Astrikkar Arkylon |
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Okay so bear with me on this on. A while back I got to thinking about tropes in anime and one thing that stuck with me was the wise old master who bulks up when he is about to fight. I'm specifically thinking of Master Roshi/Jackie Chun. He takes his shirt off and he is this frail little old man, but then he suddenly flexes and becomes very large and quite muscular. So I thought how could I play that character in Pathfinder. I figured it out.
To posit that the multi class build is better or at least on Par with a standard monk I intend to compare the loss/gain of this build. Let's begin:
I intend to build a Qinggong monk/19 Synthsist 1. Ultimately, the player loses the 20th level of monk and is effectively one level behind comparable monks of his level, but what is he really giving up?
-1 on all his flurry of blows attacks
-1 AC bonus
-4 To max damage on his attack rolls (avg -2.5 per attack)
Perfect Self which provides two benefits-
Becoming an outsider
and DR 10/ Chaotic
He gains
+2 Natural armor at least from his synthesized eidolon
becoming a native outsider while fused with his eidolon
Evolution Pool that can be used to gain DR10/Chaotic
Further, with a well timed Evolution Surge the monk gains numerous potential buffs.
So, how to optimize?
15 point buy
7 str
7 dex
7 con
14 int
18 wis
14 Cha
After aging to venerable these become:
1 Str
1 Dex
1 Con
17 int
21 Wis
13 Cha
Because the eidolon replaces the physical ability scores, assuming you choose a biped you end up with
16 Str
12 Dex
13 Con
17 Int
21 Wis
13 Cha
This is the equivalent of a 42 point buy character.
Now, I know what you are thinking, wait! what about his hit points?
because the Eidolon provides Temp HP equal to its normal hitpoints, and it can be dismissed in the evening and resummoned during the day at full hit points, if you get wrecked in combat, a simple nights rest will restore the gross majority of your vitality.
Qinggong monk allows you to one off replace the useless ability "Timeless body."
So, I am looking for any feedback you can give me looking at these numbers. did I miss something? can I improve the build? Does it not work utterly? I appreciate your feedback!

Shiroi |
If your eidolon is dismissed you die, almost without question. Don't be shocked if a stirge one shots you when you're caught unawares.
I feel like there's a wand of "instant eidolon" you need to invest in, but I don't remember the actual spell name off the top of my head.
Can you take DR 10/x at level 1 eidolon? I feel like you should need to be a higher level synthesist to take that option.
Any reason you're taking chained monk instead of unchained?
I do like that you're only an outsider when you don't feel like being a humanoid, that's useful.

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That's why you went with original monk, flurry decides your BAB for you instead of the normal eidolon BAB. Clever workaround, though my other points still stand.
Oh. Neat! I did not realize the old Core monk's flurry worked like that.
My only concern, other than bringin up how DR 10 just isn't a thing at Summoner level 1, is the dependance on Evolution Surge. It's a decent spell to be sure, but it isn't available outside of wands and scrolls if you only cast first level spells. And it doesn't quite feel like "the Paragon Surge Paizo forgot to nerf" until you qualify for a wider range of evolutions at Summoner level 5 and up.

Derek Dalton |
The sysnthesist is the only Summoner worth bothering with. I'd take one level of Cleric. Here's why the systhesist has the ability to replace the temporary hit points with his own. I'd use my own so I never lose my eidolon and use cure spells as normal. The Monk combination is interesting not sure if it will work. What seems like a good idea on paper doesn't always mean in game it is.
The systhesist is good for characters starting with low point buy or bad rolls. You stack all your good stat into Mental the highest being what you plan on the take like maybe three levels of Systhesist to buff your physical.

Snowlilly |

After aging to venerable these become:
1 Str
1 Dex
1 Con
17 int
21 Wis
13 Cha
- You are permanently stuck with 3 hp when not fused, gaining none as you level. Toughness and FCB can add 2 hp/level. If you've taken any relevant damage before your eidolon disappears, you will fall over dead as your hit point total bottoms out due to low Con.
- No bonuses to physical stats due to level progression. You're stuck with your starting stats + magic items.
- Don't bother with the Cleric dip. Summoner's already get all the healing they need.
Synth Summonerz use the Eidolon's BAB when transformed.
A level 1 dip is 1 BAB.