[PFS] Iron Gods -- You got your SciFi in my Fantasy!


Sovereign Court

It's finally here, the Iron Gods sanctioning for Pathfinder Society. So, what do we do? Well now we play!

Who doesn't love mixing SciFi and fantasy into one mish mash of gaming fun? OK, not a small number, but we don't care about them, because we do love it!

I'm going to be running the Iron Gods adventure path in Play-By-Post Campaign mode, granting chronicle sheets as we reach the appropriate points in the story. The chronicles will be for standard, non-core, PFS play.

I will be using Google Docs for encounters and maps.

I will leave submissions open until 11:59PM GMT -7, January 31st. Obviously since this is PbP, there isn't a strict start time, but I will notify everyone chosen by midnight the night of February 3rd, and will post the intro after I have notified you all.

Now, let's get to the crunch!

Character Creation:

First off, Paizo only. No 3pp

Class: Any
Race: Any, no race creator
Alignment: No evil
Ability Scores: 25 Point Buy
Traits: 3, one must be from the IG Player Guide, no drawbacks for extra
Starting Gold: Max for your class
Hit Points: Max at first, roll each level after. One reroll each level if you roll below average
Misc: No Leadership for simplicity's sake. VMC is allowed. It's PbP, so you have the time to use Sacred Geometry if you want to use it

No other alternate or sub character options, such as Words of Power.

We will be using fractional bonuses for BAB and Saves, and leveling by milestone instead of experience.

Backgrounds aren't necessary, but would be good. If some of you know each other beforehand, then awesome!

This is by no means my first time GMing, nor my first PbP. However, it is my first time GMing PbP. I will hold myself to a minimum of one post per day (exception for encounters when players are up, even then I'll almost always chime in), and will probably do more. I do ask that, with the exception of weekends where we all know things come up, you try to post minimum once per day. I'm always willing to adjust to whatever pace the party seems to be going at.

How combat will work:

I'll roll initiative for everyone, and put everyone into order. Consecutive player turns will be grouped together, as will consecutive enemy turns. Everyone in a block can act in any order, whoever posts first, acts first. During combat, I am more strict with posting frequency. I'm fine if people take time to post, but if it's been a long time waiting for you to take a turn (no exact time, but always at least 24 hours), I may bot you based on what it seems your plan has been so far. I will never delay your turn, and penalize the party because of unforeseen circumstances.

If I missed anything, or you have any questions or issues, let me know and I'll answer ASAP

Now, power on your androids, rev up your chainsaws, and let's play some Iron Gods!


Oh! You played Girzog with me (Inspector Pendergast) during GameDay 4's Siege of Serpents. I liked your posting rate and the quality of your posts. I'd love to be your first player!

With so many Race/Class options I'll have to spend some time thinking of something that I couldn't normally do in PFS. Exotic race, for sure.

What would you consider to be your forté when it comes to GMing a Homegame? Like, for example, I'm a nature geek that grew up watching Discovery Channel and National Geographic, so Druids/Rangers in my games usually have a fun time interacting with the natural world (assuming they're playing for the nature theme and not the druid mechanics).

What are you comfortable and knowledgeable about the most? What are your hobbies outside of gaming? Technology? Computers? Animals? Warfare? Aliens? Architecture? Other?

@GM: Is there some reason you are posting this PbP twice sir?


Just curious.


Oh... Well, nevermind. Lol.

Edit: Ooo! Open enrollment is still going... Okie dokie. I'll try to come up with something!

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