Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Billy Buckman wrote:
That's really funny, I also drew inspiration from Bob Odenkirk for the mayor, but more based on Saul Goodman
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
I'm having a hard time figuring something out with the Siege Crossing My players went halfway across the river and attacked the nuckelavee from range. If the nuckelavee dies or dismisses the Control Water spell voluntarily with the players in the riverbed, will they die automatically? the test wrote:
Does anyone have any suggestions for how to resolve this with like 20d6 bludgeoning damage or like a high Reflex save to start swimming as the water crashes down? I'm just confused in general because the test describes Control Water working differently than my understanding. We'll resume next session with the resolution to this. Any thoughts?
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Hello, I was just looking through my future subscription orders and I noticed the next Adventure Path book listed in my subscriptions are #139 for Pathfinder and #13 for Starfinder. I don't see a placed order containing Pathfinder Adventure Path #138 or Starfinder Adventure Path #12. Could I get a confirmation that those orders will be generated at the normal time? Thanks
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Hello, I started a subscription to the Modules line a while back with Order 4491896, and it notes that Cradle of Night was added to another order, but I don't see it in my sidecart or upcoming shipments for September. I also can't tell if I was charged for it when I originally added the subscription or if I have yet to be charged. Could you check the status of this product? Thanks,
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Lanathar wrote:
I was thinking the same thing. Of course my group would have bought Freedom of Movement scrolls if they were available. My group has been asking for a lot of things to be available for purchase, and they would be really suspicious if some things just arrived in stock.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Did anyone else's player have a really hard time with the Lucky Bones? The first floor was mostly fine, but the lower floor alternated between putting my players to sleep and nearly killing them outright. For one, I've never met a single player that likes unexpected underwater combat. Sure, with a few party builds it won't be an issue, but the swim checks made the skum fights drag on forever, and my players almost TPKed with the Shell Sentinels. I get making a challenge, but my players almost walked out of the room when their knowledge checks revealed DR/bludgeoning after they explicitly prepared piercing weapons to account for underwater penalties. My players aren't bad in combat, but the smuggler's tunnels had them all checked out until I shifted a few things around and made it slightly easier to drain the tunnels. It's a little late now, but I'm curious what other people did to make this less of a slog?
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
I think all of these points are pros for me, rather than cons. I think PF had more bloat than I enjoyed (yes, it can all be limited, but my player's are too enthusiastic about obscure materials to explicitly limit which books are in play with any effectiveness). I don't think the resource management is worse, and in many areas it is not only smoother, but more engaging. Overall, it seems like SF scrapped the legacy material that made PF clunky, and I personally have a harder time going back to PF.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
One doesn't have to be a GM to help with rules questions. I have several players in my games that know rules as well as I do, so for rules issues I continue with plot while they help less experienced players. If the second GM is there to help with world-building/plot/etc, they don't even need to be at the table, unless they're doing this and helping with rules, but even then, it's hard to do multiple things at the same time at the same table- most players don't want plot to continue while they're dealing with a rule issue- and most likely you'll end up tag-teaming, rather than efficiently handling two problems at once.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Hello, I subscribed to the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Scenarios a few weeks ago, and the order was created and I recieved the first three scenarios without issue. However, when Scenario #1-4 was released, instead of creating a separate order number like most subscriptions, it added to the original order (Order 4422394) and has been pending for several weeks. Is this just how long SFSRPG Scenarios take to become downloadable, or is it somehow stuck? Thanks
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Hello, I changed my subscription shipping address, but I didn't do it in time for the creation of Order 4260628, which is now set to my current address. Could the address for this order be switched to the same address as the rest of my future subscription orders? Thanks
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
So, I don't know if people are still responding regularly in this thread, but I had a question about Mass Combat roles (since my players really enjoy the Army aspect). It's suggested that the players can pick either a PC or an NPC to be the commander of their army, but it doesn't mention anything about a General. I assume the reason for that is that the General is really just a figurehead without any mechanical benefit (almost a direct quote from Ultimate Campaign). My question is whether I should suggest that my Leadership-focused player be a commander of one Army, and then use NPCs for (I assume) future armies, or if I should suggest that he be the General more for flavor than actual mechanical benefit. I understand that this is mostly a matter of preference, more for the player than anything else, but I think being a General sounds cooler and more thematically appropriate for Mythic Heroes, and that's balanced against wanting to make sure he gets an actual mechanical benefit from Leadership, etc.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
blackbloodtroll wrote:
As a number of people pointed out, if you're running the game there's nothing wrong with reading the Chronicle, and if you remember it later, you just tell the person running the game. The goal is to minimize using metagame knowledge, and you don't seem to be actively metagaming, so it isn't a problem. The problem is for people who have no other reason to read the Chronicle sheet than to metagame.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
LadyIrithyl wrote:
The Eel hides in a dell in the forest near the base. That's mentioned in the sabotage section on page 45.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Neil Spicer wrote: By leaving her undefined, though, the cool thing about Haetanga is you can stat her up at whatever CR you need in order to put some fear into your PCs at whatever level they encounter her. So, the way she's presented in the actual text gives her an air of mystery and a mechanical openendedness which you can exploit however you see fit. Perfect, that's exactly what I was thinking of doing! Thanks!
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Does anyone else think it's odd that Paeta reports back to Haetanga, but Haetanga never shows up in the adventure? My players have set up a base in the fort without having killed(or even discovered) Paeta. I just think it would make sense after killing several Phase Spiders and allowing one to report to Paeta that Paeta would call in more Animate Dreams and Phase Spiders from Haetanga (or even Haetanga herself, which is mentioned in Paeta's stat block). Has anyone used Haetanga as an additional encounter? |