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been asking about this as well it now been ref to FAQ

link to my question Channel energy creates a wave of energy, can this be seen, is it visible magical effect. an

1st level character build using basic rules book:

Race: Human, Class: Fighter
Stat Aim for 18 STR then try for a good Dex and Con
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave and Weapon focus
Let say character has 18 Str and is using a Great sword
To Hit +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Str bonus, +1 Weapon focus & -1 power attack)
Damage 2d6+9(+6 strenth and +3 Power attack)+ plus you got the cleave feat

think about a reach build aka weapon focuse "Long Spear" which adds reach 10 to your character so you can now hit them before they can hit you

Keep it simple
Now it will be more work for you as a DM to start with sorry

Replacing the normal monster/animal that is summon by summonnong spells
with an elemental creature

In effect a creature which that is the same CR as the normal creature on the standard summonning list

The rest of the character class as a normal spellcaster which can cast summoning spells the only chance will be flavor

Ability to cast divine spells, domain or mystery class feature.

KEY WORD ~~~~ OR ~~~~

so you would need

Ability to cast divine spells, + domain (you can have the feat)


Ability to cast divine spells, + mystery class (you can have the feat)


best bet would be to look at one of the Prestige class

Sugesstions: Assassin: Shadowdancer: can be done by 6th level

But I think Arcane Trickster is your best bet now it will need a total of 7th level

At 6th player would be 3rd wizard and 3rd Rogue so can still do what he wants but has a build to focus on at later levels to develop the character and class

But I think it is what you looking for as give the character a good mix of Sneaking ability, Spells and ability to hit and damage

Think about invisability to help with stealth and (true strike + Silent Spell) will do the job

Race Elf for the +2 dex / +2 Int and the Weapon Prof Bows also take a look at the Alternate Racial Traits Silent Hunter.

A mad idea which is kind of two weapon combat

start with Aspect of the Beast
Prerequisite: wild shape class feature, see Special.
Benefit: Your bestial nature manifests itself in one of the following ways. You choose the manifestation when you choose the feat, and then you cannot change it.
~ Claws of the Beast (Ex): You grow a pair of claws. These claws are primary attacks that deal 1d4 points of damage (1d3 if you are Small).
Special: A character that has contracted lycanthropy can take this feat without having to meet the prerequisites.
~ A ranger who selects the natural weapon combat style can take this feat without having to meet the prerequisites (even if he does not select Aspect of the Beast as a bonus feat).

And then the feats Improved Natural Attack “Claws”, Rending Claws & Eldritch Claws

this is a Primary attack so full attack bonus and full strength damage bonus less feats early pay off

Go for a mix of fighter and ranger as you need lots of feats
look at .html

Look at the Two-Weapon Warrior but also think about Weapon Master
stick with pair of light weapons early say something like a Rapier

Combat Reflexes (Combat)
Critical Focus (Combat)
Double Slice (Combat)2nd feat
Improved Critical (Combat)
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (Combat)
Power Attack (Combat)
Two-Weapon Rend
Two-Weapon Fighting (Combat) 1st feat
Weapon Focus (Combat)
Weapon speciation

If you are using traits Rich Parents: You were born into a rich family, perhaps even the nobility, and even though you turned to a life of adventure, you enjoy a one-time benefit to your initial finances—your starting wealth increases to 900 gp.

you now can start with two master work weapon subject to DM ok

Scott Wilhelm wrote:
Halek wrote:

Update. He dropped some thirteens and boosted strength and con to 14. He bought tons of alchemical items and armor. He is now able to fulfill the role of meat shield. He still hardly hits but its "better" now. Sample combat against some centipedes.

He blocked the doorway in full defense and we shot everything to death. He is now close enough to good for our purposes.

I retrained out my bloodline for svylan and snagged boon companion on level up. So we can replace him if needed.

