Air Elemental
288. Earth Elemental
289. Fire Elemental
290. Ice Elemental
291. Lightning Elemental
292. Magma Elemental
293. Mud Elemental
294. Water Elemental
295. Elephant
296. Elephant, Mastodon
297. Ettercap
298. Ettin
299. Faceless Stalker (Ugothol)
300. Familiar, Bat
301. Familiar, Cat
302. Familiar, Hawk
303. Familiar, Lizard
304. Familiar, Monkey
305. Familiar, Owl
306. Familiar, Rat
307. Familiar, Raven
308. Familiar, Toad
309. Familiar, Viper
310. Familiar, Weasel
311. Fetchling rogue 1
312. Fiendish bat
313. Fiendish cat
314. Fiendish hawk
315. Fiendish lizard
316. Fiendish monkey
317. Fiendish owl
318. Fiendish rat
319. Fiendish raven
320. Fiendish toad
321. Fiendish viper
322. Fiendish weasel
323. Fly, Giant
324. Flytrap, Giant
325. Forlarren
326. Frog, Giant
327. Frog, Poison
328. Froghemoth
329. Frost Worm
330. Fungal Crawler
331. Gar
332. Gar, Giant
333. Gargoyle
334. Gargoyle, Kapoacinth
335. Gelatinous Cube
336. Genie, Djinni
337. Genie, Djinni Vizier
338. Genie, Efreeti
339. Genie, Efreeti Malik
340. Genie, Janni
341. Genie, Janni Sheikh
342. Genie, Marid
343. Genie, Marid Shahzada
344. Genie, Shaitan
345. Genie, Shaitan Pasha
346. Ghost, Human Aristocrat 7
347. Ghoul
348. Ghoul, Ghast
349. Ghoul, Lacedon
350. Giant, Cloud
351. Giant, Fire
352. Giant, Frost
353. Giant, Hill
354. Giant, Marsh
355. Giant, Marsh Brineborn
356. Giant, Rune
357. Giant, Stone
358. Giant, Stone (Elder)
359. Giant, Storm
360. Giant, Taiga
361. Giant, Wood
362. Gibbering Mouther
363. Girallon
364. Girallon, High
365. Gloomwing
366. Gnoll
367. Goblin Dog
368. Goblin warrior 1
369. Golem, Adamantine
370. Golem, Alchemical
371. Golem, Carrion
372. Golem, Clay
373. Golem, Clockwork
374. Golem, Flesh
375. Golem, Glass
376. Golem, Ice
377. Golem, Iron
378. Golem, Mithral
379. Golem, Stone
380. Golem, Wood
381. Gorgon
382. Gray Ooze
383. Gray Ooze, Crystal
384. Gray Ooze, Id
385. Gray Render
386. Gremlin, Jinkin
387. Gremlin, Nuglub
388. Gremlin, Pugwampi
389. Gremlin, Vexgit
390. Grick
391. Grick, Jungle
392. Griffon
393. Grig
394. Grindylow
395. Grindylow, Giant
396. Grippli ranger 1
397. Gryph
398. Gug
399. Gug, Savant
400. Hag, Green
401. Hag, Night
402. Hag, Sea
403. Half-Celestial Unicorn
404. Half-Fiend Minotaur
405. Hangman Tree
406. Harpy
407. Hell Hound
408. Hell Hound, Nessian
409. Hellcat
410. Herd Animal, Aurochs
411. Herd Animal, Bison
412. Herd Animal, Camel
413. Herd Animal, Ram
414. Hippocampus
415. Hippocampus, Giant
416. Hippocampus, Polar
417. Hippogriff
418. Hippopotamus
419. Hippopotamus, Behemoth
420. Hobgoblin fighter 1
421. Homunculus
422. Horse
423. Horse, Heavy
424. Horse, Pony
425. Hound of Tindalos
426. Howler
427. Hydra
428. Cryohydra
429. Pyrohydra
430. Hydra, but with a special breath weapon
431. Hyena
432. Hyena, Dire (Hyaenodon)
433. Ifrit sorcerer 1
434. Inevitable, Arbiter
435. Inevitable, Kolyarut
436. Inevitable, Lhaksharut
437. Inevitable, Marut
438. Inevitable, Zelekhut
439. Intellect Devourer
440. Invisible Stalker
441. Iron Cobra
442. Iron Cobra, Adamantine
443. Iron Cobra, Cold Iron
444. Iron Cobra, Darkwood
445. Iron Cobra, Mithral
446. Jellyfish, Crimson
447. Jellyfish, Death's Head
448. Jellyfish, Giant
449. Jellyfish, Sapphire
450. Jellyfish, Swarm
451. Jellyfish, Vampire
452. Jellyfish, Whaler
453. Jyoti
454. Jellyfish, Crimson
455. Jellyfish, Death's Head
456. Jellyfish, Giant
457. Jellyfish, Sapphire
458. Jellyfish, Swarm
459. Jellyfish, Vampire
460. Jellyfish, Whaler
461. Jyoti
462. Lamia
463. Lamia Matriarch
464. Leech Swarm
465. Leech, Giant
466. Leng Spider
467. Leprechaun
468. Leucrotta
469. Leucrotta, Crocotta
470. Lich, Human Lich necromancer 11
471. Linnorm, Crag
472. Linnorm, Ice
473. Linnorm, Tarn
474. Lion
475. Lion, Dire (Spotted Lion)
476. Lizard, Giant Frilled
477. Lizard, Monitor
478. Lizardfolk
479. Locathah
480. Lurker in Light
481. Lycanthrope, Human natural wererat rogue 2
482. Lycanthrope, Human natural werewolf fighter 2
483. Lycanthrope, Werebear, human natural ranger 4
484. Lycanthrope, Wereboar, human natural barbarian 2
485. Lycanthrope, Weretiger, human natural rogue 4 Maggot, Giant
486. Mandragora
487. Manticore
488. Manticore, Chimera
489. Manticore, Dire Lion
490. Manticore, Lamia
491. Manticore, Sphinx
492. Mantis, Deadly
493. Mantis, Giant
494. Medusa
495. Megafauna, Arsinoitherium
496. Megafauna, Glyptodon
497. Megafauna, Megaloceros
498. Megafauna, Megatherium
499. Mephit, Air
500. Mephit, Dust
501. Mephit, Earth
502. Mephit, Fire
503. Mephit, Ice
504. Mephit, Magma
505. Mephit, Ooze
506. Mephit, Salt
507. Mephit, Steam
508. Mephit, Water
509. Mercane
510. Merfolk
511. Merrow, Freshwater
512. Merrow, Saltwater
513. Mihstu
514. Mimic
515. Minotaur
516. Mite
517. Mohrg
518. Mold, Russet
519. Mongrelman
520. Moonflower
521. Morlock
522. Mosquito Swarm
523. Mosquito, Giant
524. Mosquito, Goblin
525. Mosquito, Jungle
526. Mothman
527. Mu Spore
528. Mummy
529. Naga, Dark
530. Naga, Guardian
531. Naga, Spirit
532. Necrophidius
533. Neh-Thalggu
534. Neothelid
535. Nereid
536. Nightmare
537. Nightmare, Cauchemar
538. Nightshade, Nightcrawler
539. Nightshade, Nightwalker
540. Nightshade, Nightwave
541. Nightshade, Nightwing
542. Nymph
543. Ochre Jelly
544. Octopus
545. Octopus, Giant
546. Ogre
547. Ogrekin (Half-Ogre) fighter 2
548. Oni, Ogre Mage
549. Ooze, Brimstone
550. Ooze, Crystalline
551. Ooze, Magma
552. Ooze, Poisonous
553. Orc warrior 1
554. Oread fighter 1
555. Otyugh
556. Owlbear
557. Pech
558. Pegasus
559. Pegasus, Champion
560. Peryton
561. Petitioner, Chosen
562. Petitioner, Cleansed
563. Petitioner, Damned
564. Petitioner, Dead
565. Petitioner, Elect
566. Petitioner, Hunted
567. Petitioner, Larvae
568. Petitioner, Remade
569. Petitioner, Shapeless
570. Phase Spider
571. Phoenix
572. Phycomid
573. Pixie
574. Poltergeist
575. Primate, Baboon
576. Primate, Monkey Swarm
577. Protean, Imentesh
578. Protean, Keketar
579. Protean, Naunet
580. Protean, Voidworm
581. Pseudodragon
582. Purple Worm
583. Purple Worm, Aquatic
584. Purple Worm, Crimson
585. Qlippoth, Augnagar
586. Qlippoth, Chernobue
587. Qlippoth, Cythnigot
588. Qlippoth, Iathavos
589. Qlippoth, Nyogoth
590. Qlippoth, Shoggti
591. Qlippoth, Thulgant
592. Quickling
593. Quickwood
594. Rakshasa
595. Rast
596. Rat Swarm
597. Rat, Dire
598. Ravener, Red Wyrm
599. Ray, Manta
600. Ray, Stingray
601. Redcap
602. Reefclaw
603. Remorhaz
604. Retriever
605. Revenant
606. Rhinoceros
607. Rhinoceros, Wooly
608. Roc
609. Roper
610. Rust Monster
611. Sahuagin
612. Sahuagin, Malenti
613. Sahuagin, Mutant (Four-Armed)
614. Salamander
615. Sandman
616. Satyr
617. Scarecrow
618. Sceaduinar
619. Scorpion, Black
620. Scylla
621. Sea Serpent
622. Sea Serpent (Colossal)
623. Serpentfolk
624. Serpentfolk, Advanced
625. Serpentfolk, Degenerate
626. Seugathi
627. Shadow
628. Shadow, Greater
629. Shambling Mound
630. Shantak
631. Shark
632. Shark, Dire (Megalodon)
633. Shark, Great White
634. Shark, Hammerhead
635. Shark, Tiger
636. Shining Child
637. Shocker Lizard
638. Shoggoth
639. Sinspawn, Envyspawn
640. Sinspawn, Gluttonspawn
641. Sinspawn, Greedspawn
642. Sinspawn, Lustspawn
643. Sinspawn, Pridespawn
644. Sinspawn, Slothspawn
645. Sinspawn, Wrathspawn
646. Siren
647. Skeletal Champion, Human warrior 1
648. Skeleton, Bloody Human
649. Skeleton, Burning Human
650. Skeleton, Human
651. Skulk
652. Skum (Ulat-Kini)
653. Slime Mold
654. Slithering Tracker
655. Slug, Giant
656. Slurk
657. Snake, Anaconda
658. Snake, Anaconda (Huge)
659. Snake, Constrictor
660. Snake, Emperor Cobra
661. Snake, Giant Anaconda
662. Snake, King Cobra
663. Snake, Venomous
664. Solifugid, Albino Cave
665. Solifugid, Banshee
666. Solifugid, Dog-eating
667. Solifugid, Duneshaker
668. Solifugid, Giant
669. Solifugid, Razormouth
670. Solifugid, Yellow terror
671. Soul Eater
672. Soulbound Doll
673. Spectre
674. Sphinx, Gynosphinx
675. Spider, Giant
676. Spider, Swarm
677. Spriggan
678. Squid
679. Squid, Giant
680. Stirge
681. Svirfneblin ranger 1
682. Sylph rogue 1
683. Tane, Jabberwock
684. Tane, Jabberwock, Lesser
685. Tane, Sard
686. Tane, Thrasfyr
687. Tarrasque
688. Tendriculos
689. Tenebrous Worm
690. Tengu rogue 1
691. Tentamort
692. Tentamort, Greater
693. Thoqqua
694. Thunderbird
695. Tick Swarm
696. Tick, Giant
697. Tiefling rogue 1
698. Tiger
699. Tiger, Dire (Smilodon)
700. Titan, Elysian
701. Titan, Elysian prophet
702. Titan, Thanatotic
703. Toad, Giant
704. Toad, Glacier
705. Totenmaske
706. Treant
707. Triton
708. Troglodyte
709. Troll
710. Troll, Ice
711. Troll, Rock
712. Troll, Scrag
713. Turtle, Giant Snapping
714. Turtle, Snapping
715. Twigjack
716. Undine cleric 1
717. Unicorn
718. Urdefhan
719. Vampire spawn
720. Vampire, human sorcerer 8
721. Vampiric Mist
722. Vargouille
723. Vegepygmy
724. Vemerak
725. Violet Fungus
726. Viper Vine
727. Wasp Swarm
728. Wasp, Giant
729. Water Orm
730. Wendigo
731. Whale
732. Whale, Great White
733. Wight
734. Wight, Brute
735. Wight, Cairn
736. Wight, Frost
737. Will-o'-Wisp
738. Winterwight
739. Witchfire
740. Witchwyrd
741. Wolf
742. Wolf, Dire
743. Wolverine
744. Wolverine, Dire
745. Worg
746. Worg, Winter Wolf
747. Worm That Walks, human conjurer 13
748. Wraith
749. Wraith, Dread
750. Wyvern
751. Xacarba
752. Xill
753. Xorn
754. Xorn, Elder
755. Xtabay (am I the only one who reads this as “Exit Bay”?)
756. Yellow Musk Creeper
757. Yellow Musk Zombie
758. Yeth Hound
759. Yeti
760. Yrthak
761. Zombie, Human
762. Zombie, Human Fast
763. Zombie, Human Juju
764. Zombie, Human Plague
765. Zombie, Void
Hi! It sure is dark down here. <3
1d765 ⇒ 319
I got the Mobat. But I'll be a little bit fun for this first one.
Bardic Lyrebird: This curious magical beast closely resembles a horse-sized lyrebird, but it has evolved (or been bred with) one very special distinction: It can mimic magical sound-based effects as well as the sounds themselves. Its mimicry of the magical portion tends to be a little bit "garbled", report arcane sages, but there is still enough lingering power to the parroted bardic performances, destrachen screams, or yrthak blasts to send victims' minds into momentary disarray.
The bardic lyrebird possesses the statistics of a Mobat, but loses its blindsight and raises its Charisma to 16. The save against its Screech is Charisma-based.
Pizza Lord |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
1st roll 1d765 ⇒ 274 Drow warrior 1. Seriously... not gonna do another elf variant.
2nd roll 1d765 ⇒ 191 Devil, Immolation (Puragaus)
Devil, Castigator (some fancy sounding name in parenthesis)
Disdain and disappointment seem to radiate from the imperious eyes of this large, dragon-winged humanoid figure. Flickering green wisps of flame writhe along his body.
Castigator Devils are typically sent against individuals who make deals and then flaunt their obligations with lesser devils. They are especially used in cases where casters use tactics like holding lesser devils within confinement and trying to extort services while providing less-than 'fair' payment to enact service or who avoid rendering that payment once done (such as through the death of the servitor.) Not surprisingly, Hell keeps track of such things and when certain groups need to be reminded that a bargain with a devil is a bargain with Hell itself, and that includes the payment, a Castigator Devil is sent to visit.
