Magic Beans!!

Homebrew and House Rules

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The Exchange

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218: An awesome, slow motion white stallion appears. Its name is Shadowfax, even though the horse is white.

Grand Lodge

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219: the planters race immediately changes to catfolk. No exceptions. No divine interventions.

220: the planters name switches to Katara, and all of their levels are replaced with levels in water kineticist.

221: the planter gains a random magic item, and a random spellblight

222: Gain one wish, because triple numbers

223: the planter is cursed as per bestow curse, effects are up to GM discretion.

224: The words: BEWARE OF BEAN TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE! appear in fire above the planted bean

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225: The bean grows to huge size, then the rasor hand slasher bursts out, ressurected. If you kill him, you wake up in a town having killed a random citizen. If he kills you, you wake up with slash marks all over your body near where the planting took place, with 1D6 hit points left. The only way to stop him is to find a reaper and help capture him so he can be taken back to the lower planes.

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226. A dozen glowing lotuses spring up, each one capable of casting sleep if eaten. The Casting DC is 30.
227. If planted, an army of 7th level fighters, all with the Phalanx fighter template, spring from the place that was planted. They are fully armed and armored, and ready to go. If the PCs make the army clash with themselves until a good number are left, then a PC can declare himself the leader.

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228. A small plant grows, bearing a single golden berry. If eaten, nothing appears to happen. However, when the person who ate the berry dies they are immediately reincarnated as per the spell Reincarnate.

229. A small plant grows, bearing a single black berry. If eaten, nothing appears to happen. However, when the person who ate the berry dies they are immediately resurrected as a Skeletal Champion with no change in personality or alignment.

230. A tree grows bearing a single strange book-shaped fruit. Eating the fruit gives the consumer one random Knowledge skill as a class skill, a single rank in the same skill, and Skill Focus as a bonus feat for the same skill.

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231. If planted, a cow springs from the planting and starts walking. If the PCs follow the cow, the site where it sits is the perfect place to build a new city.

232. If planted, all the PCs' skin changes to green for two hundred and sixty seconds.

233. If planted, the next enemy they fight has their weapons changed to a bouquet of flowers. The same thing happens to the PCs' weapons.

234. If planted, then the planter's race changes to Lizardfolk. No exceptions.

235. If planted, a beanstalk appears and grows into a roundshape, creating a portal to one of the outer planes (GM's descretion).

The Exchange

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236: A gas appears.(Area 10' by 10'.) It smells awful. In fact, the smell is so bad, the PC's are sickened for 10 rounds and take 1 point of damage per round in the gas cloud as it's really superlight acid.

Grand Lodge

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237: The planter gains the feat throw anything (if the feat is already possessed by the planter, they gain a permanent bless spell), however, the planter cannot attack with anything but thrown improvised weapons. on the plus side, all thrown improvised weapons deal two die sizes greater damage. The planters name also changes to Norris.

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238. A clown bursts up and asks you where the nearest guild of assassins is located.

239. A pod springs up, and out comes an elf who thinks that the planter is the best, and declares himself his biggest fan. The annoying fan will follow the hero everywhere.

240. The planted bean bursts forth a strange gas which causes everyone to have laughing fits in a 50 ft. radius. Oh, did I forget to mention that the laughers become lighter than air until someone with sense says something to make everyone sad?

241. The planted bean grows into a beanstalk that bears giant fruit.

242. The planter is shifted to a spot on the campaign map. GM's discretion.

243. The planted bean summons a horde of lemmings (5d100), and they all want to throw themselves into the sea until there are only two left.

Grand Lodge

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244: A cat appears. This is just a cat.

245: The entire planet is cleansed in fire. This functions as the planet-killing spell from that 976 page rulebook that nobody wants to talk about. Chanting is not required.

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245B:A lawyer from the greylands shows up and says,"This power is beyond the scope of this item. You cannot destroy the entire plane of existence with a non artifact. Here's some cookies". This is a magical tin of cookies. While the 18 small sugar cookies(3 layers of 6) are perfectly ordinary, the tin refills at dusk. If there is no dusk, just call it bedtime.

Grand Lodge

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Goth Guru wrote:
245B:A lawyer from the greylands shows up and says,"This power is beyond the scope of this item. You cannot destroy the entire plane of existence with a non artifact. Here's some cookies". This is a magical tin of cookies. While the 18 small sugar cookies(3 layers of 6) are perfectly ordinary, the tin refills at dusk. If there is no dusk, just call it bedtime.

