I think, a Rogue with Evasion can avoided taking damage from an Evil Cleric Channel Negative Energy ability. If they make a successful reflex save throw. Am I Corrected?

Rules Questions

Can any one help me

The set up is:

A Rogue is fighting an evil Cleric who is has his back to an evil alter.

The evil cleric ready his unholy symbol and then call upon his dark god

The evil cleric is about to Channel Negative Energy.

~ The Rules

~ Channeling energy is a Supernatural Abilities which is magical but not spell-like.

~ Channeling energy causes a burst that affects all creatures of one type (either undead or living) in a 30-foot radius centered on the cleric.

~ A Will save is made to halve the damage dealt from channeled negative energy.

I think as you can make a "Will Save" to halve damage a Rogue then can use Evasion(Ex)

~ Evasion (Ex): A rogue can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage.

The bit of the text that make me think evasion should work is "against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save"

If the text had said "against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful (REFLEX) save" I would have said that Evasion would only work for magical and unusual attacks you have to make a reflex saving throws against.

But the text say "against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save" and given the Evasion text says the same thing "against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save"

I think

A Rogue with Evasion can avoided taking damage from an Evil Cleric Channel Negative Energy ability if they make a successful reflex save throw.

Am I Corrected?

PS Sorry if I am in error can you please explane why to me

What doing my head in is the text which says "against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save"

Grand Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

No, you're not correct.


Evasion only applies against things with Reflex Saving Throws. Other types of attacks and Saving Throws do not allow them to use that ability.

Among other things, you only make Saving Throws when another effect calls for one to be made - you can't voluntarily make one just because you want to. Since Evasion is only triggered by things that call for Reflex Saves (with the potential for half damage) in the first place, it can't be used on anything else.

It was the wording of this got me and this is why I asked

~ Evasion (Ex): A rogue can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage.

your wording better

Evasion is only triggered by things that call for Reflex Saves (with the potential for half damage)

Thank you for taking the time to post

Channel Energy calls for a Will save, not a Reflex save (the Inquisitor's "Stalwart" ability would apply). You can't call for a reflex save when ever you want to avoid any damage.

The only way Evasion can apply is if you have a way to treat a Will Save as a Reflex Save.

Other than that, this doesn't work.

Also, long title is long.

You also don't get evasion for spells like Ice Storm, that don't allow any save at all.

Liberty's Edge

You can't chose to use whatever save you like against a spell/power/effect, you use the specified save and only if the effect say that you get a save. Some ability allow you to use different saves, but Evasion isn't one of those, it don't give you a Reflex save against everything that is a area effect. Its effect trigger only if you make a successful reflex save.
With all that in mind:
- you need to roll a reflex save against an effect that allow it;
- if the save is successful Evasion trigger and you take no damage.

Not unless you have some super ability that allow you to use your reflex save instead of will save when prompted.

DarkPhoenixx wrote:
Not unless you have some super ability that allow you to use your reflex save instead of will save when prompted.

That would be in a game that allows broken 3.5 mechanics.

Community / Forums / Pathfinder / Pathfinder First Edition / Rules Questions / I think, a Rogue with Evasion can avoided taking damage from an Evil Cleric Channel Negative Energy ability. If they make a successful reflex save throw. Am I Corrected? All Messageboards

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