eidolon questions

Rules Questions

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i know. i just wana know what feat in the line i should be on watch for.

Shadow Lodge

Just Power Attack. It's the base feat, your eidolon will qualify from level 1.

And as lemeres mentioned, maybe Cornugon Smash and then Hurtful if you feel like giving your Eidolon ranks in Intimidate.


This lists the eidolon’s total skill ranks. An eidolon can assign skill ranks to any skill, but it must possess the appropriate appendages to use some skills. Eidolons with Intelligence scores above the base value modify these totals as normal (an eidolon receives a number of skill ranks equal to 6 + its Intelligence modifier per HD). An eidolon cannot have more ranks in a skill than it has Hit Dice. Eidolon skill ranks are set once chosen, even if the creature changes when the summoner gains a new level.

it also says a 6th lvl eidolon has 20 skills

so all together the eidolon has 50 skill points?

the table is shorthand. It tells you the skills total assuming you didn't raise int at all.

ohhh... okay nagative int boost i hate low int boost >.<

what would you guys put into skills other then intimidate? that's a given.

you also get 4 skills of your choice i was thinking intimidate acrobatics climb and swim. unless i should chose something else.

This had long past turned from a rules question to an advice thread, please change boards appropriately for non-rules related questions

is there a spell that allows you to take an evolution from your eidolon?

aspect i was looking in the wrong area...

Well, perception is a nobrainer- particularly with that instant +8 you can put in there, along with your numerous senses available with evos.

Climb and swim can be dubious, since evos can give you options to avoid them. Flight is the obvious one, and eventually you want points into that.

No, no spell gives you eidolon evos... but summoners eventually get to take some evo points from the eidolon and apply it to themselves. Just read the class.

i thought i did put this into advice. and i have no idea how to move this from one thread to another thread.

Note that eidolons with a fly speed receive Fly (Dex) as a free class skill, even if they do not gain a fly speed until a later level.

you get fly for free who's to say your eidolon won't be getting wings at a later lvl. thus having a fly speed.

zainale wrote:

Note that eidolons with a fly speed receive Fly (Dex) as a free class skill, even if they do not gain a fly speed until a later level.

you get fly for free who's to say your eidolon won't be getting wings at a later lvl. thus having a fly speed.

Class skill is just something that gives you a +3 on the check as long as you have at least 1 skill point in it.

You still have to spend skill points on it.

I wouldn't put too many points- you can upgrade to magical flight, which gives perfect maneuverability (a +8). Also, eidolons get scaling bonuses to dex. So just one skill point for getting class skill bonus.

i have a 9 pt biped eidolon.

bleed (claws) (1pt)
improved damage (claws)(1pt)
reach (claws) (1pt)
rend (2pts)

skilled (intimidate) (1pt)
improved natural armor (1pt)

unatural aura (1pt)(dm loves messing with us with natural animals)
scent (1pt)(encase my dm starts flooding the party with invisible creatures)

what can i drop to pick up magical attacks (1pt)? though i might not need to.

is magical attack as good as or better then magic fang?
feat wise should i pick up craft wands feat?

Shadow Lodge

Magic Fang is better than Magic Attacks since it gives the attack & damage bonus, not just the ability to bypass DR.

Craft Wands isn't usually a great idea for summoners because you don't have a good range of spells to use with it. Craft Wondrous Item is better if you want to craft.

Note that the reach evolution specifies one attack instead of one attack form - it will only give one of your claws reach. (Source)

ohh okay so with with reach one arm is freakishly huge for the size of the creature

what would you drop to get two reach claws?

Shadow Lodge

Unnatural aura. If animals don't approach the eidolon, they will approach and attack other party members that aren't as well defended.

Weirdo wrote:

Magic Fang is better than Magic Attacks since it gives the attack & damage bonus, not just the ability to bypass DR.

Craft Wands isn't usually a great idea for summoners because you don't have a good range of spells to use with it. Craft Wondrous Item is better if you want to craft.

Note that the reach evolution specifies one attack instead of one attack form - it will only give one of your claws reach. (Source)

Well, the magic attacks evo has its own advantages.

