Alastir Wade

Profyrion's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


With the blog being deleted what was the feat left out?

Zi Mishkal wrote:

My party is going to have between 2-4 mythic levels each by the time they fight the WT.

I'm buffing the WT, and kicking up all the combats a LOT in book 6. I mean, it's the last 1e AP, the WT and a war on the Isle of Kortos.

At the end of Book 4, I had the WT wipe the floor with two mythic characters (Arazni and a retire mythic paladin PC turned NPC). I didn't even have to tweak it much.

It's going to be fun.

What was your primer for gaining mythic power? I've been contemplating using mythic for my campaign as well

I generally have a little problem getting maps to line up in Roll20 but after a bit of work they always bend to my will. I've spent probably 2 hours on this map and have yet to get it exactly the way I wanted to. I thought it was just me!

Edit: This map took me all of 3 minutes to get lined out. Good job!

After Iron Gods I think Dominion of the Black is an amazing idea. Aucturn too!

So I ran the alternate event with Odmer approaching my group this last weekend. He was all in a huff that his cart had been burgled and demanded the PC's help. Upon investigating the cart and getting the statements of the crowd the group's monk succeeded his perception check and located the hidden compartment with the "stolen goods". My group plays everything by the letter of the law. Fex had told them that any goods they come across is theirs. So they arrested Odmer and confiscated his cart. So now they are in possession of his goods with the intent of keeping them. So my question is as such: What should I stock in there? The group's antipaladin has bought poisons from him and a few tonics so they know the cart is worth a ton.

I've been DMing for a few years now but I get hung up on writing up stats for new creatures. So as such I was watching the Super Bowl and saw the commercial for the puppymonkeybaby. I was intrigued. I'm running Iron Gods now and thought that this creature would fit well with the schema of monster mutations. I'm asking for help if someone could throw some ideas together for me.

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