Interest Check - Shadowrun 3rd Edition


There's been some interest lately in Shadowrun, and one of my games is shutting down, so I'll have a bit of extra bandwidth. So this is an interest check in me running a game in 3rd edition. It's the one I have the most books for, and is the most complete version that's out there.

4th has some pain issues, and I don't have all the 4th edition books. It's also out of print, which makes it sort of the worst of both worlds (missing rules and not in print).

5th has MAJOR missing things from it, and I don't have all the books, and it's confusing because Catalyst seems to have left 4th edition splat books still in print without specifying they are 4th edition, and I don't want people buying the wrong versions. The rigger/decker rules are especially wonky and not complete (despite having put out a splat book for the matrix already).

So, 3rd edition it is. There is a 3rd edition character generator out there, even if it's not very user friendly.

We'd be using Point Buy, and splat books that have game years prior to 2064. Probably in New Orleans...

Scarab Sages

Interested, of course.

I've always wanted to play Shadowrun, but never had the chance to. I'll have to see if I can find some books. But I would be interested.

As I dotted in for the other thread, I'll dot in for this one. I've got an idea, but that's about it. If the game materializes, I'll pick up the 3rd Edition core book and figure it out from there. (PDF?)

I am currently in a game being run by mdt he is a great GM and shadow run is a blast. This should be fun you can download the quick start rules from for free. Interested!

Quick Start Rules, for free

Liberty's Edge

Yup..Yup..Yup!!!! Your the greatest mdt!!

Thanks. I'll check them out tonight and see if my character is possible under them.

LOL, not really, I'm an opinionated asshat. :) I'm just honest enough to admit it... usually.

Liberty's Edge

lol...good enough for me!! Shall we start making our characters, or do you want profiles and ideas first??

Well, let's see, I've got 5 interested people, I suppose that's enough for now. Let me work up a recruitment thread, and put in rules, etc...

Liberty's Edge

sounds great!

Recruitment Thread Here

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