Smith606 |

Hi guys, I'm just seeing if anyone would be interested in a modern setting for a zombie apocalypse survival.
I'm not set on a rules system just yet but it would definitely be something rules lite. For PbP these types of systems are perfect. I'm leaning towards a Dungeon World hack or something I homebrew.
If someone else likes the idea but has a better idea of a system then by all means pitch it as something you could GM.
So, any takers?

RocksAhead |

D20 modern seems a good fit. They also have some optional rules from D20Apocaplyse which make things fun depending on when you want the adventure to take place. Will it be more at the start of the outbreak or six months after the outbreak and humanity's system have crumbled. Basically a debate between Fear the Walking Dead and The Walking Dead shows. I would be very interested in playing or even co-DMing as I've been toying launching a campaign like this myself.

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Hi there!
I'd just like to:
1) Second'd that d210 modern is an excellent system. Mind you, depending on how favorable you wanted the rules-lite aspect,
2) Savage World has been gaining much popularity on these boards, and players are not hard to find.
The free trial-run version (and if you had nothing more than this you could play a game with it) can be found here. There's also a combat guide here that lists the options that almost everyone has, so no character gets stuck with a "I attack and miss...-again-" action.
3) Dungeon World...might not be the best fit. The theme of ZomApoc is that it's a crapsack world anyway. DW can almost punish hope itself, which might make it too dark? I'm not saying DW won't work well, or that I wouldn't throw up a character for it (because I totally would!) I'm just saying to look at other rule sets first and see how it goes. =)

Hotaru of the Society |

I'm PFZ's friend. I'm pretty much on the same side when it comes to system. I'd like to also suggest New World of Darkness if you're savvy with the system. It has a lot of things already covered, and a lot of ideas you can pull from for the monsters with slight tweaks (I.E. Gangrel that don't drink blood but instead eat people :p). World of Darkness would be especially good for diverse non-magical characters (and possibly otherwise).
I'm still familiar with d20 Modern, but not nearly as fluent in it as Pathfinder. I like Dungeon World - though Dungeon World adds a lot of theater-of-mind qualities that can be a little more difficult sometimes (and tends to shift a lot of burden to the GM on forums, while being a lot more friendly at tabletops by splitting the burden more evenly).
Re: Dungeon World being dark: Not really. It's really about interpretation. You mostly succeed in Dungeon World on mundane tasks, and those tasks that you're especially good at (class stuff), you can have a good chance of succeeding at. It only becomes dangerous when there's an obstacle that your character isn't properly equipped to deal with (and then get a little help from your friends!)
Now... GrimWorld's optional rules can make things a lot more nasty. While I do Dungeon World, I still wouldn't suggest it, though, due to how forums tend to shake out. No one really knows who's in control of what, when, so you can't just go 'is that okay?' without constantly slowing the game. :)
I don't know anything about Savage Worlds at all. :)