Style feats


Is a dip in MOMS the only way to get more than one active at a time? I swear I saw a feat once but I may be wrong.

Combat Style Master allows you to switch back and forth between multiple styles as a free action. I think that's the closest you can get without MOM.

Weapon Style Mastery works if one of the style feats has Weapon Focus as a prerequisite.

What style feats do have weapon focus as a pre-req? I don't see anything on

They're listed on the page, they just haven't been transferred into the table that shows their prerequisites. Feats like Ascetic Style, Empty Quiver Style, Outslug Style, Overwatch Style, Slipslinger Style, Smashing Style, Spear Dancing Style, Startoss Style, Swordplay Style, etc.

Scarab Sages

Archives of Nethys has a more up to date list

There's also a fighter archetype that at lv5 can have two up at once.

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