(when 245 is rolled, 1d100. On 01-99% 245B occurs, on 00%, it is instead 245. If 245 occurs, the planter hears the words 'error 404, planet not found' in their head, as per the telepathy ability before their death.)

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246. A beanstalk grows to a modest height and produces a ring. Any Wizard, Sorcerer, Arcanist, or Bloodrager who doesn't dare to identify the ring, and puts it on, will find that it won't come off. The ring is a ring of Bureaucratic Wizardry -- and anyone who cast spells will find that they have to fill out papers to make their spells work. The papers increase geometrically according to level. (1 paper for level 1 spells, 2 for level 2 spells, 4 for level 3 spells, and so on.)

Otherwise, it functions like a Ring of Wizardry I, II, or III (1d6 roll to see which it it is).

The Exchange

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247: Jumping beans!

I love all of this! Keep it rolling! I'm going to start compiling a list of my favorites to use in my games. I'm glad you guys like this thread!

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248. The bean, after being planted, simply emerges from the ground and slowly ascends into the air. It keeps going up forever.

The Exchange

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249: This bean functions as the opposite of bean #248, digging straight into the center of the earth.
250: It's a bean. Duh. A regular, old fashioned bean. Why was this never mentioned before?
251: A can of Bush's Baked Beans. Yum! Functions as trail rations.

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250A:String bean plant.
250B:Kidney bean plant.
250C:Pinto bean plant.
250D:Butter bean plant.

Grand Lodge

Goth Guru wrote:

250A:String bean plant.

250B:Kidney bean plant.
250C:Pinto bean plant.
250D:Butter bean plant.

(roll 1d4 to decide which bean, starting from the top of the list)

Grand Lodge

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The bean, when planted springs out of the ground one round later, the same size as the planters fist. When the bean is eaten (a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, they gain a +2 profane bonus on attack and damage rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws. Yes, this bonus is in fact profane, no, it does not detect as evil, and yes, eating it is considered an evil act. It is the bean of lamashtu. Not that the planter would know that.

Note: When the bean is grown, the GM is REQUIRED to laugh menacingly. For every second of laughter generated by the PCs from the menacing laugh, each PC loses 50 xp. Tell them of their loss afterwards.

253: The planter's pants are replaced with a large tuft of fur that looks like and functions as their pants. If the planter does not posses pants, they receive kaki colored fur-pants

The characters name changes to 'teamus fortreeus the second'. They age nine years.

255: The planter gains the ability to tap-dance perfectly. They gain preform tap-dance as a class skill, and gain a +20 bonus on all skill checks involving preform tap-dance

256: the planter's eyes become cat-like. they gain dark vision sixty feet. If dark vision is already possessed by the planter, their dark vision is greatly enhanced. they can now see fine detail while using darkvision.

The Exchange

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257. Everything within 100' of the bean's planting site seems (from outside) to freeze in time (c.f. sepia snake sigil). Those near the center receive no save: potential targets within one move action of the effect's edge get a Reflex save to leap outside the effect. Unless dispelled, the effect lasts for exactly one year. Wisdom checks to realize the time-skip may be needed if the whole group was caught in the effect.

Oracle: Wait! Much time has gone by! The air smells different.
Occultist: Also, there's bird-poop in our hair.
Fighter: And the delivery guy just dropped off 12 issues of my subscription to Broken Feats Monthly. Something's definitely up.

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258:The bean planter is now subscribed to Celestial Times. There are inspiring articles and stories(If read aloud you can inspire courage with a DC15 perform check). There is a good aligned ritual or spell(can replace or fill an empty spell or ritual slot). The know your enemy dept.ment provides an adventure hook and a pertinent knowledge check +4. The adds in the back sell healing potions, various cure scrolls, and a used staff of life and death(Half priced, empty of charges).

The first issue falls on the bean planter's head. There is 1D8 points of residual healing energy in the issue. It fades after 10 minutes. Every issue arrives that way. Each issue also includes 3 magic stamps that allow envelopes and packages full of coins and such to be magically plane shifted to the upper planes. The lantern acheron making a pickup is most impressive.

259:Like 258 but thoroughly evil. Play Devil has horrific monster centerfolds, singestive articles, and a thoroughly evil spell or ritual in every issue. Sometimes it pays to have the undead plant the bean. The issue comes flying up at the planter's face.

Grand Lodge

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well, since no one has posted in more then two days:

260: The planters head doubles in size. The planter can no longer wear headgear or headbands, unless they are custom made, adding 50% to the base price. However, the planter gains a +4 bonus to int, and a +2 bonus to wisdom

261: a sapling grows out of the ground, it has no leaves, and functions as a +4 wooden stake. all vampires within 60 feet of the sapling are panicked.

