Help with my GM


Silver Crusade

I need a hand, I feel slightly cheated, I died playing my bodyguard build in our home group during a boss fight, the party was just rewarded 18,000 GP and I was told to make my new character with only 4000 Gp, I feel like I'm getting punished for Saving two of my teammates from Crits. What can a say to my Gm to get him to see that I feel I'm getting punished for dieing defending my teammates now sitting at basiclly 5 levels below my allies in terms of Items.

I'm assuming a problem with Resurrection? If your player saved the skin of his friends, then those friends should at least try to bring him back role play wise.

Silver Crusade

Nope they did not care to use there money to bring him back... They are not like A!@es there just really tight on there own money.

Then it isn't the GM's fault. If you died fairly, taking an action that your character would do, and your team-mates aren't willing to pay for you to come back... then make a new character is really the only choice there other than 'Hand-of-God'

Sorry you 'feel punished' but it doesn't sound like you are. You might have a harder time with things and maybe your character will have to play it smart for a while. Maybe after the next fight where your 'friends' get chewed up alive without the bodyguard and you had to hang back, they'll have a change of heart about bringing their old ally back... or you can loot their corpses and bring your bodyguard back to life yourself.

Sovereign Court

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Leandro's step by step guide to resolving this problem:

1) Tell your GM the relevant part of the last sentence of your post, but in as polite as possible a fashion as you can muster (Leandro recommends not doing it immediately, but taking a moment to muster some calm and take a deep breath).

2) If your GM agrees and resolves the problem to your satisfaction, stop here. They may also have a plan to resolve the issue in game - if they say this, I'd recommend trusting them all other things being equal, but that's a judgment call on your part. If not, go to 3.

3) Do you enjoy this game/is this a minor issue to you? If yes, try this step. If no, go to 4. If yes: ask your fellow players if they would be willing to enter into a gentleman's agreement to resolve the issue (for instance, to split all acquired loot equally, regardless of origin), as this would make the game more fair and fun for you. If they agree, problem solved. If they disagree, step 4.

4) Make it clear that you will leave the game if your problem isn't resolved, as it is significantly impacting your enjoyment of the game. They may have erroneously believed your issue didn't matter/was minor - they now know it is not, and may now to try to negotiate/agree to a previous solution. If they do, great! Go to the relevant previous step. If they don't, go to step 5.

5) If you're sure this issue is making the game much less fun for you, and the GM won't resolve the issue, and the players won't help, then leave the game. No gaming is better than bad gaming, and there are lots of games out there that have responsive GMs and sympathetic players.

Hope this helps!

Silver Crusade

They all thought my having below standards money was not fair after all that gold they just recieved and a Friend of min rises a valid point if I'm level 8 like the rest of the party how do I not have the money to show my character previous adventure career before joining, I have sent him a message with how I truely feel about it, I'm just waiting on a reply, My party did not bat a Eyelid and just spent all there gold Stright away with a single side though, I had retired a character before because it was unfun to play for me, that's how I got to my bodyguard fighter and Because the dice gods where on there side they survived the fight, but if they where not on there they would been wreaked, I keep the entire party alive, but I said, don't pay for my resurrection in the end but that was before they got all this money and they did not even think about him, they even took his reward money and split it among themselves, Im truely pissed at the unfairness of my dealing with 4000 GP and them having 18,000 for me saving there skin...

It seems like you're having a hard time separating your character from yourself. If your character died, why wouldn't the living characters take your share of the reward?

To give the money to the brand new character that joined them (your new character) would completely destroy immersion into the campaign world.

My advice - create a new character that is in less direct danger and has a higher likelihood of surviving. Ranged characters generally work well for this.

Use some of your 4k starting gold to buy a potion of fly or gaseous form or invis might even work in a pinch.

If the group looks like it is getting ready to fall, use your potion to escape.

Silver Crusade

Update: My GM has allowed my new character to enter as a Standard level 8 Character so get a normal level 8s Wealth.

Silver Crusade

While I agree it would be odd for the new guy to get some of the reward it's the level 8 character being limited to level 4 wealth that's the problem, with the reward it's possible the other characters are also above WBL now too.

Edit: heh, ninjaed by OP :3

Sovereign Court

Valkyrie-Storm wrote:
Update: My GM has allowed my new character to enter as a Standard level 8 Character so get a normal level 8s Wealth.

Ah good, that sounds fair. Hope you've resolved the issue to your satisfaction :)

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Ahh, good. That should be enough to get your bodyguard resurrected and then the two of you can kill off the traitorous members of your former party.

We'll all be waiting here in the Advice forum to help you with that when you're ready.

So, what happened to all the equipment from the character that died? Did they bury it with his body, or did they loot your old Character's corpse? If they looted the corpse, i can see why the GM wouldn't want to send in your new PC at WBL, mostly because the total party wealth would then be too high.

Glad you were able to have a reasonable outcome by discussing with your GM - its always the best, although getting some ideas from the forum can help you develop your approach to the conversation.

This particular issue is a real problem for PF from older versions of RPG games. At 8th level with only 4k of starting loot you would have effectively been about $29k short on gear. The effect on your AC, saves, and to-hit would probably have been around 2 points across the board. That would have been rough.

Valkyrie-Storm wrote:
Update: My GM has allowed my new character to enter as a Standard level 8 Character so get a normal level 8s Wealth.

Your DM not doing this in the first place is exactly what is so utterly highly suspect about the whole thing.

Liberty's Edge

You did it the right way by talking to your GM.

