Drkman |

Would a spellcaster be able to use point blank shot and precise shot when they cast their spells. The reason I'm curious about this is I know you can take weapon focus for ray spells. I would be especially like to know for use in the Pathfinder Society as I have a spellcaster I want to bring in to use. So if any of the big gurus could weigh in on this I would be most grateful.

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Yes. If you wanted to cast scorching ray past an ally that is engaged in melee with your intended target, you would get a -4 to the attack because he is engaged in melee and the target would get a +4 to ac because of the soft cover from your ally.
The former is overcome by precise shot.
The latter by improved precise shot.
Point blank shot would give you a +1 to attack and damage if you're within 30 feet, even with the spell. As long as it requires a ranged touch attack to hit, PBS, precise shot, and the like will always work.

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As far as I know, there is some controversy about certain aspects of this. It's almost undeniable that rays work for these - they're counted as weapons for all effects, effectively. Some people say that Acid Splash won't count - you make a Ranged Attack, but it's not using a Ranged Weapon, so you don't get the effects.

cerhiannon |

Yes a spell caster could use both feats; the Core Rulebook FAQ forum has two complementary clarifications on this. That said most Spells that require an attack roll attack touch AC which typically is 1-4 or more lower than full AC. In most campaigns and PFS play most Player Characters have vastly more feats they "want or would like", than they will have feat slots for.

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If you make an attack roll and the spell or ability does hit point damage, it's a weapon. Apply all the weapon attack rules. Some GMs don't do it as intended, and you can't point to rule to get them on the same page. They read the FAQ as not applicable and the Dev posts as "not official".
I agree, I was just letting him know that there is a significant population of GMs I know that have issues with sneak attack damage on an acid splash, or point blank shot on acid splash, but are fine with it on a ray.

Chess Pwn |

If you make an attack roll and the spell or ability does hit point damage, it's a weapon. Apply all the weapon attack rules. Some GMs don't do it as intended, and you can't point to rule to get them on the same page. They read the FAQ as not applicable and the Dev posts as "not official".
That dev post says "it should be a ray", not that everything with an attack roll was a weapon.

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That dev post says "it should be a ray", not that everything with an attack roll was a weapon.
There have been literally countless posts saying that all ranged attack with spells and abilities add in all other bonuses to hits with those.
I did find this that talks about not double dipping on splash damage things various bonuses to hit. So the uncertainly comes from whether or not the FAQ on PBS saying it doesn't work on splash damage is because it's already factored in on the minimum damage.

Driver_325yards |
The rules state:
Ranged Attacks
With a ranged weapon, you can shoot or throw at any target that is within the weapon's maximum range and in line of sight. The maximum range for a thrown weapon is five range increments. For projectile weapons, it is 10 range increments. Some ranged weapons have shorter maximum ranges, as specified in their descriptions.
Shooting or Throwing into a Melee
If you shoot or throw a ranged weapon at a target engaged in melee with a friendly character, you take a –4 penalty on your attack roll. Two characters are engaged in melee if they are enemies of each other and either threatens the other. (An unconscious or otherwise immobilized character is not considered engaged unless he is actually being attacked.)
If your target (or the part of your target you're aiming at, if it's a big target) is at least 10 feet away from the nearest friendly character, you can avoid the –4 penalty, even if the creature you're aiming at is engaged in melee with a friendly character.
If your target is two size categories larger than the friendly characters it is engaged with, this penalty is reduced to –2. There is no penalty for firing at a creature that is three size categories larger than the friendly characters it is engaged with.
Precise Shot: If you have the Precise Shot feat, you don't take this penalty.
It seems that ranged attacks are synonymous with range weapons given that the title starts off with range attacks and then goes on to talk about ranged weapons.
However, if you argue that they are not synonymous, then you are necessarily also saying that a range touch attack from a spell does not suffer the -4 penalty for aiming at a target engage in melee with a friendly. After all, the penalty only applies to ranged weapons.
So which is it. From a balance standpoint, I think you would want to make the spellcaster invest in two feats rather than just giving them the benefit of the two feats for free.

Chess Pwn |

You are correct that those are the implications involved. I know how I rule it. I'm just saying I haven't seen any of these countless posts that James was talking about. The only post I've seen is SKR saying that weird words should be rays. Which doesn't imply at all that acid splash should be a ray or that acid splash and similar spells are also considered a weapon like a ray spell is.

Driver_325yards |
If you make an attack roll and the spell or ability does hit point damage, it's a weapon. Apply all the weapon attack rules. Some GMs don't do it as intended, and you can't point to rule to get them on the same page. They read the FAQ as not applicable and the Dev posts as "not official".
And I would take this statement one step farther. If you make an attack roll and the spell or ability does [harm be it hitpoint damage or otherwise], it's a weapon.

Snowlilly |

If you rule non-ray spells requiring ranged attack roles are not weapons: PBS and Precise shot will not apply.
If you rule non-ray spells requiring ranged attack roles are not weapons: penalties for firing ranged weapons into melee will not apply.
Personally, I've always treated Acid Splash and similar spells as weapons.
If a DM wanted to rule the other way, I'll happily forgo the penalties.

Driver_325yards |
After looking at the language for Cover, Concealment, and Improved Precise Shot, all those things apply to all ranged attacks (weapon or whatever else)
I then looked at Deadly Aim and it is clear that the writers do not want feats that add damage to range attacks to apply to spells.
Accordingly, I now believe that the writers intentionally used the words "range weapon attacks" for "engage in melee", Precise Shot and Point Blank Shot. I guess casters don't need PBS or PS for their spells, unless they are eventually trying to get Improved Precise Shot.
Given that the question has been out there for a while and that the literal interpretation is that the feats don't apply (albeit an incredible boon for spell casters), I don't see how we can say that Precise Shot and PBS are needed for spells.
Spellcasters win again?

Arcwin |

More specifically they cannot use precise shot and pbs for most spells because the feats say 'ranged weapon' Deadly Aim does not, so it will work with any ranged attack that isn't a touch attack (which includes things other than spells). Cover and concealment apply to all ranged attacks. However (and thank you for this thread teaching me) under the rules on shooting into melee, it specifically says 'ranged weapon' again... So spells other than rays that require a to-hit roll do not suffer that penalty. Unless there is a FAQ stating that all ranged spells that require a to-hit roll are considered weapons, then per the rules only rays are considered ranged weapons (possibly there could be specific spells that say there are, but they would be exceptions to the rule.) Rays can benefit from weapon focus, pbs, and precise shot, and do take penalties fired into melee without the feat. This inspires me to glance at kineticists and a certain vigilante archetype, to see how it applies... I'm not as familiar with them.

wraithstrike |

The intent is for all ranged attacks. I am 100% an FAQ would make that clear. Being able to understand the unwritten design rules helps let people know when the wording is jacked up, but that does not help in an actual rules debate.
Whether or not your attack is a "weapon," making a ranged attack at a target who is in melee with one of your allies means you take the –4 penalty
Now of course nothing outside of the FAQ is official, but it shows intent. From here you can choose to do as you wish until an FAQ pops up.
Since I don't have much else to do I guess I can create that FAQ right now and link to it.