Well, meat shield is a classic role to play for a fighter. It sounds like he's serviceable now, and will learn to get good.

use your Animal companion (AC) as the party helper and by helping you can help to make a weak character more effect on the fight and it make character want you cat help which stop it overshadowing as your cat become there best friend in a fight

take a small cat why it has three Primary Attacks one of which is bite attack now if the bite hits make you get to make a Trip Attack as a free Action. so make sure to cat has weapon Finesse feat


Now once a monster / creature is trip you get +4 to hit

look at both combat reflexs and power attack also look up Primary Attacks

~ Trip (Ex) A creature with the trip special attack can attempt to trip its opponent as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity if it hits with the specified attack if the attempt fails, the creature is not tripped in return (see

also use the AC to

~ Flanking: When making a melee attack, you get a +2 flanking attack bonus if your opponent is threatened by another enemy character or creature on its opposite border or opposite corner.

or to

~ Aid Another: In melee combat, you can help a friend attack or defend by distracting or interfering with an opponent. If you're in position to make a melee attack on an opponent that is engaging a friend in melee combat, you can attempt to aid your friend as a standard action. You make an attack roll against AC 10. If you succeed, your friend gains either a +2 bonus on his next attack roll against that opponent or a +2 bonus to AC against that opponent's next attack (your choice), as long as that attack comes before the beginning of your next turn. Multiple characters can aid the same friend, and similar bonuses stack.
You can also use this standard action to help a friend in other ways, such as when he is affected by a spell, or to assist another character's skill check.

Halek wrote:
That second idea seems terrible. It adds more bookkeeping for no good reason. I also dont see how it relates at all.

makes character who do less damage have a chance to effect the outcome of the fight more and character who do more damage not count on killing a monster with one hit so help to balance thing out in a mix ability group of character

But the best thing about this is the players no longer know what damage is need to kill a monster so keep them on the guard

as to book keeping yes a little bit need when set up but as you need do s damage track/log it not been much of an issue to me when running and the has add to game

.................Damage taken
1st Goblin HP 11/
2nd Goblin HP 3/

which is not diffrent from

.................Damage taken
1st Goblin HP 6/
2nd Goblin HP 6/

it old question I would now ask my DM if it ok to use a 3rd party feat this is link to the feats in question and we play tested them and found they work out ok -3rd-party---tripod-machine/agile-defense-combat/

Agile Defence [Combat, General]
Prerequisites: Dodge.
Benefits: You gain a dodge bonus to AC, based on your Base Attack Bonus. Base Attack Bonus Dodge AC Bonus +0 to +5 Plus +1 +6 to +10 Plus +2 +11 to +15 Plus +3 +16 to +20 Plus +4 Special: This ability is reduced by AC of the armour that is worn, by the character of this feat.

Improved Agile Defence [Combat, General]
Prerequisites: Dodge, Agile Defence.
Benefits: You gain a dodge bonus to AC, based on your Base Attack Bonus. Base Attack Bonus Dodge AC Bonus +0 to +5 Plus +3 +6 to +10 Plus +4 +11 to +15 Plus +5 +16 to +20 Plus +6 Special: This ability is reduced by AC of the armour that is worn, by the character of this feat.

Greater Agile Defence [Combat, General]
Prerequisites: Dodge, Agile Defence, Improved Agile Defence
Benefits: You gain a dodge bonus to AC, based on your Base Attack Bonus. Base Attack Bonus Dodge AC Bonus +0 to +5 Plus +6 +6 to +10 Plus +7 +11 to +15 Plus +8 +16 to +20 Plus +9 Special: This ability is reduced by AC of the armour that is worn, by the character of this feat.

This is version of the feats we used and my DM let me swap out my character ability to use shields and armour for the feats

I was playing a high dex acrobatic fighter who used twin light blades as with the weapon finness and two weapons combat feats.