Castigator Devils rarely kill targets out-of-hand, since they typically deal with those who are spreading evil but need to be reminded of their place. Their usual tactics are to arrive in force with elementals, hellfire blazing, burn down the target's property, smack the offender around while layering Fires of Castigation on them, and then leave with a warning. Any serious threats or attacks are met with equal response, though characters that show real disdain for agreements and contracts, such as those who think they can just rip up a written agreement and that means they're not still obligated (whether they are or not) or kill the devil they dealt with, might get more malicious focus.
The Castigator Devil shares the statistics of an Immolation Devil with these exceptions:
Each such instance of Fires of Castigation on a creature stacks with itself. If a creature affected by Fires of Castigation attempts to attack the Castigator Devil it must make one Reflex saving throw against all instances (DC 31) or take 2d6 (hellfire) damage per instance prior to making its attack roll (if any). A successful save results in half damage. On a natural 1 or a failure of 5 or more, the creature must also save as though affected by the devil's Blinding Critical feat. This can result in an attack missing due to concealment chance if the target becomes blinded, but a targeted spell or other attack (such as magic missile) will not automatically miss or fail.
As a standard action, a Castigator Devil can 'ignite' the Fires of Castigation on all creatures within 100 feet or on one specific individual at any distance, even other planes. The Castigator Devil is aware of the location of all Fires of Castigation effects linked to itself.
The fire effect wreathing targets causes them to detect as evil and is permanent unless discharged. A Castigator Devil can remove this effect harmlessly from a creature (even another Devil's Fire of Castigation). All instances of Fires of Castigation can be removed with a dispel evil spell or a creature may spend a full-round cowering to remove 1 instance per round when within the presence (60 feet) of a Castigator Devil.
Fires of Castigation is a Supernatural (Su) effect and is suppressed within an antimagic field, though if the Castigator Devil itself is within such a field, the ability otherwise functions as Burn (Ex) normally.
Castigating Gaze (Su): As a standard action a Castigator Devil can can cause a target within 100 feet to ignite with Hellfire which will also ignite all instance of Fires of Castigation on the target, though only one Reflex save is made against all effects to halve the total damage. The target saves as though against the devil's Burn/Fires of Castigation ability to takes 2d6 hellfire damage (including potential blinding on a natural 1 or failure by 5 or more.)
1/day Summon Hellfire Elementals (90%) The Castigator Devil loses the ability to summon 2d4 devils of any kind of CR 10 or lower (90%) and can instead summon up to 3 Hellfire elementals of Elder (CR 11) or lower (fire elementals who deal hellfire damage.) These elementals are Lawful evil (and have those subtypes) and typically take the form of winged devils (rather than flames or serpents) and have a fly speed 30 (average) as well as the Hellfire ability. (Had to lower summoned creatures to get power level down. Summoning CR 11 instead of CR 10 may seem an upgrade, but only 3 instead of up to 8 and losing the versatility to call any devil which might suit the situation seems fair.)
Break Bonds (Ex) Castigator Devils are inherently resistant to being called or bound. Any attempt to entrap one, such as with planar binding is incredibly difficult. A Castigator Devil gets a cumulative +1 bonus per day to any checks made to break free (SR or Charisma checks) and also to checks made to end open-ended tasks (if they want). Additionally, binders only get to offer one deal to a Castigator Devil and if that check fails, it breaks free of all effects binding it, though it may stick around to make its own offers for the deal if the task was enticing enough but the offer of payment wasn't.)
Net Proficiency (Ex): Castigator Devils typically carry at least one large-size invisible +1 net. This net never loses its invisibility while wielded by the devil (it has true seeing so folding or handling it isn't a problem for the devil) and the devil's innate skill with it allows for the entangling of creatures of even small size (sometimes halfling and gnome casters have to be dealt with as well). A Castigator Devil may make Drag and Reposition attempts against a creature entangled within its net as long as it controls the trailing rope. A devil's range with its net is never hindered by a binding circle or similar barrier that might seem to restrict its reach, though this only applies to its net attacks. This strange ability has cost many foolish spellcasters their lives thinking they were standing far enough away from a supposedly trapped devil.
Castigator Devils love when binders try and hold them only to be caught off-guard by a ranged attack which then entangles them and lets the devil drag the caster right over and into any protective circles. The invisible nature of the net while in the devil's possession does not make attack rolls easier, but does conceal its presence in most cases and makes attacks against the net tougher for allies trying to free a companion. Any missed attack against the net due to concealment may hit the entangled target instead.
Spell-like abilities: Castigator Devils do not have persistant image or mass charm monster. They are not prone to deception (unless warranted) and when they want someone's behavior modified and influenced they prefer methods other than magical persuasion. (Had to give things up to lower power.)
Feats: A Castigator Devil loses Combat Expertise and gains Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Net).
Languages: Castigator Devils speak Ignan in addition to their other languages.
Kobold Catgirl |
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You know what? Even if nobody else cares for this, I really enjoyed the exercise. Another!
1d765 ⇒ 3
Hm...I'm torn between two. I'll go with the one that's, well, weirder.
Bells jangle as a horrendous form comes into view from the shadows. It skitters forth on four spider-like legs of copper and bone. Covered in jet-black pitch, with silver bells and cotton dreamcatchers dangling from its legs and body, the creature's spherical abdomen closely resembles a cage made of clay. Runes and pictograms are painted all over the cage, and as it swivels around, threads and pulleys attaching it to its limbs click and whir, allowing it to rotate freely. As you watch, the cage seems to unhinge and open, its bars breaking apart into sharp teeth. It lets out a glottal gulping sound, dark smoke trickling out from some unseen digestive processes within...
The medium golem: Using the stats of the achaierai, the medium golem is an entity designed to contain the essences of a type of ghost and redirect them against foes. All of a medium golem's attacks are treated as possessing the ghost touch properties. This particular medium golem has been previously charged with the essences of a number of allips, and it can release their inky forms at any time to unleash a negative energy burst—and the effects of a pure, unhinged madness.
The medium golem is a Construct, not an Outsider, and has no subtypes. It is immune to positive and negative energy's normal effects, but at least 15 points of positive energy damage delivered in a single attack prevents it from using its black cloud ability for 1d4 hours.
Threeshades |
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1d765 ⇒ 207 <- I want a real life die like this.
Dinosaur, Parasaurolophus - this ones a bit boring, only a tail slap and trample, let's have another go
1d765 ⇒ 177 Demon, Vrock
Empyreal Moth
Trailing a cloud of sparkling dust, a horse-sized insect with wide moth wings in hues of gold and white doars overhead, its body covered in a soft golden fluff is contrasted by the two sets of sharp blade-like black talons extending from its frontmost two pairs of legs and sharp powerful mandibles where normal moths wold have a proboscis.
Its Alignment changes from CE to NG and its subtypes to (good, extraplanar)
Static Jitter (Dance of ruin)
The empyreal moth's whole body trembles, building up static electricity, which is at once discharged when it stops.
Wing Dust (Spores)
The moth releases its wing dust onto nearby enemies. The dust particles adhere to the skin and burrow into the flesh.
Devilkiller |
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I'm not very into just obscuring things from the players, but I’ve often re-skinned monsters to get something which looked and worked the way I want with less work and a better chance of ending up balanced (at least compared to when I go overboard putting class levels on stuff).
Pretty frequently I’ll change a few mechanical aspects of the monster along with the appearance. Back in 3.5 I made a “Styx Serpent” by taking away a Dragon Turtle’s Claws, increasing its Bite damage (Str*1.5, improved Power Attack), changing the breath weapon to acid damage and adding some Int damage to it. I think my real inspiration here was the serpents from Robin Hobb’s liveship traders series.
I collect a lot of miniatures from other games (Mage Knight, Star Wars, Horror Clix, Dreamblade, etc) and often stat up monsters to go with them. A really simple one was re-skinning the Clockwork Leviathan into a Mechanical Crab (that’s a Star Wars crab droid mini, but I thought it looked like a pretty cool Construct). Just take away the Bite, change the Slams to Claws or Pincers, and maybe reflavor Grind to a regular Constrict. The Breath Weapon still fits since the crab droid mini has what look like a couple of guns on it. Clearly those are flamethrowers which spit a 60’ line of fire.
Another weird mini I had was a ”Bloodscale Wavecaller” WoW mini. I don’t play WoW, so I wasn’t too sure what the monster “should” be like, but since she’s a “wavecaller” I thought that Bard might work well. I picked an Aboleth for the “base creature”, changed the Tentacles to Claws,exchanged Slime for Rend. and ended up with the
Sea Mother. I went with Skald levels instead of Bard since I decided it might be fun to make her Ulat-Kini (aka Skum) allies Rage. Her Fiend Totem powers also seems like a good way to represent her spiky frills harming PCs who engage with her (while the Skum sort of turn into spiky pufferfish dudes)
I also had a weird D&D 3.5 mini which I wanted to use as a monster in the lab of a mad Vivisectionist. Since I knew around the CR I was aiming for I started out with a Glabrezu and ended up with The Big Mistake
I’ve been running APs lately and haven’t had the creative DMing mood for a while. Perhaps I'll try re-skinning something from the random list to see if I can spark some creativity...tomorrow though...or maybe Sunday. I'm done work now, and there's lots of gaming to do this weekend!
Pizza Lord |
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1d765 ⇒ 232 Dog, Riding.
Gnomish Spring-steed (Don't blame me for this, blame your monster chart.)
Created by a gnomish inventor who watched a log roll down a hill and crush his neighbor's dog. Opting to harness the log's power of downward momentum, the gnome just had to add a bit more metal and craftsmanship.
The gnomish spring-steed is a medium-sized construct that resembles a hollow barrel or cylinder when at rest. The top and bottom ends are open and a small-size creature can climb inside and settle into an exotic saddle suspended by multiple elastic straps. The spring-steed then reveals that it isn't a cylinder, but a tightly-coiled spring which moves along the ground by falling end over end, forming an arch as it moves. This isn't really much of an improvement to rolling around inside a log, but the inventor felt that the amusing *slinkity* sound it made was a fair trade-off.
The rider can steer the gnomish spring-steed with a DC 5 Ride check (at -5 because the gnomish spring-steed is a really ill-suited mount) at the start of his turn. Failure on this check indicates that the spring-steed either doesn't move or continues moving in the same direction it was last moving (or in a random direction if it collides with a solid obstacle.)
A rider has cover while inside a spring-steed and attacks against him may strike the steed instead. Due to the confined space and narrow openings as the spring-steed moves, a rider may only make melee attacks with non-reach piercing weapons while inside the spring-steed. Most ranged attacks are unaffected.
Gnomish spring-steeds move at double speed when going downhill or downstairs and half speed going uphill or upstairs. While they do not cling to walls or 'climb', a gnomish spring-steed can extend upwards to reach ledges or heights of 5 feet without a check, reaching higher ledges requires an Acrobatics check to flip itself upwards and continue moving (counting additional heights from the 5-foot mark. For example, to reach a 10-foot ledge the spring-steed would need the equivalent of a 5-foot high jump.)
Gnomish spring-steeds count all falls as though they were 50 feet shorter though this doesn't apply to their riders, who must make a Ride check against DC 5 +1 per 10 feet fallen. On a success, the rider takes half falling damage and it's nonlethal. On a failure, it's assumed the gnomish spring-steed landed inverted and the rider's head impacted into the ground from their elastic saddle and they take full damage. Most effects that slow falling, such as wings, Slow fall abilities, etc. don't help a rider unless they effect the gnomish spring-steed as well, since riders typically cannot spread their wings or extend their hands suitably to slow their descent.
Due to the rider constantly flipping end-over-end, any round in which a gnomish spring-steed moves more than half its speed requires the rider to make a DC 12 Fort save or become dizzy (equivalent to being sickened) for 1d4 rounds. Extended continuous or erratic movement may cause increasingly difficult penalties to the DC.
A gnomish spring-steed has the same statistics as a riding dog with these changes:
- Type changes from animal to construct, with the typical qualities granted by type (darkvision, low-light vision, immunities, etc.)
- hp 31 (HD 2d10+20)
- Gains immunity to piercing damage and DR 5/-.
- Abilities: Str 19, Dex 17, Con-, Int-, Wis 1, Cha 1.
- Loses its bite attack, trip and scent abilities, and its Skill focus (perception) feat.
- Loses all skills and racial skill modifiers except those related to Acrobatics.
- Gains Improved Overrun and Trample (1d6+6). Trampling a foe is its only attack form.
Special: If a gnomish spring-steed ever attempts to overrun another gnomish spring-steed, they both become entangled and cannot move until someone spends an hour of work trying to pull them apart and succeeds at a DC 18 Intelligence check at the end of that time.
- Organization changes from 'Solitary, Pairs, or Packs' to 'Alone or in Pairs'
Tacticslion |
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1d765 ⇒ 111
Ooh! A chimera!
While this is... low-hanging fruit... I apologize for nothing!
Totoimapõdo Peremoahoe Kihiẽbo
A burst of rustling sound from above, and suddenly horse-sized elegant feathered hominid stands on taloned bird-like feet, smiling - a terrifying sight, as its perfect razor teeth and porcine tusks contrast powerfully with the beautiful masculine form it otherwise bears. Its plumage and eyes both share a singular striking color, though the feathers have a opalescent sheen. Its two sensuous prehensile down-covered tails each have a large feathery collection at the tips, which suddenly spread into two enormous, beautiful fans, with which it demurely covers its whole beautiful body - and terrifying teeth - leaving only its hypnotic eyes. "He-llo, li-ttle per-son." it purrs in an halting, condescending, and almost predatory manner, placing a mask over its face - the eyes still visible, glowing through the mask - "Wel-come to-my for-est."
Totoimapõdo Peremoahoe Kihiẽbo; CR 7
XP 3,200
N Large magical beast
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., lowlight vision, scent; Perception +10
AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 18 (+1 Dex, +9 natural, -1 size)
hp 85 (9d10+36)
Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +6
Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (poor)
Melee bite +12 (2d6+4), 2 tail slaps (1d8+4), 2 claws +12 (2d8+4)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks magic bracelet (usable once every 1d4 rounds)
Str 19, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 4, Wis 13, Cha 10
Base Atk +9; CMB +14; CMD 25 (29 v. trip)
Feats Hover, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Perception), Toughness
Skills Craft (masks) +7, Fly +2, Perception +10, Stealth +4 (+8 in forests or jungle); Racial Modifiers +10 Craft (masks), +2 Perception, +4 Stealth in forests or jungle
Languages Sylvan
SQ change shape (any medium human once per year; alter self, though its eyes remain the same)
Magic Bracelet (Sp)
Due to its heritage, and special magical diet, each Totoimapõdo Peremoahoe Kihiẽbo has a powerful spell-like ability, called a "bracelet" that is associated with its color. To use this bracelet, it blends its own breath, a gust of air from its wings, and a bit of phlegm as a standard action. Altogether, this creates a destructive eructation of magical energy that devastates its foes while leaving natural animals and plants unharmed (though vermin are affected normally). This ability is able to be used once every 1d4 rounds, and deals 6d8 damage (allowing a DC 17 Reflex save for half damage). The save DC is Constitution-based.
