Patrick Curtin |
Patrick Curtin wrote:It's dark. I have my iPhone:)What classes are you taking this semester?
Fundamentals of paralegal practice and legal research and writing part I. I'm very happy I find it interesting. Plus, I had my choice of schools confirmed by my prof. We are the only ABA-certified paralegal program in the whole region. So a Suffolk bullet on the resume looks good. Now I have to research getting certified in several esoteric computer programs legal offices use.
Patrick Curtin |
Schools can often get super-low priced professional software for students. I've been amazed at the deals schools get over corporations. If you can get hooked up with that, I urge you to take advantage.
Yeah I'm thinking of studying independently for my Microsoft Office Certification. My studying on it seems to point to that as a good one. The esoteric legal software programs are a bit murkier. I need to visit my advisor and see what she says on those
Freehold DM |
As many of you know, I have no patience for computers not working.
This weekend after months of negotiation, I got an old computer(4 years, which to some in the field means it should barely be able to run dos), from my friends mom, who formatted the hard drive and gave me a ride over to my house. I removed my ancient desktop computer
(Legit, it runs windows 98) and put in the new one, the new monitor, keyboard, and everything and fished out the windows 8 usb my friend got me a month back just for this occasion and tried to get it up and running.
No go.
I am not the most technologically savvy person on the planet so I chalked it up to dullwittedness on my part at first. Went to Google, YouTube, everything I could think of. It seemed to be relatively simple, just make some changes in the bios so that the usb would be recognized. I cannot say I became an expert under any circumstances, but I learned more about bios in the next few hours than I have in my entire life. Nothing worked.
I was about to put my fist through the shiny new monitor when I realized that I was going down the wrong road. I would never be able to turn myself into one of those weird computer people no matter how hard I tried, but I had infinitely more patience with people than with machines. My computer friends didnt return my texts, but I had the information I needed to be able to contact the company and get some answers, or at least be able to eliminate some useless questions. One 15 minute phone call later and i have the worst possible answer - the computer won't recognize windows 8 as the bios simply won't work with it. I need to get my hands on a windows 7 cd somehow.
This is disappointing news at best, but at least i was able to find the answers I needed. Now to do what my wife has been begging me to do and call my unsavory brother in law to see if he has a windows 7 anything lying around...
Ambrosia Slaad |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
I seem to remember that upgrading from Win7 to Win8 you could use the same license key/serial as long as both versions were the same 32-bit or 64-bit; a 32-bit Win7 key worked with 32-bit Win8 but not 64-bit Win8. I don't know if it works the other way (using a Win8 key for Win7) though. If you do find a Win7 install media, you're still going to need a legit key to get needed updates and so MS doesn't remotely shut your OS down when it automatically calls in.
Do you have access to a functioning Windows system and either 1) a DVD burner and blank DVD, or 2) a 4GB USB memory stick? If so, you can legit download the Win7 reinstall media and burn it to disc or USB memstick.
Freehold DM |
I seem to remember that upgrading from Win7 to Win8 you could use the same license key/serial as long as both versions were the same 32-bit or 64-bit; a 32-bit Win7 key worked with 32-bit Win8 but not 64-bit Win8. I don't know if it works the other way (using a Win8 key for Win7) though. If you do find a Win7 install media, you're still going to need a legit key to get needed updates and so MS doesn't remotely shut your OS down when it automatically calls in.
Do you have access to a functioning Windows system and either 1) a DVD burner and blank DVD, or 2) a 4GB USB memory stick? If so, you can legit download the Win7 reinstall media and burn it to disc or USB memstick.
I don't have 1. I dont know if i can reinstall on a formatted hard drive.
Freehold DM |
You get the install disk, you can install it to any hard drive regardless of how many times its been formatted. Put in the product key and you're legit. But any data you had on the formatted drive is lost without a lot of work and know-how.
mm. I guess its time to look around for some windows 7 stuff.
Freehold DM |
What will you be using the computer for? If you won't plan to use it for gaming, have you considered getting some kind of user friendly version of Linux?
I have had bad experiences with all manner of Linux and Ubuntu primarily due to overzealous proselytizers slapping it on my older machines(waaaaaaay before I was on paizo), swearing it is better than anything I have ever seen, not explaining how it works, and then disappearing into the ether until I hunt them down and make them take it off with them complaining and insulting me all the while(why would anyone want windows back?! You must be a slave to Microsoft, this is so sad!). I just want a simple windows box to run my ancient (gog) games(and occasional new h game, and medieval total war).
aeglos |
today was "right of way for bicycle"-day in my county
every second sunday in september the Highway/Bundesstraße B40 through the Valley of the Kinzig, from its source in Sterbfritz to its outlet into the river Main in Hanau is closed for all motorized vehicles.
you can ride bicycles or inline skates or anything else muscle powered.
all along the route, in every village the local clubs*, churches, companies and political parties have booths with food, drinks, amusements and music.
and each village tries to do better than their neighbours.
we rode from our home in Rothenbergen to Gelnhausen and back, I snatched some give aways from parties and companies on the way
weather was perfect, around 25*C/77F
clubs as in the German "Verein" not as in Dance club, see next post
aeglos |
Info dump: German Clubs / Vereine:
German social live is organized around "Vereine",( looking at amercian tv shows social live there seems to be organized around high schools, schools in Germany usually do not have afternoon activites, no sports teams marching bands or dnces)
Vereine provide sport,social gatherings, research and anything else community related, the local chapters of The Red Cross,churches and political parties are organized as Ortsvereine answering to a governing Verein for the county, the state and Germany.
My village has a soccer club (FC Germania 1919 Rothenbergen) singing club (Gesangsverein Eintracht Rothenbergen (Eintracht = United)) gymnastics and athletics (Turnverein 1910 Rothenbergen) Farmers club, history club, Marching Band, Red Cross, volunteer fire fighters, SocialDemocraticParty, ChristianDemocraticUnion, GreenParty and with other villages: Bearded Men club, Chess club ....
and there is the village Sports and Cultur Ring - a Verein to coordinate activities between the villages Vereinen - not that the Gesangsvereins baking Fest is on the same weekend as the Marching Bands gemütliches Autom concert - taht would be a tradgedy of course
Drejk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Ve-Kamo-Suda (monster blogpost). Big-big vermin will hunt and eat you if you use telepathy in wrong place while on luminarian homeworld...
Ragadolf |
I've been so busy today, I completely forgot about the anniversary.
(And I knew about it yesterday!) :P
I'm with Aimless above.
Hoist your favorite beverage (alcoholic or non) in memory of those who were taken from us, and have a great day. Thus giving the virtual middle-finger salute to those who want us to live in fear!
Salute! <Drinks his Hard cider and grills dinner> ;)
Ragadolf |
Set schedules are good.
Knowing where you are going to be working each day is always good.
Back in New Orleans, I worked for the local branch of a nationwide AV company. We worked in EVERY building in the city at one point or another. Multiple times. When we were busy, (Which was often) I would stumble out of bed each morning and have to check my calendar book to see where I was working that day. :P
<Sigh> I have to stop reminiscing now. I miss hourly/overtime. :(
So, where was I,...? Oh yeah!
Yay for set schedule!
So, did you narrow down the jobs yet? or are you still juggling three?