No shield use (all shields) swap out for Dodge feat
loss of heavey armour swap for Agile defence
loss of medium armour swap for Improved Agile Defence
loss of light armour swap swap for Greater Agile Defence*

My dex was 18 dex (16+2 for race highest stat) and this given me A/C of 18 at 1st level now we did holded back on the greater agile defence after play testing untill later levels as this made my character armour class too good at 1st level AC21. we swap light armour for mobility in the end and I used a feat at around 9th to get Greater Agile Defence

is the player having fun playing his character, no fix need

is the player spoiling other player fun due to his character, fix needed

is the character going to get the themselfs killed or all of the party killed? fix need

1) So use magic item to power up the character

start by building on characters back ground in play drop on some plot seeds of an ancestral weapon stolen for his people or even his family say his grandfather make it the type of weapon the character use

example I remember fighting along side your grandfather he was deadly with his axe ...

Make the weapon magical

the game system midnight had Covenant weapons

Covenant Items equate to standard D&D magic items. However, they differ in that they "grow" with the user. Only those with the touch of Heroic Path can activate their power, and this power grows as the user increases in level. Items come in all the standard D&D forms (e.g. weapons, armor, cloaks). Items may be detected by Legates and the Shadow when they are activated. There are Covenant Items spanning from the First Age through to current game time, with older items being of greater power. PCs will tend to get only two or three covenant items at any one time, with these "destined" for the PC's use.

Example of a minor covenant item say a Great Axe
character is 1st level weapon is +1 to hit and damage
character is 4th level weapon gains Flaming +1d6 fire damage
character is 5th level weapon gains Flaming Burst

2) Mix up a bit the rule say monster have fix hit points

Example Goblin warrior 1 have 6 hit points(1d10+1)
So you could have a range of hit points between 2 and 11
few of the goblins with more hit point say 10 or 11 hit points and some of goblins with only 2 or 3 hit points

This will help to keep the player on guard as they will no long know if hit will kill a goblin and some time the character who hand out less damage will get to kill a goblin in only one hit.

6 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Channel energy creates a 30-foot radius wave of energy, can this wave/energy be easy seen how visible is this magical effect.

Now the cleric must be able to present a holy symbol to use this ability. Which can be seen and using the ability creates a 30-foot radius effect which is describe as a wave of energy

Would this energy wave be visible.

And is there anything in the rules that explain what this effect would look like and how easy it would be to spot.

What are the visible effects of Negative Energy damage on a living creature what would the wounds / damage done look like?

Link: -energy-cleric

rules say no you need to meet the requirments

but up to your DM ask if he/she is will let you

after all we playing to have fun

As a DM I would let a character take a feat aka they are trainning to learn it but the character could not use the feat untill all requirments have been met.

Thank you copy of blog post add

Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Page 199 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook says, “When you attempt to perform a combat maneuver, make an attack roll and add your CMB in place of your normal attack bonus. Add any bonuses you currently have on attack rolls due to spells, feats, and other effects. These bonuses must be applicable to the weapon or attack used to perform the maneuver.” That last sentence implies that some weapons apply their bonuses on combat maneuver checks, and some do not. So how do you know which weapons do? The answer depends on what kind of combat maneuver you’re attempting, and in some cases what kind of weapon you’re using.
Disarm, sunder, and trip are normally the only kinds of combat maneuvers in which you’re actually using a weapon (natural weapons and unarmed strikes are considered weapons for this purpose) to perform the maneuver, and therefore the weapon’s bonuses (enhancement bonuses, feats such as Weapon Focus, fighter weapon training, and so on) apply to the roll.
For other maneuvers, either you’re not using a weapon at all, or the weapon is incidental to making the maneuver and its bonuses shouldn’t make you better at attempting the maneuver. For example, just because you have a +5 greatsword doesn’t mean it gives you a +5 bonus on dirty trick checks (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 320), and just because you have a +5 dagger doesn’t mean it gives you a +5 bonus on grapple checks. Of course, the GM is free to rule that in certain circumstances, a creature can apply weapon bonuses for these maneuvers, such as when using a sap in a dirty trick maneuver to hit an opponent in a sensitive spot.
There is a special exception to the above rules. If you’re using a weapon with the trip special feature, and you’re attempting a drag or reposition combat maneuver (Advanced Player’s Guide 321–322), you may apply the weapon’s bonuses to the roll because trip weapons are also suitable for dragging and repositioning (this also means we don’t have to add “drag” and “reposition” weapon properties to existing weapons).
Additionally, the polearm master fighter archetype (Advanced Player’s Guide 106) has an ability called sweeping fend that allows the fighter to use any spear or polearm to make bull rush or trip maneuvers. For the bull rush, this is a specific exception that overrides the general rule of “weapon bonuses don’t apply on bull rushes.” For the trip, the text as written is redundant because anyone can already use a weapon as part of a trip attempt, so giving the polearm master this ability has no effect. This ability needs to be updated as follows.
Update: On page 106 of the Advanced Player’s Guide, Polearm Master, Sweeping Fend ability, delete the second sentence. Replace the first sentence with “At 13th level, a polearm master can use any spear or polearm to make bull rush maneuvers, though he takes a –4 penalty on combat maneuver checks when making such attempts. When using a spear or polearm to make a trip maneuver, he treats these weapons as if they had the trip weapon feature.”
Sean K Reynolds

