Unchained rogue Debilitating Injury and another sneak attack ability

Rules Questions

unchained rogue:

"At 4th level, whenever a rogue deals sneak attack damage to a foe, she can also debilitate the target of her attack, causing it to take a penalty for 1 round (this is in addition to any penalty caused by a rogue talent or other special ability). "

On a successful sneak attack, use debilitate injury AND something like ninja trick: Pressure points, or at higher level say "Crippling strike" - net is TWO effects from a single sneak attack?

Related: If the person has double debilitate (which does not seem marked with a *), so can they also apply the crippling strike - for net of three effects?

Double Debilitation IS marked with *. You cannot combine that.
Debilitating Injury + something else is fine.

Double Debilitate is not * on the website of all lists

http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/unchained-classes/rogue-unchained/rogue-tal ents-advanced

But now I do see it is * on the specific webpage for that talent. So its a typo on the advanced list page then.

Do not use d20pfsrd as a rule helper. They are a bit messy. They are good for resources but not for accuracy. Archives of Nethys has it clearly marked.

Silver Crusade

Why look at the srd or Archives of Nethys when this book is on the Paizo prd? And yes, the official Paizo site gives an asterisk on Double Debilitate.

Fromper wrote:
Why look at the srd or Archives of Nethys when this book is on the Paizo prd? And yes, the official Paizo site gives an asterisk on Double Debilitate.

because black is easy on the eyes

Sovereign Court

Use third-party source (Nethys, PF20SRD, Herolab) sources because they have an interface you like, but always verify your conclusions with a primary source (PRD, book).

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