Help name a halfling bard


Need to name a halfling bard. Grew up in Magnimar, now in Sandpoint (running RotRL).

The player wants the name to be an anagram of the phrase I'm so adorable - prefer a first & last name, but will consider other suggestions. The apostrophe may be used, but isn't required.

I've never been good at anagrams, so any/all help would be appreciated.

Eimada Bols'ro
Just shifting letters around to see what sounds cool. The character make really like puzzles and games and rather bear a witty joke than a disappointing childhood. It also helps give a feeling of excitement, and importance. Who would listen to the ballads of an ordinary child in the street?

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Playing around with an online anagrammer, I found the following possibilities:

  • Ambrosia Dole
  • Dalio Ambrose
  • Marabis Doole
  • Marse Diabolo
  • Biramose O'dal
  • and probably many, many more!

I linked it so you can play around with it too if you like. :)

Dark Archive

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Rennaivx wrote:

Playing around with an online anagrammer, I found the following possibilities:

  • Ambrosia Dole
  • Dalio Ambrose
  • Marabis Doole
  • Marse Diabolo
  • Biramose O'dal
  • and probably many, many more!

I linked it so you can play around with it too if you like. :)

And if none of those are suitable then I am sure that Bardy McBardface would be fine ;)

Eindridi wrote:
Rennaivx wrote:

Playing around with an online anagrammer, I found the following possibilities:

  • Ambrosia Dole
  • Dalio Ambrose
  • Marabis Doole
  • Marse Diabolo
  • Biramose O'dal
  • and probably many, many more!

I linked it so you can play around with it too if you like. :)
And if none of those are suitable then I am sure that Bardy McBardface would be fine ;)

Well, I mean, given. Bardy McBardface is always an appropriate name for a bard. ;)

Rennaivx wrote:

Playing around with an online anagrammer, I found the following possibilities:

  • Ambrosia Dole
  • Dalio Ambrose
  • Marabis Doole
  • Marse Diabolo
  • Biramose O'dal
  • and probably many, many more!

I linked it so you can play around with it too if you like. :)

Thanks very much, both for the suggestions, and the link!!

Eindridi wrote:
Rennaivx wrote:

Playing around with an online anagrammer, I found the following possibilities:

  • Ambrosia Dole
  • Dalio Ambrose
  • Marabis Doole
  • Marse Diabolo
  • Biramose O'dal
  • and probably many, many more!

I linked it so you can play around with it too if you like. :)
And if none of those are suitable then I am sure that Bardy McBardface would be fine ;)

Ironically, our group generally doesn't like those kind of names.

Still, it was fun to read... :)


  • any brown songbird of the predominantly Old World family Alaudidae, esp the skylark: noted for their singing
  • short for titlark, meadowlark
  • up with the lark: up early in the morning
  • a carefree adventure or frolic
  • a harmless piece of mischief
  • what a lark! how amusing!


We're having more difficulty with the anagram idea than expected - everything I've come up with so far sounds more like a gnome than a halfling name. My player is thinking about dropping the anagram idea, IF we can find a good regular bard name. Although funny, he doesn't want anything like Bardy McBardface (but plays on words/phrases are ok if they're more subtle)....

Suggestions welcome!

My archaeologist halfling is called Teeto Redmoon. Everybody loves Teeto.

Riz Riddler the Dancing Half-Man

Scarab Sages

Wayfinder #11 contains my halfling bard by the name of Arbor Gottfried, an anarchistic analogue for the real world Woody Guthrie.
A street-level foil for the flamboyantly excessive, moustaschioed Chelish tiefling, Federico Castrovel, singer for the Queen.

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A proper kender name!

Male Names: Arlie, Balif, Buckeran, Jackin, Kipper, Kronin, Malon, Meridon, Pentrian, Rufus, Tarli, Tasslehoff, Tavin, Teekli, Tekel, Tobin, Vallo.

Female Names: Amari, Amber, Athola, Catt, Emla, Ethani, Hakan, Juniper, Mela, Paxina, Teeli.

Chosen Names: Burrfoot, Deeppockets, Downyheels, Flamehair, Flowerhair, Lampwick, Lighteyes, Lightfingers, Metwinger, Nimblefingers, Quickfoot, Quickstep, Pakslinger, Redfeather, Riddler, Softtread, Springheel, Thistleknot, Thistleswitch


Petit Tom (could perform "She was from Erelhei-Cinlu")
Journey Cash (You can always count on Cash!)

I liked Rennaivx's anagrammer's "Ambrosia Dole." Both names are food! What could be more halfling than that?

the character is really short, probably a fair singer. Have you thought of Bono?

Might I recommend having a name that isn't too intricate. As in it becomes way too hard to spell or remember how to pronounce it can become tedious. Okay, maybe that's too harsh but be ready for people to go "hey, err, Joooo-ummm- Jeeeeuuuuu" so if I was making a name I'd construct it with a good sounding nickname to draw from it in case the bespoke name is too much of a mouthful.

So be careful if you have a name like "Theogas" you may just end up being called "Gassy".

Other than that I don't think you can go wrong.

Don't go too crazy with naming you can end up with such a ridiculous name that it will just make players' eyes roll in how high faluting it is.

On the other hand you can have a name which is way too stupid like Namey McNameface which is nice as a joke but get old VERY quickly. Maybe your group will like it but on the other hand it can totally ruin the feel of a game with such a purposefully joke name. It doesn't really play into you being a well rounded character but a mere caricature, how can it be exciting to beat a dragon?

Try to think what your character would be named be named by their parents, guardians or whatever sort of military outfit they were adopted into. This can be the hardest part as you actually need to step out of your character and ask how others would see your character, what name other people would give your character.

Booster Stad? its an anagram of Totes Adorbs

Piccolo Padroad.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Olive Ruskettle!

Emoosia La'Bard?

Rustle Braunfout

Finally got some time to talk to the player. He's said that if the anagram idea doesn't work, he'd like more of a hobbit-type name, since he's a LotR fan.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I'm so adorable

Marla S. Doobie

Boosi de la Mar

Mare Lad Bioso

Bolo Semi Dare

Loob Amidarse

A Dim Lobo Sear

Mild Bear Asoo

Loosea Dimbar

Blair Doomsea

Abe Doomlairs

Obo Dreamsail

Abi Dream Solo

Broom Seadial

Loser Boma aid

I Lead Barsoom

Deasil Booram

Alisa Bedroom

For a halfling from a city (Magnimar) I've always liked the last name Lostburrow. How about Loob or Lamfast for a first name.

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