Lifat |
SheepishEidolon wrote:
Hmm, can't find anything in the Player Guide. But according to Inner Sea World Guide the standard start year is 4711.
Thanks for the try. I had read the player's guide to try and find the date as that is supposedly reasonably spoiler free.
I guess I'm going to assume roughly year 4711 AR unless I hear otherwise.Lifat |
Matthew Coon wrote:
The year is left fluid so it can be changed as needed, but the current year in Golarion is 4716 (because in real life it's 2016). If you want to stick to when it was published (2012-2013) the start year would be 4712.
Both years are viable I guess. I didn't know that it was how they handled Golarion years. I think that is an exceptionally good way of handling it because it is so simple. Thank you.