Off day spells for prepared casters

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I'm wondering how other people handle what spells your prepared casters have on non adventuring days, especially for dedicated casters.

What I've been doing is preparing one or two really useful spells out each level and leaving the rest empty in case that day turns into an adventuring day.

Charm Person
Comprehend Languages
Floating disk (maybe?)
Feather Fall

See Invisibility
Make Whole

Dispel Magic

Dimension door
Detect Scrying
Emergency Force Sphere

Mage's Private Sanctum
Summon Monster V

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Generally, my prepared casters will have up to three baseline lists of spells to prepare depending on the expected environment: Dungeon (constrained spaces, short sight-lines, damage resistant ceilings, floors, walls), Urban (social encounters, minimize collateral damage), or Wilderness (long sight-lines, open sky). These lists will be tweaked when expecting specific challenges or foes.

"Non-adventuring days" are most likely to be in an Urban environment.

I guess I'd prepare a list of 'adventuring' and 'civilian' spells. Naturally, I'd still keep at least one or two combat options because sometimes adventure finds you even when you're on the privy, and sometimes the only thing that resolves the social debate is magic missile.

Maybe swap in a few things like charm person or detect thoughts, probably not bring too much damaging aoe, I imagine you can get away with catching someone in a hold person, but cloudkill or fireball are likely to annoy the locals, still bring one or two just in case I need to kill the locals. Other than that mostly the same spells as usual, you're either going to be doing social stuff and not need many spells, or going to get in a fight and want the usual fun.

Dragonchess Player wrote:

Generally, my prepared casters will have up to three baseline lists of spells to prepare depending on the expected environment: Dungeon (constrained spaces, short sight-lines, damage resistant ceilings, floors, walls), Urban (social encounters, minimize collateral damage), or Wilderness (long sight-lines, open sky). These lists will be tweaked when expecting specific challenges or foes.

"Non-adventuring days" are most likely to be in an Urban environment.

Exactly how I did it with Druid and now with Wizard. Just easier on me to have thought it out ahead of time and know which list I'm operating off of.

Its worst with divine caster since in hind-sight you'll potentially kick yourself for not picking a certain spell, but its best to play the averages and go with what is most versatile. Then as you say, when there is a known specific threat drill in on something that is most appropriate for that threat/scenario.

There's also being smart enough to leave spell slots open so you can quickly fill them in later. XD If you're not facing an immediate problem but want something useful, that's generally a good way to go...

GM Rednal wrote:
There's also being smart enough to leave spell slots open so you can quickly fill them in later. XD If you're not facing an immediate problem but want something useful, that's generally a good way to go...

to be honest, I always forget that 15min rule, which is probably most useful the higher you go.

I keep the same spells ready. Sometimes nonadventuring days contain unexpected conflicts(fights).

Neils Bohr wrote:

I'm wondering how other people handle what spells your prepared casters have on non adventuring days, especially for dedicated casters.

What I've been doing is preparing one or two really useful spells out each level and leaving the rest empty in case that day turns into an adventuring day.

Not an option for clerics or Paladins. You get one time a day to pray for your spells, so you have to prepare them right then and there.

My LSJ Wizard leaves about half of his spells when he's offtime, but carries a full load otherwise.

Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Neils Bohr wrote:

I'm wondering how other people handle what spells your prepared casters have on non adventuring days, especially for dedicated casters.

What I've been doing is preparing one or two really useful spells out each level and leaving the rest empty in case that day turns into an adventuring day.

Not an option for clerics or Paladins. You get one time a day to pray for your spells, so you have to prepare them right then and there.

Not true. They get the same wording arcane casters do.

CRB>Magic>Divine Spells>Preparing Diving Spells>Spell Selection and Preparation wrote:
A divine spellcaster selects and prepares spells ahead of time through prayer and meditation at a particular time of day. The time required to prepare spells is the same as it is for a wizard (1 hour), as is the requirement for a relatively peaceful environment. When preparing spells for the day, a cleric can leave some of her spell slots open. Later during that day, she can repeat the preparation process as often as she likes. During these extra sessions of preparation, she can fill these unused spell slots. She cannot, however, abandon a previously prepared spell to replace it with another one or fill a slot that is empty because she has cast a spell in the meantime. Like the first session of the day, this preparation takes at least 15 minutes, and it takes longer if she prepares more than one-quarter of his spells.

Permanent spells are nice in down time. Shrink Item is a fun way to prepare backup spellbolks, and a stack of explosive runes business cards can be useful with cautious use. Its also nice to have a spell to help you sleep securely on hand (rope trick, secure shelter, etc). In case combat happens, having mage armor up all the time is good, and mirror image/invisibility should be prepped daily regardless of what you expect. Summon Monster spells are also good to have when fights break out due to the sheer versatility (gives more spells, or specific combat maneuvers, or unique movement, or cover, or any number of other amazing options). Finally having a mode of transport on hand isn't a bad idea. Mount, Phantom Steed/Chariot, Teleport, Overland Flight, and the like are nice if you are traveling to help cut time/expense. A few recreational blasts could be nice but I'd keep the radius/range low on these. Large AoE spells can be seen as "reckless" and often you knly need to eliminate a couple targets anyway, so intensified or empowered snowball might be a better choice in the long run.

On the divine side, prepping healing spells can be better than charm person diplomatically if you are creative with it. Many will object to seeing a charm cast if they can ID, but often people show positive reactions to healing spells. Lesser Restoration is especially fun here because removing fatigue could be huge at the end of a long work day for someone. Of course, this requires work with the GM. Its also a good time to stock up on holy water and its nice to have some of the truth-based spells on hand.

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