To randomly determine a Totoimapõdo Peremoahoe Kihiẽbo's color (and thus, elemental affinity), roll a 1d10 and consult the table below.
d10 Result: Eye/Feather Color: Magic Bracelet Area
- 1-2: Deep Blue: 20 foot cone of acid; this represents the wasting magic of salt water and poisons of certain octopuses and spiders.
- 3-4: Gray-White: 20 foot cone of cold; this represents the bitter magic of sacrifices and of ash and snows of Ewolla's peak.
- 5-6: Pale Green: 20 foot cone of fire; this represents the burning magic of the fury and anger of Ewolla spurned.
- 7-8: Red-Brown: 40 foot line of acid; this represents the harsh magic found in powerful citrus fruits and certain fungi.
- 9-10: Yellow-Gold: 40 foot line of electricity; this represents the sudden magic of the glorious power of lightning storms and rain.
Environment warm forests and jungles
Organization solitary, pair, herd (3-6), or flight (7-12)
Treasure standard
Totoimapõdo Peremoahoe Kihiẽbo are nearly immortal creatures born from an ancient union in opposition of death and murder. The first children were from the union of a mortal woman and a creature known only as a "spell caster", raised to feed on the remains of a powerful and wicked boar-monster named Totoima, who had wed and forced itself on the woman and ate the children of their union. The woman turned to a spell-caster; who created a powerful spell, waiting until the next child was eaten, and suddenly enlarging it to full adult size to kill the boar monster. The spell-caster and woman were then wed, and had many children together.
But those first children were infested with magic - magic from the caster's spells, magic from the demon-boar consumed, and magic from the ancient and primeval places and times they lived within itself. And so their progeny grew ever-larger, and began to speak like the birds for which the spell-caster was so well known.
Now the Totoimapõdo Peremoahoe Kihiẽbo are known as the mask-keepers and play a crucial role in local religious ceremonies, keeping their feathers during molting or lost for various reasons, and using them to create elaborate totemic masks for those people who would follow those religious traditions.
Though protective of their allied people and the ancient orders and customs of those societies, and though generally not aggressive beyond defending themselves or hunting non-sentient prey; the Totoimapõdo Peremoahoe Kihiẽbo are also fickle, whimsical, and unburdened by more "normal" understandings of morality or ethics; they will not hesitate to kill and eat a sentient creature due to hunger, if they feel that creature does not deserve to live (most often due to crossing some unknown, but extremely important taboo; or because the Totoimapõdo Peremoahoe Kihiẽbo feels the creature has threatened it), as respecting sentience itself seems secondary to respecting magic, the forest, and the world.
Though many of these strange creatures refer to themselves with various bits of their long name (for example, one might call another a "To-pe-ki" in conversation), for any outsider (anyone other than a Totoimapõdo Peremoahoe Kihiẽbo) to do so is considered a killing offense (though most Totoimapõdo Peremoahoe Kihiẽbo will give a stranger three warnings before death, unless attacked).
Despite their exalted status, Totoimapõdo Peremoahoe Kihiẽbo are not terribly intelligent - in fact remarkably unintelligent - and so it is recommended to most that small, simple words be used while maintaining a strictly deferential attitude so as to not to accidentally offend them through apparent "hubris"; it is further recommended to be clear, and non-rambling to ensure the least possible chance of communication mistakes, and to leave as quickly as possible.
And now, citations: language source, story source, more information/inspiration, lyrebird article (just because I found it), totoiama, Orokaiva, wikipedia's stub on the language, hornbill for eye colors (and also beak colors). Also, it should be really, really clear to anyone that I don't speak the Orokaiva language. Sorry! EDIT: I've made a few tweaks to fix a few minor things.
legoguy4492 |
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Monster: 1d765 ⇒ 602 Reefclaw
Change to:
The Tormented Seaman.
A Tormented Seaman is a sailor that has never cared for his/her passengers, and so, in undeath, hunts for those like them.
The water turns the color of blood, as a bloated corpse swims towards you. Flapping organs stick out of its chest, providing propulsion. Ragged flesh hangs off it's skeleton, as it's mouth snaps open and shut. Its hands have sharpened bones sticking out from its fingers, which forms a cage to capture victims with. It's eyes are lit with a single-minded goal to hunt you down, and kill you.
Stat changes:
change type to undead.
possibly change size to medium.
Tacticslion |
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1st roll 1d765 ⇒ 274 Drow warrior 1. Seriously... not gonna do another elf variant.
I'll take that! Thanks!
1d765 ⇒ 649
649. Skeleton, Burning Human
You hear a soft calling of a distant hornbill, and the cry of a wild ass in the forests. A sharp whizzing sound pierces the night, and suddenly your body goes weak, as unconsciousness seeks to claim you.
Menehune; CR 1/3
XP 135
<X> Warrior 1
N Medium humanoid (menehune)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 120 ft.; Perception +2
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +2 Dex, +1 size)
hp 5 (1d10)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will -1; +2 v. enchantment
Immune sleep; SR 7
Weakness light blindness
Speed 30 ft.
Melee machete +3 (1d6, 19-20), kukri +3 (1d4, 18-20)
Ranged blow gun +3 (1d2, 20 ft., plus poison), javelin +3 (1d6, 30 ft.), sling +3 (1d4, 50 ft.)
Spell-like Abilities (CL 1st)
- dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire
Str 11, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Craft (any) +4, Perception +2, Stealth +2; Racial Modifiers +4 Craft, +2 Perception
Languages Menhune, Sylvan
SQ fine build, poison use
Fine Build
Menehune are technically medium size creatures, but it gains some of the benefits of a small creature, notably a size modifier to attack, AC, fly, and stealth. Menehune can equip, use, or wield items made for either medium or small creatures.
Poison Use (Ex)
Menehune are skilled with poisons - both in crafting them, and their use. Most often, when needed, Menehune rely on the use of blue whinnis poison.
Environment warm forests and jungles
Organization pair, hunt (5-8), or thorpe (10-40)
Treasure NPC gear (wooden armor, copper machete, copper kukri, wood-and-copper javelin (7), wooden blow gun, 20 copper darts, sling, 20 malachite bullets, blue whinnis <5 doses>, 11 gold, 40 gold of other treasure)
Menehune appear, at first glance, like slightly shorter, slimmer, hairless dwarves. An ancient, but often shy people, they tend to live in the valleys hidden near the ancient volcanoes.
Their language is one derived from equal parts of various animal noises, though most especially that of various kinds of donkeys, hornbills, and pigs. To the uneducated, it sounds like various animal sounds, often allowing them to move and speak undetected, though occasionally doing so interferes with accurate communication.
Though subject to the typical dwarven love of intoxicating beverages, unfortunately menehune lack that other species' resistances; further, they have a rich culture of intoxicants, even as their tendency toward weaker constitutions causes them to be more susceptible, and more often addicted. They also have a deep weakness for both bananas and fish.
Despite these faults, the menehune are phenomenal builders, when they desire to be, and create vast works of entirely natural materials in harmony with nature that often disappear entirely into the natural terrain after it's no longer being used.
Huaka'i Pō
The flickering flesh revealing the spiritual nature of the burning, shambling bones; the malevolent and baleful glares seek your own eyes - but you must avert your gaze, lest they seek to bring you into their eternal horde.
Huaka'i Pō; CR 1/2
XP 200
N Medium undead (human)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
Aura fiery aura (1d6)
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+2 armor, +1 shield, +2 Dex, +2 natural)
hp 5 (1d8+1)
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +2
DR 5/bludgeoning; Immune fire, undead traits
Vulnerability cold
Speed 30 ft.
Melee broken machete +0 (1d6 plus 1d6 fire, 18-20) and claw -3 (1d4+1 plus 1d6 fire) or 2 claws +2 (1d4+1 plus 1d6 fire)
SA cursed death
Str 15, Dex 14, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Improved Initiative (b)
SQ fiery death
Cursed Gaze (Su)
A Huaka'i Pō's gaze is a cursed thing. Those who match their gaze are bound to the Huaka'i Pō's parade - but the curse is on the Huaka'i Pō. A Huaka'i Pō who has seen the eyes of a creature must make a DC 10 will save each minute, or be required to grapple and drag the creature for the next minute.
Fiery Aura (Ex)
Creatures adjacent to a Huaka'i Pō take 1d6 points of fire damage at the start of their turn. Anyone striking a Huaka'i Pō with an unarmed strike or natural attack takes 1d6 points of fire damage.
Fiery Death (Su)
A Huaka'i Pō explodes into a burst of flame when it dies. Anyone adjacent to the Huaka'i Pō when it is destroyed takes 1d6 points of fire damage. A Reflex save (DC 11) halves this damage.
Environment the lands of Ewolla
Organization solitary, pair, scout force (3-8), or horde (9-85)
Treasure broken copper scale male, broken copper light shield, broken copper machete, malachite jewelry
The huaka'i pō (or 'oi'o) are the ghosts of ancient warriors only permitted to be material on certain holy days, or by compulsion of certain priests of specific religions.
They eternally seek to add more to their glorious ranks, though no true sentience still lies within the ancient spirits.
Bedecked in ceremonial jewelry, blazing with inner spiritual flames, they surge forth from ancient graveyards a few times per year, assaulting enemies of Ewolla's people, or those who refuse to show them well-earned respect.
Citation time! Inspiration for fine build, Nightmarchers, Menehune, Hawaiian folklore, Hawaiian narrative. For the record, I am well aware of the vast distances and differences between New Guinea and Hawaii, however I'm borrowing hints of both, as well as Japan, and looking at old South American legends, and British and middle eastern history to build this. So... you know.
mourge40k |
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Huh. This may be a fun one to try out. Here we go!
1d765 ⇒ 679 Squid, Giant
Hrm. Interesting.... Think I'll follow Tacticslion's lead on this one, and use this as a chance to build something based off of one of my produced gods. For the record, Ash cloud is basically just ink cloud.
Arboreal Shrivan
This grotesque tentacled monstrosity clambers through the limbs of the trees, its many tentacles gripping trunks and branches to support itself. Ash slowly peels off of its form as multifaceted eyes focus in your direction.
Arboreal Shrivan; CR 9
XP 6,400
CN Huge Aberration
Init +7; Senses low-light vision; Perception +22
AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+3 Dex, +9 natural, –2 size)
hp 102 (12d8+48)
Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +11
Defensive Ability ash cloud (20-ft. radius)
Speed 20 ft., Climb 60 ft.
Melee bite +14 (2d6+7), 2 arms +14 (1d6+7), tentacles +12 (4d6+3/19-20 plus grab)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. (30 ft. with arms and tentacles)
Special Attacks constrict (4d6+10)
Str 25, Dex 17, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 2
Base Atk +9; CMB +18 (+22 grapple); CMD 31
Feats Combat Reflexes, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (tentacle), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Multiattack (b), Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Perception +22, Climb +15
Environment any forest
Organization solitary
Treasure none
The arboreal shrivan is a dangerous predator often found lurking in dense woodlands of any sort, particularly those tainted by creatures of the Dark Tapestry. They have voracious appetites, and can often decimate local animal populations. However, they seem to avoid actively harming or hunting any other sentient beings, barring those that have willingly chosen to worship one of the Elder Gods. Indeed, they have been described as affectionate by a great many of those who have encountered them. An arboreal shrivan is 45 feet long and weighs 1,500 pounds.
Kobold Catgirl |
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1d765 ⇒ 452 Oh god I forgot to cut out all the different-sized jellyfish.
I'll get back to this one. Or someone else can feel free to grab the whaler jellyfish. If I do use it, I think I'll base it off one of my gods as well—probably Haagni or Snicket.
Tacticslion |
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1d765 ⇒ 355
1d765 ⇒ 747
355. Giant, Marsh Brineborn
747. Worm That Walks, human conjurer 13
Hah! Awesome! It's like it wants to go easy on me!
That said, I made a mistake on the Menehune. I should have made them small creatures, but granted them the Powerful Build ability; I'd wanted to keep the original everything as best as I could, but... eh, it would have worked out better had I done it the other way.
Also, I really wish I'd described huaka'i pō a bit better - made them more like a corpse with ghostly malachite-infused flesh with ghostly ash flaking off, and green copper flame residing within. Whoops! Next time!
Fair warning, I may go back and seriously ret-con punch some of the god names later, or something. The ones there now can certainly be taken and used, but I consider them (potentially) just place-holder names, due to being, you know, real and actual names from actual religious entities. Unless someone from Hawaii actually wants me to use them, in which case: consider them the names for realsies! :D
Amlopsiudóttir, Leilani of the Nawao
An enormous, powerfully muscled, gorgeous woman flips her hair back, over her head, as she rises, suddenly from the waters. She spots something on the shore, near you, and savagely grins, surging forward at an alarming rate.
Amlopsiudóttir, Leilani of the Nawao; CR 9
XP 6,400
CN Large humanoid (aquatic, giant, human)
Init +5; Senses lowlight vision; Perception +16
AC 25, touch 14, flat-footed 20 (+3 armor, +5 Dex, +11 natural, -1 size)
hp 126 (12d8)
Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +10
Defensive Abilities rock catching
Speed 40 ft., swim 40 ft.
Melee great club +18/+13 (2d8+15), or 2 slams +18 (1d6+10)
Ranged rock (2d6+11)
Spell-like Abilities (CL 12th, Concentration +15)
- Constant - speak with animals
- 3/day - aurgy, bestow curse (DC 17), confusion (DC 17), contagion (DC 17), fog cloud, quench (DC 16)
During Combat Leilani casts fog cloud on the first round of combat, followed by confusion to disorient her opponents. She uses her Blind-Fight feat to attack confused opponents in the concealing mist.
Morale Rowdy and violent, but not truly malevolent at heart, Leilani attempts to flee back into the water or forests when reduced to fewer than 50 hit points, or when her opponents call out for mercy or truce (so long as she's gotten a good wallop in, first).
Str 31, Dex 21, Con 23, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 16
Base Atk +9; CMB +20; CMD 35
Feats Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Improved Iron Will, Iron Will, Power Attack, Vital Strike
Skills Bluff +15, Intimidate +15, Perception +16, Stealth +13 (+21 in swamps), Survival +13, Swim +18; Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth in water or forests
Languages Aquan, Common, Menhune, Nawao, Sylvan
SQ amphibeous
Environment warm forests and jungles and waters
Organization solitary, self plus gang of Nawao (1–5), or self plus Nawao tribe (7–22 nawao, plus 20% noncombatants plus 1 cleric or witch nawao leader of 4th–8th level, 1–3 nawao barbarian or fighter champions of 2nd–5th level, 2–12 merrows, 10–20 amphibious morlocks, and 3-6 electric eels, 3–6 toy giant crabs)
Treasure great club, gaff, malachite rocks (30), intricate fishgold (see below) armband engraved with eels entwinned around humanoid figures cavorting with crabs (worth 500 gold)
This woman is a unique half-immortal descendant of gods, nymphs, and mortals, and seems to have inherited an unending lifespan as a result. Her pearlescent, coppery skin and slick, dark coppery hair go slick and take on a lovely mottled blue-and-green patina while in salt water (or when necessary), granting her a startling ability to camouflage herself.
She honors physical capability, and anyone able to physically best her in a competition has the ability to win her respect and friendship.