262: the planters toenails turn pink, and their fingernails turn black. this is irreversible.

263: a small berry grows out of the ground. eating the berry grants complete immunity to fear, paralysis, and stun for 24 hours.

264: the day immediately changes to oath day.

So, thursday.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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265. The bean expands vastly in size and begins to float in the air. A gondola is suspended beneath the bean-shaped dirigible.

266. You gain the unending enmity of the golden retriever from the Bush's Baked Beans commercial.

267. A pair of stalks approximately 10 feet tall and 100 feet apart spring from the ground, each with a horizontally aligned ring about 1d3 feet wide and a vertical frond rising above the ring.

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Goth Guru wrote:

{. . .}

259:Like 258 but thoroughly evil. Play Devil has horrific monster centerfolds, singestive articles, and a thoroughly evil spell or ritual in every issue. Sometimes it pays to have the undead plant the bean. The issue comes flying up at the planter's face.

268. Like 258 but thoroughly Evil in a different way from 259. This one is affiliated with Play Demon, which has eerie parallels to Play Devel, but also includes an unusually high abundance of articles about grappling and unusual ways to make yourself into a grappling monster, as well as ads for secrets trading.

The Exchange

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269: A vacuum cleaner. Die by suction! (kidding, kidding...)

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Theliah Strongarm wrote:
269: A vacuum cleaner. Die by suction! (kidding, kidding...)

All the Catgirls and Wolf companions run away!

They wont come back till you turn the thing off.:O

The Exchange

Goth Guru wrote:
Theliah Strongarm wrote:
269: A vacuum cleaner. Die by suction! (kidding, kidding...)

All the Catgirls and Wolf companions run away!

They wont come back till you turn the thing off.:O


Grand Lodge

Theliah Strongarm wrote:
Goth Guru wrote:
Theliah Strongarm wrote:
269: A vacuum cleaner. Die by suction! (kidding, kidding...)

All the Catgirls and Wolf companions run away!

They wont come back till you turn the thing off.:O



Grand Lodge

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this thread needs a better update schedule:

270: the planter receives a necklace of fireballs type VII. It is in the form of a helmet, and takes up the neck, shoulders, eyes, and head slot. the fireballs recharge every day.

271: everyone gains one xp for every 10,000 xp they have.

272: The bean grows, over the course of 2d6 minutes, into a cactus the exact size of the planter, down to inches. The planter can create water, as per the spell at caster level 20th, at will, as long as they are within five feet of the cactus.

The Exchange

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273: A beanstalk goes up to thee clouds. See Jack and the Beanstalk.

As long as this thread stays active, I'm happy.

SmiloDan wrote:

82. I can't believe we don't have a giant beanstalk leading to the cloud, where a castle full of cloud giants reside.

I can't believe people keep repeating the same cliche.

Why don't you substitute a garment rack with a red hood and cape that make you irresistible to lycanthropes of the opposite sex. Otherwise, you can make this 274.

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275. After the bean is planted, a 6ft tall stalk grows from the ground and takes the form of a minor magical staff that the planter can use. This can take the form of a +2 Quarterstaff for a Monk or Fighter, a Divine Magic staff for a Cleric/Druid/Oracle, or an Arcane Magic staff for Arcane magic users.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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276. The bean grows into a topiary version of a Statuette of Wondrous Power, randomly selected by the GM. It is controlled by the bean planter, and leaves a bean behind when it is dismissed.

Grand Lodge

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277: The bean grows into a Wall of Thorns, as per the spell at caster level 20th

The Exchange

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278: A wall of fire appears and functions with a twentieth caster level, surrounding the each individual PC for 1d6 x 10 minutes before dying down.

I like this thread.

Grand Lodge

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279: The planter gains the ability to teleport five feet as a free action. They cannot teleport if they have already moved this turn, and cannot five foot step. They cannot teleport if bound to a specific spot (by grapple, chains, etc.). You can now five foot teleport. You're welcome.

The Exchange

Just your average clone wrote:
279: The planter gains the ability to teleport five feet as a free action. They cannot teleport if they have already moved this turn, and cannot five foot step. They cannot teleport if bound to a specific spot (by grapple, chains, etc.). You can now five foot teleport. You're welcome.


Grand Lodge

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Theliah Strongarm wrote:
Just your average clone wrote:
279: The planter gains the ability to teleport five feet as a free action. They cannot teleport if they have already moved this turn, and cannot five foot step. They cannot teleport if bound to a specific spot (by grapple, chains, etc.). You can now five foot teleport. You're welcome.