thank you all for your help with this "Yes to Good" which is why I asked and pointed this out.

I think you do.

But it’s all in the wording.

Now this is a question that been ask before sorry to ask once more some post say you do some say you do not. So I post with I found in one place to get to bottom of this.

If a character using finesse weapon and has the “weapon finesse feat” do they add there Dexterity bonus to perform the maneuver

Key text *** “Add any bonuses you currently have on attack rolls due to spells, feats, and other effects.” ***

Supporting this point of view


Performing a Combat Maneuver: When performing a combat maneuver, you must use an action appropriate to the maneuver you are attempting to perform. While many combat maneuvers can be performed as part of an attack action, full-attack action, or attack of opportunity (in place of a melee attack), others require a specific action. Unless otherwise noted, performing a combat maneuver provokes an attack of opportunity from the target of the maneuver. If you are hit by the target, you take the damage normally and apply that amount as a penalty to the attack roll to perform the maneuver. If your target is immobilized, unconscious, or otherwise incapacitated, your maneuver automatically succeeds (treat as if you rolled a natural 20 on the attack roll). If your target is stunned, you receive a +4 bonus on your attack roll to perform a combat maneuver against it.
When you attempt to perform a combat maneuver, make an attack roll and add your CMB in place of your normal attack bonus. *** “Add any bonuses you currently have on attack rolls due to spells, feats, and other effects.”*** These bonuses must be applicable to the weapon or attack used to perform the maneuver. The DC of this maneuver is your target's Combat Maneuver Defense. Combat maneuvers are attack rolls, so you must roll for concealment and take any other penalties that would normally apply to an attack roll.
Now I also found this on FAQ


Weapon Finesse: If I have this feat, can I apply my Dex bonus to my combat manoeuvre checks instead of my Strength bonus?

It depends on what combat manoeuvre you're attempting. Disarm, sunder, and trip are normally the only kinds of combat manoeuvres in which you’re actually using a weapon to perform the manoeuvre, and therefore the weapon’s bonuses apply to the roll. Therefore, if you're attempting a disarm, sunder, or trip manoeuvre, you can apply your Dex bonus instead of your Str mod on the combat manoeuvre check (assuming you're using a finessable weapon, of course). For other combat manoeuvres, you use the normal rule for determining CMB (Str instead of Dex).

The Agile Manoeuvres feat applies to all combat manoeuvres, not just disarm, sunder, and trip, so it is still a useful option for a Dex-based creature that uses combat manoeuvres.

