Intrest Check-The Cold-d20 modern homebrew campaign


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Nunavut, Canada: Shivering, you check and recheck your weapons. You hear your squad doing the same. You have been waiting here for hours, under the freezing snow. Even the thick layers do not keep out the cold. Finally you hear footsteps. Your heart begins to beat faster. Finally you hear the signal through the comm, ”GO” You pop out of the snow and raise your weapons

Backstory of world:

The second Manifest Destiny. The government of America has been infiltrated by a mysterious group. By the time anyone found out, they have turned it into a dictatorship. The mysterious group has initiated War Plan Red, and began to invade Canada, all in a bid to gain territory to conquer the world. NATO and even the UN tried to stop them, but alas.. . it failed. Canadian forces have been driven back to the three most upper territories,; Nunavut, Yukon, and the Northwest Territories
As part of the Canadian forces stationed in Nunavut, you will defend Canada and maybe, just maybe, manage to win the war by assassinating key figures in the American military/government

D20 modern SRD We will be using this.

Player creation:

-25 point buy
8: 0 (All stats start at 8 for free.)
9: 1
10: 2
11: 3
12: 4
13: 5
14: 6
15: 8
16: 10
17: 13
18: 16
-1st level

Hello, I am making a d20 modern campaign that I call the Cold. read the backstory and player creation rules for more info.

Huh, color me interested. I'm in a campaign a bit like this currently but its slow going out there. I'll see what I can come up with.

When you say, no magic, does that include say, Alchemists, Ki pools, non supernatural use of otherwise mostly supernatural abilities, etc...? Looking at the links you provided, I think I'll need to give it a closer look.

Yay! someone interested! d20 moderns magic classes have their own section(arcana classes, advanced classes II etc.) There are no monks nor alchemists. Martial Artists have no ki, Int based classes have no alchemy just plain science. So as long as you stay out of arcana and advanced classes II you would be fine. Oh and no future classes :)

I'm interested as well, is this going to be a play-by-post or VTT(Roll20/Maptools) game?

I'm interested too. I like d20 modern.

I must admit pathfinder has spoiled me for low point-buys, but I can deal.

Oooh another person interested. This will be a play-by-post, though I might link to a map from time to time if the battle has a number of complex elements

Another person! YAY! :)

Alrighty then. I guess I'll have to give that a better look. Any race options/restrictions?

Green Smashomancer wrote:
I have no idea what that second thing is Sunderedhero.

Me neither, though I was planning to do play-by-post so I just answered that

Green Smashomancer wrote:
Race restriction?

d20 modern only has human

I like the sound of this, I am also interested.

4 people! :) I will let the interest check go on for a day, then make the recruitment thread. For now, get to work on your characters, to get a head-start.

Wealth and gear is per standard rules?

Yes. No shurikens though

Interest Check ends today! Recruitment tomorrow!

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