What loot can I give with slimes


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A few pick-axe heads and such are possible of course, if they were recent and haven't been expelled. But since your mine also contains rust monsters they will have eaten even mithril or adamantine tools. They prefer ferrous metals, but that won't stop them from enjoying a any other metal, and with their ability to scent it out, you'd need a really good reason they haven't. Such as it's inside a wooden crate or box or the area it's in is just swarming with oozes, since the metal implements won't stay inside them forever.

At best, treasure-wise, you're looking at gemstones, glass or stone items, also possibly some wooden ones if there's no green slime or something too acidic.

Grand Lodge

how long have the mines been abandoned/infested?

maybe some of the miners were part of a smuggling operation, and the PC's find a hidden cache.
likewise, some bandits tried to set the caves up as a base- and were run off somehow- or died fighting the ooze infestation.

What if the miners had hired some mercenaries to deal with the ooze infestation, and those that died had their gear ingested.

Lord Foul II wrote:
Atarlost wrote:
Lord Foul II wrote:
So that's one adamanite or mithril pick axe (picked up from an unfortunate miner, let's call him Tim)
One adamantine or mithril pick axe head. The handle would have been wood and digested. Probably adamantine. I'm not aware of any advantage to a mithril pick axe.

Advantages of mithril pick axe

well for one, it's rust proof.
For two it's lighter and harder than steal (which is in turn lighter than adamanite)
For three it's shiny

And the handle being devoured assumes it's not also made of that material, it could go either way, wood or metal

Picks are heavy because they need to be heavy to do their job. A mithril pick would have to be bulkier and just as heavy as a steel pick.

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How about goblin pickles? A single jar of undissolved goblin pickles just floating in all the slime.

Scarab Sages

Suthainn wrote:

Along a similar theme to Dave Justus idea, give them the gift that keeps on giving... baby slimes!

You too can feel the joy only gained from raising your small, non sentient blob of jelly into a big, strapping non sentient blob of jelly that will love you forever and ever... (or maybe eat you).

Hey, there's a new idea for a Module: "The Trouble With Blobbles."

Shadow Lodge

My Self wrote:
How about goblin pickles? A single jar of undissolved goblin pickles just floating in all the slime.


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