Text: Trait Adopted: You were adopted and raised by someone not of your race, and raised in a society not your own. As a result, you picked up a race trait from your adoptive parents and society, and may immediately select a race trait from your adoptive parents' race.
Now I am a dyslexic,
Am I barking up tree as this could be readed to let a player take a Racial
Example from Half-Elf Racial Traits this could let a player take the race trait +2 to One Ability Score: Half-elf characters get a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Which as DM I would say sorry “no” to much of a good thing pick something else
But some of the Racial abilities are more or less balance to some of background Traits
Wording Error

Midnight is a campaign setting published by Fantasy Flight which evil has in effectwon.
This is a game which is close to what you are looking for and it can still be found for sale on both ebay and Amazon.

Midnight: Epic Fantasy in an Age of Shadow [d20 system] by Jeffrey Barber, Wil Upchurch (2003)

thanks skill unlocks looks like it got what I need

It the ability to make a lot of gold to me look like the major issue with Druidic Herbalism.

So my call would be herbal concoctions have a sell by date, say equal to the caster level of the druid making them, suggestion 1 day per caster level after which the herbal concoctions breaks down and stops working.

"So you sold a useless potion which did not work and Alas, poor Yorick the guards man dead of his wounds"

Any advice: Treating deadly wounds as it stand is more or less useless it takes 1 hour of work and has a high DC so suggest House rule

Treat Deadly Wounds: When treating deadly wounds, you can restore hit points to a damaged creature. Treating deadly wounds restores 1 hit point per level of the creature. If you exceed the DC by 5 or more, add your Wisdom modifier (if positive) to this amount. A creature can only benefit from its deadly wounds being treated within 24 hours of being injured and never more than once per day. You must expend two uses from a healer's kit to perform this task. You take a –2 penalty on your Heal skill check for each use from the healer's kit that you lack.

Treating Deadly wounds takes 1 hour of work. Is this per person i.e. you can only treat one creature or can you treat up to six creatures

Ref: You can tend to as many as six patients at a time. Is the full stop suggesting this is a list of rules? Which Address different points? And not only reverencing long-Term Care Sorry I dyslexic and not sure I reading this with the corrected interpretation.

My suggestion house rule to get this skill to work is what do you think of this idea

It take a full 10 minutes to treating a deadly wound the Healer in effect counts as if they have taken 20 on there skill check.

they it must be safe to work.

The treated character gets back 1 hit point per level of the creature and If the healer exceed the DC by 5 or more, they add your Wisdom modifier (if positive) to this hit points restored.

The treated character needs to rest (take it easy) for 1 hour after they have treated and a creature can only benefit from treatment of deadly wounds once within 24 hours.

link ref

Go to Table: Animal Companion Base Statistics

to stat the tiger

Cat, Big (Lion, Tiger)

Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 40 ft.; AC +1 natural armor; Attack bite (1d6), 2 claws (1d4); Ability Scores Str 13, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 10; Special Attacks rake (1d4); Special Qualities low-light vision, scent.

next addon

7th-Level Advancement: Size Large; AC +2 natural armor; Attack bite (1d8), 2 claws (1d6); Ability Scores Str +8, Dex –2, Con +4; Special Attacks grab, pounce, rake (1d6) .

now look on the Animal Companion Base Statistics table so a 7th level druid animal companion would have

6 Hit dice(1d8)
+ 4 BAB
+ 5 fort save
+ 5 Ref save
+ 2 will save
6 skill points to spend scroll down to "Animal Skills"
3 feat to sort out scroll down to "Animal Feats"
+ 4 Natural Armor Bonus
+ 2 to both Str/Dex
+ 3 Bonus Tricks and how trick work can be found under Handle Animal skill and in effect you pick the trick you want
Special abilitys the animal has Link, share spells, Evasion, Ability score increase & Devotion.

Hope this is of help

I started reading up on the Healing and I cannot find an explanation of what Light activity is defined as

Light activity ref as part of Long Term Care

Let say the party camp for the night each character apart for the healer takes a watch during the night. Instead of taking a watch the Healer performs long term care would the healer still get 8 hour rest/sleep and recover spells.

Now the healer not taking a watch is to make up for fact that they have lost some of there rest time by undertake light activity.

