Help me make Forrest Gump


Sovereign Court

So... we are going to play a new game and this time im not allowed to build strong characters, my teamates dont want me to e allways the overpowered, soo at least i want to make a funny one.
The concept is simple, the faster, the better. And i can only use the core rulebook.
I was thinking on something ike a Cayden Caylean cleric to get travel/liberation domains and a level dip in barbarian/monk to achieve 50
movement speed, but what about fighting? what should i do to get use of this speed? a bow and allways reposition myself? Thrown weapons?
Any ideas/advice?

Uh . . . Sounds like you're already on the way to making a strong character.

I have (but have not yet made a character sheet or character sketch for) an idea for a Mad Cowboy with strong political connotations. In terms of mechanics he would probably start with 1 level of reskinned Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger and then take 4 levels of Demagogue Bard followed Noble Scion prestige class all the way up (yes, it's fairly awful except for the 2nd level bonus feat), with completely dumped Intelligence and Wisdom but pumped Charisma, Dexterity, and Constitution. Conceptually he would be a complete moron, even frequently mangling his own language, but amazingly successful at getting the common people to support him, even though he has an infamous penchant for hairbrained(*) ideas. When he gets Leadership (awarded by Noble Scion level 2) his cohort would be a disguised partially manifested Ayngavhaul Devil (partially manifested to keep the Hit Dice down to legal levels) who acts as his political affairs manager, nicknamed "Poop-Flower". ("You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time . . . Those are the ones you want to concentrate on.")

(*)I would have said harebrained, but that would be an insult to the Order Lagomorpha.

I had originally designed this out of inability to take the Carrion PbP I was following seriously (not the fault of the GM or players, by the way), but have been toying with it for Hell's Vengeance, which came out after I had thought of this.

This isn't Forrest Gump, but more of a channeling of certain US politicians, but feel free to steal this anyway.

Forrest Gump = 20th level commoner.

Forrest Gump seems like a slightly dim, kind man, blessed and cursed by luck and possessed of a simple charm. So intelligence as a dump stat, okay wisdom (homespun, derived from stories and life experience), and decent charisma.

As for class, an Archeologist Bard with Fate's Favored works in terms of luck, but doesn't capture the rest of the character. A Ranger, perhaps Guide archetype, could evoke his athleticism, military background and bond with his teammates.

Yes, I should have mentioned that Forrest Gump definitely DOESN'T dump Wisdom (even though he dumps Intelligence). (But the idea I posted above just seemed like too much fun to pass up.)

Ditto on the Commoner bit, well maybe Expert focusing on Profession(Shrimping). Mechanically whatever build you go for would probably rely on CHA as the key stat with secondary focuses in CON/DEX.

It'd be funny if Cayden Cailean adopted a comedic tone and play off as Lieutenant Dan or the Drill Sergeant.

"Done, Caydean Cailean!"
"Gump! Why did you clear out those mooks so quickly!"
"You told me to, Cayden Cailean?"

Oracle may fit Gump better... though you'd have to homebrew is Curse, heck, remember how Forrest went from being on stilts to running like a fool?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I kind of see Gump as a Monk.

Gump could be a martial artist monk. Very fast with endurance and probably the run speed. Martial artist is so you don't worry about alignment and Forrest is very good at subduing people, through sheer strength. Grapple and reposition perhaps? He also seems to be wise. He may not know much, but he is content with his life and can understand things.( Life is like a box of chocolates) He also is quite loveable. :)

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