...but having a mindset by thinking that your GM is punishing you is not a good way to play the game. Next time, give him the benefit of the doubt and talk to him about your concerns BEFORE villainizing him.

Well done for resolving the issue well. It's amazing how waiting a day or two and letting feelings calm does wonders for getting the outcome you want,

It's general good advice from life as much as gaming.

Pizza Lord wrote:

Then it isn't the GM's fault. If you died fairly, taking an action that your character would do, and your team-mates aren't willing to pay for you to come back... then make a new character is really the only choice there other than 'Hand-of-God'

Sorry you 'feel punished' but it doesn't sound like you are. You might have a harder time with things and maybe your character will have to play it smart for a while. Maybe after the next fight where your 'friends' get chewed up alive without the bodyguard and you had to hang back, they'll have a change of heart about bringing their old ally back... or you can loot their corpses and bring your bodyguard back to life yourself.

I disagree on being punished. It seems both the players and GM are punishing you. You saved them and your reward is to be screwed over on gold for having to create a new character. I'd raise hell about this because I'm willing to bet this isn't the first time something like this has happened.

If they insist in playing this way I'd suggest finding a new group.

Why would you ask not to be resurrected if you were going to be this upset about dying? It's good though that it got resolved, I wish you better luck with your next character.

If they don't want to spend their money to get your character raised, then they are not "friends" but merely companions on the road.

To take your share of the reward and split it between themselves instead of using it to raise you? Bad form. With a 4-person party, 18,000 gp means 4,500 gp for you. A raise costs 5000+5*9*10 = 5,450 gp. Two restorations cost 2*(1000+4*7*10 = 1,280) = 2,560. Total of 8,010 gp. Therefore, they should sell some of your stuff to make up the remaining 3,510 gp. [Less if they can cast the spell.]

It sucks to spend all that money, but it does happen. I recall one time it happened to my character and the party had to decide what to sell. They were rather surprised at all the magic items I carried. [This was back in 2nd ed, and loot drops were the primary means of gaining magic items. I just squirreled away a lot of undesired +1 weapons and such. Payed for the raise nicely.]


Lol, you got screwed. f*** them.

Make a character who only cares about himself, do not waste any money on the party.

They could've rezzed you, they had the money and it was part of your share actually. They're not good friends or they don't understand how a cooperative game works

Valkyrie-Storm wrote:
Update: My GM has allowed my new character to enter as a Standard level 8 Character so get a normal level 8s Wealth.

Still the fact you had this issue is sad and your fellow players need to be more respectful of you.

Derek Dalton wrote:
Valkyrie-Storm wrote:
Update: My GM has allowed my new character to enter as a Standard level 8 Character so get a normal level 8s Wealth.
Still the fact you had this issue is sad and your fellow players need to be more respectful of you.

Your DM is either a douche or doesn't know how RPG works

Your fellow players suck. They do. Not rezzing back unless specifically asked to, like "i'm rolling a new pc, it's ok guys" it's bad manners.

Up to level 6 you can't rez, you just don't have access to the money. After, you should do it.

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This is why standard adventuring contracts with caveats regarding resurrection, splitting party treasure, handling a fallen ally's assets, etc, are extremely useful.

The way any group I've ever been in has handled this is one of two ways:

Either the cost of the raise dead + restoration is subtracted from the party treasure before dividing it, and then the treasure is split equally from this new, lower total, or the treasure is divided including a share set aside for the deceased party member.

Then, assets from the deceased character - starting with this most recent share of treasure - is used on the character's behalf to pay for spells to revive him or her. If the character doesn't have enough gold available, items will be sold on his or her behalf until the cost is met.

Failure on the party's behalf to follow this sort of contract is subject to the fallen party member rising as a powerful vengeful undead, intervention by an Inevitable, loss of class features as appropriate for characters subject to such penalties (paladins, monks, clerics of Good or Lawful deities, etc,) and so forth.

I agree with Gulthor about a contract. However when you have a party of different alignments not everybody is going to adhere to it. Then you have the issue of the players violating their alignment because they are all Douches. Your fellow players are! You helped defeat the bad guys dying as a result and they don't care pretty much saying Screw you. Your GM says the same thing when he penalizes you with your new character to start.
Me I think after that I'd leave and find a new group. You don't need or want that kind of crap. Crap like that, that turn away players both old and new from playing Pathfinder.

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As the GM, a party that failed to follow their contract would be so, so punished, and in a way that deliberately spared the victimized player's new character - the revanant, Inevitable, etc, that assaulted the party would make a point to say something along the lines of, "You weren't a part of this," or, "Step aside, my quarrel isn't with you!"

I might go so far as to TPK them, then force them into some sort of ghost-themed adventure.

That or all the new gear they bought would be divinely cursed by Abadar until they fulfilled their contract and atoned , etc. I'd be vicious about it.

But it sounds like your GM is as much of a jerk as the rest of your group.

Our group in general with player death about half the time spends the money the other half the time just says put a two by the characters name. This doesn't demean or lessen the character in our mind simply making the group stay cohesive. We prefer we stick with our original characters in concept. We often as we actually level allow players to make changes to their character again preffering they stay with their original concept.
Sometimes a concept just doesn't work and we are fine with that allowing the player to make a brand new character. As a GM I don't mind this since our goal is to have fun. We often allow the new character to just keep the same amount of treasure his old character had. No penalty for dying.
The group you are with all seem like a bunch of unmentionables being rather unmentionable. They are turning you off from Pathfinder and RPGs in general and that is wrong.

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