I think this one is going to be come down to each DM's making a call or a house rule as there are “NO RULES” that I can find in the books or on line that cover what light activity is and how it effects rest and spell recovery.

The Game effect is that the party memember will heal quicker.

Long-Term Care: Providing long-term care means treating a wounded person for a day or more. If your Heal check is successful, the patient recovers hit points or ability score points lost to ability damage at twice the normal rate… 2 hit points per level for a full 8 hours of rest in a day… Giving long-term care counts as light activity for the healer… You cannot give long-term care to yourself.

To help

Magic Armour

Fortification: This suit of armor or shield produces a magical force that protects vital areas of the wearer more effectively. When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the wearer, there is a chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally.


Sneak Attack: If a rogue can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage.
The rogue's attack deals extra damage anytime her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the rogue flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and increases by 1d6 every two rogue levels thereafter. Should the rogue score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.
With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (like a sap, whip, or an unarmed strike), a rogue can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual –4 penalty.
The rogue must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A rogue cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment.

Bleeding Attack* (Ex): A rogue with this ability can cause living opponents to bleed by hitting them with a sneak attack. This attack causes the target to take 1 additional point of damage each round for each die of the rogue's sneak attack (e.g., 4d6 equals 4 points of bleed). Bleeding creatures take that amount of damage every round at the start of each of their turns. The bleeding can be stopped by a DC 15 Heal check or the application of any effect that heals hit point damage. Bleeding damage from this ability does not stack with itself. Bleeding damage bypasses any damage reduction the creature might possess.

It was the wording of this got me and this is why I asked

~ Evasion (Ex): A rogue can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage.

your wording better

Evasion is only triggered by things that call for Reflex Saves (with the potential for half damage)

Thank you for taking the time to post

Can any one help me

The set up is:

A Rogue is fighting an evil Cleric who is has his back to an evil alter.

The evil cleric ready his unholy symbol and then call upon his dark god

The evil cleric is about to Channel Negative Energy.

~ The Rules

~ Channeling energy is a Supernatural Abilities which is magical but not spell-like.

~ Channeling energy causes a burst that affects all creatures of one type (either undead or living) in a 30-foot radius centered on the cleric.

~ A Will save is made to halve the damage dealt from channeled negative energy.

I think as you can make a "Will Save" to halve damage a Rogue then can use Evasion(Ex)

~ Evasion (Ex): A rogue can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage.

The bit of the text that make me think evasion should work is "against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save"

If the text had said "against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful (REFLEX) save" I would have said that Evasion would only work for magical and unusual attacks you have to make a reflex saving throws against.

But the text say "against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save" and given the Evasion text says the same thing "against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save"

I think

A Rogue with Evasion can avoided taking damage from an Evil Cleric Channel Negative Energy ability if they make a successful reflex save throw.

Am I Corrected?

PS Sorry if I am in error can you please explane why to me

What doing my head in is the text which says "against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save"

Double strike (Ex): At 9th level, a two-weapon warrior may, as a standard action, make one attack with both his primary and secondary weapons. The penalties for attacking with two weapons apply normally. This ability replaces weapon training 2.

It is my understanding that a character with Double strike get two attacks as a standard action

The character must rolls each attack individually.

So the character makes one attack with his primary weapon and one attack with his secondary weapon.

Can the character using double strike target two different creatures or must both attacks be made against the same creature.

Thank you for to all of you help on this


A character has a base attack bonus of 6 by 1 and the Improved two weapon combat feat

So he can make four attack per round as a full round action.

He has encounters a group of four orc’s

On his initiative he takes a five foot step up to and then attacks the first orc he hits with his first two attacks and kills the Orc.

He still has two attack left

But there are no more Orc within his weapons reach

He know that the remain Orcs are going to attack him on their initiative.

All the orc’s will need to do to attack him is to move up to him by making a five foot step.

My question is this

Can a character (hold? delay?) to use his remaining attacks to hit the first orc that steps into range later in the round.