Michael Grate |
I made an NPC witch whose primary purpose is to buff her team from afar using the cackle, scar and fortune hex (search Stay at Home Hexer for the build).
She is basically Professor X and yes, I did make her paraplegic.
So she is constantly buffing the team but there are a few spells I like such as Infernal Healing.
The obvious issue is that she's basically immobile without magic so she can't do something like run up and cast this and other spells and because she's also frail (and for flavor) she will stay too far away for her allies to run to her. So I was wondering if there was some way to work it where she could use spells from one location as if she were in another location close enough to her allies or as if they were close enough to her.
If this is possible it would have to be something in a constant effect so she doesn't have to repeatedly cast that spell (cackle is a move action and most spells are standard actions) which would also cost spell slots. Line of sight is already taken care of so that's not a concern.
I know she can deliver touch spells through her familiar but not all of the spells will be touch spells (some might be close range for example) and it's a greensting scorpion (I wanted the boost in perception) which is both frail and having it run back and forth would take too long.
She has the Enlarge Spell metamagic feat but that doesn't help with touch spells and again, with her frailty and flavor she will be pretty far away.
One last note, this isn't a big deal if it doesn't work, it's more just a way to get a little extra out of a specialized NPC if it's possible. Thank you in advance.

Kalridian |

You could get Spectral Hand as a x times per day-item or as a wand, but that only works on medium range and I assume she would be further away.

Michael Grate |
101 Spells of Shadows & Darkness has a spell that lets you cast from nearby shadows, if I remember correctly which should suit your purposes.
You're either referring to Shadow Projection or Shadow Evocation bot both are wizard/sorcerer spells.
Barrow haze is a fog spell that lets you use the spell area to extend the range of hexes.
The Scar Hex takes care of that. Besides, I don't want to restrict the vision of her allies.
Ring gates?
Those would work but I'd like to try to limit the amount of GP her character costs to work to make it fair since she's an NPC.
thats what i was going to say, the main issue with them is that if she wants to cast touch spells she won't be able to pull her hand back through (the gates are only 1 way)
It would still work
A character can reach through to grab things near the other ring, or even stab a weapon through if so desired. Alternatively, a character could stick his head through to look around. A spellcaster could even cast a spell through a ring gate.
101 Spells of Shadows & Darkness has a spell that lets you cast from nearby shadows, if I remember correctly which should suit your purposes.
You're either referring to Shadow Projection or Shadow Evocation bot both are wizard/sorcerer spells.
Barrow haze is a fog spell that lets you use the spell area to extend the range of hexes.
The Scar Hex takes care of that. Besides, I don't want to restrict the vision of her allies.
Ring gates?
Those would work but I'd like to try to limit the amount of GP her character costs to work to make it fair since she's an NPC.
thats what i was going to say, the main issue with them is that if she wants to cast touch spells she won't be able to pull her hand back through (the gates are only 1 way)
It would still work
I'd consider switching Enlarge Spell for Reach Spell. Very similar but I think Reach is the better few overall.
How far away does she need to be?
Reach is a good idea. As for distance, an enlarged medium spell should work but a long range one definitely will.
You could get Spectral Hand as a x times per day-item or as a wand, but that only works on medium range and I assume she would be further away.
It could work if the wand can have a metamagic variant of a spell (Enlarged Spectral Hand) on a wand. I don't know if that's possible since I've never used a wand.