If we are talking pre level 10- then yes, absolutely rely upon magic fang alone, since it both by passes dr/magic and also boosts attacks.

After level 10... then your attacks are treated as your eidolon's alignment, which can be fantastic when you can get past Dr/good. That one is one of the stronger and more common forms of DR.

if one is next to the eidolon they will not approach the party and my DM loves using birds monkeys squirrels and other natural creatures to torment the party(it's bad). that's why i took that evolution its a dc 25 to even approach the party if everyone is next to the eidolon and that's if the animal is being controlled. otherwise they don't.

i would be unwilling to lose that ability. i might give up scent just to take it next lvl.

dr/good means the target has to be good for it to take effect?

Shadow Lodge

DR/good means that the creature takes reduced damage from weapon attacks that are not good aligned. This type of DR is common in evil outsiders and can be found in some other nasties. After 10th level, Magic Attacks can give your eidolon good-aligned attacks, giving the eidolon an improved ability to hurt these creatures.

I'm assuming based on the fact that you're spending 9 evolution points that you're at level 6 at most, so I'd use Magic Fang for a few more levels.

I think it's unlikely that a GM would allow the entire party to bypass significant encounters with a single 1-point evolution. On the other hand, if the animal attacks are frustrating enough to reduce your enjoyment of the game then the GM should fix that whether or not the you take Unnatural Aura. Talk to them about the issue. Best case scenario, the GM stops the attacks and you don't have to take the evolution. If you don't check first, your GM may interpret the ability in a restrictive way like "won't attack the eidolon or anyone sharing the eidolon's square" which will be less useful to you, have animals stalk you and then attack in your sleep when the eidolon is gone, or else just switch to harassing you with small magical beasts which won't be affected by the aura.

so if the thing has dr/evil because its a evil monster only good things can hurt it?
a werewolf has dr/silver which means only silver does full damage.
so dr/evil should mean you have to be evil to hurt it
darn dr is confusing as shit (damn it mage!just tell me what to hit that guy with to kill it!)

monkeys throwing poop at the party, dinosaurs taking a dump on hiding party members, birds dive bombing or pooping,and having a squirrel swarm attack the party as a distraction while an invisible BG tries to kill the party while we where cloaked in magical darkness. the first three would just have to avoid the party while the assassin would have to make a handle animal check 25 to get the squirrel swarm to attack.

Unnatural Aura (Su)

An eidolon is obviously of unnatural origin. Normal animals do not willingly approach the eidolon unless the animal’s master makes a DC 25 Handle Animal, Ride, or wild empathy check.

does not say anything about it having a range. it just happens like you can't make a horse approach a revving motorcycle or someone trying to serve a skittish to a slavering angry dog. its not going to get close.

yep lvl 6.....

anyways crafting magic things annoying and expensive. used to like the idea of crafting till i met my currant group. can't create anything that's not in the books.

or i would just take craft wondrous object and make an amulet of magic fang 3/day or something like it. but its not in the book.

Just think of it like this

Only evil things can hurt good. Only good things can hurt evil.

It is MUCH easier when you are looking at it in the context of a stat block. "Oh, its a demon. Then I need holy weapons or to throw angels at it" or "oh, that devil will jack my angel familiar up, better be careful"

so what would DR/neutral do? >.>

zainale wrote:

so what would DR/neutral do? >.>

Actually, I am pretty sure that neutral creatures DR/ adamantine (if I am to trust the 'summon neutral monster' feat, as well as psychopomp stat blocks).

So you would need an adamantine weapon (or an enhancement bonus of +4, cause enhancement bonus gets through metals when it is high enough).

Another option would be DR/-. That is DR/ NUHUH, YOU AIN'T GETTING THROUGH THIS. You see that on things like barbarians. It is the DR meant to always be a problem, with no real solution. Other than getting abilities that ignore DR in general, at least, such as Smite Evil. Elementals are an example of this kind of DR for neutral creatures.

DR is for protection then ______ is for offense?

