Wizard Variant Multiclassing Question

Rules Questions

quick question about the wizard variant multiclassing. I was looking at it and it doesn't seem to get any spells until level 11. am I understanding this right?

"School: At 1st level, he chooses a school of magic in which to specialize. For all powers of that school, he treats his character level as his effective wizard level.

Familiar: At 3rd level, he gains a familiar, treating his character level as his effective wizard level.

School Power: At 7th level, he gains the 1st-level powers of his chosen school. If any of those powers grant an extra effect at 20th level, the character does not gain that extra effect.

Cantrip: At 11th level, if he has an Intelligence score of 10 or higher, he chooses a wizard cantrip from his chosen school and can cast that cantrip as a spell-like ability at will. He uses his character level as the caster level and Intelligence as the cantrip's key ability score.

Discovery: At 15th level, he gains an arcane discovery or wizard bonus feat, treating his character level as his effective wizard level.

Greater School Power: At 19th level, he gains the 8th-level power of his chosen school."

That is correct. VMC is a poor choice if your goal is to cast spells from the secondary class. In fact, the Wizard, Oracle, and Witch are the only classes that grant any spells, and they're all 0-level. VMC is most often only going to get you class abilities.

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It doesn't get any spells. Nor do any of the other VMCs.

oh okay, thanks for letting me know. I have a follow up question I'd like to throw at you. if I play a rogue VMC wizard. and I gain the the Major Magic rogue talent and chose shocking grasp. and for my Wizard school chose evocation. would Shocking grasp then scale due to the first level VMC ability.

The first VMC ability doesn't really do anything aside from make it so you have to pick the same school if you have an option in a class where you have to pick a school (like that arcanist archetype) and determining what school you get the ability from at 7th level.

Milo v3 wrote:
The first VMC ability doesn't really do anything aside from make it so you have to pick the same school if you have an option in a class where you have to pick a school (like that arcanist archetype) and determining what school you get the ability from at 7th level.

ah okay, never mind then. I'll have to think of some other way to get my empowered shocking grasp sneak attacker.

the new Eldrich Rogue?
The fast Arcane Trickster route?
Greensting Magus?

Chess Pwn wrote:

the new Eldrich Rogue?

The fast Arcane Trickster route?
Greensting Magus?

thanks for the suggestions :)

BlackJack Weasel wrote:
Milo v3 wrote:
The first VMC ability doesn't really do anything aside from make it so you have to pick the same school if you have an option in a class where you have to pick a school (like that arcanist archetype) and determining what school you get the ability from at 7th level.
ah okay, never mind then. I'll have to think of some other way to get my empowered shocking grasp sneak attacker.

To clarify you would gain both the Intense Spells and Force Missile powers at level 7. So if you can wait that long without the +1/2/3 damage you'll be all sorts of fine.

If you went that route it could be better to go for the Admixture Sub-School. Let's you change the damage type of your Shocking Grasp 3+Int times a day as opposed to giving you Force Missile.

I'm more interested in the Air elemental school personally. Those shenanigans are more than worth the feats expended

Corbynsonn wrote:
BlackJack Weasel wrote:
Milo v3 wrote:
The first VMC ability doesn't really do anything aside from make it so you have to pick the same school if you have an option in a class where you have to pick a school (like that arcanist archetype) and determining what school you get the ability from at 7th level.
ah okay, never mind then. I'll have to think of some other way to get my empowered shocking grasp sneak attacker.

To clarify you would gain both the Intense Spells and Force Missile powers at level 7. So if you can wait that long without the +1/2/3 damage you'll be all sorts of fine.

If you went that route it could be better to go for the Admixture Sub-School. Let's you change the damage type of your Shocking Grasp 3+Int times a day as opposed to giving you Force Missile.

oh thank you, I didn't realise that I could select a sub-school. the Admixture sub-shcool looks like the way to go. also if I was playing a Rogue with VMC Wizard. and I got my spell by picking up the major magic talent. do you know if I would be able to qualify for meta-magic feats that increase the spells level?

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