

I've been DMing for a few years now but I get hung up on writing up stats for new creatures. So as such I was watching the Super Bowl and saw the commercial for the puppymonkeybaby. I was intrigued. I'm running Iron Gods now and thought that this creature would fit well with the schema of monster mutations. I'm asking for help if someone could throw some ideas together for me.

Take a gorilla increase his base speed, and give him a nasty bite attack then change the visual to fit the stats

Profyrion wrote:
I've been DMing for a few years now but I get hung up on writing up stats for new creatures. So as such I was watching the Super Bowl and saw the commercial for the puppymonkeybaby. I was intrigued. I'm running Iron Gods now and thought that this creature would fit well with the schema of monster mutations. I'm asking for help if someone could throw some ideas together for me.

Here, someone did it for you.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

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Here is my take on it.

Dark Archive

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That thing was horrifying.

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