Master Summoner Build advice


Grand Lodge

building a level 5 master summoner for a new campaign, assistance and input please
Level 5
STR 12 0 12 +1
DEX 14 0 14 +2
CON 12 +2 14 +2
INT 12 -2 10 0
WIS 10 0 10 0
CHA 17 +2 19 +4
4th level bonus into CHR i think
finding Haleen
gifted adept
friend in every town (diplomacy)
drawback - attached
flaw - paranoid
augment summoning (free 2nd level bonus feat from master summoner)
summoner's call
superior summoning
evolved summon monster
(from flaw) expanded arcana (2x 1st level spells - enlarge person and mage armor)

ac 18
fort 3
ref 3
will 4
bab 3
cmd 16
cmb 4
hp 41

would like input on feats (possibly if something better makes sense please let me know)
detect magic, light, read magic, mending, acid splach, message
summon minor monster, grease, infernal healing, protection from evil, summon monster I, mage armor, enlarge person
haste, glitterdust, invisibility, summon monster II
summon monster III

Is there a reason why you would take Summoner's Call feat, when you won't be using your Eidolon that much.

At first level (when you get the flaw), the highest spell level you can cast is 1 which means expanded arcana gives one spell of that level, or 2 cantrips. You don't have spell focus (conj.) so you can't get evolved summon monster at all. The summon monsters SLA doesn't add those spells to your spells known, it draws from a different pool.

Suggestions: drop Expanded Arcana and get SF (conj.) instead. Protection from evil and summon minor monster can go so you can keep those buffs. Drop Summoner's Call (like Cleru said, not important) and get Combat Reflexes instead; between your enlarge person spell and a longspear you should get a few AoOs.

Grand Lodge

master summoner allows me to have my eidolon up while summoning, so i figured i would have both, pretty much always.

agreed on the SF conj, for those reasons
thank you so far

reinar wrote:
master summoner allows me to have my eidolon up while summoning, so i figured i would have both, pretty much always.

The normal way to play a master summoner is to summon multiple monsters for fighting and use the eidolon only as a skillmonkey. Summoner's Call also requires you to resummon your eidolon (which takes a minute) every ten minutes.

But let me get this straight: Your GM allows you to have a 3rp party race with awesome stat distribution and +2 AC, Finding Haleen which is not supposed to be used with Pathfinder at all and makes zero sense roleplaying wise (unless you actually play Legacy of Fire), some kind of reverse feat that lets you have an extra feat, and all that on a master summoner?

Holy shit that campaign's power level has to be crazy.

Grand Lodge

looking for help with my master summoner eidolon build as well
any input is welcomed

Grand Lodge

flaws and drawbacks are pathfinder approved - so i took both.
to gain extra feat and extra trait.
finding haleen he allowed because my village was destroyed, and i wrote up a good rp reason for having it
so far i am just feeling overwhelmed at creating it
also 5th level, so thoughts on what to buy for gear? 10,500
was thinking a few wands, but not sure what else really
magical/cold iron long spear?
magical armor?

Grand Lodge

and to verify, i am 5th, so my eidolon is 2? because of the half level and i guess rounded down?

Grand Lodge

so far i am leaning to
4 evolution spent on
1 - Slam
1 - skilled perception
1 - skilled disable device
1 - bite

4 additional class skills
disable device
knowledge arcana

this gives me 3 attacks and 2 major skills that i am devoid in.

Are the other players making such overpowered PCs, too? Otherwise your char has the potential to break the game and ruin the other player's fun.
Unless you want that you should reconsider your archetype choice.

Grand Lodge

i am coming into the game late, the other characters are already in game
i was recruited by the Gm, and when i asked what to run, he directed me towards summoner, i countered with master summoner and here we are.
we will see
its my first time playing a summoner at all in any format

Are you set on Saurian? I mean they are decent but I've played Master Summoners before and I personally prefer to go with Half-Orc just because of the Ferocious Summons. It can really add a lot of extra hits to your summons especially with the free Augment Summoning the Master Summoner gets plus once you start summoning mammoths and stuff with big con. You really don't need skill ranks either as a summoner because you have your eidolon as a skill monkey but this is all just suggestion. Feel free to use from it what you please or disregard it all.

Also as for my build suggestion (Not sure what sort of point buy you're using, I looked at your base stats and I count 24) so I'll build with 20 which is what I built Mine at and you can alter it as you see fit.

STR 10
DEX 14
CON 14
INT 10
WIS 10
CHA 16 +2race+1lvl=19

1 - Spell Focus Conjuration
2 - Augment Summoning
3 - Evolved Summoned Monster
5 - Ferocious Summons

I don't like picking up superior summoning until level 7 because then you have access to Summon Monster 4 which is where it really starts becoming useful to summon multiple creatures.

As for the Eidolon

Feat - Skill Focus - UMD

Evolution points, 4.
Skilled Use Magic Device -1 point
Skilled Perception -1 Point
Skilled Disable Device -1 Point
Scent -1 Point

Skills (8 Points)
You get to choose 4 skills to become class skills, I generally choose Use Magic Device, Disable Device, Heal, and then whatever for the last one.

Perception 2 + 3 Trained + 8 Skilled = 13 (higher with scent bonuses when they apply)
Use Magic Device 2 + 3 trained + 3 Feat + 8 Skilled = 16 (only need to get this to an 18 if you're just making him a wand monkey but you can put it higher too for scrolls)
Disable Device 2 + 3 Trained + 1 Dex + 8 Skilled = 14
Heal 2 + 3 Trained (eventually +8 skilled, I like picking up scent first so he can be a tracker too) = 5

As for spells (you don't need Mage Armour BTW, you can wear light armour without incurring the normal arcane spell failure as a Summoner)

0 - Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Open/Close, Message, Mending, Guidance (bumps your eidolons UMD to a 17 at this point. Really good for wands, only a 10% fail chance with this)
1 - Shield, Infernal Healing (10hp of healing if needed), Feather Fall, Expeditious Retreat
2 - Haste, Glitterdust, Invisibility

Not sure why you listed 3rd level spells, or a 4th 2nd level spell on your list. You don't get access to 3rd level spells until level 7 at which point I take Fly and generally Greater Invisibility. Fly is moreso for yourself but Greater Invisibility is really fun to throw on a fighter on your team or a rogue too. Just a great support spell.

Edit : Oh and pick up Barkskin once you get access to your 4th 2nd level spell. Great AC bonus for yourself, I also generally get natural armour from my eidolon too once I can steal it's evolution points.

Basically, putting anything into attacks on the eidolon of a master summoner is probably a mistake. They're just not that good in a fight and when they get killed you lose access to the skills you were using them for. If you're making a skilldolon it's more useful to give them evolutions to back that up - scent and climb or swim perhaps, or shadow form.

Grand Lodge
this is the character and eidolon so far
any updates/changes before i start?
thanks again

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