Trapdoor Partners with Paizo, Inc - on Apple only...

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So the good news, Paizo licences another digital application.
It even sounds promising, especially the connection to PFS and the extensive adventure library.

The bad news?
Oh wait, this is only for the 5% of people owning some overpriced Apple products.

As stated on Facebook, there are plans for android.
I feel obliged to point out that there were plans for a VTT too, among some other stuff. And "there are plans" is not the same as "there is something for".

As someone who doesn´t own an apple product and has no current plans to own one, i cannot understand this decision. It´s frankly disapointing, especially since it seems that this is also one of the larger "surprises" this year. The feedback on facebook shows that i´m not the only person there. For quite some time now, people also spoke out on the board for multiplattform support.

I sincerely hope the next big surprise is not:
"Paizo licences new Pathfinder RPG Game in cooperation with Obsidian, on mobile apple devices".

Shadow Lodge

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Woo, I'm in the 5%!

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This makes no sense to only have on apple products when it could be on Android also.

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Yay for me!

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You think by this point anything that would be on Apple would automatically be going for an Android release as well. Maybe it's the outsider perspective, but I cannot see a logical reason to release for one and not the other.

Shadow Lodge

Dammit and Paizo being so Apple focused. This isn't 2010, there are other devices.

What about Microsoft!
No one likes Microsoft!
* sniff *

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

What about Blackberry? Tizen? Meego? Symbian? Firefox OS?

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TOZ wrote:
Woo, I'm in the 5%!

It seems we are the 5%!

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*shrugs* They're going to make it for Android too, presumably unless it bombs. Android development costs more and takes longer.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
QuidEst wrote:
*shrugs* They're going to make it for Android too, presumably unless it bombs. Android development costs more and takes longer.

This. If you're developing an app for iOS, you need to keep a short list of first party devices in mind. If you're developing for Droid, it's everything from the current flagships to your momma's Cyanogen-powered washing machine.

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Only 5% of people own Apple products?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

That 5% is just a random number, though actually where i´m from nearly nobody uses Apple products, for different reasons.

That´s not the point of my post though.
Feel free to derail and ridicule that as much as you like.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I was just a little put out that 99% of the comments I've seen about this product are negative s&~%posts about people wanting Android versions.

I mean, maybe that's an indication that people want this product, but it's just a foul taste in my mouth.

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This seems cool. I'd definitely buy that. Makes me feel even more vindicated that the only reason why I went Apple over anything else was because I could use Hero Labs and other Pathfinder friendly apps.

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MisterSlanky wrote:
Dammit and Paizo being so Apple focused. This isn't 2010, there are other devices.

Thing is... Android users generally aren't keen on paying for anything. They'd rather either live with ads running all over their applications, or hack them into submission.

The other big issue is which Android platform to develop for? Less than 4 percent of Android users are running the latest OS, but much of that is the fault of the phone carriers who block updates. The versions that are operating are pretty scattered all over the place.

IOS devices on the other hand are pretty much always on the current OS version with about a 90 percent adoption rate among active devices.

Link to the product?

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Azten wrote:
Link to the product?

I had to google it but found it: Paizo News post and Trapdoor's Product site

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MisterSlanky wrote:
Dammit and Paizo being so Apple focused. This isn't 2010, there are other devices.

Thing is, Paizo uses Apple devices in-house. Not necessarily exclusively, but they're basically a Mac shop. So it's natural for an organization that has already made the Apple/not-Apple decision to continue to make Apple-centric decisions.

Also... there one advantage to iOS. It's not fragmented like Android. I like to use Android personally, but I hate supporting it. What do the screens look like for adding a mail account? Depends on the vendor. Samsung is different from HTC who is different from everyone else. Then there's the version differences, because Android users are locked to their vendors for upgrades (unless you root and custom ROM your device, in which case you don't need support anyway). So when looking to enter into the mobile app market, iOS makes more sense from a support standpoint, even if there are something like an infinite number more Android devices out there.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:

I was just a little put out that 99% of the comments I've seen about this product are negative s@+~posts about people wanting Android versions.

I mean, maybe that's an indication that people want this product, but it's just a foul taste in my mouth.

Well, when they announce something you may or may not want, but tell you it's only going to be available on a mechanical platform you don't use... it's going to elicit some griping.

It's like finding out the next video game in a series that you love is going to be exclusive to (insert console you don't own here).

Shadow Lodge

TriOmegaZero wrote:

I was just a little put out that 99% of the comments I've seen about this product are negative s*~!posts about people wanting Android versions.

I mean, maybe that's an indication that people want this product, but it's just a foul taste in my mouth.

And it should leave a foul taste in your mouth. Being ignored as a legitimate user of other platforms leaves a foul taste in mine.

Shadow Lodge

Orthos wrote:
It's like finding out the next video game in a series that you love is going to be exclusive to (insert console you don't own here).

Except that's not usually due to technical laziness, it's due to the vendor legitimately wanting a platform "exclusive" to make their platform more appealing.

Dark Archive

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I have an iPad because She Who Rules the Known Universe uses Apple computers exclusively.

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Looks promising.
Please wake me up when the full rules set is implemented.
including archetypes, heroic point buy etc.

Shadow Lodge

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Orthos wrote:'s going to elicit some griping.

There's griping, and then there's s#@&ting over everything.

Dark Archive

TOZ wrote:
Orthos wrote:'s going to elicit some griping.
There's griping, and then there's s~*#ting over everything.