Shadow Lodge

What do you mean offense? Do you mean how to know whether something is able to bypass DR? Aside from some general rules that apply to monsters (eg angels bypass DR/good, werewolf bites can hurt werewolves) it will say "this bypasses DR/whatever."

There are also some abilities that do extra damage against certain creature types.

zainale wrote:
does not say anything about it having a range. it just happens like you can't make a horse approach a revving motorcycle or someone trying to serve a skittish to a slavering angry dog. its not going to get close.

Right, it's not going to get "close." How close is up for debate - or more accurately up to GM interpretation.

And as I said, even if the GM decides that it will keep animals indefinitely far away while the eidolon is present, if they want to be a jerk they can still do things like having wolpertingers swarm you or rats eat all your rations while you're asleep (and your eidolon is gone).

is there more Evolutions then what http://www.d20pfsrd.com is showing?

was kinda hoping the eidolon would get some form of ranged attack.that is not magic or fire breath.

zainale wrote:
was kinda hoping the eidolon would get some form of ranged attack.that is not magic or fire breath.

Unfortunately, eidolons more rely upon flight or just being HUGE (long reach) in order to deal with distance.

I suppose it wouldn't be completely terrible if you gave it hands and bow proficiency. Mostly because it gets a scaling bonus to str. and dex. So an adaptive bow would probably do at least 'decent'.

i was thinking along the lines of using the eidolon as a weapon.

zainale wrote:
i was thinking along the lines of using the eidolon as a weapon.

exotic weapon proficiency (eidolon)?

lol yea

that aside i might just take spear or javilin as my Pc's weapon of choice.

what kind of craft do you think an eidolon would have?

i don't think craft pain or craft terror would work.

zainale wrote:
i don't think craft pain or craft terror would work.

Profession (horror movie monster)?


they give eidolons a craft skill. i am just wondering what an eidolon is expected to craft.

zainale wrote:

they give eidolons a craft skill. i am just wondering what an eidolon is expected to craft.

Anything you feel like.

Craft is not a single skill, but a set of skills that fall under the same crafting mechanics.

So you have Craft (weapons), craft (armor), craft (underwater basket weaving), etc. Each of those are their own skill and need a skill point. It is whatever random thing you want to craft- potentially infinite.

It mostly comes up for prerequisites. Craft (tattoos) is a prereq for inscribe magical tattoo, for example. And golems and other magic items can have crazy craft skill prerequisites (like a glass golem needing craft (Glass)).

For the most part though, it is a role playing skill. Pretty much every class has it, and most other intelligent creature types might get it too.

Profession is similar, but is more for making a living off of doing something (the difference between craft (cake), which allows one of those amazing super cakes, and profession (baker), where you don't spend $2000 on making a cake without asking if anyone wants to buy it first).

what craft would you give your eidolon? if you where forced to chose something.

Shadow Lodge

Since eidolons aren't spellcasters and can't craft magical items, Alchemy is probably the most practical.

However I'd find Profession (cook) rather tempting.

those are both great ideas thanks

if a small pc can ride a medium eidolon...... and if my large eidolon has a pouch (like a kangaroo) could it shove my medium sized pc into it like a a wizard would a familiar. or would my pc need still need to make ride checks?

zainale wrote:
if a small pc can ride a medium eidolon...... and if my large eidolon has a pouch (like a kangaroo) could it shove my medium sized pc into it like a a wizard would a familiar. or would my pc need still need to make ride checks?

There is no 'pouch' evolution that allows you to make a player character completely safe like a fmailiar in a familiar satchel.

You are just reflavoring the ride evo. You need to make checks, and you are still a valid target.

how do eidolons use weapons to attack do they get four weapon attacks? or something?

They get normal iterative attacks.

If using two weapons, they follow the standard rules for two weapon fighting.

If using three or more weapons, they need the multi-weapon fighting feat and follow the twf rules if additional attacks are desired. With multi-weapon fighting, you can receive an additional off-hand attack for each non-primary weapon. You can arbitrarily decide which weapon is primary each round.

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