Inheriting the beauty of two different nymph ancestors (Nephele, Losi's mother, and his son's wife, Dynamene), Leilani is undeniably gorgeous, though almost unsettling in her preternaturally easy strength and inhuman grace - a fact she leverages to her advantage.
Being the distant grandaughter of Tagaloa by way of Losi, Leilani of the Nawao - the Amlopsiudóttir - is the (effective) eternal "princess" of the nawao tribe she's claimed as her own, after they adopted her some three centuries prior. Though she looks only passingly like the nawao (and very greatly like a very big human), her size, boisterousness, violence-prone tendencies, and similar skills made her a perfect fit in that society, and her powerful personality, natural magic, and social cunning allowed her to quickly take over.
Though named Leilani, she is less like a "heavenly flower", and more like a mighty vortex of water and air given flesh - and is thus highly favored by Tāwhirimātea.
Though not typically used, she has a masterwork armored coat and masterwork armored kilt, both of shark skin and fish gold, along with waterwood-and-fish gold boarding pikes, javelins, and sea knives for emergencies. Generally these are left behind at the tribal places, however, as she finds them restrictive and unnecessary for the vast majority of situations she may come across.
Fish gold is a substance with special properties made of phosphor bronze - also called "high copper" - that is sacred to nymphs and nawao. Waterwood and eel hide are also frequently used and important elements for the nawao people.
Koʻe Heiau-Hai Kanaka
Although this creature bearing a kihei shawl, helm and feathered cape, and stylized armor stands and moves like a humanoid, the body is a writhing mass of squirming worms and maggots.
Koʻe Heiau-Hai Kanaka; CR 14
XP 38,400
Human heiau-hai kanaka conjurer 13
Usually evil Medium vermin (augmented human)
Init +8; Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +22
AC 23, touch 17, flat-footed 18 (+6 armor, +4 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 insight)
hp 113 (13d6+65); fast healing 14
Fort +11, Ref +12, Will +13
Defensive Abilities koʻe heiau-hai kanaka traits; DR 15/—; Immune critical hits, disease, paralysis, poison, sleep
Speed 30 ft.
Melee slam +10 (1d4–1 plus grab)
Special Attacks discorporate, grab (Large), squirming embrace
Arcane School Spell-Like Abilities (CL 13th; Concentration +18)
- At will - dimensional steps (390 feet/day)
- 8/day - acid dart (1d6+6 acid)
Conjurer Spells Prepared (CL 13th)
- 7th - plane shift (DC 22), project image
- 6th - acid fog, disintegrate (DC 21), summon monster VI
- 5th - cloudkill (DC 20), dismissal (DC 20), shadow evocation (DC 20), telekinesis (DC 20), teleport
- 4th - black tentacles, confusion (DC 19), dimension door (2), phantasmal killer (DC 19), summon monster IV
- 3rd - dispel magic, fly, protection from energy, slow (DC 18), stinking cloud (DC 18), summon monster III
- 2nd - acid arrow, detect thoughts (DC 17), fog cloud, glitterdust (DC 17), invisibility, summon swarm
- 1st - charm person (DC 16), feather fall, grease (DC 16), obscuring mist, protection from good, reduce person (DC 16), shield
- 0 (at will) - detect magic, mage hand, prestidigitation, read magic
Opposition Schools Evocation, Necromancy
Str 8, Dex 18, Con 17, Int 20, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +6; CMB +5 (+13 grapple); CMD 26
Feats Arcane Armor Training, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Diehard(B), Dodge, Improved Initiative, Light Armor Proficiency, Scribe Scroll, Toughness, Weapon Finesse
Skills Craft (alchemy) +21, Fly +20, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (arcana) +21, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +21, Knowledge (planes) +21, Perception +22, Sense Motive +9, Spellcraft +21, Stealth +12; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception, +8 Sense Motive, +8 Stealth
Languages Common, Menhune, Nawao, Sylvan
SQ arcane bond (helm), summoner’s charm (6 rounds)
Discorporate (Su)
A koʻe heiau-hai kanaka can collapse into a shapeless swarm of worms as a free action. All held, worn, and carried items fall and its Strength score drops to 1. The koʻe heiau-hai kanaka functions as a true swarm while discorporated, with a reach of 0 feet (its space remains unchanged). While discorporated, the koʻe heiau-hai kanaka loses all of its defensive abilities and gains all of the standard swarm traits. It loses its slam attacks and all special abilities and special attacks, but can make a swarm attack that deals damage equal to its engulf attack. A koʻe heiau-hai kanaka can reform into its true form (including equipping all gear in reach) as a full-round action as long as it has at least 1 hit point.
Koʻe Heiau-Hai Kanaka Traits
A koʻe heiau-hai kanaka has no discernible anatomy, and is not subject to critical hits or flanking. Reducing a koʻe heiau-hai kanaka to 0 hit points causes it to discorporate (see below)—a worm that walks at 0 hit points is staggered, and one at negative hit points is dying. Koʻe Heiau-Hai Kanaka are immune to any physical spell or effect that targets a specific number of creatures (including single-target spells such as disintegrate), with the exception of such spells and effects generated by the koʻe heiau-hai kanaka itself, which treat the koʻe heiau-hai kanaka as one single creature if it so chooses. Mind-affecting effects that target single creatures function normally against a koʻe heiau-hai kanaka, since the creature’s individual components share a hive mind. A koʻe heiau-hai kanaka takes half again as much damage (+50%) from damaging area effects, such as fireball and splash weapons. Koʻe Heiau-Hai Kanaka are susceptible to high winds—treat a koʻe heiau-hai kanaka as a Fine creature for the purposes of determining wind effects.
Squirming Embrace
If a koʻe heiau-hai kanaka grapples a foe, as a swift action, it can cause a swarm of worms to squirm over the grappled creature. These worms deal automatic swarm damage with no attack roll needed (see the table below). If a creature takes damage from the swarm, it is also subject to the swarm’s distraction ability, and must make a Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round. The save DC equals 10 + 1/2 the worm that walks’s HD + its Con modifier).
A koʻe heiau-hai kanaka can only have one embraced target at a time, but it does not have to continue grappling in order to maintain the embrace. If the koʻe heiau-hai kanaka moves more than 5 feet from the swarm or dismisses the swarm (a free action), the swarm dies. Any area attack that damages the swarm or any severe or stronger wind effect that affects the swarm’s target kills it.
HD: Engulf Damage
- 1-5: 1d6 + 1.5 Str bonus
- 6-10: 2d6 + 1.5 Str bonus
- 11-15: 3d6 + 1.5 Str bonus
- 16-20: 4d6 + 1.5 Str bonus
- 21 or more: 5d6 + 1.5 Str bonus
Tenacious (Ex)
A koʻe heiau-hai kanaka gains a +4 racial bonus on CMB checks made to grapple and a +4 racial bonus to its CMD.
Environment warm forests and jungles
Organization pair, hunt (5-8), or thorpe (10-40)
Treasure NPC Gear (+4 copper parade armor and jewelry, feather cloak of resistance +4, feather helm of charming)
A koʻe heiau-hai kanaka is a horror - a creature who has suffered the full brunt of an errant sorcerer's spell.
In the ancient times there was the sacred Kapu, demanding the sacrifice of certain people for specific rites - one of which is to raise a temple. For any who were captured during that time, an ancient sorcerer's incantation was required:
"O Ku-a-mu, go thou <victim's name>,
Enter him, head and tail,
Let him become your bread and meat,
Return not again until he is devoured of worms."
But, as with all malevolent magic, sometimes things go awry. A koʻe heiau-hai kanaka is what happens when this occurs, and the sorcerer himself is (several years later) swarmed and consumed by the very same horde of maggots and worms that had previously devoured the remains of the sacrificial victim. Elements of the prana and mana of both sacrificial victim and the sorcerer then combine within the swarm to create a new koʻe heiau-hai kanaka. The creature is often confused, angry, and filled with great, malevolent, and destructive magical powers - a new godling of hatred with no clear or accurate memories of why or whom they hate. As a koʻe heiau-hai kanaka is effectively immortal (the swarm continuously regenerating itself by birth of new generations as the old die off), they often outlive any of the creatures that they would have cause to hate, before they even get around to plotting the murder of the others.
Fortunately, a koʻe heiau-hai kanaka is susceptible to the winds of Tāwhirimātea and the flames of Ewolla, leaving prayers those deities favored methods of seeking the destruction of these unnatural abominations; this is helped in that both consider them foul and disgusting and seek to pour forth wrath upon them, often causing them to shy away from caves or other protective places, and seek refuge among the woodlands instead. There, they plan impossible "revenge" against creatures who they can't remember; just as often, they blame their state on the wrong entities and torment the wrong people. Some few instead seek to protect or guide their chosen people; becoming guardians, gods, saints, kings, or similar figures.
Though rare enough before, now they are practically unheard of since the abandonment of sacrifices among most of the people. They still crop up on occasion, from those who still practice the ancient rites. Additionally, though rare, some sorcerers seek out this form of existence, though because their prana is devoured and blended with another, the resultant koʻe heiau-hai kanaka is never truly the sorcerer who sought the state in the first place.
And now... sources! Nawao, Lua-nu‘u, sorcerer's invocation (super important!), and stuff, Nawao, Nawao, Greek Creatures and Almops in particular (and equating him to Losi)! Helle, for the curious! Water deities (useful for comparing gods and myths, especially Poisiedon with Tangaroa/Tagaloa - including Rarotonga's variant)! Hawaiian clothing! Oh! And worm.
EDIT: Note, the nawao should be a subtype of giant, as well. Lots of little edits to fix minor things as well.
Tacticslion |
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Huh. This may be a fun one to try out. Here we go!
Think I'll follow Tacticslion's lead on this one, and use this as a chance to build something based off of one of my produced gods.
Huzzah! I helped!
I'll get back to this one. Or someone else can feel free to grab the whaler jellyfish. If I do use it, I think I'll base it off one of my gods as well—probably Haagni or Snicket.
Well not tonight! That's for sure!
This is not me laying claim, by the way. It's still open for grabs! Enjoy!
Tacticslion |
Name, Name
AL Size type (subtype(s))
Init +; Senses any; Perception +
AC , touch , flat-footed (armor, Dex, natural, size)
hp (d)
Fort +, Ref +, Will +
Defensive Abilities any
Speed 30 ft.
Melee any
Ranged any
SA any
Spell-like Abilities (CL th, Concentration +)
- /day - name (DC)
During Combat Paragraph
Morale Paragraph
Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha
Base Atk +; CMB +; CMD
Feats Feats
Skills Skills
Languages Language
SQ any
Environment place
Organization groups
Treasure stuff
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Tacticslion |
EDITed the above and this one a couple of times to be a tad greedier, but also to remove the # signs I'd had everywhere, to make it easier to use (I think).
... so it worked!
I wasn't sure, as it was pretty big.
The above, it should be clear, is a template. If you wish to use it, you can simply quote it, like so,
Name, Name
Description.NAME; CR
AL Size type (subtype(s))
Init +; Senses any; Perception +
AC , touch , flat-footed (armor, Dex, natural, size)
hp (d)
Fort +, Ref +, Will +
Defensive Abilities any
Speed 30 ft.
Melee any
Ranged any
SA any
Spell-like Abilities (CL th, Concentration +)
- /day - name (DC)
During Combat Paragraph
Morale Paragraph
Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha
Base Atk +; CMB +; CMD
Feats Feats
Skills Skills
Languages Language
SQ any
Environment place
Organization groups
Treasure stuffParagraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
... and then proceed to fill in the blanks or otherwise restructure it for your own uses!
To be clear, any numbers of whatever are pretty solidly "suggestion" territory, instead of "required" territory.
Similarly, replacing "Spell-like Abilities" with "Class Abilities" or other, similar effects or concepts.
Just remember to remove the quote boxes before you use the thing! (Unless you don't want to for some reason!)
Hope that helps!
Tacticslion |
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1d765 ⇒ 647
647. Skeletal Champion, Human warrior 1
Copper Rose, Eternal Askyron
This vividly lifelike statue of a gorgeous man holds a battle-ready pose, its malachite weapons held high as its malachite armor glints in a cold blue light. Suddenly, that same light shines in its eye sockets, and it begins to move with fluid, deadly grace.
Copper Rose; CR 2
XP 600
Human skeletal champion warrior 1
N Medium undead
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6
AC 22, touch 13, flat-footed 19 (+6 armor, +2 Dex, +2 natural, +2 shield)
hp 17 (3 HD; 2d8+1d10+3)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +3; channel resistance +4
DR 5/bludgeoning; Immune cold, undead traits
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk light hammer +7 (1d4+3), mwk ogre hook +7 (1d10+3/x3)
Ranged mwk light hammer +7 (1d4+3; 20 ft.)
Str 17, Dex 15, Con -, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 16
Feats Cleave, Improved Initiative(B), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (longsword)
Skills Intimidate +7, Perception +6, Perform (dance) +6, Stealth +0
Languages Common
Environment any
Organization solitary, pair, or platoon (3–12)
Treasure standard (malachite breastplate, heavy malachite shield, masterwork ogre hook, masterwork light hammer, other treasure)
When death comes to certain honored warriors, some sorcerers take it upon themselves to ensure the people are forever protected by those warriors. In a special ritual, the corpse is dipped in molten lava that coats the entire thing in copper. The sorcerer then sculpts that copper into an idealized version of the visage and form of the corpse itself. These sentient statues are found in many places, though they rarely outlive their creators.
Simple! Looked for something that meant beauty or guard or both, ended up with that which cancels something instead.
Tacticslion |
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1d765 Oh god I forgot to cut out all the different-sized jellyfish.
I'll get back to this one. Or someone else can feel free to grab the whaler jellyfish. If I do use it, I think I'll base it off one of my gods as well—probably Haagni or Snicket.
I'm on it!
Swimming Coral Mold
As you move carefully through lovely the waters, a brightly colored nearby coral suddenly surges with movement and begins melting and flowing into like a liquid substance, seeming to almost ooze forth through the water with nothing obvious to propel it.
XP 3,200
N Large ooze (aquatic)
Init +2; Senses blindsense 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +0
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 9 (+1 Dex, +1 natural)
hp 94 (9d8+54)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +3
Defensive Abilities amorphous; DR 10/piercing or slashing; Immune ooze traits, mind-affecting effects
Speed swim 20 ft.
Melee 4 pseudopods +9 (1d6+4 plus poison)
Space 10 ft., Reach 15 ft.
Str 18, Dex 15, Con 22, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Base Atk +6; CMB +11; CMD 23 (can't be tripped)
Skills Swim +12
SQ compression, freeze
Freeze (Ex)
By anchoring itself to a rock and holding perfectly still as a full-round action, the swimming coral mold gains a +10 bonus to Disguise checks to appear exactly like a normal piece of coral. They may take 10 on this check which, for most swimming coral molds, grants the choral a DC 16 disguise. It may end this anchoring at any time. If the GM rules instead, this can be the equivalent of a Stealth check that can be made in plain sight with a +10 bonus (a DC 12 for the vast majority of swimming coral molds).