Yer new here, aren't you?

Shadow Lodge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Oi, Johnny-Come-Lately, speak up when yer postcount breaks five digits. :)

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Yes, I've never seen Orthos around before.

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What does this do exactly.

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Gorbacz wrote:
What about Blackberry? Tizen? Meego? Symbian? Firefox OS?

keep your distance folks, he's speaking in tongues again.

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Should Tammy stop stuffing the bag with tongues...

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Orthos wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:

I was just a little put out that 99% of the comments I've seen about this product are negative s@+~posts about people wanting Android versions.

I mean, maybe that's an indication that people want this product, but it's just a foul taste in my mouth.

Well, when they announce something you may or may not want, but tell you it's only going to be available on a mechanical platform you don't use... it's going to elicit some griping.

It's like finding out the next video game in a series that you love is going to be exclusive to (insert console you don't own here).

glares angrily at PS4 while hugging king of fighters

Scarab Sages

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Meh. If I want to play the new Mario or Zelda, I'm going to buy a Nintendo.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

What does the application do, I think he is asking.

I was just joking, no sarcasm or insult meant. :-)

Kryzbyn wrote:

What does the application do, I think he is asking.

Exactly. :-)

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I hear it does stuff.

Dark Archive

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captain yesterday wrote:
I was just joking, no sarcasm or insult meant. :-)

Please accept my apologies, then.

Post deleted.

Shadow Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Make me a product that 80% of the population can use, and I'll stop b*+~&ing".

Deliver a product rather than a promise on a platform I can use, and I'll really stop b%@&$ing.

There are plenty of software authors that have figured this out, and the fact that those of us that won't shell out more money for yet another platform get the shaft, yet again, is getting annoying (I'm looking at you Wolflair and Hero Lab).

Shadow Lodge

I was going to say my venture agent is one of those, but I don't think Paizo can afford him. :)

*gloomy look*

It's the beginning of the end - computer games and RPGs moving ever closer...Bring back the twentieth century, I say. :(

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So, I had a look at this app.

It is interesting looking, and (should all Pathfinder Core and expanded rules be worked in) it could make a neat tool to create and manage characters.

But, it sure isn't for everybody.

Also the pricepoint for things (whether they be rulebooks, Modules, AP-volumes, other splatbooks...) will make or break it's popularity.

I'm interested... mildly.

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Steve Geddes wrote:

*gloomy look*

It's the beginning of the end - computer games and RPGs moving ever closer...Bring back the twentieth century, I say. :(

I don't get it, Steve.

We're clearly in a golden age for tabletop RPGs. Where under a decade ago we had one major rules publisher with Paizo doing two magazines, we now have two major rules publishers, and Paizo putting out APs, modules, an a bunch of campaign setting stuff. We have two major lines of minis. We've got cards, novels... you name it.

That on top of all of that a digital tool is going to happen... doesn't impact tabletop. Computer RPGs have existed as long as computers have, and yet... here we are... with battlemats still.

I've learned to not sweat that some products exist for other people, as long as some products exist for me.

Silver Crusade

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Tammy the Lich wrote:
Should Tammy stop stuffing the bag with tongues...

What you and the bag consent to do behind closed doors is entirely up to you, no need to bring us into it.

I guess I'm left wondering when will there be an announcement about the state of or closedown of Paizo's Gamespace/VTT endeavour? I haven't heard much about that lately...would be nice to hear somehting either way...

Anguish wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:

*gloomy look*

It's the beginning of the end - computer games and RPGs moving ever closer...Bring back the twentieth century, I say. :(

I don't get it, Steve.

We're clearly in a golden age for tabletop RPGs. Where under a decade ago we had one major rules publisher with Paizo doing two magazines, we now have two major rules publishers, and Paizo putting out APs, modules, an a bunch of campaign setting stuff. We have two major lines of minis. We've got cards, novels... you name it.

That on top of all of that a digital tool is going to happen... doesn't impact tabletop. Computer RPGs have existed as long as computers have, and yet... here we are... with battlemats still.

I've learned to not sweat that some products exist for other people, as long as some products exist for me.

It's irrational, but real. To be clear though, I wasn't suggesting it shouldn't happen - merely that I don't like it.

I had the same feeling when my MUD started losing players to these new-fangled online games with graphics. :(

Steve Geddes wrote:

*gloomy look*

It's the beginning of the end - computer games and RPGs moving ever closer...Bring back the twentieth century, I say. :(

Nah, don't worry too much about that. Until we have AI smart enough to GM games, the two can't get very close. And when AI is smart enough to GM games, we'll all have bigger worries.

Silver Crusade

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QuidEst wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:

*gloomy look*

It's the beginning of the end - computer games and RPGs moving ever closer...Bring back the twentieth century, I say. :(

Nah, don't worry too much about that. Until we have AI smart enough to GM games, the two can't get very close. And when AI is smart enough to GM games, we'll all have bigger worries.

But then everyone will have GMs then!

Rysky wrote:
QuidEst wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:

*gloomy look*

It's the beginning of the end - computer games and RPGs moving ever closer...Bring back the twentieth century, I say. :(

Nah, don't worry too much about that. Until we have AI smart enough to GM games, the two can't get very close. And when AI is smart enough to GM games, we'll all have bigger worries.
But then everyone will have GMs then!

Until they decide to run a gritty realistic Paranoia LARP...

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