Charging through Threatened Squares

Rules Questions

Sovereign Court

I'm making an alchemist with Combat Reflexes and Net Adept. I pump Dex, I use either Enlarge Person and/or Long Arm extracts. Bam; I now threaten 15 to 25 feet from my square, 35 - 60 foot radius all around.

In other words, my threatened range is kind of ridiculous.

I want to know; is it all for naught if the people I'm fighting can charge 60 feet across my threatened range?

Grand Lodge

I don't understand. Is your question just "if people are adjacent to me is my reach useless?" It doesn't matter if they charge or not. If you're worried about people being able to move inside your reach look into Stand Still. (or trip, but there will be more things that are really hard to trip and/or immune)

Use your AoO to trip them.

But yeah, a hilariously large reach just makes it hard to position anywhere around you for free. They can still charge you and only take one AoO.

Sovereign Court

claudekennilol wrote:
I don't understand. Is your question just "if people are adjacent to me is my reach useless?" It doesn't matter if they charge or not. If you're worried about people being able to move inside your reach look into Stand Still. (or trip, but there will be more things that are really hard to trip and/or immune)

I am concerned that since the table on attacks of opportunity lists "charge" as a "no [it doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity]" means not only that it doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity from those that are targeted by charge, but also those who the charger passes through the threatened movement of.

Imagine if you had two rows of swordsmen lining up 40 feet long, 5 feet apart and a monk charges through to punch that smug prince at the end in the face; is only the prince unable to make an attack of opportunity or are all pikemen denied that chance?

EDIT: To clarify, I am concerned that if people are charging my party members, they don't provoke attacks of opportunity from me, even though they are "moving through" my threatened range.

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Ah, I understand your question now.

The charging action in particular does not provoke an AoO. However, movement provokes as normal. Basically it's just specifying that charging through a threatened square doesn't provoke two AoOs. You will still get your AoO off if they charge.

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Does the target of a charge get an AoO from the charger's movement with sufficient reach?

Sovereign Court

Kaboogy wrote:
Does the target of a charge get an AoO from the charger's movement with sufficient reach?

That is a rare situation to have happen for a player. After all, the sufficient range you need to initiate a charge is typically already out of the player's threatened space and by the time they have arrived at you to attack, they've already pass your threatened space, most of the time.

But there's plenty of situations where that's not the case, such as with size differences, so I wonder what the answer to this is too. I'm going to assume that the answer is that you can't, though. EDIT: NVM! Apparently, it can!

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Kaboogy wrote:
Does the target of a charge get an AoO from the charger's movement with sufficient reach?

Yes. If you have longer reach then the charging enemy, you will get an AoO because they have to move through a square you threatened before they are close enough to attack.

When the table says charging doesn't provoke, it means the act of charging in and of itself doesn't provoke specially. But people still provoke for movement normally.

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It's important to note that there is a footnote in the Attack of Opportunity column that says that movement can still cause an AoO for leaving a threatened square. The Yes/No in that column refers to the action itself.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

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Bill Dunn wrote:
The Yes/No in that column refers to the action itself.


And don't forget that the charging enemy has -2 AC as Wel due to charge rules!

Grand Lodge

Or, to put it more succinctly, never be that Barbarian charging an enemy with a longer reach. That +2 to hit doesn't do much good when you are prone beyond your range to attack, and you will still provoke when you finally get a chance to stand up.

Even worse if the target tripping you has Greater Trip & Combat Reflexes. Talk about having issues....

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