Kajehase |

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Cats don't even care that Jezzer, Captain Slow, and I are back in The Grand Tour starting November 18th on Amazon Prime.
Apparently slaadi brains have low Will saves against TV shows about overhyped, loud, expensive things.
And also the cars.

Freehold DM |

posting from underground bunker
So...they're trying to take my phone away. Apparently .5%(accommodating for false stories and rumors) is enough of a chance of something going wrong to make everyone(read: my wife) lose their minds.
Verizon has been disgusting with their methods of handling this- even for Verizon. I trust them not in slightest. I am making moves to reactivate my old phone(old freezy/Note 3) as Verizon has been caught in a lie at least twice with respect to the loaner phone program. I may be quiet for a day or two while switching over. Apologies to anyone who tries to call me while using the note 3, I may not get your call.
flies "Come and Take It" flag with note 7 instead of cannon

Drejk |

My long-time friend, confidant, and minion passed away quietly and suddenly* today after seven years of faithful service.
Good Bye Glaser X6-60D.
New mouse bought after short consideration, I wonder how well it will work. It has a bit higher DPI, 1200 vs old 1000 DPI, though unlike the old one it can be set to 800/1200/1600/2400... 2400 feels completely insane at the moment.
Of course I wouldn't mind not having to spend 30 zloty on a new mouse.
*ok, ok, there were some minor warning signs - the ping of connecting USB device was sounding more often recently.

Freehold DM |

*sigh* Just got hit with the trifecta. Best friend's stepfather just passed away. He was not doing well after the stroke and he just succumbed. They are jewish so I went over to their house immediately after work. I just barely made it in time(due to jewish law, only blood relations can stay the first night of mourning). I stayed for a time and expected to leave not long afterwards but the mom and my best friend insisted I say, adopting me quickly into the family. It was a wonderful dinner, but the lack of that big, smiling fellow was certainly felt.
And although it is NOTHING in comparison with the above, the computer saga continues. Worked with the lovely woman who gave me the new PC and got a copy of windows 8 from the wesite, only to discover that it doesn't work with the product key I had. Icalled microsft and they offered me a new product key for the low low cost of 40 bucks. After everything that happened today, I decided to go with it. However, the first product key they gave me didn't work. Nor did the second. Or third. They are flabbergasted that I have windows 8 from their website and not 8.1. They are literally arguing in the background, with one guy thinking me some kind of super hacker spy, and the guy I spoke to on the phone originally thinking I am legit. Jesus Christ, it doesn't rain, but it pours.
Just got off the phone with microsoft. They swear I have downloaded a corrupt version of windows that no longer exists from their site. The product key is mine to use, but I need to use windows 8.1 pro.
Yeesh. What a lemon of a day.

Sharoth |

~grumbles~ My car died on the way home. Called roadside assistance and the jumped me, but the car died again. Got jumped a second time and it "started". I was able to get it to my Mom's house and park it there, but it has some issues. I hope it is the battery, but my guess is the alternator or a chip issue. It might be the starter, but it doesn't sound like it.

Sharoth |
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The newer the car, the less willing I am to do my own repairs. I've replaced master brake cylinders and belts and alternators on older cars, but wouldn't even try it now. Heck, I had trouble replacing a brake light bulb on my Focus. The thing seemed designed to thwart replacement.
It IS intentional. The car makers want to make it illegal for normal people to work on their cars. If they can't make it illegal, then they will make it damn hard.