Unlike normal disguise checks, though this disguise can be opposed with a perception check, like normal, it may also be opposed with a knowledge (nature) check to realize that it's not a normal piece of choral, or a knowledge (dungeoneering) check to realize it's an ooze.
Poison (Ex)
Pseudopods—injury; save Fort DC 17; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d4 Con and sickened; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution based.
If the target is an animal or vermin, and suffers at least 1 point of Con damage, it must make a DC 12 Will save each round it suffers from the poison, or be fascinated by the intoxication effect and unable to tell it is being harmed. This is not a [mind-affecting] effect.
Environment any oceans
Organization solitary, pack (2–5), or bloom (6–12)
Treasure none
One of nature's stranger wonders, the swimming coral mold is a kind of slime mold that has developed the unusual strategy of imitating coral and eating those creatures who wander too near.
Though non-sentient, and normally passive, it can occasionally be quite aggressive when larger creatures move nearby, causing it to be considered quite the hazard to deep sea divers of all stripes.
Hey! You know what time it is! Stinging corals plus slime mold equals this thing!
Sissyl |
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Okay, time to make that shark.
This creature looks like a black furless and tailless hound of impressive size, but it has obscenely powerful jaws filled with serrated teeth. Its nose is a mere bulb, and its eyes are tiny. Instead of ears, it has a series of rifts behind the eyes. It is clearly built for speed, and for murder.
It loses the aquatic subtype, keen scent is replaced by scent, its swim speed is replaced by a land speed of 60', and it gets an intelligence of 3. Its swim skill is replaced by survival.
The slaughterwail is a terrifying predator. It lives in open areas, preferably with little high vegetation. Normally a pack hunter, it can follow prey for miles until it is isolated, or weakened enough to take down easily. Slaughterwails also coordinate their attacks with brutal efficiency through grinding, horrifying wails.
(Making the shark a land creature makes for a horrifying monster. Which shouldn't come as a surprise...)
the David |
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I'll try anything once.
monster: 1d765 ⇒ 41
Uhm, the aranea...
Actually, I would change very little. I'd keep the image of a big spider but I wouldn't keep the spell list. The illusion spells would get swapped out for divination spells. Some of the skills would be traded for knowledges, and I might be tempted to raise her int to 16. That's about it.
Pizza Lord |
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...the aranea... Actually, I would change very little...
C'mon the David. There's got to be some variation you've been dying to see and create other a spider/humanoid. This is your chance! Maybe a... turtle/humanoid? Turns into a hybrid and takes levels of ninja? Maybe a horse that turns into a girl... or a hybrid centaur? Maybe it's not an animal, maybe you could reskin it into a wooden construct that also can take the shape of a... cart or carriage. Maybe it makes a cool sound when it transforms changes shape, like [copywrite infringement]!
Monster: 1d765 ⇒ 164
Oh dear. A balor lord.
That is a tough one, not only do you almost need to come up with a near epic creature, but then a souped-up powerful version of. Still... I'm tempted to give it a shot while I'm standing around at work. Don't let that stop anyone else from trying, though.
Tacticslion |
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Taylor Swift incoming...
... you know, I really don't know how Autocorrect decided to turn it into a famous pop star that I rarely, if ever, write about, but it's kind of hilarious. Either way, I'm taking on Sissy's abandoned project; but I'd love to see Pizza Lord's take as well.
Also, once again, in this post, autocorrect is hilarious. Heh.
Tacticslion |
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Well, I started early today, but then had to stop - we went to Church and ended up not coming back until pretty late tonight. Hah!
Next one.
Monster: 1d765 ⇒ 134
Oh dear. A balor lord. This is too massive for me. Feel free to take it.
Lightweight. ;p :D
(Though you totally did exactly what I was planning on doing with the shark, once I got back home. (Though I was considering giving it a climb or burrow speed; the latter, however, felt too much like a bullette.) Well done!)
Now! Onto the topic at hand.
So, basic spit-ball ideas to differentiate from theme, while leaving abilities mostly alone: an extraplanar cube of malevolence that relies on the balor's typical bluff/diplomacy scores that seem innocuous and helpful, acting as a guide and information resource to people groups (via knowledge and bluff), and sets itself up as a god of some that demands sacrifice. Its long-term goal is to bring civilization to ruin, and once the generations are living in confusion and squalor, it sets itself up as a god. This links it to both Evoco and Eratir Otang as deities. The cube (or obelisk, I haven't decided) has the ability to instantly "extrude" pseudopods and either use them as clubs, lashes, or slicing blades. Alter the fire for electricity. Change the creatures' stuff's load-out - since it now manufactures its own weapons, it no longer needs those things as part of its "treasure" - a quick look at the Treasure Values per Encounter chart (with presuming the balor lord still has "standard" for its CR, as that entry isn't in the stats), means 185k gold value stuff. To pull of its deception, it needs to be able to ruin civilization from within. An extremely useful suite of abilities to do that would be innocence or glibness, project image (widened), veil, unconscious agenda, [/i]triggered suggestion[/i], aura of the unremarkable, and anonymous interaction. Stuff like Paranoia[/url and [url=http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/i/invisibility]invisibility would help, but aren't quite as important for fostering the sense of dread. So the concept would be that a "new" ancient monument, or crashed meteor, or whatever is discovered by a government. The <thing> is secretly sentient, and uses its projection and unconscious agenda and triggered suggestion abilities to insert itself into important government places. It then begins fostering paranoia among the government heads, while fomenting dissent among the people. With its projections being able to look like anyone (veil) and wisdom seemingly great, it can easily lead the government astray, causing it to spin into chaos and destruction, causing the collapse of a given civilization into internal war and death. This, in turn, allows the obelisk to then reveal its "true self" to some group of survivors, and use that to ascend to the status of "god" of the group, slowly corrupting and instituting horrid practices among the people, until innocent lives are sacrificed to it, just so it can enjoy the feasting. Making the magic item tattoos gives the obelisk something interesting to "read" or whatever, while ensuring such potent (and corrupt) resources don't end up in PC hands, unless a GM wants them to. Favored servants are: succubus, incubus, glabrezu, shadow demon, and nabasu; there should be very few civilization it can't take down with those, especially as any given one persists for an hour.
Welp! That gives us a direction, concept, visual, and something to spend our cash moneys on! Now for the name...
... drrrrr... wwwweeeeellllllllll... ummmmmmmmmmmmmm... you see...
... I got nothin'.
Oh! Ohohoh~! That's it! "The Nameless Doom"! Love it!
Okay! Now that I've got a name, figured out what to do with all 'dat cash and leave the mechanics identical, and so on... time to dump all of that~! First, I'mma drop the Barbarian levels and just replace 'em with generic HD - that'll provide +2 skill points per round, but cost ~1.5 hp/barbarian level (exact math incoming). Second, I'mma just make its stats normal - but give it a critical rage-flaw that can cause it to despoil its own plots. Third, I'mma make those spells I mentioned earlier non-magic items, and, instead, innate parts of the critter. Fourth, I'mma alter the Treasure segment into one of three formats: none, incidental, or quadruple. It retains "none" whenever it goes somewhere new or is just found or whatever. "Incidental" is for the early stages of worship, especially during the collapse of the government. "Quadruple" is for when it's fully controlled the collapsed society, and has various sacrifices in its honor.
And now... origins. Short version: the Abyss (by way of the two jerk gods mentioned above) got a hold of an inevitable production machine from Axis, and, instead of genuine soul-stuff, shoved raw Abyssal-stuff right in that puppy, creating a set of new demons of incredible power, but destroying the machinery itself after a short production run. And there we are! Now for stats'ing!
I have two options. One is closer to "just re-fluff" and the second is "closer to origin story" - I'd use the latter, but it's up to you.
The Nameless Doom
This magnificent monolith is clearly meant to stand the test of time. Ancient, of an architectural make not seen for ages hence, it is beautiful in its absolute opacity, impossibly edged and rounded lines, and entirely (impossibly) non-reflective surface. There is ancient golden writing inscribed on the surface, and it cackles with esoteric, mystical energy.
The Nameless Doom; CR 25
AL Large outsider (chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar)
Init +10; Senses darkvision 60 ft., lowlight vision, scent, true seeing; Perception +44
AC 33, touch 17, flat-footed 27 (+4 deflection, +6 Dex, +14 natural, -1 size)
hp 517 (25d10+375)
Fort +31, Ref +17, Will +25
Defensive Abilities improved uncanny dodge, trapsense +6; DR 15/cold iron and good; Immune electricity, fire, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10; SR 31
Speed fly 90 ft. (good), swim 90 ft.; see psychokinesis, below
Melee +1 vorpal unholy primary assault +40/+35/+30/+25 plus +1 vorpal flaming secondary assault +40/+35/+30
Space 10 ft., Reach 10 ft. (20 ft. with entangle assault)
SA projected avatar, psychokinesis
Spell-like Abilities (CL 20th, Concentration +)
- Constant - innocence, true seeing, unholy aura (DC 27)
- At will - anonymous interaction (DC 21), aura of the unremarkable (DC 21), greater dispel magic, paranoia (DC 20), power word stun (DC), sow thought (DC 20), triggered suggestion (DC 22), greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), vanish
- 3/day - unconscious agenda (DC 25)
- 1/day - blasphemy (DC 26), fire storm (DC 27), implosion (DC 28), summon (level 9, any CR 19 or lower demon 100%)
- 1/week - overwhelming presence (DC 28)
During Combat A nameless doom relies upon its spell-like abilities to fight foes wise enough to avoid melee range, favoring destructive powers like fire storm or implosion and saving unconscious agenda for use against the foes it would prefer to capture alive. A nameless doom usually uses its psychokinesis ability to disarm ranged weapons or pull foes into melee; it can use the latter tactic and still inflict a full-round attack on a hapless foe. A nameless doom reduced to fewer than 50 hit points almost always seeks slay a neighboring creature, an ally if necessary, in order to activate its life drinker supernatural ability; otherwise it will flee via teleportation; if both these tactics prove impossible it seeks to position itself such that, if it is slain, its death throes are as devastating as possible to the enemy host. Generally believing its own hype, it fights until slain.
Str 43, Dex 23, Con 44, Int 24, Wis 26, Cha 29
Base Atk +25; CMB +41; CMD 66
Feats Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Initiative, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Iron Will, Power Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (natural weapon), ANY
Skills Acrobatics +31, Bluff +37 (+47 to appear innocent), Diplomacy +37, Fly +36, Intimidate +37, Knowledge (history) +29, Knowledge (nobility) +29, Knowledge (planes) +35, Knowledge (religion) +28, Perception +44, Sense Motive +36, Stealth +30, Use Magic Device +37; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic; telepathy 100 ft.
SQ death throes, lifedrinker, vorpal strike, whip mastery
Death Throws (Su)
When killed, a nameless doom explodes in a radiating arc of evil lightning that deals 100 points of damage (half electicity, half unholy damage) to anything within 100 feet. A Reflex save DC 37 halve the damage; the save DC is Constitution-based.
Entangle (Ex)
If a nameless doom strikes a Medium or smaller foe with its entangling natural weapon, the 'doom can immediately attempt a grapple check without provoking an attack of opportunity. If the 'doom wins the check, it draws the foe into an adjacent square. The foe gains the grappled condition, but the 'doom does not.
Knockback (Ex)
Once per round, the nameless doom can make a bull rush attempt against one target in place of a melee attack with a natural attack. If successful, the target takes damage equal to the doom's Strength modifier and is moved back as normal. The nameless doom does not need to move with the target if successful. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Lifedrinker (Su)
Whenever the nameless doom slays a living creature, or a living creature is ritually sacrificed within ten feet of the nameless doom, it receives the benefits of a heal spell (CL 20th). This ability can activate up to once per round.
Natural Assault (Su)
A nameless doom has the ability to extrude three different forms of attacks - akin to natural weapons - each of which have their own properties and styles: an entangling attack, a slamming attack, and a slicing attack. All of these are treated as +1 unholy shocking burst weapons. Additionally, the entangling and slicing natural attacks have the vorpal weapon quality.
- Entangling: 1d4 Slashing; disarm, nonlethal (optional), reach, trip
- Slamming: 2d6 Bludgeoning; blocking
- Slicing: 2d6 Slashing, 19-20
Any combination of up to two of these weapons can be used as the primary or secondary assault - so a nameless doom can use two entangling assaults, or two slamming assaults, or a single entangling and a single slamming assault. A nameless doom can only manifest up to two of these in a round. If one of these weapons is sundered (treat as an adamantine longsword for DC, hardness, and hit points), the nameless doom is staggered for 1d4 rounds, and must wait a full twenty-four hours before it is able to replace that weapon, though it can use a different one. It effectively has "two" of each kind of weapon available. It may always use its psychokinesis ability (see below) as well.
Projected Avatar (Sp)
A nameless doom's natural body has little innate capability of doing anything other than moving, deadly physical assaults, and manifesting its spell-like or special abilities. To get around this, is gains the ability to create a projection of itself. This avatar functions similarly to the project image and the veil spells. An projected avatar is a tangible illusion that, at its base, looks, sounds, and smells like the nameless doom, but the nameless doom may freely change it to feel, look, sound, and smell like anything it wants (this gives it a +10 bonus to any disguise check it makes). This avatar may be projected and sustained anywhere up to 4,000 feet away from the nameless doom.
A nameless doom may choose to use its senses either from the projected avatar, or itself. While sensing things through the avatar, the nameless doom is treated as if it had the blinded and deafened conditions. A nameless doom may choose to use any of its spell-like abilities on or through its avatar, except the teleport ability, which immediately ends the projected avatar.
A nameless doom has the ability to use its telekinesis ability to a much greater extent than similar creatures. This functions similarly to the telekinesis spell, except it may be used as a swift action once per round; in addition, it may replace a single attack roll made in a round. A nameless doom may utilize its telekinesis to imitate a fly or swim speed, however this movement uses up its swift action telekinesis each round to do so (in addition to the normal move action it requires to move). Psychokinesis an effective caster level of 25, can move up to 625 lbs., and has a DC 29; it otherwise functions as the telekinesis spell. The save DC is constitution-based.
Shockbody (Ex)
A nameless doom's body runs off of extremely powerful electrical energy. Anyone striking a 'doom with a natural weapon or unarmed strike takes 1d6 points of electicity damage. A creature that grapples a doom or is grappled by one takes 6d6 points of electrical damage each round the grapple persists.
Environment any (Abyss)
Organization solitary, infiltration (1 nameless doom and 0-2 each of glabrezu, incubus, shadow demon, succubus), or cult (1 nameless doom, and 20-200 humanoid commoners, 400%-9,001% noncombatants, and possibly an infiltration [50% chance])
Treasure generally none or incidental; if it has conquered a society, it instead has quadruple
There are many things unexplained, unknown, and so esoteric that it is nearly impossible to guess. The nameless horror has been a doom to many peoples, even worlds, and rarely has its villainy been noticed until far, far after it is too late.
Though almost no creatures now live that know if their origins, the nameless dooms are ancient indeed. In the early days of the production of the inevitables, demons - fresh off of their monstrous birth, and dripping with malevolence and mischief - under the guidance of two wicked gods, Evoco and Eratir Otang, assaulted the city of Axis, and stole a single great forge, hoping to replicate the "trick" that had caused demons to spring into existence in the first place.
