Broadhand |

I'm looking over an older thread, and it seems that some people have made attempts at balancing the poison system in Pathfinder. However, one thing that I've not found considered anywhere is making racial-specific poisons.
For example, in my current game, I have invented a poison that is (Death/Unconsciousness), but only for dragons. I'm uncertain as to how to price this, since for the majority of creatures in the world it does nothing.
Any thoughts/suggestions?

Zwordsman |
Honestly. I can't think of anything that would help.. Poison prices are all over the place. Core is extremely costy. More recent stuff is a little more reasonable but not consistant.
I guess I'd have to ask.
Whats the DC and what is th application type?
Then I'd compare to the listing of poisons on Nethys (best list I know of other than owning every book/booklet)

JohnHawkins |

The cost is a totally made up number for gm convenience /game balance.
The factors which should effect cost are Difficulty to procure, Demand and Legality. Wether it works on one race or everyone is not really important to this.
For your specific example as it must have an huge DC to be effective against a dragon given their massive fortitude saves and the exotic nature of the target I would assume it was massively rare or massively difficult to make, this would mean it have a huge cost.

Broadhand |

The cost is a totally made up number for gm convenience /game balance.
The factors which should effect cost are Difficulty to procure, Demand and Legality. Wether it works on one race or everyone is not really important to this.
For your specific example as it must have an huge DC to be effective against a dragon given their massive fortitude saves and the exotic nature of the target I would assume it was massively rare or massively difficult to make, this would mean it have a huge cost.
Yes, but the point would be that it would be essentially like injecting saline/salt water into a human, whereas it would be exceptionally deadly to a dragon.