Figuring out my hit points

Rules Questions

Scarab Sages

I'm a bit confused on my hit points. So, I just hit level 11. My base hp is 95. I have 1 level of bloodrager and 1 level of unchained barbarian.

If I bloodrage, I get +4 con, amounting to +22 hp.
If I (un)rage, I get 22 temp hp.

Now here's the part I don't know. How does Raging vitality affect this? Bloodrage counts as rage for feats, so that's fine. Bloodrage counts as another +2 con, so that puts me at +33 hp. But what of the (un)rage? Does that still get the +2 con, effectively making it +11hp and 22 temp hp?

Btw, yes, I will be doing both at the same time. Both are free actions to start, just limited that you can't be fatigued at start. Bloodrager is morale bonuses to str, (un)rage is untyped directly to hit & damage. I am debating the merits of Raging vitality vs extra rage. Yes, I know it's 6 rounds total, not 6 rounds each.

Good news everyone! You can't do that. Sorry. So it doesn't matter.

also no, raging vitality doesn't do anything for Ubarb

I would suggest you politely explain to your GM that you thought the rules let you do this, but they don't, and ask to trade your barbarian level for another bloodrager level.

Scarab Sages

Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:
I would suggest you politely explain to your GM that you thought the rules let you do this, but they don't, and ask to trade your barbarian level for another bloodrager level.

No problems there. Just leveled and hadn't played with the barbar level yet.

The FAQ doesn't seem like it should be that way, but I'll go with it.

Chess Pwn, thanks for answering the specific question.

A level of Alchemist might help out, giving another +4 to a physical ability score when you use a mutagen.

Scarab Sages

I'd take a hit to my bab though, which is no good for me.

Follow up then. I take regular barbar instead. After 6 rounds of bloodraging (at +33hp), I rage. Per the faq the bloodrage drops, but I've still got the same +33 hp being carried by the Rage instead. And I assume I'm also fatigued from bloodrage dropping.

Mutagenic mauler brawler gets mutagen and full bab.

Here's something I did and it works. Horizon Walker is not an impressive Prestige class except you can take two levels and you become immune to Fatigue and exhausted conditions. Way we read that is you rage and never suffer the drawbacks afterwards.

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