The "trick" worked - sort of. Instead of creating an infinitely self-sustaining army of neo-demons from whence the Abyss could march forth and conquer, the machinery was jammed, corrupted, and warped by the malevolent abyssal material over-shoved into it, and eventually shattered. From those ashes, however, and the prints and plans that were made by the forge, the pieces collected (with their abyssal material) into moulds, and an unnamed demonic race - the first and last of such a race - were born.
These monsters thought of themselves as godlike, and, using their many and vast powers, were able to eventually scatter, enter the material plane, and begin (at the guidance of those two ancient deities) destroying civilizations and causing ruin and debasement.
Usually appearing as a miraculous (non-sentient) arrival to a civilization on the edge of dangerous social upheaval, it is often taken as an artistic gift from the gods (or other strange or previously unknown benevolent source), and a source of inspiration and truth. It uses its position to slowly infiltrate and corrupt the society, using its own projected avatars in the guises of others, and summoning specific demons to engage in sowing chaos, corruption, paranoia, betrayal, and suspicion; before finally pushing the right buttons it's labored to create, and causing the entirety of society to collapse into ruin, destitution, and savagery all around it.
At that point, it reveals itself to be living and sentient, claims to have finally been able to respond to the prayers of the faithful, and "ascends" to become the "god" of the survivors, leading them in brutal and vile rites of sacrifice, murder, and debasement for its amusement and enrichment. It revels in the slow destruction of these creatures, feasting on the periodic sacrifice of living entities, until, at last, the final few die or are either unable or unwilling to complete the sacrifices on each other - at which time the nameless doom slaughters them itself, before moving on to the next victim civilization.
Though they now primarily serve the interests of Eratir Otang, despite more considering themselves allies (of a sorts) of Evoco, and responding to requests from that deity, as appropriate.
Despite their origins, they are not inherently evil or wicked. Rumor holds that a few seek to actually aspire to be what they are purported to be... though, of course, the reliability of such rumors, always only found in corrupt madmen's ramblings of horrors too bizarre to be real, are inevitably dismissed as a fanciful tale of nonsense.
The Nameless Doom
This magnificent monolith is clearly meant to stand the test of time. Ancient, of an architectural make not seen for ages hence, it is beautiful in its absolute opacity, impossibly edged and rounded lines, and entirely (impossibly) non-reflective surface. There is ancient golden writing inscribed on the surface, and it cackles with esoteric, mystical energy.
The Nameless Doom; CR 25
AL Large outsider (constructed, demon, inevitable, extraplanar)
Init +10; Senses darkvision 60 ft., lowlight vision, scent, true seeing; Perception +44
AC 33, touch 17, flat-footed 27 (+4 deflection, +6 Dex, +14 natural, -1 size)
hp 517 (25d10+375+30); regeneration 2/chaotic
Fort +31, Ref +17, Will +25
Defensive Abilities constructed, improved uncanny dodge, trapsense +6; DR 15/cold iron and good; Immune electricity, fire, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10; SR 31
Speed fly 90 ft. (good), swim 90 ft.; see psychokinesis, below
Melee +1 vorpal unholy primary assault +40/+35/+30/+25 plus +1 vorpal flaming secondary assault +40/+35/+30
Space 10 ft., Reach 10 ft. (20 ft. with entangle assault)
SA projected avatar, psychokinesis
Spell-like Abilities (CL 20th, Concentration +)
- Constant - innocence, true seeing, truespeech, undetectable alignment, unholy aura (DC 27)
- At will - anonymous interaction (DC 21), aura of the unremarkable (DC 21), greater dispel magic, paranoia (DC 20), power word stun (DC), sow thought (DC 20), triggered suggestion (DC 22), greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), vanish
- 3/day - unconscious agenda (DC 25)
- 1/day - blasphemy (DC 26), fire storm (DC 27), implosion (DC 28), summon (level 9, any CR 19 or lower demon 100%)
- 1/week - overwhelming presence (DC 28)
Str 43, Dex 23, Con 44, Int 24, Wis 26, Cha 29
Base Atk +25; CMB +41; CMD 66
Feats Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Initiative, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Iron Will, Power Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (natural weapon), ANY
Skills Acrobatics +31, Bluff +37 (+47 to appear innocent), Diplomacy +37, Fly +36, Intimidate +37, Knowledge (history) +29, Knowledge (nobility) +29, Knowledge (planes) +35, Knowledge (religion) +28, Perception +44, Sense Motive +36, Stealth +30, Use Magic Device +37; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic; telepathy 100 ft.
SQ death throes, lifedrinker, vorpal strike, whip mastery
Constructed (Ex)
Although the nameless dooms are living outsiders, their bodies are constructed of physical components, and in many ways they function as constructs. For the purposes of effects targeting creatures by type (such as a ranger’s favored enemy and bane weapons), the nameless dooms count as both outsiders and constructs. They are immune to death effects, disease, mind-affecting effects, necromancy effects, paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless). The nameless dooms are not subject to nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain. They are not at risk of death from massive damage. They have bonus hit points as Constructs of their size.
Death Throws (Su)
When killed, a nameless doom explodes in a radiating arc of evil lightning that deals 100 points of damage (half electicity, half unholy damage) to anything within 100 feet. A Reflex save DC 37 halve the damage; the save DC is Constitution-based.
Entangle (Ex)
If a nameless doom strikes a Medium or smaller foe with its entangling natural weapon, the 'doom can immediately attempt a grapple check without provoking an attack of opportunity. If the 'doom wins the check, it draws the foe into an adjacent square. The foe gains the grappled condition, but the 'doom does not.
Knockback (Ex)
Once per round, the nameless doom can make a bull rush attempt against one target in place of a melee attack with a natural attack. If successful, the target takes damage equal to the doom's Strength modifier and is moved back as normal. The nameless doom does not need to move with the target if successful. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Lifedrinker (Su)
Whenever the nameless doom slays a living creature, or a living creature is ritually sacrificed within ten feet of the nameless doom, it receives the benefits of a heal spell (CL 20th). This ability can activate up to once per round.
Natural Assault (Su)
A nameless doom has the ability to extrude three different forms of attacks - akin to natural weapons - each of which have their own properties and styles: an entangling attack, a slamming attack, and a slicing attack. All of these are treated as +1 unholy shocking burst weapons. Additionally, the entangling and slicing natural attacks have the vorpal weapon quality.
- Entangling: 1d4 Slashing; disarm, nonlethal (optional), reach, trip
- Slamming: 2d6 Bludgeoning; blocking
- Slicing: 2d6 Slashing, 19-20
Any combination of up to two of these weapons can be used as the primary or secondary assault - so a nameless doom can use two entangling assaults, or two slamming assaults, or a single entangling and a single slamming assault. A nameless doom can only manifest up to two of these in a round. If one of these weapons is sundered (treat as an adamantine longsword for DC, hardness, and hit points), the nameless doom is staggered for 1d4 rounds, and must wait a full twenty-four hours before it is able to replace that weapon, though it can use a different one. It effectively has "two" of each kind of weapon available. It may always use its psychokinesis ability (see below) as well.
Projected Avatar (Sp)
A nameless doom's natural body has little innate capability of doing anything other than moving, deadly physical assaults, and manifesting its spell-like or special abilities. To get around this, is gains the ability to create a projection of itself. This avatar functions similarly to the project image and the veil spells. An projected avatar is a tangible illusion that, at its base, looks, sounds, and smells like the nameless doom, but the nameless doom may freely change it to feel, look, sound, and smell like anything it wants (this gives it a +10 bonus to any disguise check it makes). This avatar may be projected and sustained anywhere up to 4,000 feet away from the nameless doom.
A nameless doom may choose to use its senses either from the projected avatar, or itself. While sensing things through the avatar, the nameless doom is treated as if it had the blinded and deafened conditions. A nameless doom may choose to use any of its spell-like abilities on or through its avatar, except the teleport ability, which immediately ends the projected avatar.
A nameless doom has the ability to use its telekinesis ability to a much greater extent than similar creatures. This functions similarly to the telekinesis spell, except it may be used as a swift action once per round; in addition, it may replace a single attack roll made in a round. A nameless doom may utilize its telekinesis to imitate a fly or swim speed, however this movement uses up its swift action telekinesis each round to do so (in addition to the normal move action it requires to move). Psychokinesis an effective caster level of 25, can move up to 625 lbs., and has a DC 29; it otherwise functions as the telekinesis spell. The save DC is constitution-based.
Shockbody (Ex)
A nameless doom's body runs off of extremely powerful electrical energy. Anyone striking a 'doom with a natural weapon or unarmed strike takes 1d6 points of electicity damage. A creature that grapples a doom or is grappled by one takes 6d6 points of electrical damage each round the grapple persists.
Environment any (Abyss)
Organization solitary, infiltration (1 nameless doom and 0-2 each of glabrezu, incubus, shadow demon, succubus), or cult (1 nameless doom, and 20-200 humanoid commoners, 400%-9,001% noncombatants, and possibly an infiltration [50% chance])
Treasure generally none or incidental; if it has conquered a society, it instead has quadruple
EDIT: I forgot the rage weakness! Ah, well. Maybe I'll next time. I also have a cool idea for a weakness involving its SLAs... :D
That is a tough one, not only do you almost need to come up with a near epic creature, but then a souped-up powerful version of. Still... I'm tempted to give it a shot while I'm standing around at work. Don't let that stop anyone else from trying, though.Monster: 1d765 ⇒ 164
Oh dear. A balor lord.
You should do it! I know I just did, but I'd love to see someone else come up with something!
I'll try anything once.
Uhm, the aranea...
Actually, I would change very little. I'd keep the image of a big spider but I wouldn't keep the spell list. The illusion spells would get swapped out for divination spells. Some of the skills would be traded for knowledges, and I might be tempted to raise her int to 16. That's about it.
the David wrote:...the aranea... Actually, I would change very little...C'mon the David. There's got to be some variation you've been dying to see and create other a spider/humanoid. This is your chance! Maybe a... turtle/humanoid? Turns into a hybrid and takes levels of ninja? Maybe a horse that turns into a girl... or a hybrid centaur? Maybe it's not an animal, maybe you could reskin it into a wooden construct that also can take the shape of a... cart or carriage. Maybe it makes a cool sound when ittransformschanges shape, like [copywrite infringement]!
Got it!
... but not tonight. I ran out of time, being out of the house all day, and being with my family instead of at the computer. Feel free to expand on it first, however!
the David |
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the David wrote:...the aranea... Actually, I would change very little...C'mon the David. There's got to be some variation you've been dying to see and create other a spider/humanoid. This is your chance! Maybe a... turtle/humanoid? Turns into a hybrid and takes levels of ninja? Maybe a horse that turns into a girl... or a hybrid centaur? Maybe it's not an animal, maybe you could reskin it into a wooden construct that also can take the shape of a... cart or carriage. Maybe it makes a cool sound when ittransformschanges shape, like [copywrite infringement]!
Well, I suppose it would work as an intelligent ooze. Most of the stuff wouldn't need to change. Web would just be sticky slime, or you could replace it with grease. Instead of bite it would have a slam or tentacle attack with a contact poison. And change shape could be used to...
Now look at what you made me do! I created a slime girl!
Tacticslion |
Okay, time to make that shark.
This creature looks like a black furless and tailless hound of impressive size, but it has obscenely powerful jaws filled with serrated teeth. Its nose is a mere bulb, and its eyes are tiny. Instead of ears, it has a series of rifts behind the eyes. It is clearly built for speed, and for murder.
It loses the aquatic subtype, keen scent is replaced by scent, its swim speed is replaced by a land speed of 60', and it gets an intelligence of 3. Its swim skill is replaced by survival.
The slaughterwail is a terrifying predator. It lives in open areas, preferably with little high vegetation. Normally a pack hunter, it can follow prey for miles until it is isolated, or weakened enough to take down easily. Slaughterwails also coordinate their attacks with brutal efficiency through grinding, horrifying wails.
(Making the shark a land creature makes for a horrifying monster. Which shouldn't come as a surprise...)
Sissyl! The Slaughterwail has a face! A horrifyingly adorable face!
Tacticslion |
Two points of clarification.
Dang it!
Taylor Swift incoming...
... you know, I really don't know how Autocorrect decided to turn it into a famous pop star that I rarely, if ever, write about, but it's kind of hilarious. Either way, I'm taking on Sissy's abandoned project; but I'd love to see Pizza Lord's take as well.
Also, once again, in this post, autocorrect is hilarious. Heh.
This was my terrible attempt at talking about the balor lord while fighting with auto-correct on a phone.
Grrr. I missed a pretty important opportunity to thematically tie the Knockback into Psychokinesis. Whoooooops.
- vulnerability to erase spells
- mythic rage flaw
- tying Knockback ability to Psychokinesis
- add Concentration valueHmmmm. Anyone else notice anything?
The last sentence is confusing. I meant more of an honest/frank, "Anyone else notice anything that I'm missing? I want to make a single errata post instead of several."
What I did not mean to say, was a sly/cunning, "Anyone else notice anything? I see a suspicious pattern emerging and/or am trying to subtly imply something."
I think the post reads more like the latter, but was intended to be the former. Whoops.
So... anyone notice anything I've missed? Is there a glaring error I'm not seeing, or any great thematic element that should get tied to something else? I only want to make a single errata, if possible, instead of several.
Sissyl |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Sissyl! The Slaughterwail has a face! A horrifyingly adorable face!
I am scared... =(
Sissyl |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Chain Rend
This large, floating lump, on closer inspection is seen to be a grisly tangle of rusty chains flecked with old blood, and drooping with wicked blades of all shapes. Suddenly, the chains extend into a menacing cloud, and the air fills with the shriek of metal on metal.
XP 1,200
N Large construct
Init +0; Senses low-light vision, darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
AC 17, touch 9, flat-footed 15 (+6 natural, –1 size)
hp 63 (6d10+30)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2
Immune mind-affecting effects, construct immunities, cannot be tripped
Speed fly 30 ft. (poor)
Melee 4 slashes +5 (2d6+2/19–20)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks slash
Str 14, Dex 11, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 6
Base Atk +4; CMB +10; CMD 20 (cannot be tripped)
Skills Fly –6
Blade Rend (Ex)
A chain rend’s slash attack threatens a critical hit on a roll of 19–20. If a chain rend scores a critical hit on a target, its blades cut deep, resulting in a wound that causes 1d6 bleed and leaving its foe staggered for 1d3 rounds from the tremendous pain dealt.
The animated lumps of chains called chain rends are creatures designed to help the kytons inflict their pain on an unsuspecting world.
Pizza Lord |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Is there a glaring error I'm not seeing?
Other than the Huaka'i Pō's broken machete, which should only crit on a 20 instead of 18-20 until repaired, I think most things are fair enough.
Oh dear. A balor lord. This is too massive for me. Feel free to take it.
Not gonna do a stat block, just the framework.
