Hobbun |
I recommend you click on the button that says, "Contract Event Staff" on the Warhorn listing.
I guess I could. I was just wondering if it was info that has been announced already and was something I missed. I know they are pretty busy, but if someone here knew, then I would rather do that first.
trollbill |
Actually, I think they just changed the date and cleared the field from last year's event as I was automatically signed up for it when they did this.
FYI, if you are planning on going I recommend getting there early and don't wait for staff. Last year I made it only about 5 minutes early due to my plane arriving late. I stood in line to find out where I was supposed to go. The line was incredibly slow. I tried flagging down some wait-staff to ask them while I was in line but they all ignored me. When I finally made it to the front of the line (20 minutes later) and asked, I was just told to go back and look for tables with people playing at them. When I went back and did this I was told my slot had been filled because I was 15 minutes late. After explained my problems getting to them, the person who had filled my slot agreed to bow out. Had he not been so gracious, I would not have gotten to play. I should have bought him a drink but I was too flustered at the time to think about it.
trollbill |
trollbill wrote:I recommend you click on the button that says, "Contract Event Staff" on the Warhorn listing.I guess I could. I was just wondering if it was info that has been announced already and was something I missed. I know they are pretty busy, but if someone here knew, then I would rather do that first.
The event is organized by the Indy VO and not by Paizo directly as part of GenCon. Last year it consisted of a morning and afternoon slot the Wednesday before GenCon. It is a fun pre-energizing event for GenCon but the noise level is worse than a crowded game store during an MtG Release Tournament.
Hobbun |
Yes, this will be my third year going to Scotty's and have learned to show up early.
Thank you for the heads up, though. Glad you were able to play last year.
The event is organized by the Indy VO and not by Paizo directly as part of GenCon. Last year it consisted of a morning and afternoon slot.
Wasn't so much asking anyone working for Paizo, but for anyone, and maybe I just missed/haven't seen the announcement.
Thanks again.
BigNorseWolf |
Mark Stratton |
Wow - even if they're not ready to announce, the fact that they have a schedule up a good two months in advance really shows top-notch leadership on their part. Go Indy.
This is pretty consistent with the past couple of years. Because VLs now have a con organizing requirement, I turned it over to Richard to organize this year. We just weren't able to meet with the venue until Friday of last week to confirm tables and slots.
Mimo Tomblebur |
Greetings all,
Right now scenario selection and sign-ups are posted for Officers. I shall make a general announcement sometime next week on these boards for players and GM's once the schedule is finalized.
This may be the only boon that makes me regret stepping down to a VA.
To the OP, thanks for asking this question. I ran last year and thought it was weird that I hadn't heard anything yet.
BigNorseWolf |
BigNorseWolf wrote:Well I did try several searches on Warhorn but i didn't think to try that combo or Google. Thanks for the link.Gary Bush wrote:How should I search for it on Warhorn if I was interested in playing?The same way you search for anything on warhorn.
Dig intended for warhorn. Its.. weird. The only reason i can even find my own games searching on their site is i work out of new paltz and searching games finds new york and new zealand on accident..
Fromper |
Registered and checked the games. Ironically, the one Core game on your schedule is the one and only non-Evergreen scenario that I've already played in Core.
Anyway, it looks to be too early in the day for me. I'll be driving to Indy on Wednesday, and I was figuring to arrive in the afternoon, probably around 2-3 PM, depending on how lazy I am getting started in the morning. If I really wanted to, I could probably get there in time for a noon game, but that would require waking up far earlier than I want to while on vacation.