is there anything like vile book of darkness and exalted deeds

Product Discussion

I'd there something similar ? Is psyionics on the game? Is there anything you feel that will be coming out soon I need to watch out for

Faiths and Champions of Purity/Balance/Corruption (good/neutral/evil, respectively) could give you what you're looking for.
But, largely, no. There isn't a hardcover book dedicated to only evil or good things like the BoVD or ED was.

As for Psionics, I believe Occult Adventures is as close as Paizo is getting to the point-based Psionics system.

Also, flagged for wrong forum, should be in the products page or something.

There is however excellent 3pp psionics material.

thank you for letting me know i apologise im brand new to this and this site so i appreate it]

Mostly to get the full "Vile Darkness" Experience, you'll need to dive into the Splat books already mentioned, though there will be an upcoming Horror Adventures book that might have some stuff worth looking at.

And for the full Book of Exalted Deeds experience, buy your racist uncle a bottle of whiskey and have him explain the nature of good and evil to you.

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