Sovereign Fey
Dwelling in the Faerie Realms as well as realms and planes of their own making, there are long-lived and powerful fey rulers who can rival the most mightiest of entities. These near-godlike rulers of the fey remember when the worlds were primeval swathes of forest and mystery before the mortal realms took shape and their kind slid 'sideways' into the realms hidden from science and reason. There are even rumors that some of the darker, more cruel, and evil ones rule over their own levels in the infinite layers of the Abyss.
As chaotic entities, they can be kind, cruel, helpful, or depraved but almost all have no sense of consideration for mortal feelings. If a Sovereign Fey is pleasant or hospitable with a visitor, it is likely only from whim or novelty and such feelings are likely to change quickly. Most such creatures are never encountered outside their own hidden realms and domains. In most cases, such places are nearly impossible to escape from without the Sovereign's permission. The fact that many have strangely-flowing time and physiological effects on mortals, not to mention the mental strain, means few visitors ever return completely, if at all.
Each Sovereign Fey is unique, though all possess powers that rival demon lords and arch-devils. They do not grant spells to followers, though they may bestow enchantments and boons to those they favor. While knowledgeable on arcane and ancient secrets and lore, most Sovereign Fey have little interaction with other creatures outside their own 'courts' and domains, though they likely have means, whether through magic or spies, of learning nearly anything they desire.
Sovereign Fey use the statistics for Balor (lords) with the following changes:
- Creature type changes from Outsider to Fey.
This does not change any abilities based on type, such as darkvision, hit dice, or BAB. Sovereign Fey are much more powerful than a typical Fey creature. They do, however, lose all subtypes and any effects tied to those, though some may possess unique abilities that emulate these. Sovereign Fey are (extraplanar) when on the Prime Material Plane only.
- 'DR 15/cold iron and good' changes to 'DR 15/cold iron and lawful.'
- The Sovereign Fey loses all the listed immunities and resistances (which were based on the demon subtype.)
- Spell-like abilities:
Constant- Unholy aura is altered from affecting good creatures to affecting non-fey creatures and spells. Gnomes and elves (including half-elves) count as fey for this effect.
1/day- Blasphemy is altered to affect non-fey instead of good creatures. Gnomes and elves (including half-elves) count as fey for this effect.
Firestorm can also exclude any fey creatures (including gnomes, elves, and half-elves) as well as the others listed. In addition, all creatures within the area are affected by faerie fire (unless excluded). The reflex save for half damage does not prevent this effect.
Remove implosion and summon powers.
- Add 3/day limited wish. In addition to being able to shape their domains, Sovereign Fey have powers most creatures can't imagine. This is simulated by limited wish though unlike a normal use, these can be combined into a more powerful effect than normal by expending multiple uses simultaneously. If the Sovereign Fey expends all 3 uses at once it can emulate the power of a wish.
- Languages: change to 'Sylvan, Elven, and Gnome' (most speak more.) Remove Telepathy.
- Abilities: Typically swap Str and Con with Dex and Wis, respectively. Sovereign Fey tend more towards an elven build and physique than a hulking bruiser. Since that would require changing a lot of numbers for attacks, CMB, and damage, you might wish to avoid this for a quick reskin.
- Feats: Recommended to swap out Power Attack and Cleave for Weapon Finesse and something else to take advantage of the fey's higher Dex modifier if you swapped the abilities.
- Flight (Ex): Sovereign Fey possess wings. Though some may resemble bird, angel, bat, or gossamer butterfly wings, or even just a nearly invisible outline, they fly as winged creatures, even if their wings aren't visibly apparent.
Special Abilities:
- Spellcasting: All Sovereign Fey are spellcasters to some extent, typically sorcerers of at least 10th level.
- Replace 'Entangle (Ex)' with 'Stunning Glance (Su)' (similar to a Nymph's ability, but failure causes the target to drop to their knees and Cower as well as Stunning them. (This is not a Fear effect, though creatures immune to Stunning are immune to both effects.)
- Death Throes (Su): When a Fey Sovereign is killed it explodes in a blinding flash of magical energy that deals 50 damage to all creatures within 100 feet (Reflex half). Any creature taking damage also takes 3d6 damage to their Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma (roll for each.) Fey creatures (including gnomes, elves, and half-elves) take half this ability damage. Any creature reduced to 0 in any of these scores is driven insane (as the spell), until the ability damage to that ability is fully healed.
- Replace 'Vorpal Strike (Su)' with 'Dematerializing Strike (Su).'
Whenever a Fey Sovereign confirms a critical hit against a creature, the target loses substance and becomes almost illusory. The target (and its equipment) becomes the equivalent of a shadow-conjured illusion. This includes having only 20% hit points and doing 20% damage to others. Disbelief checks are unnecessary, it's obvious he's mostly illusory (though another illusion could try and hide that.) Spell casting and other abilities are still usable, though they follow the rules for shadow conjuration effects (see the shadow conjuration spell for more details.) The target is not an actual illusion and is not affected by spells or other effects that would apply to illusions (ie. a control illusion power would not affect him, while a charm monster spell still could.)This effect lasts 1 hour or until the target dies. Items dropped by the target do not regain their substance until the effect ends on the target. It can be removed by the Sovereign Fey or with the casting of a dispel chaos spell (which has no failure chance).
Note: Sovereign Fey typically use a keen rapier instead of an unholy longsword both to take advantage of their Weapon Finesse feat (if using a higher Dex) and because of the increased critical threat range of the rapier. While it no longer requires a natural 20, I think the fact that it's no longer an auto-decapitation balances out fairly.
An 8-foot tall elven figure in the finest of clothing stands before you. The faintest glimmer of sparkling stars seems to form wing-like shapes from his shoulders. A crown of gold and emeralds, shaped into the semblance of a ring of thorns, rests easily upon his raven-dark hair. Clothes of the finest gossamer cloth catch the light and as he turns to regard you with green eyes that seem to sparkle with amusement and imperious cold at the same time. A gloved hand rests upon the hilt of a glowing blue rapier at his side as one corner of his mouth quirks up into a slight smile that doesn't reach the the rest of his features.
Unlike most Sovereign Fey, Lord Sovemoir does not live in the Faerie Realms, though he has been spotted travelling through them on occasion. This powerful entity has his own layer deep in the Abyss; the 170th layer, known as Galinweald, the Forest Epochal.
Lord Sovemoir considers himself the lord of conflict and consequence. He enjoys spells and powers that damage attackers or causes them to damage themselves. His palace, Galinhold, lies within the bowels of an ancient tree trunk somewhere in the trackless depths of his layer. Lord Sovemoir has a fondness for mirrors of opposition and several lay behind curtains or in wait down dead-end hallways to catch intruders unaware. What better person to stop an intruder than the intruder himself he reasons.
A unit of Vilderavn fey makes up his personal bodyguard retinue when away from the palace and when he holds court. Typically this is once a month, though telling time is difficult for non-natives of the layer. Guests can expect balls, banquets, music, and riding through his gardens during these times, though if his mood sours it's best to avoid his notice as quickly as possible.
Lord Sovemoir has fended off demonic incursions into his layer multiple times, typically without having to engage the enemy personally. The domain makes coordination and mounting an offensive difficult and the native wildlife and denizens pick off all but the strongest interlopers. For the time being, his demonic neighbors don't seem inclined to challenge him, since he himself seems content with his own interests and domain. Currently, he's searching for the location of a planes-spanning comet said to contain a large amount of metal with the properties of cold iron. Whether he plans to forge it into weaponry to assault another Fey realm or somehow crash it into an enemy's domain remains to be seen.
Unique powers:
- Lord Sovemoir casts spells as a 10th-level sorcerer.
- Opposition Gaze (Su): 3/day as a standard action, Lord Sovemoir can gaze at a living target within 60 feet. The target may make a Reflex save to avert his gaze in time. Failure indicates that a copy of the target (as mirror of opposition) appears within range and attacks Lord Sovemoir's foes. The duplicate rolls for initiative when it appears. A single target can only be affected by this ability once per day.
- Bifurcating Rend (Su): Though he prefers his keen rapier in combat, if Lord Sovemoir ever strikes the same target twice in a round with his hands (be it his slam attack or an unarmed strike), the target must succeed at a Will save or be split apart into multiple copies which appear in any open space within Lord Sovemoir's reach. A target can only be affected by this ability once per day.
Roll 1d4, this is the number of duplicates that appear. Each one is an exact copy of the target, including class levels, alignment, type, hit dice, BAB, skills, and feats. The target's current hit points are divided amongst all the duplicates however (any remainder stays with the original) and the target's gear and possessions are not copied, leaving the duplicates as basically unarmed and naked targets.
Spells prepared, spell slots, spell-like abilities, and spell effects currently on the target also stay strictly with the original target, none of the duplicates receive any such powers or abilities including rage, cantrips, Lay on Hands, etc. They do have non-activateable abilities however, such as Sneak Attack, a Monk's increased movement speed, connection to the same familiar, and all the knowledge of the original (up to that point.) The duplicates all get their own initiative when they appear and are considered flat-footed until they move. They are under there own control and act accordingly (usually trying to get away from danger since they're naked.) Assume the original target (or player) controls them, though they have no inherent mental connection, so any communication, coordination, or tactics must still be worked out.
Should the duplicates manage to arm themselves they can attack or defend themselves normally, but typically what happens is they become easy targets for Lord Sovemoir and his allies, though duplicating a monk could turn out to be a tactical error, since they have little need of weapons or armor.
This effect lasts until the original target dies or for 1 minute. At that point all duplicates vanish and, if the original target is still alive, their remaining hit points are added back to the target, including any healing they may have received though any spells or other effects placed upon them are not otherwise transferred. If a duplicate is reduced to 0 hit points, it vanishes immediately (leaving any equipment it may have picked up behind.) A dispel magic effect targeting a duplicate or cast over an area including one or more duplicates has a chance to remove a duplicate (adding its hit points back to the original) with a successful caster check.
Like the rest of the Abyss, it is Strongly-Chaotic aligned, though only faintly Evil. As such, only Chaos spells are enhanced and only Lawful spells are impeded. This difference still makes certain demons uncomfortable, which suits Lord Sovemoir just fine. He doesn't tolerate most demons in his domain with the exception of jovac demons, a type of creature that can reflect damage it's taken back upon any non-demons in the area. He finds the ability intriguing. Still, these creatures only lurk in small groups in out-of-the-way parts of the forests.
Life in the Forest Epochal is diverse but cruel and prone to a bloody end. Wolf packs prowl the forest floor and fey prowl in the boughs and knots of trees. The sounds of forest creatures exist here but the air seems always muted, as though nearby creatures where constantly on alert for predators. This silence doesn't make listening easier, it instead causes a constant sensation of tension and stress on most creatures. Non-natives have a -5 penalty to Perception to sense approaching enemies due to the lack of typical stimulus that warns of incoming danger.
Notable locations:
Ultonshire Church: The small church seems to have been dropped into the realm from some other location. Its stone walls and steeple are just the faintest bit off-kilter. A small cemetary rests nearby, within a low cobblestone wall topped with wrought-iron fencing. Whatever the secret of its origin, fey creatures seem loathe to disturb it, whether due to the wrought iron or the fact that its hallowed ground seems almost painful to them.
A hooded, human like man who refers to himself as Friar Collins resides and tends to the church yard and graves. He's been known to offer travelers safe-haven for a night. Rumors persist of extensive catacombs somewhere under the church that wind down beneath even the deepest roots of the forest, possibly even to outside the layer itself. Friar Collins says nothing of such speculations nor the church's origins.
Galinhold: The palace of Lord Sovemoir rests hidden in the deep shadowed heart of the layer. Though there are likely numerous secret ways to reach it, the main entrance is through an immense, ancient tree. Once inside, the dimensions of the palace grounds seem to defy reality. Stone halls and arched galleries fill the space. Banquet halls, kitchens, and ballrooms lay in splendor down corridors that stretch into the distance. Most wondrous are the manicured gardens, sunny lawns with swings hanging from 'ordinary' seeming trees and vibrant flower gardens. Walkways, fountains, and even riding paths for pure white fairy steeds complete the bewildering scene.
Rootbarge Hollow: A small hunting/trading post just below the forest floor. It lies at the end of a long passage leading elsewhere in the Abyss. Too small to allow a large demonic force to invade Galinweald, it marks the limits most demons will approach the forest and is used by demonic bounty-hunters and others who seek to capture or harvest fey, since such ingredients and reagents are still quite rare in the Abyss. Run by a 'relatively' friendly night hag named Hagurtha, adventurers arriving here will find no shortage of work if they wish to venture up into the forest and capture faerie creatures.
Azten |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
The Rattle Man
A spook tale told to children that won't sleep at night. A warning against those that sneak around in the dead of night. The rattle man, clad in is cloak of eerily silent bones, is a sight to behold... but a terror to hear.
A rattle man appears to be a skeleton and leaves behind a trail of bones both bloody and clean, replacing it's older ones with those ripped from it's latest prey. Any bones it doesn't use it adds to it's cloak, wearing them like a macabre trophy collection.
Increase Intelligence to 10, remove the mindless quality. Alignment becomes Chaotic Evil.
Put 2 ranks in Climb, Swim, and Disable Device. A rattle man does no suffer a penalty on Disable Device checks for not having tools.
Replace the Bite attack with a Slam that deals Piercing and Bludgeoning damage, in addition to the paralysis.
Add Improved Unarmed Strike and Improved Grapple. The rattle man keeps you in place before paralyzing you, increasing it's chances of capturing it's victim.
If given access to fresh bones, a rattle man gains the ability to cast make whole on itself as long as the bones came from a creature it's size or larger.
Azten |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Spirit of the Dice, Guide Me!: 1d765 ⇒ 460
Whaler Jellyfish
Dragon's Head Ship o' War
On the horizon -or perhaps rising out of the water- appears a strange dragon's shaped of a ship. Moments later a thick, sickly blue fog rolls from the ship's "mouth" and you feel your movements become sluggish and stiff.
Change poison into an area effect usable above and below water. Initial Damage 3d6 Constitution damage, secondary effect paralysis.
Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Right. The slaughterwail would need to have Int 2.
Oh? Okay!
Monster: 1d765 ⇒ 637 to make something later work, but this reroll will prove to be useful as well...
Sovereign imperial dragon. Dammit. Well, TL, you are free to take it. =)
Oh, come-oooonnnnnnn~! It's not like I can just generate I'vegotanidea!
Age Category: 1d12 ⇒ 2
1) Wyrmling
2) Very Young
3) Young
4) Juvenile
5) Young Adult
6) Adult
7) Mature Adult
8) Old
9) Very Old
10) Ancient
11) Wyrm
12) Great Wrym
So! A Very Young Imperial Sovereign Dragon... and a shocker lizard~! D'ohohohohoh~! We got this!
(Though it's too bad I couldn't have gotten younger or older - that shapeshifting would have been nice for my original vague quasi-idea/concept of an aggressive shapeshifter/predator of some sort. No spellcasting, though, so that makes it easier on me~!)
Dogmatic Discordance: good or evil creatures take -2 penalty to saves v. this creatures' abilities.
