A low level monster that can cause Fear?


Does anyone know of any cr2 or lower monsters that can cause fear?

Thanks for your help.

Liberty's Edge


Edit: and Dretches

Enough beheaded can cause someone to fail their save vs shaken 2 or more times. You could make a low level haunt which causes fear. Almost any caster has access to cause fear as a first level spell. Krenshar. Paralyze instead of fear, but Vargouille typically cause fear in players at that CR.

There is a terror creature template with a fear aura that may be what you are looking for.

Intimidate is a thing some non-casters can do, especially thug rogues. A terror wolf has an aura of fear (& the template could be applied to other creatures). Ningyo can scare people in the surprise round only.

Besides the Terror Creature Template: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/terror-creature -cr-0 I already mentiooned, there is also the Nightmare Template: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/nightmare-creat ure-cr-1 and the

The Antipaladin also has an aura that reduces your saves against fear effects. COmbine that with the terror creature template and you have a pretty hefty encounter. He would also have cruelties.

Thanks a lot. I'm building a scene where Will O' Wisps lead the party to a monster which causes fear. This 'feeds' the Will O Wisps. The flipside is this is still a low level adventure so whatever monster they encounter has to be low level.

I'm also wanting a monster of animal intelligence. The Will o Wisps and this animal intelligence monster have formed a symbiotic relationship with each other.

Silver Crusade

Krenshar is one of the more common ones I've seen in D&D or Pathfinder.


Search for an appropiate monster and add the terror creature template.

The Slurk is a nice option imho. If they fail their perception checks, start the surprise round by bullrushing in, entangeling one (if the bullrush is successful) and forcing everyone to make a DC11 Will check or be panicked.

a Krenshar is exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks everyone.

Any creature with first level clerical spellcasting (cause fear).

Any creature with a high enough bonus to Intimidate.

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