Sell your soul... twice?


Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So I've been looking at PrCs. These two in particular:



The Synergy is obvious: set up extra-planar caravan, take people's souls, sell them in Dis, Profit. The animal companion Imp gives you cred and some protection while in hell, while the familiar cacodeamon serves the important function of turning your enemies into money. But, each one requires selling your soul to some rather powerful Bad Guys. The only thing getting in the way of taking both PrCs is these contracts. Everything else is workable.

I know, I know, I could re-flavor, or do the same thing another way, but wouldn't it be so awesome to be able to say your title is "the Twice-Damned"??

So my question is: Is there any amount of shenanigans that can, per RAW, allow you to sell your soul twice?

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I suppose you could be a spiritualist--then your phantom could have sold its soul and you could sell yours...

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meeko wrote:

So I've been looking at PrCs. These two in particular:



The Synergy is obvious: set up extra-planar caravan, take people's souls, sell them in Dis, Profit. The animal companion Imp gives you cred and some protection while in hell, while the familiar cacodeamon serves the important function of turning your enemies into money. But, each one requires selling your soul to some rather powerful Bad Guys. The only thing getting in the way of taking both PrCs is these contracts. Everything else is workable.

I know, I know, I could re-flavor, or do the same thing another way, but wouldn't it be so awesome to be able to say your title is "the Twice-Damned"??

So my question is: Is there any amount of shenanigans that can, per RAW, allow you to sell your soul twice?

I assume you aren't looking for metaphysics on soul selling in Golarion. I don't think there is an Ultimate Faust guide anyway on this particular topic of soul ownership.

By the rules, Damned is a Class Feature of both PRCs. You are not restricted from acquiring class features of the same type from two different sources (only vaguely on stacking the same benefit twice). So given the feature is not acquired by deliberate act (the character does not promise\sell their soul to a given party for set terms) and is instead damned by their activity (dealing with evil powers), the game mechanic effect remains the same and it is ultimately up to the GM to decide which evil power ultimately has the better claim on a soul.

If you look at the fluff text for the diabolist in particular...

"Though some tread the path of the diabolist to enslave the forces of Hell and turn them towards goals other than corruption, only the most stalwart of diabolists can resist the temptations of the Pit."

Would indicate no tit for tat relationship with an infernal power. On the souleater side, the fluff indicates that their patron receives a tithe of souls from the Souleater in return for granting power but not that they've promised their soul to their patron as part of the contract as well (that enslavement seems to be a side benefit for the patron though). Considering Souleaters must be Neutral Evil, it is likely the Souleater's Four Horseman patron will win out on a postmortem claim in any case over any infernal lien.

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I don't think anything mechanically restricts you from taking both.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Since one of the titles of House Thrune is "Thrice Damned", I am wondering whether they might have used this trick and then found a way to sell their souls a third time.

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David knott 242 wrote:

Since one of the titles of House Thrune is "Thrice Damned", I am wondering whether they might have used this trick and then found a way to sell their souls a third time.

I'm sure there is an abyssal themed 'damned' PRC... at least in 3.5...but I don't remember the name of it.

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I don't see any reason you couldn't do it. That being said, it seems like for damned to work, the fiends must have some way of marking the souls, and it would be pretty short-sighted of them not to be able to see the marks. I doubt a daemon would care, but a devil would need something extra to make it worth the risk that it will lose its court case, so I would do the diabolist first and the souleater second, unless you want to tithe 10% of the souls you were going to sell in Dis....and I would definitely take a lot more backup than an imp if you haven't made an arrangement with the devil.

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So what happens if you take damnation feats then hit level 5 diabolist? Does the resurrection penalty go away?

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In Skyrim, my soul was bound to Sithis, Nocturne, the werewolf god, and the nord afterlife by nature of being the dragonborn. Make the deals and let them fight over the shards of your soul.

David knott 242 wrote:
Since one of the titles of House Thrune is "Thrice Damned", I am wondering whether they might have used this trick and then found a way to sell their souls a third time.

Contract Devil via planar binding should do it.

Grue wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:

Since one of the titles of House Thrune is "Thrice Damned", I am wondering whether they might have used this trick and then found a way to sell their souls a third time.

I'm sure there is an abyssal themed 'damned' PRC... at least in 3.5...but I don't remember the name of it.


yes i know necro thread dont mind me

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