(Do not five foot teleport if you are pregnant, nursing, or might become pregnant. Common symptoms include itching, swollen eyes, swollen face, swollen bowels, swollen ego, cancer, con drain (same as cancer), frequent urination, an erection lasting more than four hours, compulsive itching, alzheimer's, hemorrhoids, instant fluency in necril, and minor flux in the fabric of the universe. Ask your doctor if five foot teleportation is right for you!)

Grand Lodge

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280: The planter can turn into a raven as per beast shape II at will


The Exchange

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No! There is still hope!

281: Hope. +2 to Will saves.

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282:A pod grows that is permanently magical. The pod is the size of a small sack on the outside, large sack on the inside. Each day when the owner wakes up there is an item in it.

1-A new bag of beans
2-Cure light wounds potion in a bean shaped glass vial.
3-A glowing(like a torch) stone. If used as a sling stone, and if it hits, it bursts doing 2D6 blunt damage.
4-A vial of sleep poison good for 1D6 weapon applications.
5-The script for Inception.
6-All non treasure goods inside will be replaced with the sale price in coins.
7-All coins inside are turned to gold!(If you put any platinum pieces in there, sucks to be you.)
8-A male parrot that seems to know a lot of "Your Momma" jokes.

You can add more with the number and a dash. As the pod cannot be closed, amusing living creatures can appear in good health.

Let's see if we can get to 500!

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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283: It sprouts a bean-shaped cookbook filled with delicious bean-based recipes. Following the directions from this cookbook grants a +5 bonus on Craft/Profession cooking.

284: A stalk with 2d6 stinky beans grows in 1d4 rounds. Mashing a bean and rubbing the paste on you grants you the Stench ability of a troglodyte for 1d6 hours, using your Constitution score to set the save DC.

Grand Lodge

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285: A Black Lotus blooms from the soil, if picked it will remain preserved as if under the effects of a gentle repose spell. The Lotus can be used in place of any material components and additional GP cost of any Arcane spell once, dissolving into ash with a brilliant display of lights. Alternatively if consumed by a humanoid with levels in a spell casting class they gain an additional spell slot of the highest level they can cast for the next 24 hours.

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SmiloDan wrote:
283: It sprouts a bean-shaped cookbook filled with delicious bean-based recipes. Following the directions from this cookbook grants a +5 bonus on Craft/Profession cooking.

Disturbingly, the title of the book appears to be some variation of [ib]How to Cook People[/b], although precise details depend upon how much dust is blown off the cover . . . .

SmiloDan wrote:
284: A stalk with 2d6 stinky beans grows in 1d4 rounds. Mashing a bean and rubbing the paste on you grants you the Stench ability of a troglodyte for 1d6 hours, using your Constitution score to set the save DC.

Alternatively, eating the paste gives you the ability to cast Nauseating Trail every 1d8 rounds for 1d8 hours, although as an unfortunate side effect, this ability sometimes fires off unwanted -- make all 3 types of Save each time you are squeezed, jostled roughly (including any Bludgeoning attacks to your torso), dropped, or exercising heavily, or if any your fingers is pulled -- if you fail any one of them, this happens.

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286:A Sing Beans vine grows! It rapidly grows 1-4 beans if left on the ground. If trained onto any structure, it grows 3D6 beans. The singing string beans have the effect of a bard song(choose one, they take requests). They stay effective for 24 hours if picked. If left on the vine 2 days they each stop singing and produce 1D6 plantable beans. With a bucket full of dirt and a banner pole, you can take the beans with you on your next adventure. It's 20 minutes from planting and watering till they begin singing. Cooking and eating the beans double your singing perform check for 24 hours. If you are a bard, you get double all numerical functions of bard song. In other words, your song to inspire courage persists twice as long. Only one thing doubled per bean so choose wisely.

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287: A Glabrezu Demon appears, already disguised using it's veil ability to appear as something the bean planter would find attractive. It then coaxes the planter to make a wish, so it may grant it in the most destructive way possible. Should the wish be unable to be corrupted, the demon grants the wish but curses the planter using it's Treacherous Witchcraft abilities.

If the planter refuses to make a wish, the demon reverts to it's normal form, yells at the planter that "they have made a powerful enemy and will rue the day they spurned him", then disappears in a large explosion of fire and brimstone all theatrical-like. Use this opportunity to throw demons or the corrupted at the party randomly throughout their campaign.

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