Detect Evil/Good
Hmmmmm... part one, and part two.
The basic idea, of course, is a form of symbiotic relationship between the two visually similar (but functionally very, very different) creatures that are always near each other. In a way, this is like having a human paired with an adorable tiny monkey and calling it "visually similar pairing", though not necessarily like Al and Abu - as, you know, this will be the way of life for these creatures.
Now, the part-two-age sovereign dragons are medium-sized, while the shocker lizards are small-sized. Normally, shocker lizards come in a solitary, pair, clutch (3-6), or colony (6-12).
There are two ways I could see taking this: one, effectively treating each of the sovereign-dragon-based creature as a "master" for groups or packs of shocker lizard-based creatures of various sizes, or two, making each sovereign-dragon-based creatures the host for shocker lizard-based creatures; of course with the latter method, the creatures would need to be (probably by way of template) really really really fine-sized creatures. Either way, the dragon is going to treat the things like a familiar (a single familiar, regardless of number of them).
I might look into more templates - I've chosen and rejected a few of them already - but since it was a sovereign dragon-based creatures that was the challenge, I'll likely either leave it alone, or tie whatever template is associated with it (if any) to the presence of the shocker lizard-based creatures.
Well, that's the spit-ball ideas I've got time for, at present. Now to spend the day with family.
Sissyl |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
You are... impressively productive. I am stunned. =)
For me, let's hope I can go a little bit below CR 25 for my next one.
Monster: 1d765 ⇒ 568
A remade petitioner. Well, let me see. It seems I need a dead creature to make this one from too.
Monster: 1d765 ⇒ 393
Okay. A grig who died and went to Lawful Neutral heaven.
Sissyl |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Petitioners are difficult. Still:
This looks like a ball of perfect black. As it comes closer, you can see that it has a polished surface reflecting its surroundings in perfect detail.
The immutable is an outsider with a fly speed, decent hit points and saves, a ray of frost touch attack dealing 1d3, DR 5/magic, and a gaze attack to enthrall (Will DC 13) 3/day. It is immune to all effects that would change it physically such as petrification or polymorph, and mind-affecting effects.
The immutable is a law given physical form. The entire goal of the immutable is to spread its law to every creature and society it meets. The laws can be anything, but it is emphatically laws that push the society toward predictability, cooperation, control and conformity. The immutable has a specific form of the law in mind, but if this can not be pushed through into the law book, it will do what it can to get similar versions in, or other laws that can increase its chances of getting its ideal law chosen later. Failing that, the immutable will try to spread the law to the populace as a tradition or ideal, or even to single people who can spread its law. Immutables are nothing if not patient. They speak in somewhat monotonous but generally pleasant voices, and it is believed they can speak to one another through unknown means.
Only someone wholly dedicated to the concept of law will be able to take an immutable as a familiar, through the Improved Familiar feat at level 5.
Blymurkla |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Sovereign imperial dragon. Dammit. Well, TL, you are free to take it. =)
I actually have one of those as a behind-the-scene-schemers in my campaign. It's a pretty unique one who, among other things, migrated to the Plane of Shadows and picked up some traits from there. He's not entirely stated out, so maybe I'll try and do it here. Or, if anyone else picks up the Sovereign dragon, maybe I'll use that instead.
Monster: 1d765 ⇒ 587
So a Cythnigot Qlippoth. I'll try and do something with that.
Blymurkla |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
So a Cythnigot Qlippoth. I'll try and do something with that.
Based on Swedish folklore, here's the lantern man.
Lantern man
The creature appears to be a common lantern, carried by a ghostly, twisted old man. As the creature moves, the man gestures towards some feature on the ground, mumbling to himself: »Here 'tis right, here 'tis wrong.«
Lantern Man; CR 2
XP 600
LE Tiny undead
Init +1; Senses low-light vision.; detect law, detect magic; Perception +5
AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+1 Dex, +1 natural, +2 size)
hp 16 (3d10)
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +2
DR 5/silver or lawful; Immune cold, poison, undead traits; Resist acid 10, electricity 10, fire 10
Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)
Melee slam +6 (1d6+1 plus hatred made flesh)
SA spiteful presence (10 feet, DC 11)
Spell-like Abilities (CL 6th, Concentration +4)
- 1/day - hypnotism (DC 11)
Constant - detect law, detect magic, fly, light
The lantern man avoids combat and instead tries to lure his victims to their own deaths. Should they fail to do so, the lantern man uses hypnotism before attacking with its slam.
Str 12, Dex 12, Con ‒, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 11
Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 13 (21 vs. trip)
Feats Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +7 (+11 jump), Fly +15, Knowledge (engineering) +6, Knowledge (local) +6, Perception +5, Stealth +15
Languages Common
Environment rural
Organization solitary
Treasure a lantern
Hatred made flesh (Su) The lantern man's hatred for the living manifests at as a disease. Any creature hit by the lantern man's slam attack must make a DC 11 Fortitude save or become infected by his hatred. This disease manifests as painful itching and twitches of muscles. A creature suffering from the hatred mad flesh is entangled, and can attempt a new DC 11 Fortitude save in later rounds as a standard action to force its muscles to expunge the hatred. This is a disease effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Spiteful presence (Su) The mere presence of the lantern man is unsettling. Any creature within 10 feet of the lantern man must make a DC 11 Will save or be shaken for 1 round. Once a creature makes a saving throw against a particular lantern man's spiteful presence, that creature is immune to the spiteful presence of all lantern men for 24 hours. This is a fear effect. The save DC is Charisma-based. A spellcaster that has a lantern man as a familiar is immune to the spiteful presence of all lantern men, and also gains a +2 bonus on saving throws made against all fear effects from any undead.
Surveyors curse (Ex) A lantern man cannot be killed by normal means. When reduced to 0 hit points, a lantern man's soul leave the lantern it's possessing. After 1d4 days, it seeks out a new lantern to posses. The only way of truly vanquishing a lantern man is by correcting the mistakes it made in life (see below).
The lantern man, or surveyor spirit, is the soul of a deceased land surveyor who abused his office for his own gains. Cursed to posses a lantern, the lantern man trots the boundaries of the plots and estates which he surveyed in life. The soul forms an illusionary body, a foul representation of the one it had in life, to 'carry' the lantern and point at the stones marking borders as the lantern man notes whether they're correctly placed or not.
Blaming everyone but himself for his fate, the lantern man grows spiteful of the living. Much like the will-o'-the wisp with which his ghostly light is often confused with, the lantern man often seeks to lure the curious and naive. Leading them on with fickle illumination, the lantern man prefers to steer his course towards swamps which does his killing for him.
While the lantern man can be temporarily be stopped by destroying the lantern it possesses, it can only be truly killed by correcting the mistakes it made in life. This is done by following the lantern man, moving the misplaced marker stone to there correct location. Doing so releases the lantern man from his curse and his soul can continue to the afterlife.
Lawful evil spellcasters of caster level 7th who have the Improved Familiar feat can gain a lantern man as a familiar.
A lantern man is the size and weight of a common lantern; it's ghostly illusion body is 5-6 ft.
DM_aka_Dudemeister |
random monster: 1d765 ⇒ 80
This dog-sized grub glows along strange patterns, it floats awkardly off the ground, the shiny buboes on its sides flash in irregular moments.
Sunworm CR 1/2
XP 200
N Small vermin
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +2
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 natural, +2 Dexterity, +1 size)
hp 6 (1d8+2)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +4
Immune mind-affecting effects
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (poor)
Melee bite +3 (1d4+2)
Str 14, Dex 15, Con 15, Int —, Wis 14, Cha 11
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 13 (can't be tripped)
Skills Fly +0
SQ luminescence
Environment any
Organization solitary, cluster (2–6) or colony (7–12)
Treasure none
Luminescence (Ex) A sunworm’s glowing glands provide light
in a 10-foot radius. A dead sunworm’s luminescent glands
continue to glow for 1d6 days after its death.
Flash (Ex) Once per hour a sunworm can let off a bright flash of light, all creatures within 30 ft. become dazzled for 1d3 rounds. A successful DC 12 Fortitude Save negates (this save is Constitution based).
Sunworms live on the highest points of trees, wrapped around boughs and feeding off sunlight. During rainstorms sunworms will often attack warm blooded adventurers as they vainly attempt to absorb their heat.
Blymurkla |
Shadow-tainted Sun Dragon
This dragon appears golden, yet the coloration of its scales dances through the entire spectrum of the rainbow. Its back, tail and eyes are all strikingly deep purple.
Shadow-tainted Sun Dragon
N Dragon (extraplanar)
CR 7; Size Small; Hit Dice 8d12
Speed 50 ft.
Natural Armor +7; Breath Weapon cone, 2d6 sonic
Str 17, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 14
Change Shape (Su) A young or older shadow-tainted sun dragon can assume any humanoid form three times per day as polymorph.
Golden Armor (Su) Once per day as a standard action, an old or older shadow-tainted dragon can cover its form in golden armor, granting it a +4 armor bonus to AC and energy resistance 15 to one energy type, chosen at the time the armor is summoned. This armor lasts for a number of rounds equal to the dragon's age category. The sovereign dragon can dismiss the armor as a free action.
Master Counterspelling (Su) A great wyrm shadow-tainted sun dragon can counterspell once per round as an immediate action. It need not know the spell it is countering, but can instead expend any spell that is one level higher to automatically counter the spell.
Umbral Scion (Ex) Shadow-tainted sun dragons have negative energy affinity and are immune to energy drain and death effects.
Versatile Breath (Ex) A very young or older shadow-tainted sun dragon counts its breath weapon damage as if it were one age category younger. Instead of dealing sonic damage, it can as a swift action change its breath weapon to deal either fire or negative energy damage. Its negative energy damage does not heal undead.
Violent Retort (Ex) When a young or older shadow-tainted sun dragon takes damage from a melee attack critical hit, it can, as an immediate action, make a claw or tail slap attack against the creature that made the critical hit.
| CR | Age Category | Special Abilities | Caster level |
| 7 | Wyrmling | Dogmatic discordance | — |
| 9 | Very Young | Versatile Breath, Detect evil/good | — |
| 11 | Young | Change shape, violent retort | 1st |
| 12 | Juvenile | Calm emotions, frightful presence | 3rd |
| 14 | Young Adult | DR 5/magic, spell resistance | 5th |
| 15 | Adult | Tongues | 7th |
| 16 | Mature Adult | DR 10/magic | 9th |
| 18 | Old | Golden armor, sympathetic vibration | 11th |
| 19 | Very Old | DR 15/magic | 13th |
| 20 | Ancient | Prismatic spray | 15th |
| 21 | Wyrm | DR 20/magic | 17th |
| 23 | Great Wyrm | Master counterspelling,
moment of prescience | 19th |
Environment Plane of Shadows
Organization solitary
Treasure triple
When the soon-to-be-fetchlings left the material plane, they weren't alone to travel to the Plane of Shadows. They were followed, some say, driven, by hosts of dragons.
These dragons were of different breeds and they intermingled, both before and after their arrival at the Plane of Shadows, yet on average they most resembled Imperial Sovereign Dragons. The fetchings named them Sun dragons, as they originated in a world much brighter than their current home. As time went by, the sun dragons picked up traits of the dark plane the dwelled upon, they became shadow-tainted.
Scholars disagree on the shadow-tainted sun dragons' relationship with the umbral dragons. The most common perception is that these two dragons represent different breeds, though they may have intermingled, giving rise to the shadow-traits of the sun dragons. A few scholars claim that there where no, or next to no, dragons on the Plane of Shadows before the arrival of the sun dragons. With this view, umbral dragons become nothing else than the most shadow-tainted of the sun dragons.
legoguy4492 |
Monsta!: 1d765 ⇒ 255
Magma Dragon (this re-skin fits the larger (ancient and older) dragons.)
This weapon of war was made by enslaved fire giants, to provide defenses for a storm giants cloud castle. Using a massive amount of alchemical bombs, this rocket shaped weapon is launched out of a cloud castle. Two giant guns in the front spit fire and magma at enemies, while a magical stone at the top lets it lock on and move to/target creatures, while . Inside hosts a maze of gears and parts, as well as tanks for storage of the lava needed for its guns.
Stat changes
change type to construct
Blymurkla |
Fey Troll
This huge creature looks like a mockery of everything fey. Its body is gaunt, crooked and troll-like with two long, massive arms that ends in huge hands with powerful fingers. The head is oversized, even for such a large creature, an resembles a bloated satyr with the massive, curved horns and goatee.
Fey Troll; CR 8
XP XP 4,800
CN Huge fey
Init +3; Sense darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision; Perception +21
AC 19, touch 7, flat-footed 19 (–1 Dex, +12 natural, –2 size)
hp 95 (10d8+50)
Fort +12, Ref +2, Will +5 (+4 against mind-affecting effects)
Defensive Abilities spell absorption; DR 5/cold Iron, Immune electricity, fire; SR 19 (see spell absorption); Resist cold 10
Speed 30 ft.
Melee gore +14 (2d6+9), 2 slams +14 (1d8+9 plus rend)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks rend (2 slams, 1d8+9)
Spell-like Abilities (CL 11th, Concentration +12)
- 1/day - confusion (DC 15), feeblemind (DC 16), widened faerie fire
During Combat A fey troll often starts combat by using one of spell-like abilities. In the likely event that it can't overpower its enemy with magic alone, it quickly closes to melee, if necessary with its Long step ability.
Morale Unless in the service of a particularly powerful liege, a fey troll retreats when its hit points are below half. If possible, it retains one use of its Long Step or Vanish abilities to facilitate its retreat.
Str 29, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 12
Base Atk +7; CMB +18; CMD 27
Feats Improved Initiative, Lunge, Power Attack, Step-Up, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Knowledge (nature) +11, Perception +21, Stealth +4 (+8 in forests); Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth in forests
Languages Common, Sylvan
Long Step (Su)
A fey troll can teleport up to 110 feet as a move action. It may use this ability once per day. By expending stored magical energy (see Spell Absorption), it can gain another use of this ability.
Spell Absorption (Su)
If a fey troll’s spell resistance protects it from a magical effect, the creature absorbs that magical energy into its body. While the fey troll is storing a spell, its SR decreases by 5. It can only store one spell at a time. It can release this energy to gain another use of its Long Step, Vanish or one if its Spell-like abilities.
Vanish (Su)
As a swift action, a fey troll can vanish for 1d4+1 round as if affected by invisibility. It can use this ability once per day. By expending stored magical energy (see Spell Absorption), it can gain another use of this ability.
Environment any (Material Plane and First World)
Organization solitary, family (1-4) or guard
The fey trolls are among the very largest of the fey kind. While not in any way related with true trolls, these primordial creatures sure resembles them.
Living most of their lives in solitude, fey trolls avoid both company and combat if possible. Long-lived creatures, the seek out a mate every few decade to form a family with.
Fey trolls have few innate magical abilities compared to most fey, but they still consider magic more potent than brute force. For this reason, they sometimes bond with powerful fey, druids or other nature-aligned magic users, serving as guards. Fey trolls seem content with this servile status, but having entered service on a voluntary basis they are usually not loyal to the death.